I am writing batch script..
that will download from google docs using wget.
I am getting SSL error from google inc.
here is code wget (from this link Windows batch file file download from a URL)
#echo off
for /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set y=%%k
for /F "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%i in ('date/t') do set d=%%k%%i%%j
for /F "tokens=5-8 delims=:. " %%i in ('echo.^| time ^| find "current" ') do set t=%%i%%j
set t=%t%_
if "%t:~3,1%"=="_" set t=0%t%
set t=%t:~0,4%
set "theFilename=%d%%t%"
echo %theFilename%
cd "C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\TemObv\GnuWin32\bin"
wget.exe --output-document C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\TemObv\file_%theFilename%.tsv https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AqSBI1OogE84dGN2bXRSZkZPVVRuNkMtN0p4eXpyVlE&single=true&gid=0&range=A5&output=txt
here is ssl error from wget
Resolving docs.google.com...,,, ...
Connecting to docs.google.com||:443... connected.
ERROR: cannot verify docs.google.com's certificate, issued by `/C=US/O=Google In
c/CN=Google Internet Authority':
Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to docs.google.com insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
'single' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'gid' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'range' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
'output' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Press any key to continue . . .
I don't know about Windows, but the unix version of wget has a flag called no-check-certificate which can be used in this case.
'Set-ExecutionPolicy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file. getting this error while trying to install chocolaty through cmd
Set-ExecutionPolicy is a PowerShell Cmdlet.
You should run it in a PowerShell (Admin-) Session, not in cmd.
Take a look at the installation instructions from chocolatey.org. Official chocolatey documentations is pretty good, as I think:
'Set-ExecutionPolicy' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file while installing chocolaty
for this question I think you are using command prompt but Set-ExecutionPolicy is a command only for powershell.
I have looked at many SO questions/answers and though some seem similar to my issue they do not seem to be. The answers given fix issues the questions were asking about but will not solve my issue.
I have a batch file...
ECHO Disabling the following... >> C:\App\Debug.log
ECHO - V1 >> C:\Apps\Debug.log
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`sqlcmd -j -S DOMAIN\SQLSERVER -U username -P password -d DBNAME -Q "UPDATE [DBNAME].[dbo].[table1] SET ColOne='V1_OFF' WHERE ColOne='V1'"`) DO (
Echo %%F >> C:\Apps\Debug.log
When I run this file at the command prompt it works perfectly fine. When I run it as a scheduled task it show me the echos but nothing for the for loop as expected.
Yes I have made sure the username (using whoami) is the same for the scheduled task set up as the manual run that I do.
Yes I know the user running the script has rights to everything (file access as well as DB access) because it works fine running it from the command prompt.
Scheduled task is set to run wither user is logged on or not.
Any ideas what might be wrong or what I can try for debugging purposes?
sqlcmd is perhaps not enough. cmd.exe in environment of scheduled task may fail to find the executable using local PATHEXT and local PATH environment variables. The executable should be specified with full qualified file name, i.e. drive + path + name + extension. Then the batch file does not anymore depend on the environment variables PATH and PATHEXT because of all files are referenced with full qualified file name.
for executes the specified command line with starting in background one more command process with %ComSpec% /c and the specified command line appended. This means executed is following with Windows installed on drive C::
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c sqlcmd -j -S DOMAIN\SQLSERVER -U username -P password -d DBNAME -Q "UPDATE [DBNAME].[dbo].[table1] SET ColOne='V1_OFF' WHERE ColOne='V1'"
for captures everything written to handle STDOUT of started command process. The lines of captured output are processed line by line by for after started cmd.exe terminated itself. Error messages output by started cmd.exe or the commands/executables executed by Windows command processor in background to handle STDERR are redirected to handle STDERR of command process processing the batch file and printed to console. But there is no console window on running a batch file as scheduled task. So error messages cannot be seen in this case.
The for command line can be modified easily here to get also error messages written into the C:\Apps\Debug.log.
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`sqlcmd -j -S DOMAIN\SQLSERVER -U username -P password -d DBNAME -Q "UPDATE [DBNAME].[dbo].[table1] SET ColOne='V1_OFF' WHERE ColOne='V1' 2^>^&1"`) DO (
The Microsoft article Using command redirection operators explains 2>&1. The two operators > and & must be escaped with ^ to be interpreted as literal characters on Windows command processor parsing the for command line before executing finally for which executes next %ComSpec% /c with the specified command line on which 2^>^&1 is changed already to 2>&1.
