IntelliJ IDEA features the ability to perform spell checking of source code, and this checking can be toggled on and off separately for comments, literals, and the source code itself. The setting is stored per-project however.
Is there a way to turn off spell checking of source code but not comments and literals across all projects? Adjusting this setting for every project I create is tedious.
The setting is stored per inspection profile, you can create your own profile in File | Settings | Other Settings | Template Project Settings | Inspections, all the new projects will have this profile by default, in the old projects you can change inspections profile to the new profile.
In previous versions of IntelliJ IDEA, I'd always go into the "run configuration template settings" area and increase the number of run configurations from 5 to 15.
How do I do that with IDEA 2021.1?
EDIT: this answer no longer works as of 2021.3.2 (may have happened on previous versions, this is when I noticed it).
The registry entry will still be there if you edited it previously, but will no longer work to extend the list of run configurations.
I can't see how to do it using the UI, but it can be done via the Idea "Registry".
Open the Maintenance dialog be pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/ and select the "Registry".
Set the value for to whatever you want.
Edit: also consider changing temporary.configurations.limit.
As of 2021.3.2, IntelliJ has re-introduced a UI mechanism for configuring the number of "temporary configurations".
File | Settings | Advanced Settings | Temporary Run/Debug configurations limit:
I use file templates in PhpStorm a lot. So in time I've got a big lists of file templates. Now PhpStorm limits this to an X number amount of file templates.
Is there a way that I can group these file templates in a folder or something? (like how PHPUnit test is nested in a PHPUnit folder)?
AFAIK it's not possible (no built-in functionality) and I have found no plugin that would allow use to create such folders via GUI.
I guess (based on my searches) the best match would be this ticket: and related -- watch it (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
Now PhpStorm limits this to an X number amount of file templates.
Have you tried speed search (start typing the name while popup with all templates is shown)? It may not show all templates as your list is too big ... but may be able to show them after filtering/searching (when list is shorter).
I can't seem to figure out how to export a data source configuration in DataGrip (currently on 2016.2 EAP).
I would like to export a handful of data sources and share them with my teammates to make it easier for them to get up and running on DG.
I've tried File->Export Settings (exporting all settings) and did not notice the data source configurations within the resulting jar file.
I seem to recall that in earlier versions of the tool (when it was still called 0xDBE), you could find data source configuration files on the drive and share them that way, but I am unable to locate any at this time.
Perhaps it's not possible?
Starting from version 2021.1, you can just press Ctrl/Cmd+C on the data source, and then Ctrl/Cmd+V it in another IDE. The clipboard contains XML for the data source, so you can send it to the colleague via e-mail, messenger etc.
It is possible!
You need to share a project with your friend — all you do in DataGrip is in the context of a project. If you did not create a new one, everything is under the default project. Look at the gif:
The more detailed information can be found in the tutorial:
You can do it easily via the clipboard, although it took me a while to figure it out:
in your source project, open the Database tool window, select the data sources you want to export, then right click / "Database Tools..." / "Copy Settings"
in your target project, open Database tool window, click on "+" then "Import from Clipboard"
Also works between DataGrip and IntelliJ.
The wording has changed slightly in DataGrip 2018.2 EAP (or before), instead of "Copy Settings" it's now "Copy Data Source(s) to Clipboard", which reflects better what it does.
DataGrip stores data sources on two different levels:
Project level: together with project configuration files inside .idea subfolder of the project folder
IDE level: stored in IDE config/options directory.
Project level data source is available once you open the project.
To import/export IDE level Data Source use File | Import/Export settings action.
To move Data Source to IDE settings and back use corresponding action in Datasource Properties dialog (see screenshot) as shown here:
On my current version 2020.1 the projects are on:
/System/Volumes/Data/Users/<USER_NAME>/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/DataGrip2020.1/projects/default/
A good way to find where is it store is just calling:
find . -name "dataSources.xml"
It will find for that file everywhere.
make the data source global and use export settings to export.
You can find all data sources at this path (change username and version):
I recently discovered a really cool Mongodb plugin for IntelliJ and DataGrip called 'Mongo Expert' that helps users navigate the Mongodb database and work more efficiently. With support for Commandline MongDB Database Tools like mongoexpert, mongoimport, mongodump, and mongorestore, users can create and execute commands through easy-to-understand dialogues. You can download 'Mongo Expert' from the JetBrains Plugin Repository. I hope it will be useful for you too!
I'm developing an Eclipse-Plugin which has it's own preference page.
First question: Is it possible to store these preferences workspace independent? Instead, I'd like to store it for the Eclipse installation. If yes, how?
Second question: I'd like to add a table to my preference page which has one column and a checkbox for each row (to sign the row entry as active or inactive). The column should contain file locations and/or urls of text files. So for the one preference setting, I'd have to store a list of location and the information whether it's active or not. Which would be the best way (which delimiters?)?
The Eclipse Preference service do support a scope context for the preference store. You can either store preferences in an Eclipse project, in the workspace, in the instance installation or into a custom scope.
Please refer to the following FAQ for more information on Eclipse Preference Scope:
For the way to store your table preferences, IMO there is no real best way to do it. I would say that you can serialize the whole table into a string using a specific pattern/matcher to parse it.
For instance, you can use the following format:
I recently migrated to IntelliJ 10. My .IML file has several properties such as $MODULE_DIR$ which set up the build environment. These are designed to be checked in so each user can configure his/her own local settings.
But everytime I checkin, IDEA replaces these some of these properties with the actual environment value, for example replacing every occurrence $MODULE_DIR$ in the iml file with my configured value "C:/Modules". This does not seem to happen for other properties, nor for other developers on the team using the same project. Am I missing some setting??
You should probably read about Path Variables in the Idea help.
I know that $MODULE_DIR$, $PROJECT_DIR$, ard $APPLICATION_HOME_DIR$ are used by Idea to determine where to find Module/Project/Idea stuff (jars etc). So I would guess not using these exact variable names will solve your problem.