Design suggestions for client receiving messages over network - objective-c

I'm programming a client that receives a set of different messages from a server via TCP. I have created a simple test class that is able to connect to the server and receive messages in form of NSData chunks. But now I'm stuck at how to proceed from here and need some design suggestions.
One idea I have is to create a protocol that for each message, notifies the delegate with the type of message received and an object containing the message:
-(void)didReceiveData:(NSData*)data {
int type = getType(data);
switch(type) {
case 0: [self.delegate didReceiveLifesign:parseLifesign(data); break;
case 1: [self.delegate didReceiveLocation:parseLocation(data); break;
But as the amount of messages grow I find this solution messy. Is there a prettier way of doing this?

Each time you add a new type of message to the system, you will be adding new code to handle that particular type. You cannot get away from that. So, the place you can really abstract-out right now is the dispatching: the switch statement, in your case.
If very few new message-types will be added in the future, the simplest approach may be the one you have already taken: simply add a new "case" each time.
An alternate approach is to allow other code to register as a "listener"/"callback". That makes the dispatching generic. The logic becomes:
Find the message type
Dispatch to all registered callbacks/listeners
The new "problem" would be: you will now need to register each listener at some point. This would be sdone during some type of initialization. it may not be worth it if your message dispatcher is basically part of the overall app, and is not to be used elsewhere.


Bluetooth Core Framework callback routine peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: isn't called

I'm trying to figure out how to make certain callbacks trigger.
On the peripheral peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic: is called correctly and it sends a chunk (first of two) of data to the central which receives it in peripheral:didUpdateValueForCharacteristic:error: as expected.
Now there's one chunk left which is supposed to be sent in the peripheral's callback peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: according to Apple's test application.
I've tested and verified and it works fine there. It's a bit fishy though as according to the docs it's only supposed to be called when the peripheral manager's updateValue:forCharacteristic:onSubscribedCentrals: fails.
How do I make the peripheral send the remaining chunk? I can supply you with code, but it's almost identical (I'm using an array of NSData chunks instead of one large NSData like the example) to the example application I linked to, I'm more curious as to how the callback chain works and what needs to be in place for the different selectors to trigger.
What you are doing is the normal way of operation. The peripheral manager handles the data sending and implements flow control according to the current settings. E.g. if you are using indications instead of notifications, then each update has to be acknowledged by the receiver before you can send again.
Notifications on the other hand are similar to UDP packets. They can get lost. To make sure that the data arrived error free, you need to implement additional control flow management.
All in all, you are doing it right.
I managed to trigger peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: by using a loop in sendData (which is called from peripheralManagerIsReadyToUpdateSubscribers: and peripheralManager:central:didSubscribeToCharacteristic:).
- (void)sendData {
BOOL success = YES;
while (success && ([_outgoingDataQueue count] > 0)) {
NSData *chunk = [_outgoingDataQueue peek];
success = [self.peripheralManager updateValue:chunk
if (success) {
[_outgoingDataQueue dequeue];
This does not feel like the correct way to send data as chunks to the central.

In iOS does either NSURL or NSXML span a new thread?

I have a program that progresses as follows. I call a method called getCharacteristics. This method connects to a remote server via a NSURL connection (all networking code done in another file) and when it receives a response it makes a method call back to the original class. This original class then parses the data (xml) and stores its contents as a map.
The problem I'm having is that it appears that somewhere in this transaction another thread is being spawned off.
Here is sample code showing what I'm doing:
#property map
- (void) aMethod
[[WebService getSingleton] callWebService: andReportBackTo: self]
Print "Ready to Return"
return map;
- (void) methodThatIsReportedBackToAfterWebServiceRecievesResponse
//Parse data and store in map
Print "Done Parsing"
The problem that I am running into is that map is being returned before it can be fully created. Additionally, "Ready to Return" is being printed before "Done parsing" which suggests to me that there are multiple threads at work. Am I right? If so, would a simple lock be the best way to make it work?
NSURLConnection will execute in another thread if you tell it to execute asynchronously.
In my opinion the best way to deal with this would be to write your own delegate protocol, and use delegation to return your map when the you have downloaded and parsed your data.
You could retrieve your data synchronously using NSURLConnection, but you may force the user to wait for an extended period of time especially if a connection timeout occurs. I would avoid this approach.

