How to stop vim from creating a new line after 80 - config

I am using vim as both Python IDE as well as some markdown editor for my Octopress. It creates a new line every 80 characters. I am trying to turn off that (enable the work wrapping) so the edition of a typical text file wouldn't such a pain.
Here's my .vim config:
filetype off
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
call pathogen#helptags()
set foldmethod=indent
set foldlevel=99
map <c-j> <c-w>j
map <c-k> <c-w>k
map <c-l> <c-w>l
map <c-h> <c-w>h
map <leader>td <Plug>TaskList
map <leader>g :GundoToggle<CR>
syntax on " syntax highlighing
filetype on " try to detect filetypes
filetype plugin indent on " enable loading indent file for filetype
let g:pyflakes_use_quickfix = 0
let g:pep8_map='<leader>8'
au FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
set number
set completeopt=menuone,longest,preview
set autochdir
let NERDTreeChDirMode=2
map <leader>n :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
map <leader>j :RopeGotoDefinition<CR>
map <leader>r :RopeRename<CR>
nmap <leader>a <Esc>:Ack!
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w[%L][%{&ff}]%y[%p%%][%04l,%04v][%{fugitive#statusline()}]
map <leader>dt :set makeprg=python\\ test\|:call MakeGreen()<CR>
" Execute the tests
nmap <silent><Leader>tf <Esc>:Pytest file<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>tc <Esc>:Pytest class<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>tm <Esc>:Pytest method<CR>
" cycle through test errors
nmap <silent><Leader>tn <Esc>:Pytest next<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>tp <Esc>:Pytest previous<CR>
nmap <silent><Leader>te <Esc>:Pytest error<CR>
" Add the virtualenv's site-packages to vim path
py << EOF
import os.path
import sys
import vim
if 'VIRTUAL_ENV' in os.environ:
project_base_dir = os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV']
sys.path.insert(0, project_base_dir)
activate_this = os.path.join(project_base_dir, 'bin/')
execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))
set background=dark
colorscheme molokai
set spell
set textwidth=0 wrapmargin=0
" Auto-close brackets
inoremap { {}<Left>
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O
inoremap {{ {
inoremap {} {}
inoremap ( ()<Left>
inoremap () ()
inoremap (( (
inoremap < <><Left>
inoremap << <
inoremap <> <>
Any ideas?

I believe this is what you want: Word wrap without line breaks in Vim.
Relevant part: Add these settings to your config file:
set wrap
set linebreak
set nolist " list disables linebreak
This will visually wrap but not insert newlines until you explicitly hit "Enter".
Edit: It is also a good idea, per comments, to add the line
set textwidth=0

You just need to set textwidth and wrap:
set textwidth=0
set wrap


Select all alias on modifySSLConfig using JACL script

I would want to edit all of the SSL configurations on all of my alias. I have found some resources to do this and my code so far is
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig {-alias NodeDefaultSSLSettings -sslProtocol TLSv1.2}
$AdminConfig save
I would want to be able to do this on all of the alias that can be found on my server, but I don't know how
Any ideas or leads on how to do this will help. Thank you.
I am now able to find all of the SSL configs by using this code
[$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-scopeName (cell):Node01Cell:(node):Node01}
My next problem is, how would I be able to extract the alias string from there? I would only need the alias so that I can replace it on another variable so that I can just use a foreach loop for this
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig {-alias ${aliasvariablegoeshere} -sslProtocol TLSv1.2}
set hold [list [$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-scopeName (cell):Node01Cell:(node):Node01}]]
foreach aliasList [$AdminConfig show $hold] {
foreach aliasName [$AdminConfig show $aliasList] {
set testTrim "alias "
set test5 [string trimleft $aliasName $testTrim]
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig {-alias ${test5} -sslProtocol TLSv1.2}
$AdminControl save
I have done this and was able to extract just the alias name and was able to put it on the variable like I wanted, but it gives me an invalid parameter error. Any ideas why this is happening and how would I be able to resolve this?
You can list all the SSL configs using:
AdminTask.listSSLConfigs('[-all true]')
for JACL use:
$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-all true}
and then iterate over the list and change whatever you need.
Instead of -all you can provide scope for example: -scopeName (cell):localhostNode01Cell:(node):localhostNode01
For details about SSLConfig commands check SSLConfigCommands command group for the AdminTask object
in general this should work:
foreach aliasList [$AdminTask listSSLConfigs {-scopeName (cell):PCCell1:(node):Node1}] {
puts $aliasList
set splitList [split $aliasList " "]
puts $splitList
set aliasname [lindex $splitList 1]
puts $aliasname
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig { -alias $aliasname -sslProtocol TLSv1.2 }
but I cannot make $AdminTask to correctly resolve $aliasname param...
Strongly suggest you to switch to jython. ;-)
I have managed to make it work, it seems like whatever I do I can't make the alias that I got to be a valid parameter so I made the whole thing as a string command instead. Here is my code.
foreach aliasList [$AdminConfig list SSLConfig] {
foreach aliasName [$AdminConfig show $aliasList alias] {
set strTrim "alias "
set strFinal [string trimleft $aliasName $strTrim]
set command "-alias $strFinal -sslProtocol TLSv1.2"
$AdminTask modifySSLConfig $command
puts saved
$AdminConfig save
I was able to figure it out for Jython:
import sys
import os
import string
import re
#$HOME/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -lang jython -f $HOME/
#Updates Websphere security to TLSv1.2
AdminTask.convertCertForSecurityStandard('[-fipsLevel SP800-131 -signatureAlgorithm SHA256withRSA -keySize 2048 ]')
sslConfigList=AdminTask.listSSLConfigs('[-all true]').splitlines()
for sslConfig in sslConfigList:
sslElems=sslConfig.split(" ")
AdminTask.modifySSLConfig (['-alias',sslElems[1],'-scopeName',sslElems[3],'-sslProtocol', 'TLSv1.2', '-securityLevel', 'HIGH' ])
After that you should also update all your ssl.client.props files with:
Restart your deployment manager and force manual syncNode on all nodes, for example:
~/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/*/bin/ <DeplymentManagerHost> <dmgr port=8879> -username <username> -password <password>

