Good practice in naming derived types in fortran - variables

I'd like to optimize the readability of my codes in Fortran by using OOP.
I thus use derived types. what is the best practice to name the types and derived types?
For example, is it better to:
type a
real :: var
end type
type(a) :: mya
or always begin type names by type_ like in type_a? I like this one but maybe better ideas can be foud.
Also, is it better (then why) to use short names that are less readable or longer names that end up quite difficult to read if the type has too many "levels". For example, in a%b%c%d%e, if a, b, c, d and e are 8 or more letters long as in country%hospital%service%patient%name, then once again readability seems to be a concern.
Advices from experts are really welcome.

This not anything special to Fortran. You can use coding recommendation for other languages.
Usually, type names are not designated by any prefix or suffix. In many languages class names start with a capital letter. You can use this in Fortran also, even if it is not case sensitive. Just be sure not to reuse the name with a small letter as a variable name.
One example of a good coding guideline is this and you can adapt it for Fortran very easily. Also, have a look on some Fortran examples in books like MRC or RXX. OS can be also useful.
I would recommend not to use too short component names, if the letter is not the same as used in the written equation. In that case it can be used.
Use the associate construct or pointers to make aliases to nested names like country%hospital%service%patient%name.

In my experience, naming issues come up in OO Fortran more than other languages (e.g. C++) because of Fortran's named modules, lack of namespaces, and case-insensitivity, among other things. Case-insensitivity hurts because if you name a type Foo, you cannot have a variable named foo or you will get a compiler error (tested with gfortran 4.9).
The rules I have settled on are:
Each Fortran module provides a single, primary class named Namespace_Foo.
The class Namespace_Foo can be located in your source tree as Namespace/Foo_M.f90.
Class variables are nouns with descriptive, lower case names like bar or bar_baz.
Class methods are verbs with descriptive (but short if possible) names and use a rename search => Namespace_Foo_search.
Instances of class Namespace_Foo can be named foo (without namespace) when there is no easy alternative.
These rules make it particularly easy to mirror a C/C++ class Namespace::Foo in Fortran or bind (using BIND(C)) a C++ class to Fortran. They also avoid all of the common name collisions I've run into.
Here's a working example (tested with gfortran 4.9).
module Namespace_Foo_M
implicit none
type :: Namespace_Foo
integer :: bar
real :: bar_baz
procedure, pass(this) :: search => Namespace_Foo_search
end type
function Namespace_Foo_search(this, offset) result(index)
class(Namespace_Foo) :: this
integer,intent(in) :: offset !input
integer :: index !return value
index = this%bar + int(this%bar_baz) + offset
end function
end module
program main
use Namespace_Foo_M !src/Namespace/Foo_M.f90
type(Namespace_Foo) :: foo
foo % bar = 1
foo % bar_baz = 7.3
print *, foo % search(3) !should print 11
end program
Note that for the purpose of running the example, you can copy/paste everything above into a single file.
Final Thoughts
I have found the lack of namespaces extremely frustrating in Fortran and the only way to hack it is to just include it in the names themselves. We have some nested "namespaces", e.g. in C++ Utils::IO::PrettyPrinter and in Fortran Utils_IO_PrettyPrinter. One reason I use CamelCase for classes, e.g. PrettyPrinter instead of Pretty_Printer, is to disambiguate what is a namespace. It does not really matter to me if namespaces are upper or lower case, but the same case should be used in the name and file path, e.g. class utils_io_PrettyPrinter should live at utils/io/PrettyPrinter_M.f90. In large/unfamiliar projects, you will spend a lot of time searching the source tree for where specific modules live and developing a convention between module name and file path can be a major time saver.


