How to fill Gtk::TreeModelColumn with a large dataset without locking up the application - gtkmm

I need to fill in a large (maybe not so much - several thousands of entries) dataset to a Gtk::TreeModelColumn. How do I do that without locking up the application. Is it safe to put the processing into separate thread? What parts of the application do I have to protect with a lock then? Is it only the Gtk::TreemodelColumn class, or Gtk::TreeView widget it is placed in, or maybe even surrounding frame or window?

There are two general approaches you could take. (Disclaimer: I've tried to provide example code, but I rarely use gtkmm - I'm much more familiar with GTK in C. The principles remain the same, however.)
One is to use an idle function - that runs whenever nothing's happening in your GUI. For best results, do a small amount of calculation in the idle function, like adding one item to your treeview. If you return true from the idle function, then it is called again whenever there is more processing time available. If you return false, then it is not called again. The good part about idle functions is that you don't have to lock anything. So you can define your idle function like this:
bool fill_column(Gtk::TreeModelColumn* column)
// add an item to column
return !column_is_full();
Then start the process like this:
Glib::signal_idle().connect(sigc::bind(&fill_column, column));
The other approach is to use threads. In the C API, this would involve gdk_threads_enter() and friends, but I gather that the proper way to do that in gtkmm, is to use Glib::Dispatcher. I haven't used it before, but here is an example of it. However, you can also still use the C API with gtkmm, as pointed out here.


Optaplanner, update shadow variables after every step

I am trying to add moves selectors which consider the state of the current working solution. For example, suppose in the cloud balancing problem I was trying to make a move which preferentially moved a process onto a computer which already holds few processes. I have a shadow variable which tracks the number of processes on the computer, then I have a valueSelector which implements SelectionProbabilityWeightFactory that gives a higher weight to computers with fewer processes.
This setup works fine and produces the moves that I want. But it is terribly slow because it is updating the shadow variable far more often than I need it to. Since I am not using this shadow variable for scoring, I don't need it to be updated after every move attempted during the step. I only need the shadow variable to be updated after each accepted move (i.e. the end of the step).
Alternately, I could use a custom move factory, but that requires that every computer have its process count fully re-calculated at each step. This means I would lose the incremental calculation benefit I get with the shadow variables.
So is there a way to force shadow variables to update after each step, rather than after each move. Or is there a better way to track the status of the working solution for use in move selectors?
Bad news first:
It's not possible to have VariableListener only update a shadow variable per step and not per move. And it's unlikely we'll ever want to allow that particular change, as it would hurt the predictability and integrity of the state of the domain model between move iterations. This could create a lot of havoc, including multiple forms of corruptions, if used slightly incorrectly.
Good news next:
Yes, you need to calculate some state per step to generate moves efficiently. This is a common problem I've run into a few times before too.
But why put that on the domain model? It doesn't belong there.
It belongs on the the move selector. For example, if you use a MoveIteratorFactory, that has a method called phaseStarted() (called when the phase starts) and a method createRandomMoveIterator() (called when a step starts even with SelectionCacheType.JIT).
Some something like this should do the trick:
public class MyMoveIteratorFactory implements MoveIteratorFactory<...> {
default void phaseStarted(ScoreDirector<...> scoreDirector) {
Iterator<Move_> createRandomMoveIterator(ScoreDirector<...> scoreDirector, Random workingRandom) {
List<Computer> alreadyUsedComputerList = ...; // runs once per step
return new MyIterator(alreadyUsedComputerList, workingRandom);
Now, the plot thickens when multiple move selectors need to reuse the same calculation. That's where SupplyManager comes into play, which is not public API. But this is definitely a good requirement for our "move streams API" experiment that we'll do next year.

