table==1 was unexpected at this time batch file - sql

I am trying to apply multiple SQL scripts to an Ingres database (using a vnode setup). The testing phase will require it done to four databases. Trying to nip this annoyance in the bud I've started a batch file but receive the error above.
Many of the solutions found suggest that the batch file will evaluate everything within a block when it starts but I cannot see the forest for the trees. I have a suspicion that the parts in :1ST and :2ND are causing the problems but they need to be done.
SQL, Batch and command window output are below
UPDATE core SET sysflag='O'
#ECHO off
SET VN1=dave
SET DB1=dbtest1
SET DB2=dbtest2
SET SQL1=open.sql
SET SQL2=open.sql
ECHO 1 - Leave
ECHO 2 - Database1
ECHO 3 - Database2
SET /P M=Choose then press ENTER:
IF "%M%"=="1" GOTO EOF
IF "%M%"=="2" GOTO 1ST
IF "%M%"=="3" GOTO 2ND
ECHO Applying SQLs to %DATABASE%
SQL %DATABASE% < %SQL1% > log_%SQL1%.txt
SQL %DATABASE% < %SQL2% > log_%SQL2%.txt
C:\Users\me\BUILD>IF UPDATE core SET sysflag='O'==1 GOTO EOF

You are expecting the value of %M% to have 1, 2, or 3. But somehow the value is UPDATE core. The IF statement fails because there is a space in the middle of the left value. Token delimiters like space must be escaped, or the entire string on each side should be quoted. You could change your statement to IF "%M%"=="1" GOTO EOF to eliminate the error, but it still will not give the results you want.
The SET /P statement reads the value from stdin. I assume you have not typed the value UPDATE core, but instead your input was either redirected or piped. You are feeding your script the wrong value.
You should add error handling so that the code does not fall through to :1ST if the input is not 1, 2, or 3.
You can explicitly redirect input to the console for your SET /P statement. That way it will ignore the redirected input or piped input that was provided for the batch script.
<con: SET /P "M=Choose then press ENTER: "
But something seems wrong with your whole design. If you are piping or redirecting input for the script, then it doesn't make sense to present an interactive menu of choices in a loop. What happens if the user never presses 1 to quit? Eventually the piped or redirected input will be exhausted, and then you have problems.


Batch IF statement variable inside another variable

I'm having a problem with a framework for a batch game I'm trying to create. I want to check if a variable is something other than a blank space. However, which variable I'm trying to check is in itself defined by two variables. For example:
if not %px%xplayerlocation%y%yplayerlocation%%==%blank% goto wherever
As you can see, the variable to be checked is determined by the values of %xplayerlocation% and %yplayerlocation%. To my knowledge, only the outermost %% signs are being read as being a variable and the inner ones are being read as literal percent signs. Does anyone know a way around this problem? I'll give any additional information if anyone needs it. Thanks.
SET "blank= "
SET xplayerlocation=3
SET yplayerlocation=4
ECHO test with blank================
SET px3y4=%blank%
CALL SET varval=%%px%xplayerlocation%y%yplayerlocation%%%
if not "%varval%"=="%blank%" ECHO goto wherever - NOT blank
ECHO test with "Q"================
SET px3y4=Q
CALL SET varval=%%px%xplayerlocation%y%yplayerlocation%%%
if not "%varval%"=="%blank%" ECHO goto wherever - NOT blank
This should get you out of trouble.
You have recognized the source of the problem, but your description of the behavior is incorrect. The parser will attempt to expand variables named px and y, and it will convert the final %% into %.
The Magoo solution will work, but using CALL is quite slow. That may not be a problem for many small scripts, but for a batch game it can kill performance.
You want delayed expansion. Include setlocal enableDelayedExpansion near the beginning of your script. Then use the following:
if not !px%xplayerlocation%y%yplayerlocation%!==%blank% goto wherever
Normal %var% expansion occurs early at parse time, and !var! expansion occurs late at execution time, so you get the proper result.
The above will not work if the value of %blank% is a space. The simplest solution would be to use delayed expansion for !blank! as well.
You might find yourself in a situation where the coordinate values need to be set and expanded within the same block of code, like in a FOR loop or IF statement:
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
REM This does not work
for ... in (...) do (
set /a "xPlayerLocation+=xChange, yPlayerLocation+=yChange"
if not !px%xplayerlocation%y%yplayerlocation%!==!blank! REM doSomething
The above will not work because %var% expansion occurs at parse time, and the entire parenthesized block of code is parsed before any code is executed. So the expanded value is constant - it will expand to the value that existed before the loop started.
The solution is to transfer the coordinate values to FOR variables using delayed expansion:
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
REM This works
for ... in (...) do (
set /a "xPlayerLocation+=xChange, yPlayerLocation+=yChange"
for %%X in (!xPlayerLocation!) do for %%Y in (!yPlayerLocation!) do (
if not !px%%X%y%%Y!==%blank% REM doSomething
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
REM This also works
for ... in (...) do (
set /a "xPlayerLocation+=xChange, yPlayerLocation+=yChange"
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%X in ("!xPlayerLocation! !yPlayerLocation!") do (
if not !px%%X%y%%Y!==%blank% REM doSomething
If you are serious about developing a high quality game using batch, then you may be interested in studying the techniques I used in developing SNAKE.BAT - an arcade style game using only native batch commands. The beginning of the post is a bunch of code, but afterwards I describe a number of techniques I used for improving performance. It is advanced stuff, so don't try to absorb everything at once. Absorb what you can, and then revisit the post later on after you gain more experience.