Ocaml naming convention

I am wondering if there exists already some naming conventions for Ocaml, especially for names of constructors, names of variables, names of functions, and names for labels of record.
For instance, if I want to define a type condition, do you suggest to annote its constructors explicitly (for example Condition_None) so as to know directly it is a constructor of condition?
Also how would you name a variable of this type? c or a_condition? I always hesitate to use a, an or the.
To declare a function, is it necessary to give it a name which allows to infer the types of arguments from its name, for example remove_condition_from_list: condition -> condition list -> condition list?
In addition, I use record a lot in my programs. How do you name a record so that it looks different from a normal variable?
There are really thousands of ways to name something, I would like to find a conventional one with a good taste, stick to it, so that I do not need to think before naming. This is an open discussion, any suggestion will be welcome. Thank you!
You may be interested in the Caml programming guidelines. They cover variable naming, but do not answer your precise questions.
Regarding constructor namespacing : in theory, you should be able to use modules as namespaces rather than adding prefixes to your constructor names. You could have, say, a Constructor module and use Constructor.None to avoid confusion with the standard None constructor of the option type. You could then use open or the local open syntax of ocaml 3.12, or use module aliasing module C = Constructor then C.None when useful, to avoid long names.
In practice, people still tend to use a short prefix, such as the first letter of the type name capitalized, CNone, to avoid any confusion when you manipulate two modules with the same constructor names; this often happen, for example, when you are writing a compiler and have several passes manipulating different AST types with similar types: after-parsing Let form, after-typing Let form, etc.
Regarding your second question, I would favor concision. Inference mean the type information can most of the time stay implicit, you don't need to enforce explicit annotation in your naming conventions. It will often be obvious from the context -- or unimportant -- what types are manipulated, eg. remove cond (l1 # l2). It's even less useful if your remove value is defined inside a Condition submodule.
Edit: record labels have the same scoping behavior than sum type constructors. If you have defined a {x: int; y : int} record in a Coord submodule, you access fields with foo.Coord.x outside the module, or with an alias foo.C.x, or Coord.(foo.x) using the "local open" feature of 3.12. That's basically the same thing as sum constructors.
Before 3.12, you had to write that module on each field of a record, eg. {Coord.x = 2; Coord.y = 3}. Since 3.12 you can just qualify the first field: {Coord.x = 2; y = 3}. This also works in pattern position.
If you want naming convention suggestions, look at the standard library. Beyond that you'll find many people with their own naming conventions, and it's up to you to decide who to trust (just be consistent, i.e. pick one, not many). The standard library is the only thing that's shared by all Ocaml programmers.
Often you would define a single type, or a single bunch of closely related types, in a module. So rather than having a type called condition, you'd have a module called Condition with a type t. (You should give your module some other name though, because there is already a module called Condition in the standard library!). A function to remove a condition from a list would be Condition.remove_from_list or ConditionList.remove. See for example the modules List, Array, Hashtbl,Map.Make`, etc. in the standard library.
For an example of a module that defines many types, look at Unix. This is a bit of a special case because the names are mostly taken from the preexisting C API. Many constructors have a short prefix, e.g. O_ for open_flag, SEEK_ for seek_command, etc.; this is a reasonable convention.
There's no reason to encode the type of a variable in its name. The compiler won't use the name to deduce the type. If the type of a variable isn't clear to a casual reader from the context, put a type annotation when you define it; that way the information provided to the reader is validated by the compiler.

What are the steps I need to do to complete this programming assignment?

