Adobe Air - Transparent stage - air

Is it possible to change the stage of an Air 2.5 desktop application from normal to transparent at runtime?

No, you can only define it once for each window (in xml descriptor for the main window and as init options for the new windows you create).


Taking screenshot from Petrel child windows

Is it possible to take screenshot of Petrel's child windows (programmatically) from the plugin using Ocean 2014.1? At the moment, I can save BMP for Window3D and EMF for other derives of ToggleWindow and read them again from my plugin, but, this doesn't work for all Petrel's child windows. Also, I would prefer to get raster image (like what I get when I push on Camera button action in Clipboard action group, Home tab) and support other windows like Histogram Window, Plot Window, etc.
Unfortunately I don't think Ocean has a common API that does what you want.
As you found out, some windows have methods that allow you to capture an Image dump of the window, but it is far from being generic.

Windows 8 incompaitbility with sysinternals Desktops utility

After Googling for about the past hour and a half, I have been unable to find out any definitive information on how the start menu and how windows 8 style applications work behind the scenes. I was under the impression that Windows 8 Style applications were processes which created fullscreen windows and that the Windows 8 start menu was created by explorer.exe in much the same way. But there are incompatibilities between Windows 8 the 1.x version Sysinternal's Desktops utility, I have to imagine that something more complex is going on.
However, in Spy++, each Windows 8 style application appears as standard Window with the WS_EX_TOPMOST style set, which would make sense, assuming they are nothing special. With respect to the Start Menu, it appears as a window of class ImmersiveLauncher created by explorer.exe. Perhaps explorer has developed an aversion to having multiple instances...
Using the old version of SysInternal's Desktops, the explorer instances in the additional desktops work fine, but do not load pinned items nor load the desktop background and icons.
Is there any documentation on why Windows 8 behaves differently from past versions when multiple copies of explorer.exe are running in different desktops?
(This is purely for curiosity's sake)
(Yes, I know there is a Desktops 2.0 version available which supports Windows 8, but it uses interesting workarounds, like switching to the original desktop when the windows key is pressed. It also seems to trigger some initialization within explorer.exe when the desktop is loaded for the first time beyond simply starting the process.)

Built in About Application Dialog in OS X 10.8

Is there way I can quickly set up an About Window for my OS X app without creating a window and adding elements to it from scratch? Something like HIAboutBox but which works on OS X 10.8 as well.
Cocoa has built-in support for displaying a standard about box, and projects created from any of Xcode's templates will have this wired up to the "About MyApplication" menu item in the application menu. It works by calling -[NSApplication orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:]. It automatically pulls the basic information from your application bundle (icon, name, version, build number, copyright notice). It also supports displaying extra information by looking for a file named Credits.html / Credits.rtf / Credits.rtfd in the application bundle.

Screenshot into AIR application

Is there away to copy a screenshot directly into an Adobe Air (2) application?
Kinda like this: User presses the "print screen" button and the screenshot shows up in the app.
Also I'ld like to know if pasting via keyboard or right-click work for that?
I'm new too AIR.
Best, John
Yes, it can be done.
But no, not directly from Air, unless you wish to capture parts of your own AIR UI (which should be no problem as these are within the scope of the AIR Application)
To capture the whole screen you would need to use an ANE (Adobe Native Extension) which can be written
both for iOS and Android devices and used from within AIR via an API.
Introduction to ANE Development:
The following post discusses on the way by which an Air ANE can capture a screenshot (which is technical and relevant for developing such an ANE for Android)
How Native Extension take screenshot on Android device?
Other then this you might try a workaround, that is, instructing the user to capture using his own device's capture combination, then simply ask them to select the file from the Gallery, if indeed this is your intention...?

How do I create a preferences window in Objective-C?

I would like to create a preferences window like in the standard Mac OS X apps (Safari etc.). I have found resources like DBPrefsWindowController from back in 2008 that matches the Apple HIG.
Just wondering if there is a new way to accomplish this? I can't locate any standard windows in Interface Builder so I assume Apple doesn't provide those, nor can I locate a official Apple sample code for providing this standard UI.
Thank you
It seems DBPrefsWindowController is no longer available.
For now, I would recommend the up to date RHPreferences framework.
Available on GitHub. BSD Licensed.
It’s a simple and easy Preferences window controller with multiple tabs for your next Mac application.
It also provides:
Auto resizing between different sized tab views (With animation)
Custom NSToolbarItem support
Persistence of the last used tab
Support for placeholder NSToolbarItems (eg NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier & NSToolbarShowFontsItemIdentifier)