How to add a custom value type in Sorm? - sorm

I see that Sorm already supports org.joda.time.DateTime. Is there a possibility to add support for other types?
For example, my case class has a java.nio.charset.Charset or Locale field, which I would like to convert to a string. Suppose I have functions to accomplish the conversion from the custom type to/from a SQL type, how can I tell Sorm to use it?

SORM's support for a certain datatype is quite more complex than just ability to convert to and from an SQL type. Values of some types may span several columns (e.g. Tuple, Range), others may require intermediate tables (Seq, Set, Map) and all of them require an individual approach to translating query clauses. All that would have resulted in a quite complex ad-hoc type-mapping API if one was to be exposed.
But the thing is the above is really not the reason why such an API is not exposed and most probably not to ever be. You see, SORM's philosophy is essentially all about pure immutable data model and the cleanest way to design such one is to use standard Scala's immutable datatypes and case classes.
So the clean way for you to design your application with SORM would be to convert those stateful Java's classes to immutable values in your application. For instance you could implement a custom case class Charset (...) in your model, register it with SORM's Instance and have your conversion functions work between this type and the Java's one in your application. Besides that, you could implement this Charset as an Enumeration, which seems to be the most appropriate.
Concerning your argument about the Joda Time types support, it's there mostly because some data types were needed to represent the SQL's timestamps. See this logic as reverse to what you were thinking of.


What is the purpose or possible usages of value class in Kotlin

I found the new value class been
I found the purpose is like :
value class adds attribute to a variable and constraint it’s usage.
I was wondering what is some practical usage of value class.
Well, as stated in the documentation Kotlin Inline classes
Sometimes it is necessary for business logic to create a wrapper around some type. However, it introduces runtime overhead due to additional heap allocations. Moreover, if the wrapped type is primitive, the performance hit is terrible, because primitive types are usually heavily optimized by the runtime, while their wrappers don't get any special treatment.
To solve such issues, Kotlin introduces a special kind of class called an inline class. Inline classes are a subset of value-based classes. They don't have an identity and can only hold values.
A value class can be helpful when, for example, you want to be clear about what unit a certain value uses: does a function expect me to pass my value in meters per second or kilometers per hour? What about miles per hour? You could add documentation on what unit the function expects, but that still would be error-prone. Value classes force developers to use the correct units.
You can also use value classes to provide clear means for other devs on your project on doing operations with your data, for example converting from one unit to another.
Value classes also are not assignment-compatible, so they are treated like actual new class declarations: When a function expects a value class of an integer, you still have to pass an instance of your value class - an integer won't work. With type aliases, you could still accidentally use the underlying type, and thus introduce expensive errors.
In other words, if you simply want things to be easier to read, you can just use type aliases. If you need things to be strict and safe in some way, you probably want to use value classes instead.

Is there a useful "number-like" generic constraint in Kotlin?

I'm writing a matrix and a vector class, and I'd like to make it usable with all "sensible" numerical data types, not only for the BigFraction data type I wrote myself for my current purpose.
Therefore, I'm wondering whether there is an interface which requires + and * to be implemented (or perhaps even more operator functions).
Thus, I'd like to have a useful generic constraint.
Thanks a lot in advance!

How does Scheme abstract data?

In statically typed language, people are able to use algebraic data type to abstract data and also generate constructors, or use class, trait and mixin to deal with data abstraction.
In dynamically typed language, like Python and Ruby, they all provide a class system to users.
But what about scheme, the simplest functional language, the closest one to λ-calculi, how does it abstract data?
Do scheme programmers usually just put data in a list or a lambda abstraction, and write some accessor function to make it look like a tree or something else? like EOPL says: specifying data via interfaces.
And then how does this abstraction technique relate to abstract data type (ADT) and objects? with regard to On understanding data abstraction, revisited.
What SICP (and I guess, EOPL) is advocating is just using functions to access data; then you can always switch one set of functions for another, implementing the same named set of functions to work with another concrete implementation. And that (i.e. the sets of such functions) is what forms the "interfaces", and that's what you put in different source files, and by just loading the appropriate one you can switch the concrete implementation while all the other code is none the wiser. That's what makes it "abstract" datatype.
As for the algebraic data types, the old bare-bones Scheme way is to create closures (that hold and hide the data) which respond to "messages" and thus become "objects" (something about "Scheme mailboxes"). This gives us products, i.e. records, and functions we get for free from Scheme itself. For sum types, just as in C/C++, we can use tagged unions in a disciplined manner (or, again, hide the specifics behind a set of "interface" functions).
EOPL has something called "variant-case" which handles such sum types in a manner similar to pattern matching. Searching brings up e.g. this link saying
I'm using DrScheme w/ the EOPL textbook, which uses define-record and variant-​case. I've got the macro definitions from the PLT site, but am now dealing with ...
so seems relevant, as one example.

