hide Intellij Idea yellow light bulb - intellij-idea

Is there a way to hide yellow light bulb, which greatly annoys me showing on every line.
I don't want to disable any inspections. I just want to hide yellow light bulb.
I'm trying to switch from eclipse (not the first time) and this is one of the thing that annoys me greatly and prevent from switching.
I know that I can make refactoring using alt+enter, why remind me constantly about it?

There is an option, but it's not exposed in the preferences dialog. Add or modify the following line inside the <component name="EditorSettings"> section in your editor.xml file and restart IntelliJ IDEA:
<option name="SHOW_INTENTION_BULB" value="false" />
The file is located at:
On OS X: ~/Library/Preferences/<PRODUCT>/options/editor.xml
On Windows: %HOMEPATH%\.<PRODUCT>\config\options\editor.xml
On Linux: ~/.<PRODUCT>/config/options/editor.xml
where <PRODUCT> is e.g. IdeaIC13, IntelliJIdea13, PyCharm30 or AndroidStudio.
This will prevent the lightbulb from ever being shown. This solution came up in the discussion of an issue about this problem.

The option is now available in the Settings! Rejoice!
Editor > General > Appearance
[ ] Show intention bulb
If you don't see the option there, type "bulb" in the search box within Settings and look through the results.


How to enable sidebar changelog in WebStorm?

Today I added Material Theme plugin to WebStorm and I believe this is the reason behind changelist not appearing on the sidebar.
To be precise, this is what happens in IntelliJ when I make change to a specific line of code and click on the yellow bar that appeared after I removed the semicolon:
The change I made can also be seen under VCS -> Local History -> Show History menu option, which shows the diff between the previous and current version of that file.
However, performing the same action in WebStorm doesn't show the changelist/diff on the sidebar:
which means that the only way I can see it is by going to VCS -> Local History -> Show History which is very tedious:
I found being able to quickly revert/lookup the changes on the fly by clicking on that coloured bar really handy, could someone tell me if there is a setting in the IDE that enables that? I looked up and down but couldn't find anything relevant, perhaps I wasn't looking for the right keyword.
Thanks in advance.
Change markers are there for me when using Material UI plugin. Do you have Highlight modified lines in gutter enabled in Settings | Editor | General?

How to have Darcula UI and Light Theme on Intellij

On my Windows desktop this is not a problem, but on Intellij for my Macbook, when I have the Solarized Light theme active and switch to Darcula UI (I want it dark), the entire color scheme changes to Darcula. I would like to keep it to where the UI is Darcula and the color scheme light or dark, not automatically changed upon changing the UI. I have looked at all the options and can't seem to figure this one out.
I do not have any pictures, and this is my first SO post, so I apologize if it is not asked correctly.
First change the IDE theme, then change the editor color scheme, you should see the following dialog:
Say No, and you will keep the original IDE theme after changing the editor scheme.
In case you don't see this dialog, close IntelliJ IDEA, find idea.config.path/options/options.xml file and remove the following line:
<property name="change.laf.on.editor.theme.change" value="true" />
More details can be found in this forum thread.

Remove PhpStorm blue tab underline

How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-168708 -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.

disable all intention bulbs intellij 2016.1

Is there a way to completely turn off all intentions light bulbs in Intellij 2016.1, so that none ever appear? In older versions, you could apparently edit options/editor.xml, but no such file exists in 2016.1.
I just answered that in hide Intellij Idea yellow light bulb
Preferences > Appearance > Show intention bulb
In GoLand 2020.1 (and possibly all InteliJ 2020.1 products) this setting can be found here:
Editor > General > Appearance > Show intention bulb
If that doesn't work for you, type "bulb" in the search field in the Settings. I hope that helps.
Maybe this could help you
To configure intention settings using the Settings dialog
By default, all available intention actions that ship with IntelliJ IDEA, are enabled. By changing the Intention Settings, you can disable the actions that are not required for your current working environment.
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog by choosing File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for OS X, and click Intentions under Editor.
In the Intentions page, clear the check boxes of the intention actions or action categories that you do not currently need.
Selecting or clearing a category affects all intention actions in this category.
Apply changes and close the dialog.

JetBrains IDEA: Change color of code completion menu selection highlight in Darcula LAF

Darcula and I are struggling to come to terms. Legibility is poor overall but some things I just have to change:
In this code completion suggestion menu, the selected item is not legible.
Where in the preferences or preferences XML file is the background color of the selected item text set?
You can find the option to change the color of the code auto completion window from the following place.
Open your settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General > Popups and Hints > Completion.
Note: you may also search for the keyword completion in the settings page to find the option fast.
Then adjust the background color and click apply.
You can check the screenshot for a visual reference.
I fixed this 3 days ago. http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-103104
Now it looks like this
idea completion http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/6516/ss20130319202811.png
I solved this probleme by downloading a new INTELLIJ THEME named Gradianto and it works nice,
Gradianto allows you to chose beetween 3 darcula theme once it's installed in your intellij, and all of this theme will highlight the selected item clearly with code completion.
Yous install the theme with :
IntellijIDEA --> Preferences --> Plugins --> And you search and install Gradianto theme
Here is the youtube tutoriel where i see it:
Hope that will help
I got a nice answer to your question.
This is link : java - Changing the font colour in IDEA code-completion window - Stack Overflow
You just need unable this option :
Settings —— Editor —— Code Completion
—— Insert selected variant by typing dot , space ,etc .
No doubt of it , it works very well for me !