windows command line giving error on calculation

I found this nice little tidbit of code here:
#echo off
set starttime=%TIME%
set startcsec=%STARTTIME:~9,2%
set startsecs=%STARTTIME:~6,2%
set startmins=%STARTTIME:~3,2%
set starthour=%STARTTIME:~0,2%
set /a starttime=(%starthour%*60*60*100)+(%startmins%*60*100)+(%startsecs%*100)+(%startcsec%)
robocopy /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /np folder%rndfolder% %drvltr%:\f%dirnew%\
set endtime=%time%
set endcsec=%endTIME:~9,2%
set endsecs=%endTIME:~6,2%
set endmins=%endTIME:~3,2%
set endhour=%endTIME:~0,2%
if %endhour% LSS %starthour% set /a endhour+=24
set /a endtime=(%endhour%*60*60*100)+(%endmins%*60*100)+(%endsecs%*100)+(%endcsec%)
set /a timetaken= ( %endtime% - %starttime% )
set /a timetakens= %timetaken% / 100
set timetaken=%timetakens%.%timetaken:~-2%
echo Took: %timetaken% sec.
As a standalone program it works great. I am using it with a robocopy command basically to determine how long it takes to write a file.
I add one extra variable in it because I want to keep the raw seconds for calculation purposes. So I add the extra line set timeraw=%timetaken%:
set /a timetaken= ( %endtime% - %starttime% )
***set timeraw=%timetaken%***
set /a timetakens= %timetaken% / 100
set timetaken=%timetakens%.%timetaken:~-2%
My batch file also uses setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Well sometimes it does not properly calculate the "starttime" or "endtime". It's keeps it as the raw time in 08:30:22.35 type format and results in the error:
Invalid number. Numeric constants are either decimal (17),hexadecima (0x11), or octal (021)
Well obviously because it contains non-numeric characters like the : character.
My batch file goes in a continuous loop forever as I am using it to read, write, delete files and folders for a specific torture test condition.
Any idea why it would intermittently not calculate the starttime or endtime variables?
I made some changes to my overall script. I no longer need enabledelayedexpansion, cleaned up some if then statements, and simplified code a little. But I still occasionally get it where the starttime or endtime variables remain as the raw time format of HH:MM:SS.CS and causes error in calculation.
Old question, but there are probably blocks of parentheses and when you change a variable within parentheses then you need to use delayed expansion.
Run this and examine the differences.
#echo off
set a=nothing
if z==z (
set a=b
echo %a%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set a=nothing
if z==z (
set a=b
echo !a!
Gee - a question nearly a year old, with no answer.
I'll assume that the problem has now been solved, so as a matter of record, I'd conclude that the
"sometimes it does not properly calculate" is because the hour/minute/second/hundredths will contain "08" or "09" which are not octal numbers.
The solution is
set /a startcsec=1%STARTTIME:~9,2% - 100
and repeat with each of the other 3 start time-segments; then repeat again with the end parts.
In addition, it could be that the hour is being presented with 0s suppressed. In this case, I'd suggest
set starttime=0%TIME: =%
set starttime=%startTIME:~-11%
set /a startcsec=1%STARTTIME:~9,2% - 100
where the first line prefixes the time with a '0', and replaces Space with [nothing]
the second selects just the last 11 characters of the result
and the last is the familiar form, using the resultant format.
(obviously, the remainder of the substring-and-calculate method needs also to be implemented)