I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm supposed to do. The only thing I've figured out is I need to use yacc on the cminus.y file. I'm totally confused about everything after that. Can someone explain this to me differently so that I can understand what I need to do?
We will use lex/flex and yacc/Bison to generate an LALR parser. I will give you a file called cminus.y. This is a yacc format grammar file for a simple C-like language called C-minus, from the book Compiler Construction by Kenneth C. Louden. I think the grammar should be fairly obvious.
The Yahoo group has links to several descriptions of how to use yacc. Now that you know flex it should be fairly easy to learn yacc. The only base type is int. An int is 4 bytes. Booleans are handled as ints, as in C. (Actually the grammar allows you to declare a variable as a type void, but let's not do that.) You can have one-dimensional arrays.
There are no pointers, but references to array elements should be treated as pointers (as in C).
The language provides for assignment, IF-ELSE, WHILE, and function calls and returns.
We want our compiler to output MIPS assembly code, and then we will be able to run it on SPIM. For a simple compiler like this with no optimization, an IR should not be necessary. We can output assembly code directly in one pass. However, our first step is to generate a symbol table.
I like Dr. Barrett’s approach here, which uses a lot of pointers to handle objects of different types. In essence the elements of the symbol table are identifier, type and pointer to an attribute object. The structure of the attribute object will differ according to the type. We only have a small number of types to deal with. I suggest using a linear search to find symbols in the table, at least to start. You can change it to hashing later if you want better performance. (If you want to keep in C, you can do dynamic allocation of objects using malloc.)
First you need to make a list of all the different types of symbols that there are—there are not many—and what attributes would be necessary for each. Be sure to allow for new attributes to be added, because we
have not covered all the issues yet. Looking at the grammar, the question of parameter lists for functions is a place where some thought needs to be put into the design. I suggest more symbol table entries and pointers.
The grammar is correct, so taking the existing grammar as it is and generating a parser, the parser will accept a correct C-minus program but it won’t produce any output, because there are no code snippets associated with the rules.
We want to add code snippets to build the symbol table and print information as it does so.
When an identifier is declared, you should print the information being entered into the symbol table. If a previous declaration of the same symbol in the same scope is found, an error message should be printed.
When an identifier is referenced, you should look it up in the table to make sure it is there. An error message should be printed if it has not been declared in the current scope.
When closing a scope, warnings should be generated for unreferenced identifiers.
Your test input should be a correctly formed C-minus program, but at this point nothing much will happen on most of the production rules.
The most basic approach has a global scope and a scope for each function declared.
The language allows declarations within any compound statement, i.e. scope nesting. Implementing this will require some kind of scope numbering or stacking scheme. (Stacking works best for a one-pass
compiler, which is what we are building.)
(disclaimer) I don't have much experience with compiler classes (as in school courses on compilers) but here's what I understand:
1) You need to use the tools mentioned to create a parser which, when given input will tell the user if the input is a correct program as to the grammar defined in cminus.y. I've never used yacc/bison so I don't know how it is done, but this is what seems to be done:
(input) file-of-some-sort which represents output to be parsed
(output) reply-of-some-sort which tells if the (input) is correct with respect to the provided grammar.
2) It also seems that the output needs to check for variable consistency (ie, you can't use a variable you haven't declared same as any programming language), which is done via a symbol table. In short, every time something is declared you add it to the symbol table. When you encounter an identifier, if it is not one of the language identifiers (like if or while or for), you'll look it up in the symbol table to determine if it has been declared. If it is there, go on. If it's not - print some-sort-of-error
Note: point(2) there is a simplified take on a symbol table; in reality there's more to them than I just wrote but that should get you started.
I'd start with yacc examples - see what yacc can do and how it does it. I guess there must be some big example-complete-with-symbol-table out there which you can read to understand further.
Let's take input A:
int main()
int a;
a = 5;
return 0;
And input B:
int main()
int a;
b = 5;
return 0;
and assume we're using C syntax for parsing. Your parser should deem Input A all right, but should yell "b is undeclared" for Input B.