Turn absolute file paths and line numbers in the tool output into hyperlinks

This is an example output:
/usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/elm-make src/elm/Main.elm --output=builds/main.js
-- TYPE MISMATCH ---------------------------------------------- src/elm/Main.elm
The type annotation for `init` does not match its definition.
35| init : Maybe Route.Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
The type annotation is saying:
Maybe Route.Location -> ( { route : Maybe Route.Location }, Cmd Msg )
But I am inferring that the definition has this type:
Maybe Route.Location
-> ( { route : Maybe Route.Location -> Route.Model }, Cmd a )
Detected errors in 1 module.
Process finished with exit code 1
This is the regex that i came up with:
However, creating output filter out of it like this:
doesn't work.
Thus far, I only know that the following works: ------ ($FILE_PATH$)
And it turns the file path into a link:
Help me find a way to include the line numbers into the links.
Here's what I've come up with;
elm-make --report json
outputs the build errors in structured JSON;
$ elm-make --report json src/main.elm
[{"tag":"unused import","overview":"Module `Bootstrap.CDN` is unused.","details":"Best to remove it. Don't save code quality for later!","region":{"start":{"line":3,"column":1},"end":{"line":3,"column":28}},"type":"warning","file":"src/main.elm"}]
Now you can pipe that output through jq (see here). to reformat it into
elm make src/main.elm --report json --output ./public/app.js | \
jq '.[] | { type: .type, file: .file, line: .region.start.line|tostring, tag: .tag, column: .region.start.column|tostring, tag: .tag, details: .details }' | \
jq --raw-output '. | "[" + (.type|ascii_upcase) + "] " + .file + ":" + .line + ":" + .column + " " + .tag + " -- " + .details + "\n"'
that gives you a reformatted output;
[WARNING] src/main.elm:9:1 unused import -- Best to remove it. Don't save code quality for later!
[WARNING] src/main.elm:17:1 missing type annotation -- I inferred the type annotation so you can copy it into your code:
main : Program Never Model Main.Msg
Which you pick up in intellij using the format
You then get to click on an error message to jump to the file, and the error text in a tooltip.

StreamWriter cannot call a method on a null-valued expression

First time user, looking for help with a script that's been driving me crazy.
Basically, I need to create a set number of files of an exact size (512KB, 2MB, 1GB) to test a SAN. These files need to be filled with random text so that the SAN doesn't catch the nuls and does actually allocate the blocks - that's also the reason I couldn't just use fsutils.
Now, I've been messing with the new-bigrandomfile by Verboon and tweaking it to my needs.
However I'm getting the error:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At L:\random5.ps1:34 char:9
+ $stream.Write($longstring)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
This is the bit of code I've come up with so far; I'll add a loop at the end to copy the file I just created N times so to fill up the lun.
Set-Strictmode -Version 2.0
#temp file
$file = "c:\temp\temp.rnd"
#charset size
$charset = 64
#Block Size
$blocksize = 512
#page size
$Pagesize = 512KB
#Number of blocks in a page
$blocknum = $Pagesize / $blocksize
#Resulting/desired test file size
$filesize = 1GB
#number of pages in a file
$pagenum = $filesize / $Pagesize
# create the stream writer
$stream = System.IO.StreamWriter $file
# get a 64 element Char[]; I added the - and _ to have 64 chars
[char[]]$chars = 'azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbnAZERTYUIOPQSDFGHJKLMWXCVBN0123456789-_'
1..$Pagenum | ForEach-Object {
# get a page's worth of blocks
1..$blocknum| ForEach-Object {
# randomize all chars and...
$rndChars = $chars | Get-Random -Count $chars.Count
# ...join them in a string
$string = -join $rndChars
# repeat random string N times to get a full block string length
$longstring = $string * ($blocksize / $charset)
# write 1 block to file
# release resources by clearing string variables
Clear-Variable string, longstring
# release resources through garbage collection
I've tried a gazillion variants like:
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $file
$stream = System.IO.StreamWriter $file
$stream = NewObject System.IO.StreamWriter $file
Of course, being a total noob at powershell, I've tried using quotes, brackets, provided the full path instead of the variable, etc. All (or most) seem to be valid syntax variants, according to a ton of examples I found online, but the output is still the same.
In case you have any improvement to suggest or alternative way to perform this task I'm all ears.
Edited the script above: just a couple of " for $file made the error disappear, - thanks LinuxDisciple; however, the file gets created but stays at 0 bytes and the script stuck in a loop.
Fix your instantiation of StreamWriter to any of these correct variants:
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($file)
$stream = [IO.StreamWriter]::new($file) # the default namespace may be omitted
$stream = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter $file
You can specify encoding:
$stream = [IO.StreamWriter]::new(
$false, # don't append
See StreamWriter on MSDN for available constructors and parameters.
PowerShell ISE offers autocomplete with tooltips:
type [streamw and press Ctrl-Space to autocomplete the full .NET class name
type ]:: to see the available methods and properties
type new and press Ctrl-Space to see the constructor overrides
whenever needed, put the caret at the method name and press Ctrl-Space for the tooltip
I know nothing about powershell but a few things:
Are you sure $longstring has a value before you call stream.Write()? It sounds like it's null and that's why the error. If you can somehow output the value of $longstring to the console, it would help you make sure that it has a value.
Also, troubleshoot the code with a simplified version of your code, so that you can pinpoint what's going on, for example
$file = c:\temp\temp.rnd
$stream = System.IO.StreamWriter $file
$longstring = 'whatever'