Does the log file C:\App\Debug.log contain with this modification following two lines?
'sqlcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Yes, then no executable with file name sqlcmd is found by started cmd.exe. The best solution is referencing this executable with full qualified file name. See also: What is the reason for "X is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file"?
Otherwise sqlcmd outputs perhaps an error message which should be now also in the log file C:\App\Debug.log.
It would be also possible to use following command line to let background cmd.exe write the error messages into a separate error log file C:\App\Error.log:
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`sqlcmd -j -S DOMAIN\SQLSERVER -U username -P password -d DBNAME -Q "UPDATE [DBNAME].[dbo].[table1] SET ColOne='V1_OFF' WHERE ColOne='V1'" 2^>C:\App\Error.log`) DO (
"tokens=* usebackq" results in first deleting all leading horizontal tabs and normal spaces on non-empty lines by for, then checking if the remaining line starts with ; in which case the line is also ignored and finally assigning the captured line not starting with ; and with leading tabs/spaces removed to loop variable F for further processing.
Better would be using the options usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= not enclosed in double quotes which requires escaping the two spaces and the two equal signs with caret character ^ to be interpreted as literal characters by cmd.exe on parsing the command line before executing for. The line splitting behavior is disabled completed with delims= because of the definition of an empty list of delimiters. And no line except an empty line is ignored anymore because of end of line character modified from default ; to no character.
Finally a space on an echo line left to redirection operator >> is also output by echo and for that reason written as trailing space into the log file. Therefore no space should be used left to > or >> on printing a line with echo redirected into a file. But care must be taken on omitting the space character left to the redirection operator. The word left to redirection operator should not be 1, 2, ..., 9 as this would result in redirecting the output to these numbered handles into the specified file instead of the character 1, 2, etc. So if unknown text should be written into a file, it is better to specify first the redirection operator > or >> and the full qualified file name and next the echo command with the text to output. See also: Why does ECHO command print some extra trailing space into the file?
The three command lines with echo would be for this batch file:
ECHO Disabling the following...>> C:\App\Debug.log
ECHO - V1>> C:\Apps\Debug.log
>>C:\Apps\Debug.log ECHO %%F
following... is safe for being correct written into the file as also V1. %%F could be just 1 or a string ending with a space and a single digit and so it is better to specify the redirection first on the last echo command line to get finally executed by cmd.exe the command line ECHO %%F 1>>C:\Apps\Debug.log.
I am trying to execute following PowerShell query in SQL Server
xp_cmdshell "get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -AV-RISCVMSQL114 | Format-Table -Property DeviceID,FreeSpace,Size"
After executing this, I am getting error:
'get-WmiObject' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I want to execute this command in all SQL Servers. It's getting executed on SQL Server 2008, but on SQL Server 2012, it's throwing that error due to version or some PowerShell component is not installed.
Can you to please look at the code and let me know
xp_cmdshell 'PowerShell.exe -noprofile -command "get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -AV-RISCVMSQL114 | Format-Table -Property DeviceID,FreeSpace,Size"'
If this doesn't work logon to the server open PowerShell with administrator rights. Type Get-ExecutionPolicy and check that Execution Policy is set to Unrestricted. If it isn't then enter the following, then type 'A' (Yes to All):
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
If this still doesn't work try upgrading to at least PowerShell V3. But if this is not possible you can try repair your corrupt PowerShell V2 WMI repository with:
winmgmt /verifyrepository
If repository is found to be inconsistent run Winmgmt /salvagerepository and Winmgmt /resetrepository and verify after each. If it is still inconsistent try the following steps:
Go to Task Manager>> Services >> Open Service >> Windows Management Instrumentation service, and change the start up type to Manual.
Stop the WMI service:
net stop winmgmt
Rename the repository folder (C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository) to some else 'Repository_OLD'.
Start the WMI service:
net start winmgmt
Set the service back to auto start.
Failing Re-register all of the dlls and recompile the .mofs in the Wbem directory with the following .bat script and then reboot.