How do you USE Fortran 90 module data

Let's say you have a Fortran 90 module containing lots of variables, functions and subroutines. In your USE statement, which convention do you follow:
explicitly declare which variables/functions/subroutines you're using with the , only : syntax, such as USE [module_name], only : variable1, variable2, ...?
Insert a blanket USE [module_name]?
On the one hand, the only clause makes the code a bit more verbose. However, it forces you to repeat yourself in the code and if your module contains lots of variables/functions/subroutines, things begin to look unruly.
Here's an example:
module constants
implicit none
real, parameter :: PI=3.14
real, parameter :: E=2.71828183
integer, parameter :: answer=42
real, parameter :: earthRadiusMeters=6.38e6
end module constants
program test
! Option #1: blanket "use constants"
! use constants
! Option #2: Specify EACH variable you wish to use.
use constants, only : PI,E,answer,earthRadiusMeters
implicit none
write(6,*) "Hello world. Here are some constants:"
write(6,*) PI, &
E, &
answer, &
end program test
Hopefully someone says something like "Fortran? Just recode it in C#!" so I can down vote you.
I like Tim Whitcomb's answer, which compares Fortran's USE modulename with Python's from modulename import *. A topic which has been on Stack Overflow before:
‘import module’ or ‘from module import’
In an answer, Mark Roddy mentioned:
don't use 'from module import *'. For
any reasonable large set of code, if
you 'import *' your will likely be
cementing it into the module, unable
to be removed. This is because it is
difficult to determine what items used
in the code are coming from 'module',
making it east to get to the point
where you think you don't use the
import anymore but its extremely
difficult to be sure.
What are good rules of thumb for python imports?
dbr's answer contains
don't do from x import * - it makes
your code very hard to understand, as
you cannot easily see where a method
came from (from x import *; from y
import *; my_func() - where is my_func
So, I'm leaning towards a consensus of explicitly stating all the items I'm using in a module via
USE modulename, only : var1, var2, ...
And as Stefano Borini mentions,
[if] you have a module so large that you
feel compelled to add ONLY, it means
that your module is too big. Split it.
I used to just do use modulename - then, as my application grew, I found it more and more difficult to find the source to functions (without turning to grep) - some of the other code floating around the office still uses a one-subroutine-per-file, which has its own set of problems, but it makes it much easier to use a text editor to move through the code and quickly track down what you need.
After experiencing this, I've become a convert to using use...only whenever possible. I've also started picking up Python, and view it the same way as from modulename import *. There's a lot of great things that modules give you, but I prefer to keep my global namespace tightly controlled.
It's a matter of balance.
If you use only a few stuff from the module, it makes sense if you add ONLY, to clearly specify what you are using.
If you use a lot of stuff from the module, specifying ONLY will be followed by a lot of stuff, so it makes less sense. You are basically cherry-picking what you use, but the true fact is that you are dependent on that module as a whole.
However, in the end the best philosophy is this one: if you are concerned about namespace pollution, and you have a module so large that you feel compelled to add ONLY, it means that your module is too big. Split it.
Update: Fortran? just recode it in python ;)
Not exactly answering the question here, just throwing in another solution that I have found useful in some circumstances, if for whatever reason you don't want to split your module and start to get namespace clashes. You can use derived types to store several namespaces in one module.
If there is some logical grouping of the variables, you can create your own derived type for each group, store an instance of this type in the module and then you can import just the group that you happen to need.
Small example: We have a lot of data some of which is user input and some that is the result of miscellaneous initializations.
module basicdata
implicit none
! First the data types...
type input_data
integer :: a, b
end type input_data
type init_data
integer :: b, c
end type init_data
! ... then declare the data
type(input_data) :: input
type(init_data) :: init
end module basicdata
Now if a subroutine only uses data from init, you import just that:
subroutine doesstuff
use basicdata, only : init
q = init%b
end subroutine doesstuff
This is definitely not a universally applicable solution, you get some extra verbosity from the derived type syntax and then it will of course barely help if your module is not the basicdata sort above, but instead more of a allthestuffivebeenmeaningtosortoutvariety. Anyway, I have had some luck in getting code that fits easier into the brain this way.
The main advantage of USE, ONLY for me is that it avoids polluting my global namespace with stuff I don't need.
Agreed with most answers previously given, use ..., only: ... is the way to go, use types when it makes sense, apply python thinking as much as possible. Another suggestion is to use appropriate naming conventions in your imported module, along with private / public statements.
For instance, the netcdf library uses nf90_<some name>, which limits the namespace pollution on the importer side.
use netcdf ! imported names are prefixed with "nf90_"
similarly, the ncio wrapper to this library uses nc_<some name> (nc_read, nc_write...).
Importantly, with such designs where use: ..., only: ... is made less relevant, you'd better control the namespace of the imported module by setting appropriate private / public attributes in the header, so that a quick look at it will be sufficient for readers to assess which level of "pollution" they are facing. This is basically the same as use ..., only: ..., but on the imported module side - thus to be written only once, not at each import).
One more thing: as far as object-orientation and python are concerned, a difference in my view is that fortran does not really encourage type-bound procedures, in part because it is a relatively new standard (e.g. not compatible with a number of tools, and less rationally, it is just unusual) and because it breaks handy behavior such as procedure-free derived type copy (type(mytype) :: t1, t2 and t2 = t1). That means you often have to import the type and all would-be type-bound procedures, instead of just the class. This alone makes fortran code more verbose compared to python, and practical solutions like a prefix naming convention may come in handy.
IMO, the bottom line is: choose your coding style for people who will read it (this includes your later self), as taught by python. The best is the more verbose use ..., only: ... at each import, but in some cases a simple naming convention will do it (if you are disciplined enough...).
Yes, please use use module, only: .... For large code bases with multiple programmers, it makes the code easier to follow by everyone (or just use grep).
Please do not use include, use a smaller module for that instead. Include is a text insert of source code which is not checked by the compiler at the same level as use module, see: FORTRAN: Difference between INCLUDE and modules. Include generally makes it harder for both humans and computer to use the code which means it should not be used. Ex. from mpi-forum: "The use of the mpif.h include file is strongly discouraged and may be deprecated in a future version of MPI." (
I know I'm a little late to the party, but if you're only after a set of constants and not necessarily computed values, you could do like C and create an include file:
inside a file,
e.g., constants.for
real, parameter :: pi = 3.14
real, parameter :: g = 6.67384e-11
program main
use module1, only : func1, subroutine1, func2
implicit none
include 'constants.for'
end program main
Edited to remove "real(4)" as some think it is bad practice.

