Whats the datatype of a Glade file? - gtkmm

following the official tutorial of gtkmm 3, this is how to instantiate a glade file:
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> builder=Gtk::Builder::create_from_file("basic.glade");
So, what's the datatype for "basic.glade"? I know its XML but how to do that in code?
In GTK 2.4 it was:
Glib::RefPtr<Gnome::Glade::Xml> &refXml;
This does not work for me in gtkmm 3 / GTK 3 any more. What I want is to create a class and I need to declare the correct datatype.
The tutorial I am going through is this. I know the code is 2.x, I want to do the same in 3.x

Gtk::Builder is the replacement for Gnome::Glade::Xml.


How can I create a gedit plugin using python?

I wanted to create a simple gedit plugin that could save the current file when mouse leaves the text area (just like the <<leave>> event in tkinter) using python3. I went through wiki but I couldn't get much from it (All I could do was to create a plugin that just showed in plugins menu,nothing more). Can anyone help me with this?
According to the Python plugin HOWTO:
The gedit window based on Gtk.Window.
Looking at the documentation for Gtk.Window, it inherits from Gtk.Widget.
Looking at the signals documentation for Gtk.Widget, it looks like leave-notify-event is what you are looking for.

HOWTO Export/Import custom code snippets in XCode 6

Is there a way how to export the custom code snippets from XCode 6 and then import it to the XCode 6 of another user?
The snippets are now in one XML file: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Frameworks/IDEKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SystemCodeSnippets.codesnippets
In Xcode 7.3.1, my snippets have been created in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/CodeSnippets. It looks like you may be in the wrong directory. Put your codes snippets in this directory instead.
On a side note, you can find my code snippets here: XcodeSnippets GitHub

Code assist - Sencha Touch

I am following this tutorial http://vimeo.com/album/1573372/video/37212149
It seems that there is a way to type "xmodel" and have a standard model's code generated automatically. I am using Webstorm IDE - is there a way of doing this in it, and any configurations I can import?
Seems 'Live Templates' is the feature you refer to - it allows expanding abbreviations into code snippets. See http://www.jetbrains.com/webstorm/webhelp/live-templates.html, http://davidtucker.net/articles/live-templates-phpstorm-webstorm/
WebStorm doesn't come with predefined live templates for Sencha, but you can easily create them yourself or search the web for existing templates. See ST2 Power Tools, for example

Make custom types appear in Xcode's documentation popup

I want to achieve the similar result for my own code:
What you are referring to is XCode's documentation viewer and Document Sets.
Check out this tutorial on working with Doxygen, a popular docgen that works well with XCode: http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#featuredarticles/DoxygenXcode/_index.html (not for XCode 4)
If you are using XCode 4, check out these articles:
Using the Doxygen Helper in Xcode 4
Easy Doxygen code snippets for Xcode 4
AppleDoc achieves the result you're looking for.

Can't find mx.rpc.xml.XMLEncoder/Decoder

I'm using the Flex 3.5 compiler (on Flash Builder 4), and I need to use these classes, and I just can't find them! I looked at the source code, and they are in the 3.4 branch, so I guess they must also be in 3.5. What am I missing? What's the swc file that contains them?
The XMLDecoder class has "[ExcludeClass]" in the definition. Flash Builder then do not provide the class in IntelliSense PopUp. Just add an import "import mx.rpc.xml.XMLDecoder;" to the head of your class and use it. This should solve your problem.