Rails: create lots of almost-duplicate records - ruby-on-rails-3

I want to write a method that creates a bunch of almost-duplicate records, just with one or two parameters changed. I'll make a form to control those parameters, I'm just wondering about how best to write the method, and where do keep it.
Presently in my document.rb I've written this:
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create(:component_ids => components, :message => 'Message.', :template_id => template.id, :user_id => user.id)
It doesn't feel right though. Is there a better way to do this?

This code is fine if your security model allows all these fields to be bulk assignable by mention in attr_accessible in the model. If it doesn't then you're better off using the block form of create. Also, if Document, Template and User are ActiveRecord instances, you should let Rails manage the details of ids.
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create do |doc|
doc.component_ids = components,
doc.message 'Message.',
doc.template = template,
doc.user = user
One final note is that component_ids must be serialized to store a list. This is probably a flaw in your model design. The better way is (probably) to specify Component belongs_to User and also User has_many Components. I.e. Component contains a foreign key to User. If it's necessary for a Component to belong also to many users, then you'll need either has_and_belongs_to_many or has_many ... through. The Rails guide on relations describes all this in more detail.
With the right relations set up, the code will become:
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create do |doc|
doc.components = components, # Components is now a list of active records.
doc.message 'Message.',
doc.template = template,
doc.user = user
The resulting SQL will get all the foreign keys and (if necessary) relation tables filled in correctly.


What is mass-assignment in Rails 3

I have heard couple of people complaining and posting questions about mass-assignment in Rails. I have got same error couple of times and all I did was attr_accessible. But what exactly is mass assignment? could somebody explain with example?
Mass Assignment is the name Rails gives to the act of constructing your object with a parameters hash. It is "mass assignment" in that you are assigning multiple values to attributes via a single assignment operator.
The following snippets perform mass assignment of the name and topic attribute of the Post model:
Post.new(:name => "John", :topic => "Something")
Post.create(:name => "John", :topic => "Something")
Post.update_attributes(:name => "John", :topic => "Something")
In order for this to work, your model must allow mass assignments for each attribute in the hash you're passing in.
There are two situations in which this will fail:
You have an attr_accessible declaration which does not include :name
You have an attr_protected which does include :name
It recently became the default that attributes had to be manually white-listed via a attr_accessible in order for mass assignment to succeed. Prior to this, the default was for attributes to be assignable unless they were explicitly black-listed attr_protected or any other attribute was white-listed with attr_acessible.
It is important to consider which attributes can be mass assigned because code like this is so common:
#post = Post.new(params[:post])
Typically this is used when the user submits a form rendered by a form_for #post. In an ideal world, the params[:post] hash should only contain the fields we displayed on the form. However, it is trivial easy for the user to pass additional fields in their request, so in effect you're allowing a user to set any fields on #post, not just the ones displayed on the form.
Failure to safely use mass assignment has led to several high profile bugs in some pretty big Rails applications, like the one that allowed somebody to inject their own public key into the list of trusted keys on a Github repository and push code directly to a repository they should not have had access to.

Issue with pushing additional values in a embeds_many mongoid relation

I have been breaking my head around this for a long time now. Not sure if my approach is correct or if its not possible using mongoid. SO without further adieu, here is the problem:
I have the following 2 models:
def user
embeds_many :needs, :class_name => "Property"
embeds_many :skills, :class_name => "Property"
def property
Both these models of course have other code but I have skipped that for brevity.
With this structure I am able to access/add "Property" data as embedded "needs" & "skills" on my user model. Something like this works flawlessly
User.first.update_attributes(skills: [Property.first])
The problem is something like this doesn't work.
User.first.skills << Property.first
There is no error. Both the above statements return true on console. But the values don't persist to the DB.
I basically want a Property model which can be maintained/created independent of the User model, thats why the "embedded_in" on Property is missing in my code.
The question is, am I doing it right? Or there is their a different way that I should go about the design of these models?
Cage is right. You will need to put the embedded_in on the Property model if you want the persistence to work properly. If you want to manage the lifecycle of Property outside the User model, you will have to use 'has_many'.
Please add more details as to what exactly is the purpose of doing what you are doing. I am going to make some assumptions-
Needs and skills are a global list of values, that should be maintained separately
User can have a subset of skills and needs
You want to store the needs and skills as 'plain string' and not references so you can query them without referencing the needs and skills collection. This reduces one query
If the above is correct, then you can use custom keys to store the needs and skills-
class Property
include Mongoid::Document
field :text, :type => String
field :_id, type: String, default ->{ text }
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :needs, :class_name => "Property"
has_many :skills, :class_name => "Property"
Now you can do something like-
This will give the text of the need and you can avoid another query.
Note- that this is potentially very risky if your 'Property' objects are mutable.
For solution try doing this
u = User.first
u.skills << Property.first
it will work fine.

