Do Google Channel API Bi-Directional Sockets Exist? - api

In the docs for the Google Channel API it says:
"A channel is a one-way communication path through which the server sends updates to a specific JavaScript client identified by its Client ID."
In their diagrams they show a client sending its state with a POST. This seems like it would be slow. Can the client communicate with the Channel API through a socket? Or must it send via POST?

POST is a message type indicator and message format.
Major edit after more research!
See Google API doc
Looks like messages from the browser to the server do indeed open new HTTP-level connections to send a POST message. Whether a new TCP/IP connection is needed or not depends on the browser's management of TCP connections--new browsers do a better job of this. See wikipedia HTTP persistent connection
Re: This seems like it would be slow. Usually the browser traffic is asymmetrical--with most of the data from the server to the browser. Comet will help that use case.
Re: Can the client communicate with the Channel API through a socket? Do you mean IP socket? Browsers don't have an api for that. Do you mean "web socket?" I'm 98% sure it wouldn't work to combine the two techniques. But you could try...


How to authenticate if auth headers are not supported on client-side?

TL;DR: How to authenticate against NGINX if auth headers are not supported on client side?
I am building an IoT-related project using NGINX as a reverse proxy for the server side services and 1NCE as the LTE carrier for the mobile devices. All traffic is authenticated based on HTTPBasicAuth over SSL-encrypted connections and handling "normal" requests works as desired.
As mobile service might be interrupted and the Internet connection might be lost, I want to send SMS for critical status reports and alarm notifications. 1NCE supports SMS mobile originated SMS (MO SMS) which are handled by the 1NCE's internal infrastructure and forwarded to a configurable API endpoint. So, MO SMS are not delivered to a specified phone, but forwarded via an API request which I need to process on my side.
According to 1NCE's SMS documentation and in consultation with their customer support, SMS forwarding does not support any authentication headers. SMS forwarding can only be done by specifying an HTTPS URL (including the desired API endpoint) and a port. The incoming SMS is then wrapped in a request to the given URL and sent in the request body.
I want to add authentication to the SMS forwarding endpoint (receiving forwarded SMS on my side) as well and am currently wondering about how I could achieve this. NGINX supports authentication on subrequest which could be used to evaluate incoming requests by an internal service. So my first idea was to add some credentials to each SMS (as I am also responsible for the SMS sending part of the code on the mobile devices, I could implement whatever is needed) and check those credentials with an internal service called by NGINX's subrequest. However, this does not seem to be doable. According to this SO question GET requests are used for the internal subrequests hence any body of the incoming POST request is discarded. Therefore, the credentials of the forwarded SMS would also be not available to my internal auth service. Extending NGINX's auth capabilities by writing an custom Lua-based plugin was my second idea, but this does not only seem to be not feasible but is also not supported by the NGINX instance I am using (Lua modules are disabled, switching to openresty seems to be a big thing).
My last idea would be to forward all incoming requests to a Python web service (written in Flask, other services I am using are also written in Flask) and parsing the forwarded SMS in Python. Based on the result of the credential evaluation I could return an 401/Unauthorized status code if credentials provided in the SMS (which is part of the request body) are invalid and process the request otherwise. However, I think that this approach is quite ugly as all incoming requests need to be passed to Flask and invalid requests are not rejected at the level of my Reverse Proxy.
Do you have any ideas about how to approach this issue? What would be a considerable approach with regards to "best practises"? Can I extend NGINX in a way to solve this or should I completely drop NGINX in favor of a "better" proxy?

How to assure that data gets encrypted when using POST in httpClient

I'm making app with VS 2017 and Xamarin. I plan to send username and password (in request body) to my server with httpClient (Android), PostAsync().
I have seen examples like the answer at
Send HTTP Post request in Xamarin Forms C# and just wonder if there is a way to check that the data beeing sent is really encrypted.
I know from that the httpClient would automatically encrypt messages.
If you connect to your server using SSL the data you send will be encrypted. This can be achieved by simply using the https:// prefix when connecting to your server as opposed to the regular http prefix.
As you said that you are using SSL on your server I shall not go into the ins and outs of implementing it as it is very different on every platform. For anyone reading this in the future a great starting point is using LetsEncrypt if you're on a budget as it is free (although you do have to refresh your certificate every so often).
To verify that the data is encrypted you can use a program called Wireshark whilst debugging in an Android Emulator. The instructions are pretty clear within wireshark but on sending the request from your android phone select the domain/ip from the wireshark panel and view the information from that request. If you are using SSL right the data should be encrypted.

Questions on TURN server in WebRTC

I have gone through RFC 5766 which explains TURN protocol in detail. However, I have some fundamental questions that I am not able to figure after downloading and installing COTURN the opensource TURN server.
What is a client for a TURN server? Is it the first browser that initiates a WebRTC call? TURN servers create an allocation for the client, targeted for a specific peer. Now in WebRTC, we talk about peer to peer communication. In the RFC it talks about client-server-peer communication. All requests/responses between the client and the server are TURN-driven while those between the peer and the TURN server are just UDP data messages relayed to/from the client.
My second question is more specific to COTURN. What is the "value" field in "turn_secret" table and where/when is it used? Does the "credential" property of iceservers correspond to hmackey in the turnusers_lt table by using HMAC over (credentials, realm and username)? Where does the "value" field of "turn_secret" table figure in all this?
tl;dr: TURN secret is used to restrict the leakage of TURN credentials, it is part of TURN authentication using REST api(doc)
from coturn docs:
In WebRTC, the browser obtains the TURN connection information from the web server. This information is a secure information - because it contains the necessary TURN credentials. As these credentials are transmitted over the public networks, we have a potential security problem.
If we have to transmit a valuable information over the public network, then this information has to have a limited lifetime. Then the guy who obtains this information without permission will be able to perform only limited damage.
This is how the idea of time-limited TURN credentials appeared. This security mechanism is based upon the long-term credentials mechanism. The main idea is that the web server provides the credentials to the client, but those credentials can be used only limited time by an application that has to create a TURN server connection.
you can take a look at this answer TURN secret usage example.