Decoding and encoding strings for

I'm currently struggling with the experimental KXS-properties serialization backend, mainly because of two reasons:
I can't find any documentation for it (I think there is none)
KXS-properties only includes a serializer / deserializer, but no encoder / decoder
The endpoint provided by the framework is essentially Map<String, Any>, but the map is flat and the keys already have the usual dot-separated properties syntax. So the step that I have to take is to encode the map to a single string that is printable to a .properties file AND decode a single string from a .properties file into the map. I'm generally following the Properties Format Spec from, it's not as easy as one might think.
The problem is that I can't use java.util.Properties right away because KXS is multiplatform and it would kinda kill the purpose of it when I'd restrict it to JVM because I use java.util.Properties. If I were to use it, the solution would be pretty simple, like this:
So I'm trying to implement my own encoder / decoder, following the rough structure of kotlinx.serialization.json.Json.kt. Although it's pretty tedious, it went well so far, but now I've stumbled upon a new problem:
As far as I know (I am not sure because there is no documentation), the map only contains primitives (or primitive-equivalents, as Kotlin does not really have primitives). I suspect this because when you write your own KSerializers for the KXS frontend, you can specify to encode to any primitive by invoking the encodeXXX() functions of the Encoder interface. Now the problem is: When I try to decode to the map that should contain primitives, how do I even know which primitives are expected by the model class?
I've once written my own serializer / deserializer in Java to learn about the topic, but in that implementation, the backend was a lot more tightly coupled to the frontend, so that I could query the expected primitive type from the model class in the backend. But in my situation, I don't have access to the model class and I have no clue how to retrieve the expected types.
As you can see, I've tried multiple approaches, but none of them worked right away. If you can help me to get any of these to work, that would be very much appreciated
Thank you!
The way it works in kotlinx.serialization is that there are serializers that describe classes and structures etc. as well as code that writes/read properties as well as the struct. It is then the job of the format to map those operations to/from a data format.
The intended purpose of kotlinx.serialization.Properties is to support serializing a Kotlin class to/from a java.util.Properties like structure. It is fairly simple in setup in that every nested property is serialized by prepending the property name to the name (the dotted properties syntax).
Unfortunately it is indeed the case that this deserializing from this format requires knowing the types expected. It doesn't just read from string. However, it is possible to determine the structure. You can use the descriptor property of the serializer to introspect the expectations.
From my perspective this format is a bit more simple than it should be. It is a good example of a custom format though. A key distinction between formats is whether they are intended to just provide a storage format, or whether the output is intended (be able to) to represent a well designed api. The latter ones need to be more complex.

Pascal-style arrays, built-in len() function vs .length? What are the pros/cons

What are the differences between these two? Why would you pick one over the other, is it just personal preference, or is there an actual reason behind why you would use either a built-in function or whatever .length is.
I think using *.length over *.length() or len(*) is kind of a historical artifact, which was probably done to make getting the length of an array as fast as possible. Arrays after all, are a very basic data structure in many languages, and getting the length of one is an extremely common operation. And accessing a property is much faster than calling a method.
Nowadays a compiler could probably optimize that kind of thing out, but back then I think there was a pull towards ease-of-implementation which guided many languages to simply have *.length as a property.
However, in any OOP language at least, it's more consistent to have *.length(), because while arrays have immutable lengths, and can afford to have *.length exposed as a constant value, other data structures which you can add or remove values would not be able to do this.