How to run a Sencha Architect MVC application in Liferay - extjs4

Does anyone have any information on how to properly run a Sencha Architect MVC app in LifeRay?
Designing, and running an app using architect(in a simple local apache server for mock up purposes) seems to work perfectly. My problem is trying to convert this over to use our LifeRay portal(ver 6)
I have tried to use Senchas build tools to create a jsb and build all into one JS script, but that seems to be missing required classes, and it says it is missing files,
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - htp://localhost:8080/web/www/senchaTest/view/MainViewport.js?_dc=1350398599155".
I have been searching for good info on how to run a Sencha MVC app in liferay, with the proper setups, but have not found any information out there.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction?

All the application which follow the JSR-286 standard can be intergated with liferay,does your application follow the JSR-286 standards?


Bootstrapping Aurelia

Finally, I start to work with Aurelia. There is a starter kit available Here which facilitates initializing Aurelia. But it is a template which should be used within a Web Site template.
I have a pre-configured WebApi project and I want to use Aurelia in it. I've just added the starter kit files and folders to my project. But unfortunately it shows 27651 errors fo files in jspm_packages.
What am I doing wrong? Is there any Nuget bootstrapper for Aurelia available?
Start with the aspnetcore template from Here
You can use web api from the template.
You will be up and running in minutes.
If you are using Web API, starting from an MVC5 project might be faster.
The following link is an Aurelia starter kit with MVC5.
You will have to update it to the latest version of Aurelia, but I managed to make it work with web api 2 and oAuth authentication.
A tutorial can be found here.
Hope this helps.
Well you asked what the errors are from. First thing is that you should exclude the jspm_packages folder from VisualStudios solution explorer Right click on it and mark 'exclude from project'.
Next, setup your project on source control (git) if not already and add the following to your git .ignore file
I would suggest creating a second project aside from your WebAPI project that can contain static html, css and js files and do your Aurelia application there separate from your Web API project but in the same solution.
I could possibly give you a solution that is already setup, that shows how to use web api along with aurelia. But it would take some time for me to setup.
For all of my projects using Aurelia, I use the aurelia-cli which you get through npm and I would also recommend this approach.
You can be up and running with hello world in under 5 minutes.
You will then be able to build all the appropriate bits and pieces to talk to your api.

Web API Help page not showing XML

I have a Web API project in which I removed by hand Areas folder few months ago when we started development. Now after everything is finished I want to add API help pages but it is not working as expected.
I installed nuget package for help pages.
I uncommented line in HelpPageConfig.cs
I checked Generate documentation file (to App_Data folder)
When I open http://localhost:51665/help I get this: (No methods are shown)
Any idea what could be wrong? If I start new project from scratch everything works properly.
I suppose you've setup your project in two steps:
You should choose Build tab in API project Properties and set up XML Documentation file in Output section. For example: App_Data\XmlDocument.xml
Then you can updateHelpPageConfig.cs in method Register... in my case
config.SetDocumentationProvider(new XmlDocumentationProvider(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/XmlDocument.xml")));
When your project is in compilation process, take a look in output window, whether documentation is really generated.
Try to use older version of ASP.NET Help pages (version 5.2.2 works for me).
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage -Version 5.2.2

How to instll Siesta Lite on windows 8

We are implementing a project where we need to develop applications in sencha touch and as a tester i will be responsible to test these applications. After some research, I found out that Bryntum's Siesta is the best tool to automate the Manual test cases.
Before we decide to get the license, i just wanted to goof around it a bit so I downloaded the Lite version but I am not able to figure out how to install it on my Windows 8 machine. There isn't any .exe file in the downloaded folder when i extracted it.
Can anyone help me out with this please!
Thanks Already!
There is nothing to install really, since Siesta is just a web based tool (pure HTML, JS and CSS). Just extract into a web server and visit /examples and it will work. Getting started guide here:!/guide/siesta_getting_started

How to go about integrating Foundation framework (for front-end) into Yii framework (for back-end)

I want to integrate the Foundation (5) front-end framework with the Yii (1.1) PHP framework for developing a web application.
Since i am new to both of them and learning to use it as i move along with the development, I am unaware as to how will i be able to use both of them for the same project.
Logically speaking i understand that the Foundation 5 directory has to put into the Yii project directory structure. But i am not sure as to which directory to use in Yii project for that.
I tried researching on the web, but since i am new i am not able to understand which is the right way to go about achieving what i intent to.
Step by step instructions to do it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
First you have to realize that Foundation is just a collection of html, css and javascript. So you use it like every other html, css javascript in Yii.
Then if you are learning do not create something yourself for now. Use something that somebody else has done: Here are instructions for using twitter bootstrap (another kind of Foundation) in Yii. With examples and everything. Start using it, be happy that you manage to do stuff right away... study the code when you get stuck, understand what happens in there.
They have done a good work in packaging it as an extension for yii.

embedded jetty web app server

I am trying to build a web app with built in web server and found a source doucumentation here.
this tutorial uses maven to build initial project structure with required setup.
the command used is
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= -DarchetypeGroupId=net.publicstaticvoidmain -DarchetypeArtifactId=embedded-jetty-archetype
however running this command gives the error
[WARNING] Error reading archetype catalog
i am new to maven so unable to figure out the actual problem what i got is that the catalog is not found in the global repository.
what could be the proper fix for this?
any help is appreciated.
ya, the catalog is not present where you are pointing the url.
however, what you want to do can be found here
You are referring to a non-functional site
The example if ever it was working is not suitable now as the above site is defunct.
Are you looking for something related to standalone web app -