Separate Namespaces for Functions and Variables in Common Lisp versus Scheme

Scheme uses a single namespace for all variables, regardless of whether they are bound to functions or other types of values. Common Lisp separates the two, such that the identifier "hello" may refer to a function in one context, and a string in another.
(Note 1: This question needs an example of the above; feel free to edit it and add one, or e-mail the original author with it and I will do so.)
However, in some contexts, such as passing functions as parameters to other functions, the programmer must explicitly distinguish that he's specifying a function variable, rather than a non-function variable, by using #', as in:
(sort (list '(9 A) '(3 B) '(4 C)) #'< :key #'first)
I have always considered this to be a bit of a wart, but I've recently run across an argument that this is actually a feature:
important distinction actually lies in the syntax of forms, not in the
type of objects. Without knowing anything about the runtime values
involved, it is quite clear that the first element of a function form
must be a function. CL takes this fact and makes it a part of the
language, along with macro and special forms which also can (and must)
be determined statically. So my question is: why would you want the
names of functions and the names of variables to be in the same
namespace, when the primary use of function names is to appear where a
variable name would rarely want to appear?
Consider the case of class names: why should a class named FOO prevent
the use of variables named FOO? The only time I would be referring the
class by the name FOO is in contexts which expect a class name. If, on
the rare occasion I need to get the class object which is bound to the
class name FOO, there is FIND-CLASS.
This argument does make some sense to me from experience; there is a similar case in Haskell with field names, which are also functions used to access the fields. This is a bit awkward:
data Point = Point { x, y :: Double {- lots of other fields as well --} }
isOrigin p = (x p == 0) && (y p == 0)
This is solved by a bit of extra syntax, made especially nice by the NamedFieldPuns extension:
isOrigin2 Point{x,y} = (x == 0) && (y == 0)
So, to the question, beyond consistency, what are the advantages and disadvantages, both for Common Lisp vs. Scheme and in general, of a single namespace for all values versus separate ones for functions and non-function values?
The two different approaches have names: Lisp-1 and Lisp-2. A Lisp-1 has a single namespace for both variables and functions (as in Scheme) while a Lisp-2 has separate namespaces for variables and functions (as in Common Lisp). I mention this because you may not be aware of the terminology since you didn't refer to it in your question.
Wikipedia refers to this debate:
Whether a separate namespace for functions is an advantage is a source of contention in the Lisp community. It is usually referred to as the Lisp-1 vs. Lisp-2 debate. Lisp-1 refers to Scheme's model and Lisp-2 refers to Common Lisp's model. These names were coined in a 1988 paper by Richard P. Gabriel and Kent Pitman, which extensively compares the two approaches.
Gabriel and Pitman's paper titled Technical Issues of Separation in Function Cells and Value Cells addresses this very issue.
Actually, as outlined in the paper by Richard Gabriel and Kent Pitman, the debate is about Lisp-5 against Lisp-6, since there are several other namespaces already there, in the paper are mentioned type names, tag names, block names, and declaration names. edit: this seems to be incorrect, as Rainer points out in the comment: Scheme actually seems to be a Lisp-1. The following is largely unaffected by this error, though.
Whether a symbol denotes something to be executed or something to be referred to is always clear from the context. Throwing functions and variables into the same namespace is primarily a restriction: the programmer cannot use the same name for a thing and an action. What a Lisp-5 gets out of this is just that some syntactic overhead for referencing something from a different namespace than what the current context implies is avoided. edit: this is not the whole picture, just the surface.
I know that Lisp-5 proponents like the fact that functions are data, and that this is expressed in the language core. I like the fact that I can call a list "list" and a car "car" without confusing my compiler, and functions are a fundamentally special kind of data anyway. edit: this is my main point: separate namespaces are not a wart at all.
I also liked what Pascal Constanza had to say about this.
I've met a similar distinction in Python (unified namespace) vs Ruby (distinct namespaces for methods vs non-methods). In that context, I prefer Python's approach -- for example, with that approach, if I want to make a list of things, some of which are functions while others aren't, I don't have to do anything different with their names, depending on their "function-ness", for example. Similar considerations apply to all cases in which function objects are to be bandied around rather than called (arguments to, and return values from, higher-order functions, etc, etc).
Non-functions can be called, too (if their classes define __call__, in the case of Python -- a special case of "operator overloading") so the "contextual distinction" isn't necessarily clear, either.
However, my "lisp-oid" experience is/was mostly with Scheme rather than Common Lisp, so I may be subconsciously biased by the familiarity with the uniform namespace that in the end comes from that experience.
The name of a function in Scheme is just a variable with the function as its value. Whether I do (define x (y) (z y)) or (let ((x (lambda (y) (z y)))), I'm defining a function that I can call. So the idea that "a variable name would rarely want to appear there" is kind of specious as far as Scheme is concerned.
Scheme is a characteristically functional language, so treating functions as data is one of its tenets. Having functions be a type of their own that's stored like all other data is a way of carrying on the idea.
The biggest downside I see, at least for Common Lisp, is understandability. We can all agree that it uses different namespaces for variables and functions, but how many does it have? In PAIP, Norvig showed that it has "at least seven" namespaces.
When one of the language's classic books, written by a highly respected programmer, can't even say for certain in a published book, I think there's a problem. I don't have a problem with multiple namespaces, but I wish the language was, at the least, simple enough that somebody could understand this aspect of it entirely.
I'm comfortable using the same symbol for a variable and for a function, but in the more obscure areas I resort to using different names out of fear (colliding namespaces can be really hard to debug!), and that really should never be the case.
There's good things to both approaches. However, I find that when it matters, I prefer having both a function LIST and a a variable LIST than having to spell one of them incorrectly.

