__bridge_transfer and performSelector:withObject: - objective-c

I have a CFDictionaryRef that doesn't retain/release its objects. When I add an item in it, I take care of retaining it, and later :
NSMutableArray *array = (__bridge_transfer NSMutableArray *)CFDictionaryGetValue(...)
[self performSelector:someSelector withObject:array];
Where someSelector is a variable holding a selector I know about. Now, that second line makes Xcode tell the notorious warning:
PerformSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown
Does that mean I should worry about ARC not knowing how to manage memory for the array variable of which I just transferred ownership?

From a comment to the accepted answer of this question, it appears that somebody at Apple has confirmed this hypothesis (citing the answer itself):
In fact, there are times when memory management is tied to the name of the method by a specific convention. Specifically, I am thinking of convenience constructors versus make methods; the former return by convention an autoreleased object; the latter a retained object. The convention is based on the names of the selector, so if the compiler does not know the selector, then it cannot enforce the proper memory management rule.
Thus, it has nothing to do with a possible leak of arguments passed to the performSelector: call, but rather to its returned value, for which Objective-C has no way of knowing if it was autoreleased or not. This is also what Martin R from the comments was assuming.


Need to release twice?

I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I'm using Manual Memory Management in Objective-C developing for iOS.
I wrote a convenience function for getting UIColor from a hex string. In it, it returns
[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:... alpha:alpha]
Apparently on certain platforms (we have a few devices, ranging iOS 8-9) the object would be destroyed on exiting the function, so that its returned UIColor* cannot be used. So now, we changed it to
[[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:... alpha:alpha] retain]
My question is when I'm done using this object, do I have to release it twice? Once for the alloc, once for the retain? It seems very strange to me, and I can't find this online anywhere.
If I don't retain, it gets dealloc'd on exiting the function (on some platforms) making the function useless. If I do retain, I need to release twice when done?
"..., it is normally guaranteed to remain valid within the method or function it was received in. If you want it to remain valid beyond that scope, you should retain or copy it. "
So I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary. The docs say I "should retain it" if "I want it to remain valid beyond" the scope of a function. I will try what #FreeNickname suggested. That makes the most sense.
You said:
I wrote a convenience function for getting UIColor from a hex string. In it, it returns
[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:... alpha:alpha]
According to the Basic Memory Management Rules, the proper memory management is dictated by the name of your method:
if your method name does not start with “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy”, then you should return an autorelease object:
- (UIColor *)colorWithHexString:(NSString *)hexString {
return [[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:... alpha:alpha] autorelease];
if your method name does start with “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy”, then you can return an object like you have above:
- (UIColor *)newColorWithHexString:(NSString *)hexString {
return [[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:... alpha:alpha];
Note, this pattern is less common than the above convention of colorWithHexString.
(Note, this memory management dictated by the method name prefix was historically merely best practice, but now, for interoperability with ARC code, it's critical. Always follow the above rules in manual reference counting code.)
Now, if the code that is calling your convenience initializer is allowing the object to be deallocated, the problem rests with that code, not your convenience initializer. Do not start adding extra retain statements to your initializer because something that calls it doesn't manage its memory properly.
Instead, make sure that the calling code does the proper retain (and eventual release) of the result of colorWithHexString, itself.
By the way, Xcode's static analyzer (shift+command+B) is remarkably good at analyzing manual reference counting code and identifying the issues.
In an edit to your question, you quoted the documentation:
If you receive an object from elsewhere in your program, it is normally guaranteed to remain valid within the method or function it was received in. If you want it to remain valid beyond that scope, you should retain or copy it. If you try to release an object that has already been deallocated, your program crashes.
This is not saying that your convenience initializer should issue a retain or copy. It is saying that the code that calls colorWithHexString is responsible for establishing its own claim of ownership of the UIColor object that was returned via retain or copy, as discussed above.
I think you are looking for the concept of autorelease which is used in situations like yours. It is essentially a way to send a deferred release message to the newly created object so the caller has the chance to retain it if necessary, otherwise it is destroyed when the autoreleasepool is processed.
You "misunderstood" Apple's documentation, because it is simply wrong for this topic. You really should read clang's documentation about ARC instead of Apple's, because clang's ARC documentation explains MRC correctly to interact with it.
Let's have a closer look on it:
You own any object you create by allocating memory for it or copying it.
Related methods: alloc, allocWithZone:, copy, copyWithZone:, mutableCopy, mutableCopyWithZone:
Conversely, if you are not the creator of an object and have not expressed an ownership interest, you must not release it.
If you receive an object from elsewhere in your program, it is normally guaranteed to remain valid within the method or function it was received in.
Taking this documentation for serious, you are not an owner of the object:
[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:... alpha:alpha]
This is, because you do not receive the object reference from +alloc et al., but from -init…. Following Apple's documentation you are not an owner and have to retain it. (So it is "elsewhere".)
In clang's documentation it is described differently and correctly:
Methods in the init family implicitly consume their self parameter and return a retained object. (5.2.1)
Therefore there is a special method family for -init… along with the others mentioned in Apple's documentation as correctly described in clang's documentation:
The families and their added restrictions are:
alloc methods must return a retainable object pointer type. [Apple: alloc, allocWithZone:)
copy methods must return a retainable object pointer type. [Apple: copy, copyWithZone:)
mutableCopy methods must return a retainable object pointer type.(Apple: mutableCopy, mutableCopyWithZone:)
new methods must return a retainable object pointer type. (Apple: Ooops, I forgot something)
init methods must be instance methods and must return an Objective-C pointer type. … (Apple: Oooops, I forgot something)
So, what you get from -init is already retained, you have the ownership and there is definitely no reason to retain it.
According to Rob's answer there might be a reason to autorelease it.

