What's the reasoning behind result columns being excluded from auto-select statements in PetaPoco - petapoco

If I have a POCO class with ResultColumn attribute set and then when I do a Single<Entity>() call, my result column isn't mapped. I've set my column to be a result column because its value should always be generated by SQL column's default constraint. I don't want this column to be injected or updated from business layer. What I'm trying to say is that my column's type is a simple SQL data type and not a related entity type (as I've seen ResultColumn being used mostly on those).
Looking at code I can see this line in PetaPoco:
// Build column list for automatic select
QueryColumns = ( from c in Columns
where !c.Value.ResultColumn
select c.Key
Why are result columns excluded from automatic select statement because as I understand it their nature is to be read only. So used in selects only. I can see this scenario when a column is actually a related entity type (complex). Ok. but then we should have a separate attribute like ComputedColumnAttribute that would always be returned in selects but never used in inserts or updates...
Why did PetaPoco team decide to omit result columns from selects then?
How am I supposed to read result columns then?

I can't answer why the creator did not add them to auto-selects, though I would assume it's because your particular use-case is not the main one that they were considering. If you look at the examples and explanation for that feature on their site, it's more geared towards extra columns you bring back in a join or calculation (like maybe a description from a lookup table for a code value). In these situations, you could not have them automatically added to the select because they are not part of the underlying table.
So if you want to use that attribute, and get a value for the property, you'll have to use your own manual select statement rather than relying on the auto-select.
Of course, the beauty of using PetaPoco is that you can easily modify it to suit your needs, by either creating a new attribute, like you suggest above, or modifying the code you showed to not exclude those fields from the select (assuming you are not using ResultColumn in other join-type situations).


Join tablevariable in a loop

I'm using SAP HANA and would like to join the output results of a procedure call inside a loop, is there anyway to do this?
Something similar to this: But the problem is the duplicate attribute name
CALL FUTUREREVENUES (:i,resulttemp);
result = SELECT * FROM :result t1
INNER JOIN :resulttemp t2
ON t1.ID = t2.ID
Nope, the main problem is not the duplicate attribute name; SAP HANA actually allows that in a projection, as long as the attribute is uniquely identifiable.
What you are trying to do here is not a good idea in any statically typed language, such as SQL. Basically, the structure of your return type result depends on the input, i.e. how often the loop gets executed.
What you would need here is some way of dynamic SQL that adjusts the projected column names with each iteration. While this appears to be a straightforward approach, it's actually the opposite.
Every consumer of the result data is forced to accept whatever the table comes out of this loop, without even knowing how the projected columns would be named.
That's hard to handle and makes the solution very little reusable.
An alternative approach could be to have a fixed output table structure, say 5 years forecast (if you can even predict anything that far with any certainty), and no dynamic column names.
Instead, you could e.g. name the columns FC+Year1, FC+Year2, ...
That way, the output structure stays the same and all the client application has to do, is to match the output labels according to the baseline year (the input into your prediction).

Dynamically execute a transformation against a column at runtime

I have a Pentaho Kettle job that can load data from x number of tables, and put it into target tables with a different schema.
Assume I have table 1, like so:
I want to load this table into a destination table that looks like this:
The columns have been renamed, the order has been changed, and the data has been transformed. The rename, and order is easily managed by using the Select Values step, which can be used within an ETL Metadata Injection step, making it dependent on some configuration values loaded at runtime.
But if I need to perform some transformation logic on some of the columns, based on where they go in the target table, this seems to be less straightforward.
In my example, I want the column "CountryName" to be capitalised, and the column "Rating" to be floored (as in changing the real number to the previous integer value).
While I could do this by just manually adding a transformation to accomplish each, I want my solution to be dynamic, so it could just as easily run the "CountryName" column through a checksum component, or perform a ceiling on "Rating" instead.
I can easily wrap these transformations in another transformation so that they can be parameterised and executed when needed:
But, where I'm having trouble is, when I process a row of data, I need a way to be able to say:
Column "CountryName" should be passed through the Capitalisation transform
Column "Rating" should be passed through the Floor transform
Column(s) "AnythingElse" should be passed through the SomeOther transform
Is there a way to dynamically split out the columns in a row, and execute a different transform on each one, based on some configuration metadata that can be supplied?
Logically, it would be something like this, although I suspect there may be a way to handle it as a loop or some form of dynamic transformation, rather than mapping out a path per column:
Kettle is so flexible that it seems like there must be a way to do this, I'm just struggling to know which components to use and how to do it. Any experts out there have some suggestions?
I'm dealing with some biggish data sets here (hundreds of millions of rows) so reluctant to use Row Normaliser/Denormaliser or writing to file/DB if possible.
Have you considered the Modified Java Script Value step? Start with the Data Grid step, the a Select Values step, then the Modified Java Script Value step. In that step you will transform the value of each column in what you form you want and output that in a file.
That of course requires some Java script knowledge but given your example it seems that the required knowledge is pretty basic.