#echo off
sc config winmgmt start= disabled
net stop winmgmt /y
cd %windir%\system32\wbem
for /f %%s in (‘dir /b *.dll’) do regsvr32 /s %%s
wmiprvse /regserver
winmgmt /regserver
sc config winmgmt start= auto
net start winmgmt
for /f %%s in (‘dir /s /b *.mof *.mfl’) do mofcomp %%s
How to run a command in vmware using vmrun, command is (echo %PROGRAMFILES%) on the guest machine..
and the guest machine should return a value of the command result... how to do this??? please suggest
I needed to do something similar and found this unanswered question. Here's my solution.
REM Set up abbreviations that we'll be using a lot.
SET VMRUN="C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware VIX\vmrun.exe" -T ws -gu Administrator -gp password
SET VMX="C:\Users\whoever\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows\Windows.vmx"
SET GUEST_COMSPEC="C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe"
REM Tried to do this in one line, but couldn't figure out the quoting.
%VMRUN% CreateTempfileInGuest %VMX% >%TEMP%\GuestTmp.txt || GOTO :CantCreate
FOR /F "delims=;" %%F IN ( %TEMP%\GuestTmp.txt ) DO SET GTEMP=%%F
REM The batch file is a one-liner that echos the variable into a file.
REM It could be generated dynamically and copied to the guest
REM but I didn't want to complicate things any further.
%VMRUN% runProgramInGuest %VMX% %GUEST_COMSPEC% "/c C:\echo-ProgramFiles.bat %GTEMP%"
%VMRUN% CopyFileFromGuestToHost %VMX% %GTEMP% %TEMP%\GuestOut.txt
%VMRUN% DeleteFileInGuest %VMX% %GTEMP%
REM Do something with the result and delete the temp files.
TYPE %TEMP%\GuestOut.txt
DEL %TEMP%\GuestOut.txt %TEMP%\GuestTmp.txt
REM Provide details on any problems.
TYPE %TEMP%\GuestTmp.txt 1>&2
DEL %TEMP%\GuestTmp.txt
EXIT 100
And here's the batch file on the guest host. As you can see, it's pretty simple. I couldn't get redirection to work in runProgramInGuest (probably didn't experiment enough)
so I just pass the file as a command line argument.
#echo %PROGRAMFILES% >%1
Have a look at the vmrun commands here. You need the Guest OS Command runScriptInGuest.
I have not checked the command , but it should look like this. Please verify it.
vmrun -T server -h https://xps:8333/sdk -u user -p mypassword -gu administrator -gp guestpaswd
runScriptInGuest "[Vol1] win2008-1/win2008-1.vmx" "echo %PROGRAMFILES%"
I had to use runProgramInGuest
capture the output to a file
copy the file back to my host and use it
Thats the soln I used.
I am trying to install an application and a group of services using PSTools, but I want to take into account that the computer I am trying to connect to may be turned off or on a different network, which is not reachable from the internal network.
Basically if the machine is not able to be accessed through the admin share, this is the message that I am getting:
Couldn't access MachineName:
The network path was not found.
Make sure that the default admin$ share is enabled on MachineName.
This is the syntax I am using to try to capture the "Error Message" and then report back that if installation was successful or not (depending on if it can contact the machine)
#echo off
set /p name=What is the machine name?:
psexec.exe \\%name% -u *useraccount* -p *password* \\ServerName\installation.bat
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('COMMAND ^| FIND "Couldn't access"') DO SET Error=%%A
If "%Error%"=="Couldn't access"
ECHO Installation Failed.
ECHO Installtion complete.
Currently it hangs right at the point it's defining the Error Variable. Can't quite figure out what I am going wrong here.
'COMMAND ^| FIND "Couldn't access"' opens a command shell, which is why it hangs. It will not proceed until that shell is exited.
You will need to look at redirecting the error messages to another file. 2>Errors.txt on the psexec line will give you a file to search in the next line.
this will make the batch file look something like this:
#echo off
set /p name=What is the machine name?:
psexec.exe \\\%name% ... \\\ServerName\installation.bat 1>Error.txt 2>&1
for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('FIND /i error.txt "Couldn't Access"') do SET Error=%%A
If not x%ERROR:Couldn=%==x%ERROR% (
ECHO Installation Failed.
) Else (
ECHO Installtion complete.
(Also, notice the use of brackets to make a multi line IF)
the check for if will see if Couldn is part of the string, as a direct comparison will not work, as you would have to check against the whole string including the machine name