Why is My Recent Find Usages box always blank inside IntelliJ? - intellij-idea

I am not sure why, but this box is always blank. Do I need to enable something inside IntelliJ settings?

I assume you mean this feature:
(source: jetbrains.com)
As far as I can tell it works just fine with no special options enabled.
Pick any class/field/method and choose: Search -> Find Usages and confirm. When the search is done I can go to Search -> Recent Find Usages and the last find is there in the submenu. Maybe you should consult Jetbrains support?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 10.5 on Ubuntu.


How to have a single search panel including all searching options in Intellij IDE?

I need to know how to open the search panel that includes all the
different searching options (All, classes, Files ..) like this:
I can open the filter for each kind of search separately, but not on the same panel. I'm using the community edition and I was wondering if this is a intelliJ Ultimate specific feature.
Thank you for your help
You should be updated to the last version of IntelliJ IDEA and search for one of the options (all (double shift), classes, etc.)

Anaconda Spyder Auto Complete DOES work, but it does not show the possible solutions

Sorry for another post like this, I found a LOT of them here asking how to enable auto-completion, but that is not my case.
If I declare a variable and then hit CTRL+Space it works - it will autocomplete it. What I am missing thought is, that is shows a list of the possible solutions while typing - how do I enable that? (They only show after hitting CTRL+Space, is there no feature like in IntelliJ where they show that during typing already?
(Spyder maintainer here) I guess what you are referring to is auto-completion on the fly, i.e. as you write on the Editor or Console.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to enable that right now (August/2018). However, it'll be available (but only for the Editor) in our next major version: Spyder 4, to be released in 2019.

How to toggle spell check with a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ IDEA?

Currently I run with spell check disabled globally in IntelliJ as it ends up being more annoying than helpful most of the time. But there are many times where I'd like to quickly toggle it on and off to check the spelling of things I'm unsure of.
My current workflow in this case is to switch over to sublime then hit my toggle spell check key binding there and then jump back to IntelliJ, which isn't really ideal.
After Google searching around for it all I found was "how to disable spellcheck in IntelliJ" which I already know how to do and searching for "toggle inspection shortcut" was also unfruitful. So does anyone here happen to know if there's a way to bind toggle spell check(or toggle an individual inspection) to a keyboard shortcut in IntelliJ?
If not I might end up writing my own IntelliJ plugin today as I really really want this..
The best thing you can do with out-of-the-box functionality is using Analyze | Run Inspection by Name..., selecting "Typo" from the list and then selecting the scope to run it on.
If you want to run it with a single keyboard shortcut, you'd indeed need to write a simple plugin.
So I ended up making the plugin this late-ish afternoon in a couple hours (thank you yole for telling me it couldn't be done without a plugin before I started work on the plugin). I added the spell check toggle I wanted plus 3 custom toggle bindings that can be bound to any inspection you want.
It's currentley awaiting moderation to get in the JetBrains plugin repository but you can download the plugin jar from my website here.
And I put the source code up on GitHub here

How to make auto completion in WebStorm (*.js) and IntelliJ (*.go) work the same

In WebStorm I can type something like
press tab key, and it'll autocomplete to
But when I do the similar thing in IntelliJ
Auto completion doesn't work (the desired result fmt.Println()) at all, it works only if all the letters match strictly in order.
Is it possible to enable this functionality in IntelliJ? I've imported all the settings from WebStorm.
These Tab key shortcuts aren't part of the auto-complete system the Jetbrains use for all their IDEs as LazyOne says, they are actually part of the template-invocation system.
The auto-complete functionality is built into the shortcut: Ctrl+Space.
I suggest looking up the template invocation for .Println() in the settings, Jetbrains documentation, or raising a ticket with Jetbrains on YouTrack for clearer documenation/control over template-invocation.

How do I disable the Search Everywhere shortcut?

IntelliJ IDEA 13 has the new Search Anywhere feature. It sounds like it might be useful, but so far it just gets in the way. It's mapped to some kind of magical shift-based shortcut, and it comes up every time I try to shift-click to select text. When this happens, the pop-up flickers and gets into some stuck state, so the only way to get rid of it is to click in the editor pane, which of course loses the selection.
I call the shortcut "magical" because the Search Everywhere action appears in the Settings → Keymap list with no mapping, so I can't remove this mapping the usual way. Searching the dialog for search gives no relevant results.
How can I disable this buggy feature until it's ready for production use, and get back the ability to select text?
To disable the "Search everywhere" feature, you need to invoke "Go to action" (Ctrl+Shift+A), then type "Registry...".
Scroll down to "ide.suppress.double.click.handler" and check the box.
Source: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-161094
After updating to build 133.331, I tried assigning a normal shortcut to it in Settings → Keymap, and that made it stop appearing on double-shift.
The settings for the new version have changed
Version: IDEA 2021.2.3
Preference > Advanced Settings
Scroll down to "User Interface", find "Disable double modifier key shortcuts" and check the box.
It's called Search Everywhere, and it's present in keymap.
For me it's perfectly disabled.
EDIT As I'v found it is hardcoded now, and will popup at doubleshift source
There is also an issue at jira, about this problem.
I hope it will be fixed soon.
from: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-161094
In IDEA 2021.2:
You could enable the Settings (Preference on macOS) |
Advanced Settings | Disable double modifier key shortcuts option to
disable it.
This problem is still present under linux (ubuntu amd64 16.10 ) on Android Studio using X11Rdp for remote connection, maybe in other situations too - the Search Everywhere dialog appear on single Shift press.
The answer is here
Basically you need to
Open lib/resources.jar/idea/PlatformActions.xml and remove or comment such line:
<action id="SearchEverywhere" class="com.intellij.ide.actions.SearchEverywhereAction" />
and repack the jar.
Since end of 2017 you can add -Dide.suppress.double.click.handler=true to the custom VM options: cf. the answer from JetBrains.