Determine WCF client timeout setting on server - wcf

Is it possible to determine the client timeout values on the server? I am in the unfortunate position that I have a long running WCF service (about 90 seconds) and I would like to know beforehand if the client is going to time out.
Any ideas?

Unless you force the client to tell you what his timeout is, you have no way of knowing that.
You could kindly ask for the information, adding a method parameter, or header.
You could also try to break your long running call into smaller parts, forcing the client to make subsequent calls if your business allows.
You could use asynchronous calls with a callback, one way method / duplex channels.
There are other possibilities, but we need to know more about your environment.


In what scenarios is recommended a reliable session?

In few words, if I am not wrong, a session is used when I want to ensure that the packages are sent in order, and to be able to use sessions is needed a reliable connection.
But my doubt what kind of applications need that? In my case is a simple application in which a client request to a service data from a database, the service get the data from the database and send to the client the results. Also the client can requeset to add, modify or delete data from database. In this case, should I need a reliable connection and sessions or not?
Session presumes that for some period of time you want to retain some data. Such a period of time, as far as session is concerned, refers to client's lifecycle that is when client opens up proxy, both service along with session are created, when client closes proxy service and session terminate their actions. There is exception when closing proxy does not actually perform it right away and this occures when you invoke one-way-operation. Service will keep working as long as operation performs its action despite the fact that it previously received an order to get rid of instance.
Based on provided information I assume the best choice would be PerCall. You do not store any data between calls and every single call can be perceived separately. Additionaly, leverage of ConcurrencyMode set to multiple so as to allow services being created simultaneously.
Personally, I find session useful in MSMQ, whenever I want to specific number of messages be wrapped into single queue-message. If error occures, regardless of whether which message is in charge of it, the whole queue-message is rolled back.

Change timeout for each WCF method or call

I have a quite large "old" WCF Service with many different methods.
The most of these methods are "normal" so they should answer in less than 10 seconds but there are several methods (8 or 9) that are long processes so they can take a long time to get a response.
The receivetimeout and sendtimeout were set to 00:40:00 to ensure they had time enought to accomplish these processes.
The problem is sometimes we have connection issues and the "normal" methods take a really long time to crash...
They are all in the same service because they use a really big model and they wanted to reuse the model from the service in every call (not having a PersonsService.User and a RobotsService.User... because they are the same class in different services).
The first solution I imagine is to make a different Service with those long processes and set a short timeout to the normal service... but I should have to make a lot of changes because of Model use...
Is there any way to set a different timeout in each call? Or by service method? Should I chunk the Service anyway?
Thanks in advance!!
First of all, the timeout to configure in your case is OperationTimeout, which allows the time limit to wait for the service to reply before timing out. You can modify the operation timeout before making a call from the client side.
To set the OperationTimeout on the channel, you can type case your proxy/channel instance as IContextChannel and set OperationTimeout.
For example:
IClientChannel contextChannel = channel as IClientChannel;
contextChannel.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

How to limit a request execution time of WCF service?

Is there something in WCF configuration that defines a timeout for executing a request at service side? E.g. WCF service will stop executing request after some time period. I have a service which make some work depending on client input. In some cases a such call may take too much time. I want to limit the execution time of such requests on service side, not client one using SendTimeout. I know about OperationTimeout property, but it doesn't abort the service request, it just tells a client that the request is timed out.
In general terms, there's nothing that will totally enforce this. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that the runtime can't really enforce nicely without possibly leaving state messed up (pretty much the only alternative for it would be to abort the running thread, and that has a bunch of undesirable consequences).
So, basically, if this is something you want to actively enforce, it's a lot better to design your service to deal with this so that your operation execution has safe interruption points where the operation can be terminated if the maximum execution time has been exceeded.
Though it's a lot more work, you'll likely be more satisfied with it in the long run.