Objc Cocoa MRC - Released and autoreleased objectsI have to write him up to see application

I'm writing a C++ application using Metal API (objective C) and MRC (Manual Reference Counting). I have a very limited experience with ObjC. Most of the Metal API objects are defined as protocols and created as an object returned from C-function or other object's method (ex. MTLDevice newBufferWithLength). To know how to release objects created this way I need to know if they have been set autoreleased or not (I can't call release an autoreleased object with retain count 1 for instance). The problem is I can't find any description in Metal API documentation which would answer this question. I've only read in user guide that all so called lightweight objects are created autoreleased. There are three examples of autoreleased objects but not sure if I can just assume that rest of the objects are not autoreleased. In cocoa many objects also may be created without alloc+init, being returned from a static method (ex NSString string) so the problem seems not to be only Metal related.
Thank you for your help.
The usual Objective-C rule is that creating scope is also responsible to release object. So, in virtually all cases, except well-documented exceptions, returned object is autoreleased (both returned through return value or out-arguments). More correct way to see it is that object is always returned with +0 scope-local retain count, so you are expected to retain it if needed. Reading the manual it seems that Metal API is one of Apple's frameworks, so it should follow this rule unless warned with bold statements. C functions in Objective-C are also expected to behave that way. (There is no difference between a method and a function in terms of resource management.)
For that "alloc-init vs. [NSString string]" part: MRC code either returns [NSString string], which is already +0, or [[[NSString alloc] init] autorelease]. Otherwise it breaks the convention. Exceptions are -[init] and +[new...] methods itself that return +1. Under ARC there is no difference between alloc-init/string, because ARC knows the convention and does the right thing, optimizing excessive retains/releases where possible.
Also note that -[retainCount] is meaningless and "considered harmful", because you never know how many retain-autorelease calls were performed and what objc-runtime accounting is in effect even with your own objects.
ARC is really a great option unless you're writing some sort of Objective-C -to- Whatever bridge, where retain counts and/or cycles must be managed explicitly due to lack of context. It doesn't take anything from you, giving in most cases a big advantage of not managing resources at all.

If you bridge a CFArrayRef of CFStringRefs to NSArray, can you treat the contents as NSStrings?

