playframework reuse Model in crud.form and non crud forms - crud

I have a Model that i use for some forms and I generated a CRUD
for this Model.
In CRUD I want to hide some fields so I use the CRUD.Exclude annotation from CRUD module
to hide them.
In other non-CRUD forms I want to reuse the CRUD.form tag but I also want
to show the excluded fields.
Is there a flexible way to do this?
Should I add the CRUD.form fields in the non-CRUD form by hand?
Is there a way to generate them dynamically both for CRUD and some non-CRUD forms?
I believe I should write another form tag but I'm not sure on how can I pass
the fields of the Model to it.
Any idea on how to design this feature?


Can the ASP.NET Entity Framework automatically generate data annotations?

My team is writing a large scale business website in ASP.NET MVC 4 using the database-first approach. Does anyone know if it's possible to have data annotations automatically generated based on the database schema? It seems redundant to have to manually write the "buddy" metadata classes containing the data annotations when the framework should be aware of a database column's properties and make these part of the POCO classes it generates. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Take a look at LINQ to SQL.
You can use it to create a .dbml file in a graphical editor by dragging the tables from the server explorer.
Here's the MSDN How to: Create LINQ to SQL Classes in a Web Project
1) The framework does a good job of extrapolating data annotation based on table structure, but they won't be perfect.
2) Sadly, when you reach a point when you want to customize more than the framework, you are stuck with Buddy classes. They're a bit tedious but so far the best method I've found for customizing data annotation.
3) All too often, I find myself gravitating toward custom classes and away from generated POCO's. The reason is usually the differences between storing and displaying. In entry screens
I will often break up phone #'s into 3 textboxes.
Lookups for foreign keys require select lists (often added to model).
Often I'll pass other values that may be relevant to my View functionality but not specific to the storage table (display fields, navigation / bread crumbs)
Use the Database First approach with the Entity Framework.
You can generate the entity model from an existing database using the entity data model wizard.
#Kerezo covers pretty much exactly what you want to do here: Add Data Annotation To Entity Framework(Or Linq to SQL) generated class
It is not possible to auto generate the data annotations automatically.

Automate the creation of Partial Classes from an entity data model

If I create an entity data model using the using the model first approach and building my model from an existing database is there a way that I could then automate the creation of partial classes to then allow me to extend the model to fit my requirements. So for example were I to model the Northwind Database then, amongst others, entities would be created for 'Customer' and 'Order'. I would like to find a way to then have visual studio to build a set of partial classes for each of the entities and put them into separate files.
I have no idea if this is doable in the first place, or if it is what the best way to go about doing it would be. To that end I would welcome any suggestions and / or good basic examples of where to start learning how do to this sort of thing. Ideally any such examples would have content in vb as well as c#.
Many thanks

The correct way to manage data for display in the YII framework?

If I have a shop that displays a bunch of products and I get these products returned from the database as an array, is there a specific way that you can display this data using YII templates or is it sufficient to simply loop through the array and print it out in "divs" as needed?
I know if I just spit it out in DIVs, it would work, but is it the "correct" way to do it according to the framework?
For this there are zii widgets, and also many extensions.
I think for a store CListView will be a good start. There are many wikis that explain a lot about CListView.
You can easily extend it and add functionality.
Zii widgets provide pagination, sorting, and custom styling too, when used alongwith a data provider.

Edit a small SQL rowset using forms in Django

I'm interested in displaying 1-5 model instances using forms on a page using a grid similar to something one would find in a desktop database application. I understand I would need to use multiple forms or formsets but an additional requirement is that I'd prefer it to be in more of a grid format with each model's fields being display in columns with common field labels on the y-axis.
I should have the ability to edit multiple columns (so in effect, model instances) at the same time and then commit either the single column (model instance) or commit all. I'd also like to be able to highlight the changed cells that have changed to give visual feedback to the user that there are pending changes.
Sorry for the rather long list of requirements and I'm aware this probably requires a few different technologies/techniques to achieve. I'm throwing this out there because I'm asking this kind community for guidance on what components/technologies I should look at. If luck would have it, there would be some jQuery component that can handle this for me almost out of the box. If not, some guidance on achieving the editing of multiple model instances would be of help.
I will also need to build in versioning in case the data displayed on the view page is stale and to prevent overwriting a newer commit. I'd probably achieve the latter using a versioning field in the table that will perform the check and handle it accordingly.
Also, Flask and Django are both options for the engine and WTForms look to be promising at least at first look.
There is no such ready to use solution in Django. Just create your custom form that handles as many instances as you want and do anything that you want, or extend formset.

Knockoutjs and Selenium testing

Looking at Knockout examples, there is no real need for adding IDs to HTML elements. Creating a large form without the IDs seems to make it easy to maintain.
Though, this creates a problem with Selenium HQ. There is no way to uniquely identify elements on the form.
What are the choices? Is there another method for Selenium to select elements created by Knockout?
or will I have to assign IDs to elements?
I have reviewed other knockout and selenium questions. All of them had IDs defined for the HTML elements, when they started.
Short answer: Add ID's to your HTML elements.
Although you do not need these attributes in order for your website to function, you will make the life of your testers so much easier.
I've encountered the exact same problem in a project where a large ASP.NET MVC 4 application was created, that uses Knockout.js and Selenium extensively. For form elements, I relied on ASP.NET MVC utility methods to generate the output HTML in combination with data-bind expressions. ASP.NET MVC automatically generates unique NAME and ID attributes based on the backing model.
However, in all other cases where I had to render tables, display forms or dialogs, I ended up adding ID attributes to these HTML elements. If you think about it, this is a logical consequence of your requirements. Knockout is awesome because you longer need ID's and NAME's to wire your layout (HTML) and behavior (JS) together. However, other frameworks, such as Selenium, require these ID's to be present.
Yes, you could work your way around it with complicated and bloated XPATH expressions. But this will dramatically decrease the maintainability of your tests. In my experience, adding ID's to hundreds of HTML elements took less than a day and increased productivity of our testers by a manifold.
Remember, it may be nice to develop functional websites with as little HTML as possible. But if this makes your website untestable, you will lose more than you gain. Testability is non-functional requirement, but this does not mean it is not important!
You should add Ids to your html elements. your application will become more complicated and probably you'll need to bind multiple view models to different section on the same page, you'll need Ids. For example in ASP.NET MVC, you'll want to build a partial view to display all products you ordered, and you want to share this partial view all the way through the ordering process, you'll want your binding to this specific partial view section