Batch Script SET /p without a value

Creating a batch script in Windows XP. Here's a snippet of code I'm having problems with:
::How many scripts are included in this program?
SET NumOfScripts=4
ECHO Please choose from the following options to run a particular script:
set /p choice="[1] SCRIPT1.bat | [2] SCRIPT2.bat | [3] SCRIPT3.bat | [4] SCRIPT4.bat : "
IF %choice% EQU 1 CALL :SCRIPT1
IF %choice% EQU 2 CALL :SCRIPT2
IF %choice% EQU 3 CALL :SCRIPT3
IF %choice% EQU 4 CALL :SCRIPT4
REM Wrong Choices
IF %choice% GTR %NumOfScripts% (
(ECHO You have entered an invalid option. Please press any key to be taken back to the main menu.) & PAUSE & GOTO:mainmenu
IF %choice% LEQ 0 (
(ECHO You have entered an invalid option. Please press any key to be taken back to the main menu.) & PAUSE & GOTO:mainmenu
ECHO You have entered an invalid option. Please press any key to be taken back to the main menu
PAUSE & GOTO:mainmenu
Looking under REM Wrong Choice, the first two arguments work as they should, however, if the user enters in no value (just presses the enter key) it automatically terminates the script. I've added IF NOT DEFINED choice and that doesn't work... I also tried IF [%choice%]==[] and IF [%choice%] EQU [] and those don't work either.
Here's the funny thing... you enter an invalid digit, say 5 or -1, it will give the echoes and go back to the main menu as it should... THEN if you just press enter without a value inserted, it will echo and go back to the main menu as it should.
My question is how do you get it to recognize that the user did not enter a value for set /p on the first go?
You can initialize choice to some invalid value before set /p, e.g.:
SET choice=none
To print the appropriate error message, you can do
IF %choice% EQU none (
(ECHO You did not select an option.) & PAUSE & GOTO:mainmenu
Set /p doesn't change the content of a variable, if the user doesn't enter text.
So you can simply set your variable to nothing to detect if the user enter anything.
Set "choice="
Or you can use the errorlevel, as it is set to 1 if the input is empty
But be careful, as it doesn't reset it to 0. So you have to force it yourself before.
Set /p choose=
If %errorlevel%==1 goto empty
And you should use the variables with delayed expansion, as it is always safe.
Else a user can break your script with input like "&exit"

DOS script to remove identical files by content

I have a directory with several thousand text files that I need to process. Some of these files are identical while others are identical except the timestamp varies by a few seconds / milliseconds. I need some way to automate the deletion of identical files and only keep one copy.
I'm thinking of something like:
while there are files in the directory still
get file // e.g., file0001
while (file == file + 1) // e.g., file0001 == file0002 using 'fc' command
delete file + 1
move file to another directory
Is something like this even possible in Microsoft Windows Server 2003's DOS?
Of course it is. Everything is possible in batch. :D
This batch doesn't actually delete files. It just echos the result of the comparison. You can delete either one of the files if you find two that are the same.
Save the code as CleanDuplicates.bat and start the program with CleanDuplicates {Folder}
Provided AS IS, without any guarantees! I don't want you knocking on my door because your entire server is messed up. ;-)
The code actually calls itself recursively. This could maybe be done in a different way but hey, it works. It also starts itself again in a new cmd, because that makes cleaning up easier. I tested the script in Windows Vista Business, but it should work on Server 2003 as well. Hey, it even has a help function. ;-)
It contains two loops that each return every file, so when you implement the actual deleting, it may report that some files don't exist, because they are deleted in an earlier iteration.
#echo off
rem Check input. //, /// and //// are special parameters. No parameter -> help.
if %1check==//check goto innerloop
if %1check==///check goto compare
if %1check==////check goto shell
if %1check==/hcheck goto help
if %1check==check goto help
rem Start ourselves within a new cmd shell. This will automatically return to
rem the original directory, and clear our helper environment vars.
cmd /c %0 //// %1
echo Exiting
goto end
rem Save the current folder, jump to target folder and set some helper vars
set FCOrgFolder=%CD%
cd %2
set FCStartPath=%0
if not exist %FCStartPath% set FCStartPath=%FCOrgFolder%\%0
rem Outer loop. Get each file and call ourselves with the first special parameter.
for %%a in (*.*) do call %FCStartPath% // "%2" "%%a"
goto end
rem Get each file again and call ourselves again with the second special parameter.
for %%b in (*.*) do call %FCStartPath% /// %2 %3 "%%b"
goto end
rem Actual compare and some verbose.
if %3==%4 goto end
echo Comparing
echo * %3
echo * %4
fc %3 %4 >nul
rem Get results
if errorlevel 2 goto notexists
if errorlevel 1 goto different
echo Files are identical
goto end
echo Files differ
goto end
echo File does not exist
goto end
echo Compares files within a directory.
echo Usage: %0 {directory}
goto end