Suppose I have a CFArrayRef containing CFStringRefs inside it and I bridge it over to NSArray using CFBridgingRelease(). Can I now treat the contents of the array as regular NSString instances and call all of the usual NSString methods?
If so, does this mean toll-free bridging happens recursively throughout the object when it's bridged? E.g. if I had a CFArray of CFArrays of CFDictionaries or something, they'd all be transparently converted to NSArray, NSDictionary, etc?
Toll free bridging does not involve any conversion (or there would be a cost), so talking about doing it recursively does not make sense.
What toll free bridging does in your case is determine who is responsible for managing the lifetime of the object - the programmer for the CF array, ARC for the NS array.
Further whether an object internally uses manual memory management or ARC is not important to the user of that object - they can use either style.
Combine the above and you have your answer: once you've handed your CF array of strings over to ARC your job is done.
CRD's answer is good and I've given it a +1. Here's a bit more explanation:
First, type-casting is a purely compile-time thing. And it doesn't cost anything. It just tells the compiler not to complain.
Toll-free casting of Core Foundation types to Cocoa types is because those objects are, under the hood, the same thing. The cast is just necessary to inform the compiler of that fact. Such a cast doesn't "do" anything. For example, in non-ARC code:
CFStringRef cfstring = /* ... */;
NSString* nsstring = (NSString*)cfstring;
That assignment is still just an assignment. The pointer value from cfstring is still just copied verbatim into the storage of nsstring. Nothing else happens.
Depending on how you obtained the CFString that cfstring was pointing to, you may have had a responsibility to release it. Since this is non-ARC, you still have that responsibility after it has been assigned to nsstring, which you can discharge either by calling CFRelease(cfstring) or [nsstring release] or [nsstring autorelease] when you're done with it. Once you do that, the value in both variables must be considered unusable as dangling pointers.
The case with ARC is only slightly different. An ARC bridging cast is also a compile-time thing, but it affects what code the compiler emits for automatic memory management. Since it has emitted different code, that technically has implications for run-time, but they are not related to the type-cast as such. The bridging cast tells the compiler whether it should emit retains or releases (or neither) of the object which is the subject of the expression. That's all; just a question of retaining or releasing the object. So, it has no effect on, say, objects within an array because those objects are not the subject of the expression, the array is. And it doesn't even do anything to the array beyond potentially retaining or releasing it.
Let me try and take a simpler approach to an answer:
A CFArrayRef can be treated as an NSArray* and vice versa.
A CFStringRef can be treated as an NSString* and vice versa.
Thus, an CFArray of CFStrings is an NSArray of NSStrings. You just need to cast it. (In so doing with __bridge_*, you also transfer the memory management to ARC.)

Why does ARC retain method arguments?

When compiling with ARC, method arguments often appear to be retained at the beginning of the method and released at the end. This retain/release pair seems superfluous, and contradicts the idea that ARC "produces the code you would have written anyway". Nobody in those dark, pre-ARC days performed an extra retain/release on all method arguments just to be on the safe side, did they?
#interface Test : NSObject
#implementation Test
- (void)testARC:(NSString *)s
[s length]; // no extra retain/release here.
- (void)testARC2:(NSString *)s
// ARC inserts [s retain]
[s length];
[s length];
// ARC inserts [s release]
- (void)testARC3:(__unsafe_unretained NSString *)s
// no retain -- we used __unsafe_unretained
[s length];
[s length];
// no release -- we used __unsafe_unretained
When compiled with Xcode 4.3.2 in release mode, the assembly (such that I'm able to understand it) contained calls to objc_retain and objc_release at the start and end of the second method. What's going on?
This is not a huge problem, but this extra retain/release traffic does show up when using Instruments to profile performance-sensitive code. It seems you can decorate method arguments with __unsafe_unretained to avoid this extra retain/release, as I've done in the third example, but doing so feels quite disgusting.
See this reply from the Objc-language mailing list:
When the compiler doesn't know anything about the
memory management behavior of a function or method (and this happens a
lot), then the compiler must assume:
1) That the function or method might completely rearrange or replace
the entire object graph of the application (it probably won't, but it
could). 2) That the caller might be manual reference counted code, and
therefore the lifetime of passed in parameters is not realistically
Given #1 and #2; and given that ARC must never allow an object to be
prematurely deallocated, then these two assumptions force the compiler
to retain passed in objects more often than not.
I think that the main problem is that your method’s body might lead to the arguments being released, so that ARC has to act defensively and retain them:
- (void) processItems
[self setItems:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]]];
[self doSomethingSillyWith:[items lastObject]];
- (void) doSomethingSillyWith: (id) foo
[self setItems:nil];
NSLog(#"%#", foo); // if ARC did not retain foo, you could be in trouble
That might also be the reason that you don’t see the extra retain when there’s just a single call in your method.
Passing as a parameter does not, in general, increase the retain count. However, if you're passing it to something like NSThread, it is specifically documented that it will retain the parameter for the new thread.
So without an example of how you're intending to start this new thread, I can't give a definitive answer. In general, though, you should be fine.
Even the answer of soul is correct, it is a bit deeper than it should be:
It is retained, because the passed reference is assigned to a strong variable, the parameter variable. This and only this is the reason for the retain/release pair. (Set the parameter var to __weak and what happens?)
One could optimize it away? It would be like optimizing every retain/release pairs on local variables away, because parameters are local variables. This can be done, if the compiler understands the hole code inside the method including all messages sent and functions calls. This can be applied that rarely that clang even does not try to do it. (Imagine that the arg points to a person (only) belonging to a group and the group is dealloc'd: the person would be dealloc'd, too.)
And yes, not to retain args in MRC was a kind of dangerous, but typically developers know their code that good, that they optimized the retain/release away without thinking about it.
It will not increment behind the scenes. Under ARC if the object is Strong it will simply remain alive until there are no more strong pointers to it. But this really has nothing to do with the object being passed as a parameter or not.