How to simulate an uncompleted Netty ChannelFuture

I'm using Netty to write a client application that sends UDP messages to a server. In short I'm using this piece of code to write the stream to the channel:
ChannelFuture future = channel.write(request, remoteInetSocketAddress);
//abort logic
Everything works fine, but one thing: I'm unable to test the abort logic as I cannot make the write to fail - i.e. even if the server is down the future would be completed successfully. The write operation usually takes about 1 ms so setting very little timeout doesn't help too much.
I know the preffered way would be to use an asynch model instead of await() call, however for my scenario I need it to be synchronous and I need to be sure it get finnished at some point.
Does anyone know how could I simulate an uncompleted future?
Many thanks in advance!
Depending on how your code is written you could use a mock framework such as mockito. If that is not possible, you can also use a "connected" UDP socket, i.e. a datagram socket that is bound to a local address. If you send to a bogus server you should get PortunreachableException or something similar.
Netty has a class FailedFuture that can be used for the purpose of this,
You can for example mock your class with tests that simulate the following:
ChannelFuture future;
future = channel.newFailedFuture(new Exception("I failed"));
future = channel.write(request, remoteInetSocketAddress);

Is it better create a library with several functions or create classes?

I'm developing a software to comunicate with a device.
The software will send commands for the device. The device has to answer using the protocol below:
<STX> is the Start of TeXt (0x55);
<COMMAND> can be 0x01 for read, 0x02 for write, etc;
<DATA> is any value;
<CHKSUM> is the checksum;
<ETX> is the End of TeXt (0x04).
So, I have to validate the received data.
Then, the received data:
cannot be empty;
must have 3 or more characters;
must have an header in the first two characters of the string data;
must have a "footer" in the last character of the string data;
must hava a valid CheckSum.
If the answer is valid, then I can handle the data. But before I'll have to extract this data from the response received.
Ok, this is a relatively easy task. Beforetime I would do it on a procedural way, using only one function and putting many if's.
Now I'm studying more about good programming practices, things seem to be getting harder to do.
To validate the device answer, is better create a class "ValidateReceivedData" for example and pass the received data in the constructor of this class? And then create a public method called "IsReceivedDataValid" that check all steps given above?
Or maybe would be better create a library with with several functions to validate the received data?
I'd like to use unit test too.
As I said before, I'm studying more to make better code. But I realize that I'm spending more time now to code than before. And there are too many questions that are arising, but in my view they seem easy to solve, but I'm not getting.
For what it's worth, I've done this sort of thing before using object-oriented design. Here's a high level possibility for your design:
ProtocolParser class:
Takes a SerialPort object, or equivalent, in the constructor and listens to it for incoming bytes
Passes received bytes to OnByteReceived, which implements the protocol-specific state machine (with states like Unknown, Stx1Received, Stx2Received, ..., CkSumReceived).
After an entire good message is received, creates an object of type Packet, which accepts a byte list in its constructor. It then raises an event PacketReceived, passing the Packet as an argument.
If a bad byte is received, it raises an event BadDataReceived and passes the bad data (for logging/debugging purposes, perhaps).
Packet class:
Takes a list/array of bytes and stores them as Command and Data properties.
Does not need to save the checksum, as this class is only meant to represent a valid packet.
The above classes are sufficient to implement the receive protocol. You should be able to test it by mocking a SerialPort class (i.e., the ProtocolParser could actually take an IDataSource instead of a SerialPort).
You could then add a higher-level class to implement your device-specific functions, which would listen to the PacketReceived event of the ProtocolParser.
Of course it will better to use OOP design.
By what you explained, I'd make at least 2 classes:
The message will receive the command from the device, and the Executer will handle the message.
The Message object will initiate with the device's answer. It will parse it, and hold fields as you described:
Then an Executer object will receive the Message object and do the actual execution of the message, and hold the logical code.
I would go a step further than Yochai's answer, and create the following classes:
Command: Actually not a class, but an Enum value so you can check against Command.Read, etc., rather than just "knowing" what 0x01 and 0x02 mean.
Message: Just a plain object (POJO/POCO/whatever) that's intended to hold a data representation of the message. This would contain the following fields:
Command (the enum type mentioned earlier)
Data: List of the data. Depending on how the data is represented, you might create a class for this, or you could just represent each datum as a string.
MessageParser: this would have a function that would parse a string or text stream and create a Message object. If the text is invalid, I'd throw a customized exception (another class), which can be caught by the caller.
MessageExecutor: This would take a Message object and perform the action that it represents.
By making the intermediate representation object (Message), you make it possible to separate the various actions you're performing. For example, if the Powers That Be decide that the message text can be sent as XML or JSON, you can create different MessageParser classes without having to mess with the logic that decides what to do with the message.
This also makes unit testing far easier, because you can test the message parser independently of the executor. First test the message parser by calling the parse function and examining the resulting Message object. Then test the executor by creating a Message object and ensuring that the appropriate action is taken.