Get value of control refnum in one step in SubVI

I'm trying to de-spaghetti a big UI by creating SubVIs that handle only the controls that are relevant, via control refnums.
Now, when extracting the code from the main VI and re-wiring into the subVIs, things get clutter-y.
To read/write these refnums, I have to do a two-step process. First add a terminal to get the control refnum value and then another to get the value of the control.
Wiring the refnums everywhere is not really an option as that will create more spaghetti if there are more than two of them. (usually 4-10)
Is there a better way?
Guys, this is a low-level question about the picture above, not really a queston about large scale architecture / design patterns. I'm using QMH, classes, where appropriate.
I just feel there should be a way to get the typed value from a typed control ref in one step. It feels kind of common.
In the caller VI, where the controls/indicators actually live, create all your references, then bundle them into clusters of relevant pieces. Pass the clusters into your subVIs, giving a given subVI only the cluster it needs. This both keeps your conpane cleaned up and and makes it clear the interface that each subVI is talking to. Instead of a cluster, you may want to create a LV class to further encapsulate and define the sub-UI operations, but that's generally only on larger projects where some components of the UI will be reused in other UIs.
I'm not sure there is a low-touch way to de-spaghetti a UI with lots of controls and indicators.
My suggestion is to rework the top-level VI into a queued message handler, which would allow you to decouple the user interaction from the application's response. In other words, rather than moving both the controls and the code that handles their changes to subVIs (as you're currently doing), this would keep the controls where they are (so you don't need to use ref nums and property nodes) and only move the code to subVIs.
This design pattern is built-in to recent versions of LabVIEW: navigate to File ยป Create Project to make LabVIEW generate a project you can evaluate. For more information about understanding how to extend and customize it, see this NI slide deck: Decisions Behind the Design of the
Queued Message Handler Template.
In general, it is not the best practice to read/write value using refnum in perspective of performance. It requires a thread swap to the UI thread each time (which is a heavy process), whereas the FP Terminal is privileged to be able to update the panel without switching execution threads and without mutex friction.
Using references to access value
Requires to update the front panel item every single time they are called.
They are a pass by reference function as opposed to a pass by value function. This means they are essentially pointers to specific memory locations. The pointers must be de-referenced, and then the value in memory updated. The process of de-referencing the variables causes them to be slower than Controls/Indicators, or Local Variables.
Property Nodes cause the front panel of a SubVI to remain in memory, which increases memory use. If the front panel of a SubVI is not displayed, remove property nodes to decrease memory use.
If after this you want to use this method you can use VI scripting to speed up the process:

Objective-C: if statement in custom setter

What's the purpose of if statement in a custom setter? I see this routine a lot in sample code. Provided using ARC, why bother checking the equality?
- (void)setPhotoDatabase:(UIManagedDocument *)photoDatabase
if (_photoDatabase != photoDatabase) {
_photoDatabase = photoDatabase;
The important part is typically what follows the change (what's in ...): side-effects after assigning new value, which can be very costly.
It's a good idea to restrict those changes to avoid triggering unnecessary and potentially very costly side effects. say you change a document, well you will likely need to change a good percentage of the the ui related to that document, as well as model changes.
When the conditions are checked, a significant amount of unnecessary/changes work may be short circuited, which could wind up avoiding making unnecessary changes.
such unnecessary side effects could easily eclipse your app's real work regarding CPU, drawing, object creation, writes to disk -- pretty much anything.
believe it or not, a lot of apps do perform significant amounts of unnecessary work, even if they are very well designed. drawing and ui updates in view-based rendering systems are probably the best example i can think of. in that domain, there are a ton of details one could implement to minimize redundant drawing.
One of the main reasons to override and implement custom setters is to execute additional code in response to changes of the property. If the property doesn't actually change, why execute that code?
The answer is usually in the ... section that you have commented out: when there is nothing there, the code makes no sense. However, a typical thing to have in that spot is some sort of notification of your own delegate, like this:
[myDelegate photoDatabaseDidChanged:photoDatabase];
This should not be called unless the photoDatabase has indeed changed. The call may be costly, anywhere from "expensive" to "very expensive", depending on what the delegate really does. It could be updating a screen with the images from the new library, or it could be saving new images into the cloud. If there is no need to report the change, you could be wasting the CPU cycles, along with the battery and the network bandwidth. Your code has no way of knowing what the delegate is going to do, so you need to avoid calling back unless the change did happen.
If you check for equality you can prevent the redundant assignment of the parameter that is passed into the method.
This way you can avoid the cost (even if it's small) of doing all the code within the brackets if there is no change to the photoDatabase in your sample method.
Ex (Extending your example):
- (void)setPhotoDatabase:(UIManagedDocument *)photoDatabase
if (_photoDatabase != photoDatabase)
_photoDatabase = photoDatabase;
// do stuff
// do more stuff
// do even more stuff
// do something really expensive
As you can see from the example, if you check first to see if the photoDatabase doesn't equal what is passed in, you can just exit the method and not run additional code that isn't necessary.