HTTP 2 will support server push, what does this mean?

I've read a lot of things about HTTP 2 (which is still in development), so I also heard about the server push feature, but I my head, this is not clear.
Does this server push feature mean that the server will be able to send a response to the client without the latter making a request? Just like a vanilla TCP connection? Or I'm missing the point?
The HTTP2 push mechanism is not a generic server push mechanism like websocket or server sent events.
It is designed for a specific optimisation of HTTP conversations. Specifically when a client asks for a resource (eg index.html) the server can guess that it is going to next ask for a bunch of associated resources (eg theme.css, jquery.js, logo.png, etc. etc.) Typically a webpage can have 10s of such associated requests.
With HTTP/1.1, the server had to wait until the client actually sends request for these associated resources, and then the client is limited by connections to only ask for approx 6 at a time. Thus it can take many round trips before all the associated resources that are needed by a webpage are actually sent.
With HTTP/2, the server can send in the response to the index.html GET push promises to tell the client that it is going to also send theme.css, jquery.js, logo.png, etc. as if the client had requested them. The client can then cancel those pushes or just wait for them to be sent without incurring the extra latency of multiple round trips.
Here is a demo of push with SPDY (the basis for HTTP2) with Jetty . Here is a blog about the push API for HTTP2 and SPDY in jetty:
Essentially your understanding is correct, however, there is a lot more to it.
The server will only be able to send a resource to the client after a request for an HTTP page has been made and the resources required by that page for it to render properly, i.e. images, JavaScript files, CSS etc, have been identified. The mechanism responsible for this is the server side framework. In Java, this will be Servlet 4 and possibly JSF.
A server can not just send any resource to the client when it feels like it. Only under the above circumstance will it occur and a client will always be able to reject the server request to push a resource.
The mechanism of HTTP/2 server push has been really well designed and to get to grips with it I recommend this overview of HTTP/2 and this in depth article diving into the internals of the HTTP/2 protocol.

Http Request Life Cycle

I have recently started my job as web application backend developer. I am bit stuck in understanding lifecycle of a Http request.
What I understood is
Every Http request first contacts a DNS server which resolves the request URL domain to a IP address.
After fetching the Webserver IP address request is forwarded to it(via PUT request). A webserver like apache handles this request and forwards this to application which has to handle this.
After this I am lost with
How response is sent by the application to the user who requested it and will Apcache involved in this?
Can I see the entire flow in my browser with some debugging tools?
Can someone refer some links to understand this in depth?
I think you are a bit wrong on your understanding of it.
If you go to (not using any forms, just wanting the site), this is what happens:
First the browser needs to translate to an IP address if it does not already know it. If it knows it, nothing happens at this point. If it does not know it, it contacts a DNS server to resolve the name.
Then browser will open a TCP connection to the IP address of and send a HTTP GET request over. In this example it will be
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host:
The server software will get this HTTP request. It will somehow generate a HTTP response and send that back trough the TCP connection. How the server does this is server software dependent. You can for example plug in application code in Apache, or just make Apache return a file from the filesystem. PHP is an application called by some software, which then generates the response sent to the browser. When the response is sent, in HTTP version 1.0 the connection is closed. HTTP 1.1 can have persistent connections though.
When the browser gets the response, it typically renders it on screen. The HTTP request is now done. A click on "search" will send a new request to the server.
GET, PUT, POST, DELETE and others are HTTP request methods. They have special meaning which you can see in the RFC.
Cookies are commonly used to identify the same user across multiple HTTP requests, called sessions. Therefore these cookies are called session cookies
You can debug the communication by using a network sniffer tool, for example Wireshark. Firefox has a third party plugin called Tamper Data that can change the request before they are sent to the server.
The HTTP RFC is a good source of how it all works.
while server receives the request from browser , the browser will be binded to some port on the host , ip address and port number of browser will be attached with the request that sends to server. server sends the responce to the ip address and port number
This is among the popular interview questions asked in various product based companies.
HTTP Is a request-response protocol. For example, a user agent initiates a request to a server, typically by opening a TCP/IP connection to a particular port on a host (port 80 by default). The request itself comprises:
a request line,
a set of request headers, and
an entity.
An HTTP server listening on that port waits for the client to send a request message. Upon receiving the request, the server sends a response that comprises:
a status line,
a set of response headers, and
an entity.
The entity in the request or response can be thought of simply as the payload, which may be binary data. The other items are readable ASCII characters. When the response has been completed, either the browser or the server may terminate the TCP/IP connection, or the browser can send another request.
I found this resource very helpful in understanding the steps taken during the HTTP lifecycle : quite interesting actually though, wasn't aware of all the intermediate steps especially w/the cache checking when determining the IP Address of a URL.