Is there a concise catalog of variable naming-conventions?

There are many different styles of variable names that I've come across over the years.
The current wikipedia entry on naming conventions is fairly light...
I'd love to see a concise catalog of variable naming-conventions, identifying it by a name/description, and some examples.
If a convention is particularly favored by a certain platform community, that would be worth noting, too.
I'm turning this into a community wiki, so please create an answer for each convention, and edit as needed.
The best naming convention set that I've seen is in the book "Code Complete" Steve McConnell has a great section in there about naming conventions and lots of examples. His examples run through a number of "best practices" for different languages, but ultimately leave it up to the developer, dev manager, or architect to decide the specific action.
PEP8 is the style guide for Python code that is part of the standard library which is relatively influential in the Python community. For bonus points, in addition to covering the naming conventions used by the Python standard library, it provides an overview of naming conventions in general.
According to PEP8: variables, instance variables, functions and methods in the standard library are supposed to use lowercase words separated by underscores for readability:
To distinguish a name from a reserved word, append an underscore:
Names that are weakly private (not imported by 'from M import *') start with a single underscore. Names whose privacy is enforced with name mangling start with double underscores.:
Names that are Python 'special' methods start and end with double underscores:
__hash__ # hash(o) = o.__hash__()
__str__ # str(o) = o.__str__()
Sun published a list of variable name conventions for Java here. The list includes conventions for naming packages, classes, interfaces, methods, variables, and constants.
The section on variables states
Except for variables, all instance, class, and class constants are in mixed case with a lowercase first letter. Internal words start with capital letters. Variable names should not start with underscore _ or dollar sign $ characters, even though both are allowed.
Variable names should be short yet meaningful. The choice of a variable name should be mnemonic- that is, designed to indicate to the casual observer the intent of its use. One-character variable names should be avoided except for temporary "throwaway" variables. Common names for temporary variables are i, j, k, m, and n for integers; c, d, and e for characters.
Some examples include
int i;
char c;
float myWidth;
Whatever your naming convention is, it usually do not allow you to easily distinguish:
instance (usually private) variable
local variables (used as parameters or local to a function)
I use a naming convention based on a the usage of indefinite article (a, an, some) for local variables, and no article for instance variables, as explained in this question about variable prefix.
So a prefix (either my way, or any other prefix listed in that question) can be one way of refining variable naming convention.
I know your question is not limited on variables, I just wanted to point out that part of naming convention.
There is, the "Java Programmers Phrasebook" by Einar Hoest.
He analysed the grammatical structure of method names together with the structure of the method bodies, and collected information such as:
add-[noun]-* These methods often have parameters and create objects.
They very rarely return field values.
The phrase appears in practically all
etcetera ... collected from hundreds of open-source projects.
For more background information, please refer to his SLE08 paper.