Problems with multiline extension in nxlog

I have following logformat:
-- New Entry -------------------------
08:03:10 01.04.15 ncjhdnbchjbdc
08:03:10 jnkjsdncksjdnc
xd1: ndkjewnckjdwcndw
xd2: jncxkjdsnkjcndsqckjnc c cw djkcdnc cnd kj nc
08:03:10 dscsdcdsc
-- New Entry -------------------------
08:03:10 01.04.15 ncjhdnbchjbdc
08:03:10 jnkjsdncksjdnc
xd1: ndkjewnckjdwcndw
xd2: jncxkjdsnkjcndsqckjnc c cw djkcdnc cnd kj nc
08:03:10 dscsdcdsc
I want the complete entry in one line so i use the multiline extension:
<Extension multiline>
Module xm_multiline
HeaderLine /^--/
EndLine " "
<Input in>
Module im_file
File "input.txt"
SavePos TRUE
ReadFromLast TRUE
InputType multiline
Exec if $raw_event !~ /^--/ drop();
Exec $raw_event = replace($raw_event, "\r\n", ";");
<Output out>
Module om_file
File "output.txt"
<Route 1>
Path in => out
The multiline extension works as expected for existing entries in the inputfile after start of nxlog. New entries are not correctly written in the output. Only the header will be written in the output.
Has someone an idea of what iam doing wrong?
The PollInterval of the im_file seems to be the problem. I red following in the documentation of nxlog (section xm_multiline):
Note Until there is a new header read, the previous message is stored in the buffers because the module does not know where the
message ends. The im_file module will forcibly flush this buffer after
the configured PollInterval timeout. If this behaviour is
unacceptable, consider using some kind of an encapsulation method
(JSON, XML, RFC5425, etc) or use an end marker with EndLine if
So, i use an end marker but it doesn't work. I tried different values for EndLine (regex: /^\s*$/ String: " ")
This line needs to be fixed.
Exec if $raw_event !~ /^--/ drop()
Should be
Exec if $raw_event =~ /^--/ drop()

How to set default values for Tcl variables?

I have some Tcl scripts that are executed by defining variables in the command-line invocation:
$ tclsh84 -cmd <script>.tcl -DEF<var1>=<value1> -DEF<var2>=<value2>
Is there a way to check if var1 and var2 are NOT defined at the command line and then assign them with a set of default values?
I tried the keywords global, variable, and set, but they all give me this error when I say "if {$<var1>==""}": "can't read <var1>: no such variable"
I'm not familiar with the -def option on tclsh.
However, to check if a variable is set, instead of using 'catch', you can also use 'info exist ':
if { ![info exists blah] } {
set blah default_value
Alternatively you can use something like the cmdline package from tcllib. This allows you to set up defaults for binary flags and name/value arguments, and give them descriptions so that a formatted help message can be displayed. For example, if you have a program that requires an input filename, and optionally an output filename and a binary option to compress the output, you might use something like:
package require cmdline
set sUsage "Here you put a description of what your program does"
set sOptions {
{inputfile.arg "" "Input file name - this is required"}
{outputfile.arg "out.txt" "Output file name, if not given, out.txt will be used"}
{compressoutput "0" "Binary flag to indicate whether the output file will be compressed"}
array set options [::cmdline::getoptions argv $sOptions $sUsage]
if {$options(inputfile) == ""} {puts "[::cmdline::usage $sOptions $sUsage]";exit}
The .arg suffix indicates this is a name/value pair argument, if that is not listed, it will assume it is a binary flag.
You can catch your command to prevent error from aborting the script.
if { [ catch { set foo $<var1> } ] } {
set <var1> defaultValue
(Warning: I didn't check the exact syntax with a TCL interpreter, the above script is just to give the idea).