I am really new in all the IntelliJ plugins development and I really need to know how can I create a new module type from a IntelliJ plugin.
I have found some similars answers but there dont explain me what I need to do, there is some tutorial about this? I appreciate all the help...
Firstly, make sure you have the latest intelliJ build (12.1.X). Either community or ultimate edition should be ok.
Then, here is some info to get started.
Plugin Development Confluence
Plugin Development Guidelines
Maybe if you try to get it up and running and come back with specific questions we can be of more help.
I use IntelliJ IDEA to develop in Rust, but after installing the Rust plugin, the code auto-complete function doesn't work:
I hope IntelliJ IDEA would give me a hint for String, but I still need me to write it myself. Did I miss something?
mkaput gives the right answer:
You have created a project in a directory which is not a Cargo project (you have two separate ones inside instead). Our requirement for almost any feature is that IntelliJ project root (~/rust in your situation) is also Cargo project/workspace root (it has Cargo.toml). Thanks to this we can firmly invoke cargo to get all information we need.
tl;dr make separate projects inside each: hello_cargo and guessing_game :-)
I use IntelliJ Community Edition on MacOS and auto complete works fine. Try install racer crate and restart IDE:
cargo install racer
I would like to ask your advise on how to do auto build gradle project with IDEA? On eclipse I could not worry, when I add some dependency, because eclipse did everything for me, but on IDEA I need to push synchronize button.
I found this article on IDEA official site, https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/synchronizing-changes-in-gradle-project-and-intellij-idea-project.html
What I'm asking is how to do auto build?
One way to do is if you are using Intellij Idea 14 or later then while importing Gradle project enable auto import by enabling 'use auto-import' check box.
Try this plugin
It enables auto-make project on every save.
Is it possible to setup go language pluing for Intellij IDEA 14.0.3 version?
I tried to download the binary plugin (jar) from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/5047?pr=idea but the version listed here is old and does not recognize GOROOT and GOPATH.
I tried to build the latest plugin using sources from https://github.com/go-lang-plugin-org/go-lang-idea-plugin using Intellij but failed to setup the SDK.
Is there a latest binary version of the go lang plugin available?
Update to IDEA 14.1+ or use the IntelliJ Community.
Original answer:
You can use the free version of IntelliJ Community with the latest version of the plugin and everything should work fine. Also, Android Studio for example is compatible with the plugin as well.
Unfortunately the plugin has some internal dependencies which makes it hard to port back and maintain for multiple IDEA versions. Hope this helps
It might be not the exact answer your are looking for but their is a separate IDE for go developer . it has some unique features you must try GOLAND First month is free.
I also faced up this problem couple days ago. You can download nightly version of go plugin from this link.
You must install this plugin via browse your download folder not repository
Is there any support of ZK in IntelliJ IDEA? If there is, how can I create a zk project in it?
There is not as far as I know. If you look through the IntelliJ's YouTrack there is an open feature request for ZK support. But even though it has quite a lot of votes the last activity is from a year ago.
There is also no plugin available in unofficial IntelliJ plugin repositories.
I released a ZK IntelliJ plugin in a bleeding edge version here.
It can now support Zul editor with content assistant and syntax checking features.
Hope that it may help you to develop with ZK Framework.
I am experimenting with Groovy Griffon development and I am wondering what IDE to use.
I am trying to use NetBeans 6.5, and I found this post
essentially it describes forking the NetBeans trunk and hacking the Grails support; I was hoping for something more lightweight.
Are there any simple tools to create eclipse, netbeans or pom.xml's from Griffin Apps?
Or is it best to use a simple text editor?
There is a NetBeans Griffon plugin already available at http://plugins.netbeans.org/PluginPortal/faces/PluginDetailPage.jsp?pluginid=18664
Griffon apps have some rudimentry hooks already for IDE integration.
First, a .classpath and .project file are generated that mark the expected source and test directories for Eclipse. Both IntelliJ and NetBeans have importers for these eclipse files (and they work, I use them regularly).
Second, Griffon 0.1.1 adds more targets to the parallel build.xml so that more of the common scripts can be used as though they were ant tasks (run-app, compile, debug-app, etc.)
Third, there is some better IDE support in the works form some of the IDE vendors. As mentioned in the article you linked because Griffon is grails derived it is fairly easy to re-purpose existing Grails support. IntelliJ has the only specific tracked feature request I am aware of.
IntelliJ Idea has very good Griffon support.
This question usually comes with a next question:
How to debug Griffon?
Just in case someone still requires a helping hand trying to figure out how to debug Griffon in Eclipse/STS I've written a simple step by step guide to get it done:
Hope it helps someone someday, :D
PD: I've tried Netbeans and even though it looks great am still with STS, call me a maniac!