Getting the world's contactListener in Box2D

I'm writing a game for Mac OS using cocos2D and Box2D. I've added a b2ContactListener subclass to my world as follows:
contactListener = new ContactListener();
This works perfectly, but I am unsure of the best/accepted way to access the contact listener from other classes that don't currently have a direct reference to the contact listener.
I know I can pass a reference to other classes that need it, but what I was wondering is if there is a better way. More specifically, although I can't find a method to do this, is there some equivalent of this:
in Box2D?
The reason I am trying to do this is simply because I would prefer to move some game logic (i.e. whether a body is able to jump based on information from the contact listener) to the relevant classes themselves, rather than putting everything in the main gameplay class.
A contact listener just serves as an entry point for the four functions BeginContact, EndContact, PreSolve and PostSolve. Typically it has no member variables, so there is no reason to get it, because there is nothing to get from it.
When one of these functions is called during a world Step, you can make a note of which two things touched/stopped touching etc, but you should not change anything in the world right away, until the time step is complete.
I think the crux of this question is the method used to 'make a note' of which things touched, but that's really up to you and depends on what kind of information you need. For example if you're only interested in BeginContact, then the absolute simplest way might be to just store which two fixtures touched as a list of pairs:
std::vector< std::pair<b2Fixture*, b2Fixture*> > thingsThatTouched;
//in BeginContact
thingsThatTouched.push_back( make_pair(contact->GetFixtureA(), contact->GetFixtureB()) );
//after the time step
for (int i = 0; i < thingsThatTouched.size(); i++) {
b2Fixture* fixtureA = thingsThatTouched[i].first;
b2Fixture* fixtureB = thingsThatTouched[i].second;
// ... do something clever ...
thingsThatTouched.clear(); //important!!
For this to work you'll need to make the thingsThatTouched list visible from the contact listener function, so it could either be a global variable, or you could set a pointer to it in the contact listener class, or maybe have a global function that returns a pointer to the list.
If you need to keep track of more information such as what things stopped touching, or do something after the time step based on how hard things impacted when they touched etc, it will take a bit more work and becomes more specific. You might find these tutorials useful:
This one uses BeginContact/EndContact to update a list of which other things a body is touching, and uses it to decide if a player can jump at any given time:
This one uses a similar method to look at what type of surfaces are currently under a car tire, to decide how much friction the surface has:
This one uses PreSolve to decide whether two bodies (arrow and target) should stick together when they collide, based on the speed of the impact. The actual 'sticking together' processing is done after the time step finishes:
I think you simply can call GetContactList and then process all the contacts using iterator if you need to do it in some other place

Is it OK to create an object inside a function

I work on a class in VBA, that encapsulates downloading stuff with MSXML2.XmlHttp.
There are three possibilities for the return value: Text, XML and Stream.
Should I create a function for each:
aXml.load myDownloader.XmlSynchronous(URL,formData,dlPost,....)
Or can I just return the XmlHttpObject I created inside the class and then have
In the former case I can set the obj to nothing in the class but have to write several functions that are more or less the same.
In the latter case, I relay on the "garbage collector" but have a leaner class.
Both should work, but which one is better coding style?
In my opinion, the first way is better because you don't expose low level details to a high level of the abstraction.
I did something similar with a web crawler in Java, so I have a class only to manipulate the URL connection getting all the needed data (low level) and a high level class using the low level class that return an object called Page.
You can have a third method that only execute myDownloader.Synchronous(URL,formData,dlPost,.....) and stores the returned object in a private variable and the others method only manipulate this object. This form, you will only open the connection one time.
After much seeking around in the web (triggered by the comment by EmmadKareem) I found this:
First of all, Dont do localObject=Nothing at the end of a method - the variable goes out of scope anyway and is discarded. see this older but enlightening post on msdn
VBA uses reference counting and apart from some older bugs on ADO this seems to work woute well and (as I understand) immediately discards ressources that are not used anymore. So from a performance/memory usage point of view this seems not to be a problem.
As to the coding style: I think the uncomfortable fdeeling I had when I designed this could go away by simply renaming the function to myDownloader.getSyncDLObj(...) or some such.
There seem to be two camps on codestyle. One promotes clean code, which is easy to read, but uses five lines everytime you use it. Its most important prerogative is "every function should do one thing and one thing only. Their approach would probably look something like
and one is OK with the more cluttered, but less lineconsuming
both have their merits both none is wrong, dangerous or frowned upon. As this is a helper class and I use it to remove the inner workings of the xmlhttp from the main code I am more comfortable with the second approach here. (One line for one goal ;)
I would be very interested on anyones take on that matter