problem with asynchronous programming while calling 2 methods in Objective-C

Inside ClassA:
authenticate_Obj = [classB_Obj authenticateMobileUser];
Inside ClassB:
[mobile_Obj AuthenticateMobileServer:self action:#selector(Handler:)];
return authenticate_G_Obj;
authenticate_G_Obj = (AuthenticateObj*)value;
Now once the authenticateMobileUser method of classB returns the controll back to ClassA, we will get the Object authenticate_Obj initiated.
My problem is , when i run the project the authenticate_Obj is NULL... actually when it enters the handler method , the Object is initiallized. but the controlled is returned back to ClassA, without entering into Handler method. I guess this is the problem of Asynchronous execution.
How to make it enter into handler method and then only return the controll to ClassA??
Plz help me..
Thank You.
It sounds like what you think you want to do is to block execution until authentication completes. This might be possible if AuthenticateMobileServer spawns a background thread to work in -- you'd use a synchronisation object such as NSLock -- but it's really a Bad Idea. Why have a background thread at all if you're going to block anyway? And thread synchronisation is notoriously tricky and prone to errors if you don't know what you're doing, which (let's face it) you don't.
Instead, you probably should accept that there will be a period of uncertainty while the authentication takes place, during which your app should keep processing in some intermediate state, and then use a callback to notify you when the authentication is complete and you can then go on with whatever it is you need to do with the authenticated user.
There are a bunch of ways you could do this, and there's not enough detail in the question to say exactly which would be best. But you already seem to be using something very similar within ClassB, so I'd say do the same from ClassA:
Inside ClassA:
authenticate_Obj = nil;
[classB_Obj authenticateMobileUserAndNotify:self action:#selector(authenticatedObject:)];
// returns more or less immediately, not yet authenticated
-(void)authenticatedObject:(YourAuthObjectClass*) authObj
authenticate_Obj = authObj;
// do post-authentication stuff here
Inside ClassB:
-(void)authenticateMobileUserAndNotify:(id)target action:(SEL)sel
// I'm making these ivars for simplicity, there might be other considerations though
callbackTarget = target;
callbackSelector = sel;
[mobile_Obj AuthenticateMobileServer:self action:#selector(Handler:)];
authenticate_G_Obj = (AuthenticateObj*)value;
[callbackTarget performSelectorOnMainThread:callbackSelector withObject:authenticate_G_Obj waitUntilDone:NO];
Obviously this is just a sketch and not intended to be used as is. And you'll need to consider what goes on in your app while in the waiting state, with authentication in progress but authenticate_Obj still nil. But hopefully you get the idea.
I think you are saying that AuthenticateMobileServer:action: is asynchronous and you want to block until it's finished so you can get the return value. Unfortunately, we can't really tell you without knowing how it works. The main question is does it run the Handler action on the main thread or a secondary thread.
If it runs the action on the main thread, the best strategy is to return immediately from authenticateMobileUser without waiting for the authentication object and disable the UI elements that depend on being authenticated. Then later when you get the authentication object, you should re-enable the UI elements.
If it runs the action on a background thread, the easiest thing is to set up another method similar to Handler (by the way, the naming convention for methods and variables is to start with lower case), which you then invoke from Handler with performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone:. You can then use the same strategy as outlined above.
Both answers of JeremyP and walkytalky are correct and go at the heart of creating a respondsive UI. The rule of thumb:
If you doing potentially blocking operations such as networking on the main thread, you will get in trouble.
There are at least two reasons:
you are blocking the run loop so it cannot process user events anymore. This will result in a spinning beachball on the mac and a unresponsive UI on both mac and iOS.
If you are on iOS, there is a watchdog going around and checking if your UI is still responding to user events. If you are blocking the UI longer than I think 20s you will be terminated with the error code 0x8badf00d.
So to get this things done which maybe take some time you have to do it on the background thread. As the two answers of JeremyP and walkytalky point out often you get a callback. That is fine but there are in total three ways of messaging:
All three can be and are used. There are subtle differences between them. One of the most important is that delegation is a 1:1 messaging whereas the other to are a 1:n messaging.
Now that said do not think that you have to use NSThread. Have a look at NSOperation and NSOperationQueue instead. They allow to encapsulate pieces of work in an operation and let them run on a queue in the background. Also if you are using these callbacks with the #selector(methodname:) syntax there is something new: blocks. Often there are equivalent methods which take a block instead of a selector to be executed as a callback.
To finish here is the golden rule:
You may update your model on the background thread, but NEVER update your UI on a background thread.
Check out the WWDC10 videos about these topics. There is a great 2-part talk about networking which explains the concepts in detail.