how to generate id field in entity as per our sequence criteria

Bydefault moqui generates 100000 and so on as IDs for entities. i.e 100000,100001,100003... But i want AMG000100000 as start point so that it will contnue as AMG000100001,AMG000100002 and so on. I tried it various ways but nothing is working. Can any one suggest.
You can set a prefix for primary (single key) sequenced IDs per-entity with the entity.#sequence-primary-prefix attribute and for all entities using the entity-facade.#sequenced-id-prefix attribute. This will not left zero pad the numeric part of the sequence as you show in your examples, there is currently no OOTB support for something like that (you would have to change the framework code, or in your code that creates records augment the value coming back from the framework, or just your own sequencing code).
you can use the sequence-primary-prefix field on the entity definition to set a prefix, however without the zero padding as David indicated.

Django: how to filter for rows whose fields are contained in passed value?

MyModel.objects.filter(field__icontains=value) returns all the rows whose field contains value. How to do the opposite? Namely, construct a queryset that returns all the rows whose field is contained in value?
Preferably without using custom SQL (ie only using the ORM) or without using backend-dependent SQL.
field__icontains and similar are coded right into the ORM. The other version simple doesn't exist.
You could use the where param described under the reference for QuerySet.
In this case, you would use something like:
MyModel.objects.extra(where=["%s LIKE CONCAT('%%',field,'%%')"], params=[value])
Of course, do keep in mind that there is no standard method of concatenation across DMBS. So as far as I know, there is no way to satisfy your requirement of avoiding backend-dependent SQL.
If you're okay with working with a list of dictionaries rather than a queryset, you could always do this instead:
qs = MyModel.objects.all().values()
matches = [r for r in qs if value in r[field]]
although this is of course not ideal for huge data sets.

nhibernate and DDD suggestion

I am fairly new to nHibernate and DDD, so please bear with me.
I have a requirement to create a new report from my SQL table. The report is read-only and will be bound to a GridView control in an ASP.NET application.
The report contains the following fields Style, Color, Size, LAQty, MTLQty, Status.
I have the entities for Style, Color and Size, which I use in other asp.net pages. I use them via repositories. I am not sure If should use the same entities for my report or not. If I use them, where I am supposed to map the Qty and Status fields?
If I should not use the same entities, should I create a new class for the report?
As said I am new to this and just trying to learn and code properly.
Thank you
For reports its usually easier to use plain values or special DTO's. Of course you can query for the entity that references all the information, but to put it into the list (eg. using databinding) it's handier to have a single class that contains all the values plain.
To get more specific solutions as the few bellow you need to tell us a little about your domain model. How does the class model look like?
generally, you have at least three options to get "plain" values form the database using NHibernate.
Write HQL that returns an array of values
For instance:
select e1.Style, e1.Color, e1.Size, e2.LAQty, e2.MTLQty
from entity1 inner join entity2
where (some condition)
the result will be a list of object[]. Every item in the list is a row, every item in the object[] is a column. This is quite like sql, but on a higher level (you describe the query on entity level) and is database independent.
Or you create a DTO (data transfer object) only to hold one row of the result:
select new ReportDto(e1.Style, e1.Color, e1.Size, e2.LAQty, e2.MTLQty)
from entity1 inner join entity2
where (some condition)
ReportDto need to implement a constructor that has all this arguments. The result is a list of ReportDto.
Or you use CriteriaAPI (recommended)
session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Entity1), "e1")
.CreateCriteria(typeof(Entity2), "e2")
.Add( /* some condition */ )
.Add(Projections.Property("e1.Style", "Style"))
.Add(Projections.Property("e1.Color", "Color"))
.Add(Projections.Property("e1.Size", "Size"))
.Add(Projections.Property("e2.LAQty", "LAQty"))
.Add(Projections.Property("e2.MTLQty", "MTLQty"))
The ReportDto needs to have a proeprty with the name of each alias "Style", "Color" etc. The output is a list of ReportDto.
I'm not schooled in DDD exactly, but I've always modeled my nouns as types and I'm surprised the report itself is an entity. DDD or not, I wouldn't do that, rather I'd have my reports reflect the results of a query, in which quantity is presumably count(*) or sum(lineItem.quantity) and status is also calculated (perhaps, in the page).
You haven't described your domain, but there is a clue on those column headings that you may be doing a pivot over the data to create LAQty, MTLQty which you'll find hard to do in nHibernate as its designed for OLTP and does not even do UNION last I checked. That said, there is nothing wrong with abusing HQL (Hibernate Query Language) for doing lightweight reporting, as long as you understand you are abusing it.
I see Stefan has done a grand job of describing the syntax for that, so I'll stop there :-)