mysql updating cell content issue - sql

I am trying to update a value in my database but am recieving the following error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''users' ('new_user') VALUES ('1') WHERE 'id'= 5' at line 1
I am trying to UPDATE the table 'users' in the column 'new_user' where the id is equal to $userid. But it don't work. Please help.
$newuservalue = '1';
$notnewuser ="UPDATE 'users' ('new_user') VALUES ('$newuservalue') WHERE 'id'= $userid ";
$query2 = mysql_query($notnewuser) or die(mysql_error());

Well, your syntax is wrong.
It should be:
UPDATE table_name SET field1=new-value1, field2=new-value2 [WHERE Clause]
So, remove the "values" part of your query and put in the "set" part.
Here's a link to the official documentation.

i have that problems some times, that's the code to insert a new row :d
It should be:
UPDATE users SET new_user='$newuservalue' WHERE id=$userid
you also don't need to put quotes around your column names, that might give some problems as well.


MariaDB to calculate table reference in select query

I have a quite dumb client application that wants to get information from MariaDB based on a parameter.
This parameter is a string that contains spaces, like 'valid parameter'.
In MariaDB there is a table for each of the possible string values, and the table name is the string value after spaces have been replaced by underscores and a prefix is added. So I can perform the necessary conversion like this:
SELECT CONCAT('prefix_', REPLACE('valid parameter',' ','_'));
Now the result 'prefix_valid_parameter' is the table to query, so actually I need to fire off
SELECT * from CONCAT('prefix_', REPLACE('valid parameter',' ','_'));
but MariaDB responds with
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '('prefix_', REPLACE('valid parameter',' ','_'))' at line 1
I would have expected either the content of table 'prefix_valid_parameter' or an error stating "table 'prefix_valid_parameter' not found". How can I make the table_reference part of my SQL SELECT statement dynamic?
You need to use dynamic SQL:
set #sql = 'select * from [table]';
execute immediate replace(#sql, '[table]',
concat('prefix_', replace('valid parameter', ' ', '_'))
I should add that the need to do this perhaps suggests a flaw in your data model. If the tables have the same structure, it is better to put all the rows in a single table.

Error show when update using phpmyadmin

When I update a column using phpmyadmin in database with following query
UPDATE members
SET `refered` = (SELECT COUNT (*)
FROM `user_details`
WHERE `user_details.sponser`=`members.username`
It show a error message like this
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '*) FROM `user_details` WHERE `user_details.sponser`=`members.username`)' at line 1
What may be reason?
Error is in
Remove the space between COUNT and (*).
Try the below query
UPDATE members SET refered = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user_details
WHERE user_details.sponser=members.username)
Does the Select query returns any result. If so what is the result. Looks like all your query is inside '' single quotes that you are using it should be removed. Single quotes need to be removed for example .
UPDATE members
SET refered = (SELECT COUNT (*)
FROM user_details
WHERE user_details.sponser=members.username
-- there is not single quotes in the query above. please remove it from yours.
Part of your problem, or maybe the whole problem, is the WHERE clause. You've used backticks for the table name, which is correct (or, at least, it's optional in this case; it's needed if your database name or table name has a MySQL reserved name or is otherwise ambiguous). The problem, though, is that the dot separating the database from the table needs to be outside the backticks. So your WHERE clause should look like this instead:
WHERE `user_details`.`sponser`=`members`.`username`

Rename a column with space in it

Someone mistakenly created a table in which all the column names has a leading space in it. For example: 'accountid' is now ' accountid'.
I am going to write a SQL statement to rename these columns. The one I wrote is:
ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN ' accountid' TO 'accountid';
However, I got the following error:
Error : ERROR: syntax error at or near "' accountid'"
Can someone instruct me how to rename these? How to change my statement to make it runnable? I use PostgreSQL.
Many thanks.
In PostgreSQL, you use double-quotes for identifiers (if necessary): "
ALTER TABLE mytable RENAME COLUMN " accountid" TO "accountid";
See here and browse to 4.1.1
You can even put other characters:
select c.comment "actor.comment" from post p join comment c on = c.post_id;

What is the following sql statement giving an error?

I get an error when i try to do this using SQL. ftp.server is the key whose value i would like to change:
UPDATE OL_PREF SET ftp.server=''
If the column name is really ftp.server, then the correct Oracle syntax for updating it should be
UPDATE OL_PREF SET "ftp.server" =''
In Oracle, double quotes are the correct way to handle column names that have non-standard characters, including lower-case letters and the period. Note that you must have the exact correct column name for this to work, including case.
You can verify the column name with:
SELECT column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE table_name='OL_PREF' ORDER BY column_name;
If what you really mean is that you have a table that stores key-value pairs, and that 'ftp.server' is a key, then you probably want an update like the one in Mark Wilkins' answer.
UPDATE OL_PREF SET [ftp.server]=''
UPDATE OL_PREF SET [ftp].[server]=''
if ftp is a schema and server is the fieldname.
You can't put the column name in quotes.
You could use brackets, which have the same functionality as quotes.
UPDATE OL_PREF SET [ftp.server] =''
Also, it's a good idea to use "two part naming", specifying the schema as well:
UPDATE dbo.OL_PREF SET [ftp.server] =''
SET ftp.server =''
no '' for column names
SQL Update
'ftp.server' is in quotes. (and that should not be)
Are you getting the error ORA-00904 string : invalid identifier?
If so read this
I did a quick test on this
SQL> create table t_tab_1 ( tname varchar2(3), "ftp.service" varchar2(20) );
Table created.
SQL> insert into t_tab_1(tname,"ftp.service") values('21','ftp://fila');
1 row created.
SQL> update t_tab_1 set "ftp.service"='';
1 row updated.
If there is more than I row in your table remember to use the where clause in your update statement.

How can I update many rows with SQL in a single table?

I have a table and one of the columns holds web addresses like: 'http://...' or 'https://...'.
The problem is that there are some invalid entries, like 'shttp://...' or '#http//...' (the first character is invalid) and I want to correct all of them.
I use the following SQL statement:
'SELECT [...] FROM MyTable WHERE WebAddress LIKE '_http%'
and I successfuly get the problematic rows.
But how am I going to change/correct all of them using an UPDATE statement?
If you have some other solution please share it!
Simply change the SELECT to an UPDATE (of course, with some syntax changes) with a "fix" expression
WebAddress = SUBSTRING(WebAddress, 2, 8000)
WebAddress LIKE '_http%'
You Can use Sub string property as you can trim odd letters .Also like '_word start' suitable for your question