Service instances in WCF

I'm using perfmon to examine my service behaviour. What I do is I launch 6 instances of client application on separate machines and send requests to server in 120 threads (20threads per client application).
I have examined counters and maximum number of instances (I use PerSession model and set number of instances to 100) is 12, what I consider strange as my response times from service revolve around 120 seconds... I thought that increasing number of instances will cause WCF to create more instances, and as a result response times would be quicker.
Any idea why WCF doesn't create even more instances of service?
Thanks Pawel
WCF services are throttled by default - it's a service behavior, which you can tweak easily.
See the MSDN docs on ServiceThrottling.
Here are the defaults:
maxConcurrentSessions="10" />
With these settings, you can easily control how many sessions or concurrent calls can be handled, and you can make sure your server isn't overwhelmed by (fraudulent) requests and brought to its knees.
Ufff, last attempt to understand that silly WCF.
What I did now is:
create client that starts 20 threads, every thread sends requests to service in a loop. Performance counter on server claims that only 2 instances of service object are created all the time. Average request time is about 40seconds (I start measuring before proxy call and finish after call returns).
modify that client to start 5 threads and launch 4 instances of that client (to simulate 20 threads behaviour from previous example). Performance monitor shows that 8 instances of service object are created all the time. Average request time is 20seconds.
Could somebody tell me what is going on? I thought that there is a problem with server that it doesn't want to handle more requests at concurently, but apparently it is client that causes a stir and don't want to send more requests concurently... Maybe there is some kind of configuration option that limits client from sending more then two requests at one time... (buffer,throttling etc...)
Channel factory is created in every thread.
You might want to refer to this article and make adjustment to your WCF configuration (specifically maxConnections) to get the number of connections you want.
Consider using something like to hit the service.
Also, perfmon will only get you so far. If you want to debug WCF service you should look at the SvcTraceViewer and SvcConfigEditor in the Windows SDK.
On your service binding what have you set the maxconnections to? Calls to connect will block once the limit is reached.
Default is 10 I think.

REST, WCF and Queues

I created a RESTful service using WCF which calculates some value and then returns a response to the client.
I am expecting a lot of traffic so I am not sure whether I need to manually implement queues or it is not neccessary in order to process all client requests.
Actually I am receiving measurements from clients which have to be stored to the database - each client sends a measurement every 200 ms so if there are a multiple clients there could be a lot of requests.
And the other operation performed on received data. For example a client could send an instruction "give me the average of the last 200 measurements" so it could take some time to calculate this value and in the meantime the same request could come from another client.
I would be very thankful if anyone could give any advice on how to create a reliable service using WCF.
You could use the MsmqBinding and utilize the method implemented by eedsi9n. However, from what I'm gathering from this post is that you're looking for something along the lines of a pub/sub type of architecture.
This can be implemented with the WSDualHttpBinding which allows subscribers to subscribe to events. The publisher will then notify the user when the action is completed.
Therefore you could have Msmq running behind the scenes. The client subscribes to the certain events, then perhaps it publishes a message that needs to be processed. THe client sits there and does work (because its all async) and when the publisher is done working on th message it can publish an event (The event your client subscribed to) letting you know that its done. That way you don't have to implement a polling strategy.
There are pre-canned solutions for this as well. Such as NService Bus, Mass Transit, and Rhino Bus.
If you are using Web Service, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP) will act as the queue to a certain degree.
TCP provides reliable, ordered
delivery of a stream of bytes from one
program on one computer to another
program on another computer.
This guarantees that if client sends packet A, B, then C, the server will received it in that order: A, B, then C. If you must reply back to the client in the same order as request, then you might need a queue.
By default maximum ASP.NET worker thread is set to 12 threads per CPU core. So on a dual core machine, you can run 24 connections at a time. Depending on how long the calculation takes and what you mean by "a lot of traffic" you could try different strategies.
The simplest one is to use serviceTimeouts and serviceThrottling and only handle what you can handle, and reject the ones you can't.
If that's not an option, increase hardware. That's the second option.
Finally you could make the service completely asynchronous. Implement two methods
string PostCalc(...) and double GetCalc(string id). PostCalc accepts the parameters, stuff them into a queue (or a database) and returns a GUID immediately (I like using string instead of Guid). The client can use the returned GUID as a claim ticket and call GetCalc(string id) every few seconds, if the calculation has not finished yet, you can return 404 for REST. Calculation must now be done by a separate process that monitors the queue.
The third option is the most complicated, but the outcome is similar to that of the first option of putting cap on incoming request.
It will depend on what you mean by "calculates some value" and "a lot of traffic". You could do some load testing and see how the #requests/second evolves with the traffic.
There's nothing WCF specific here if you are RESTful
the GET for an Average would give a URI where the answer would wait once the server finish calculating (if it is indeed a long operation)
Regarding getting the measurements - you didn't specify the freshness needed (i.e. when you get a request for an average - how fresh do you need the results to be) Also you did not specify the relative frequency of queries vs. new measurements
In any event you can (and IMHO should) use the queue (assuming measuring your performance proves it) behind the endpoint. If you change the WCF binding you might still be RESTful but will not benefit from the standard based approach of REST over HTTP