BEGINNER: Correct seeds.rb in rails 3

I've just created two models and one "join table". Person, Adress (create_adresses_personss)
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :streets
class Street < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :persons
Now I want to add some data to these models in the db/seeds.rb file. The tutorial I follow just adds the objects:
person = Person.create :name => 'Dexter'
street.create[{:streetname => 'street1'},
{:streetname => 'street2'},
{:streetname => 'julianave'},
{:streetname => 'street3'}]
Question 1: Why is persons' data added differently than streets'? Is it just the tutorial that wants to show that there are many ways of adding data in the seeds.rb?
Question 2: The tutorial doesn't make the connections/joins in the seeds.rb. It does that in the rails console;
>>p1 = Person.find(1)
>>s1 = Street.find(1)
>>p1.streets << s1
Can't theese connections be made in the seeds.rb file?
Question 3: Would it be better to do this join with a "rich many_to_many-assocciation"?
Thanks for your time and patience with a beginner ;)
1) The first method is creating one object. The second method is creating multiple objects. However, for the second method you would need to do Street.create, not street.create.
2) Yes, you can do that in the seed file the same way.
3) The "Rich many-to-many" you're talking about is an association with a Join Model, I guess you're talking about. This is opposed to just a join table, which is what has_and_belongs_to_many does. To use a join model, you'll want to look up has_many :through. It's generally considered better to always use a proper join model, however I still use HABTM when I just need a quick, simple association. has_many :through allows for more options and more flexibility, but it is a little more complicated to setup (not that much, though). It's your decision.
One way that I like to create seed data for many-to-many associations is setting up one of the models, the adding a tap block that sets up the other models through the association.
Person.create!(:name => "Fubar").tap do |person|
3.times do |n|
person.streets.create!(:streetname => "street #{n}")
# OR
{:streetname => "street 1"},
{:streetname => "street 2"},
... and so on
All tap is doing is executing the block with the object as it's only parameter. I find it convenient for seeds.
One other tip I would toss out there would be to have your model attribute names spaced on the words with underscores.
:street_name instead of :streetname
The difference is more profound when you start wanting to use some of the ActiveSupport helers that take model attributes and turn them into text strings for use in the UI.
:streetname.to_s.titleize # "Streetname"
:street_name.to_s.titleize # "Street Name"
And one last nitpick, you might want your join table to be addresses_people not addresses_persons since the rais inflector is going to pluralize person as people. The same would go for your controller on the Person model, PeopleController instead of PersonsController. Though maybe it will work with persons as well.
:person.to_s.pluralize # "people"
:people.to_s.singularize # "person"
:persons.to_s.singularize # "person"

How to hanlde list data that doesn't belong to a model an isn't a model by its own in rails?

In my rails project I have diferent list of data that I have to mantain with CRUD operations and each list doesn't deserve a model or an entire scaffolding to maitain it, what's the best way to handle this on rails?
Now I'm using a List model with name:string content:text to save each list as a list record and do some parsing when I need some list in my app. Here is my actual list model:
class NoListException < Exception
class List < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, uniqueness: true
def self.container_types
get_list('container_types').collect do |b|
b.split(',').collect {|c| c.split(':').last }
end.collect {|p| "#{p.last} - #{p.first}" }
def self.location_categories
def self.services_types
def self.get_id_value_list(name)
get_list(name).collect do |b|
(b.split(',').collect {|c| c.split(':').last }).rotate
def self.get_list(name)
list = List.find_by_name(name)
raise NoListException if list.nil?
I think is a very common problem, because of that I ask if there are a better way to handle those lists?
Its not bad to have a model with no scaffolding to support it. I often do this with category or tag like models which are often created and managed by the models they act upon. So don't feel pressured to build out a whole scaffolding for a simple model.
If you don't need to persist the data to the database then you can always use ActiveModel, or if you do need to persist and can find another model to piggy back ontop of, look into serialization, its a good way to store loose data

Wishlist relationships in Rails?

Im building an app where Users have some sort of wishlist
a User can have only one wishlist, and can add existing Items to that wishlist
however the Items belong to other Users on the site
I need to be able to access the wishlist items through current_user.wishlist.items (im using Devise so current_user is available)
i though of adding a wishlist_id column to the items table, but that wouldnt work since items can belong to multiple wishlists.
this seems simple but im having a hard time visualizing the relationship or the migration im supposed to generate
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :wishlist # or belongs_to :wishlist, it depends which you prefer
class Wishlist < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_and_belongs_to_many :items
And of course:
./script/rails generate migration create_item_wishlists wishlist_id:integer item_id:integer
to create join table between items and wishlists.
UPDATE: To answer "frank blizzard" question in comment:
Let's say you have the same structure as in my answer (just change Item to Product or other model name), with HABTM relationship you just need to add new "item" to collection of "items", and then save wishlist:
#user.wishlist.items << item
You can make it method in user:
class User
def add_to_wishlist(item)
wishlist.items << item
If you want to remove or modify collection of "items", just use any Ruby method from Array and then save wishlist, which will check differences for you and save only changes.