capturing CMD batch file parameter list; write to file for later processing

I have written a batch file that is launched as a post processing utility by a program. The batch file reads ~24 parameters supplied by the calling program, stores them into variables, and then writes them to various text files.
Since the max input variable in CMD is %9, it's necessary to use the 'shift' command to repeatedly read and store these individually to named variables. Because the program outputs several similar batch files, the result is opening several CMD windows sequentially, assigning variables and writing data files. This ties up the calling program for too long.
It occurs to me that I could free up the calling program much faster if maybe there's a way to write a very simple batch file that can write all the command parameters to a text file, where I can process them later. Basically, just grab the parameter list, write it and done.
Q: Is there some way to treat an entire series of parameter data as one big text string and write it to one big variable... and then echo the whole big thing to one text file? Then later read the string into %n variables when there's no program waiting to resume?
Parameter list is something like 25 - 30 words, less than 200 characters.
Sample parameter list:
"First Name" "Lastname" "123 Steet Name Way" "Cityname" ST 12345 1004968 06/01/2010 "Firstname+Lastname" 101738 "On Account" 20.67 xy-1z 1 8.95 3.00 1.39 0 0 239 8.95
Items in quotes are processed as string variables. List is space delimited.
Any suggestions?
echo %* 1>args.txt
%* references all arguments: %1 %2 %3...
It also works with subroutines.
call :test 1 2 3
goto :eof
echo 1: %1
echo 2: %2
echo 3: %3
echo *: %*
exit /b
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
*: 1 2 3
See the following website for more information:
Interesting Post. It sparked my interest.
I too am needing something that could accept parameters and although this probably isn't useful to you now I thought it might be useful at some later date.
My solution is less simple - because there just isn't an elegant way to do it.
Basically, in this example the "-" can be used to identify a parameter, and the next space is assumed to be set to a value.
Legal Stuff:
So this is all my code and I don't really care how or where you choose to use it. No need to cite me it's just an example anyway.
Like this:
Microsoft Batch:Begin Copy below and save as filename.bat
REM USAGE: this-batch-name.bat -BUILD "1.2.3 build 405" -JOB "Running This Job" -run RUN_FUNCTION
REM # Clear Previous Variables
REM ## In order to read variables set while in a "FOR" loop
REM ## you have to set the 'ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION' with 'SETLOCAL'.
REM ## Capture Command line parameters here with a %*
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
REM ## If we found something with a '-' in previous pass run GO_DEEPER will be defined and thus set to the command line argument.
REM ## When ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION is Set with setlocal command you have to use exclamation: i.e. '^!'
IF /I "%%A" GEQ "-" (
REM ## Wow we found your command line argument that started with a '-' so set the GO_DEEPER Var
) ELSE (
REM ## Time to grab the variables set while in delayed expansion mode
REM ## Sucks, but you have to clear the '"' and "'" if it exists.
REM ## Now we can try to run the command function if the -run was used...
) ELSE (
ECHO Try running:
ECHO %0 -BUILD "1.2.3 build 405" -JOB "Running This Job" -run RUN_FUNCTION
ECHO running... %~0
ECHO Add your code to process here...
ECHO We got the following results...
</pre> </code>
Microsoft Batch END Copy
running... :--RUN_FUNCTION
VARPASSED1 was "'Running...'"
VARPASSED2 was "'This...'"
We got the following results...
PACKAGING_BUILD_NUMBER="1.2.3 build 405"