why [self.property release] will cause the static analyzer to show an "incorrect decrement of the reference count" error? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Incorrect decrement of the reference count of an object that is not owned at this point by the caller
Why shouldn't I use the getter to release a property in objective-c?
So, I get that using [self.myProperty release] is discouraged (Apple itself recommends not to). Although it appears to me that it COULD lead to problems in some cases, not all cases. Is this correct? More importantly: I don't get why using a syntax like [self.myProperty release] in my -dealloc method(s) will cause the static analyzer to show an "incorrect decrement" error. Despite any other reason discouraging such a syntax, my class still owns its properties (which I have declared with "nonatomic,retain") so why the warning?
I've been reading several posts on this but it seems I can't really wrap my mind around it.
Some of them go into details about the possible side effects of using such a syntax, but what I really want to know is the reason behind the "incorrect decrement" error.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Cocoa memory management has a concept of "ownership" which is expressed most succinctly in the rule: If you call new or alloc, or send retain or copy to an object, you own the result, and are responsible for sending release when you're done with it. Otherwise, you do not own it, and you must not send release.
Instance variables, basically by definition, contain objects that the instance owns. You need the objects to be valid for the life of the instance, so you create them with an ownership-granting method in init:
// myDinkus and creationDate are ivars of whatever class this is.
// They are assigned to with owned references.
myDinkus = [[Dinkus alloc] init]; // ownership due to alloc
creationDate = [[NSDate date] retain]; // ownership due to retain
These now need to be sent release when the instance is done with them; generally speaking, this will be in dealloc.
Getter methods don't return owning references. This is the way it should be; when your code, e.g., asks a label for its font color, it doesn't need that color object to stick around. Or if it does, it must explicitly take ownership by sending retain. Giving it ownership by default would create headaches at best and possibly leaks.
That established, [self.myProperty release] causes the static analyzer to complain because it's a violation of the ownership concept. The object returned from [self myProperty] isn't owned by the caller. The fact that it just so happens to be the same object as an ivar that is owned by the caller is irrelevant. (In fact, it might not be the same; the getter might return a copy of the object it represents, for example. It might construct an entirely new value based on a group of ivars. It's even possible for there to be no ivar that corresponds to a getter.)
Since objects which are not owned must not be sent release, doing so to the result of a getter is incorrect.
There are other, practical, reasons not to do this (covered quite well, especially by Justin's answer in the question proposed as dupe), but that's the reason the analyzer is complaining.
Fundamentally, you're sending a release message to an object that you haven't sent a retain to (at least not explicitly). The static analyzer will expect to see balanced retain/releases.
When you declare your property as nonatomic,retain you are handing responsibility for releasing the value to the property's setter.
If you do a [self.myProperty release] then your property still contains its old value and any subsequent setting of that property will do a release on that old value - but you've already released it, so now it is over-released... Hence the warning.
To release the value you should use self.myProperty = nil - the setter will release the old value and assign nil to the property.