Oracle has OWA. What is the PostgreSQL equivalent? - apache

I'd like to write stored procedures in pgSQL that dynamically generate web-ready data. I need a pure SQL to HTML or SQL to XML gateway. Oracle has OWA. In Oracle you can setup a RAC frontend to a SAN and connect a large set of OWA hosts to your RAC so you
layer your web requests and spread your queries.
What is the PostgreSQL or MySQL equivalent? I'm not looking at getting the data out of the DB, then processing it via Python or Ruby. Is something like
this even possible in PostgreSQL?
From experience, stored SQL procedures are better at moving/calculating large datasets than piping the SQL query/cursor/proc result set to a middleware Python/Ruby/Perl/PHP
that then process the data and send it to the web browser.

PostgreSQL has a host of functions that allow you to convert from tables/schemas/queries to XML ( ) as well as a built-in XML datatype ( ).
Unfortunately, I can't give much more information than that as I'm not an XML guy but hopefully these references will make sense to you. ;)


Convert sql server script syntax to oracle script syntax

I have an application that is supposed to support two types of databases SQL SERVER and ORACLE. So we've been working forever on SQL Server and now we are making this support.
My idea was to create a tool to generate the scripts of creating the database using CMO then convert those scripts to PL/SQL Oracle scripts and run them on Oracle.
My questions are:
Is this syntax conversion possible in code?
I need a guideline to make this kind of syntax conversion.
Do you have a better suggestion to maintain two types of databases (i mean when making a change of one of them, we dont have to make it to the other. we need a tool to make that change.)?
If you write using standard sql it should be mostly portable. Eg use fetch instead of top, SET #a=.. instead of Select #a=.. Use Merge for updates instead of join updates, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of getdate() etc.

Do databases besides Postgres have features comparable to foreign data wrappers?

I'm very excited by several of the more recently-added Postgres features, such as foreign data wrappers. I'm not aware of any other RDBMS having this feature, but before I try to make the case to my main client that they should begin preferring Postgres over their current cocktail of RDBMSs, and include in my case that no other database can do this, I'd like to verify that.
I've been unable to find evidence of any other database supporting SQL/MED, and things like this short note stating that Oracle does not support SQL/MED.
The main thing that gives me doubt is a statement on
SQL/MED is Management of External Data, a part of the SQL standard that deals with how a database management system can integrate data stored outside the database.
If FDWs are based on SQL/MED, and SQL/MED is an open standard, then it seems likely that other RDBMSs have implemented it too.
Does any database besides Postgres support SQL/MED?
IBM DB2 claims compliance with SQL/MED (including full FDW API);
MySQL's FEDERATED storage engine can connect to another MySQL database, but NOT to other RDBMSs;
MariaDB's CONNECT engine allows access to various file formats (CSV, XML, Excel, etc), gives access to "any" ODBC data sources (Oracle, DB2, SQLServer, etc) and can access data on the storage engines MyIsam and InnoDB.
Farrago has some of it too;
PostgreSQL implements parts of it (notably it does not implement routine mappings, and has a simplified FDW API). It is usable as readeable since PG 9.1 and writeable since 9.3, and prior to that there was the DBI-Link.
PostgreSQL communities have a plenty of nice FDW like noSQL FDW (couchdb_fdw, mongo_fdw, redis_fdw), Multicorn (for using Python output instead of C for the wrapper per se), or the nuts PGStrom (which uses GPU for some operations!)
SQL Server has the concept of Linked Servers (, which allows you to connect to external data sources (Oracle, other SQL instances, Active Directory, File system data via the Indexing Service provider, etc.) and, if you really needed to, you can create your own Providers that can be used by a SQL Server Linked Server.
Another option within SQL Server is the CLR, in which you can write code to retrieve data from web services or other data sources as needed.
While this may not technically be "SQL/MED", it seems to accomplish the same thing.
Distributed query using local table joined to 4-part linked server query. I think case the remotetable filter might not be applied until after the entire table is pulled local (documentation is fuzzy on this and I've found article with conflicting opinions):
FROM LocalDB.dbo.table t
INNER JOIN LinkedServer1.RemoteDB.dbo.remotetable r on t.val = r.val
WHERE r.val < 1000
Using OpenQuery, remotetable filter is applied on the remote server, as long as the filter is passed into the OpenQuery 2nd parameter:
FROM LocalDB.dbo.table t
INNER JOIN OPENQUERY(LinkedServer1, 'SELECT * FROM RemoteDB.dbo.remotetable r WHERE r.val < 1000') r on t.val = r.val

How can I use Dapper in a multi database environment?

I'm trying to implement simple queries like SELECT * FROM TABLE_X WHERE XID = #id, but the problem that I'm having is that these queries would run on different databases (SQL Server and Oracle) for different application instances.
How to do it without to have to write each database a new set of queries?
Dapper is really closed to the database, and allow you to leverage pure sql tricks specific for a specific database. In my opinion you should use a query object pattern, so you will have an interface in front of each extraction /commit that would possibly change for SQL/Oracle.
I've downloaded the code of SqlMapper.cs and hacked SetupCommand to check if the command is from Oracle or SQL Server.
That was what I did:
if (cnn.GetType().Name.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("oracle"))
sql = sql.Replace('#', ':');

Moving from Oracle SQL to ANSI SQL pros and cons

I work in a project where the UI has direct access to the database through SQL code. The company has a framework where we create UI pages in xml and after that it is parsed and creates FLEX pages. If we want some data from the DB (Oracle) we add a sql query in the xml (instead of databinding with a datacontext object like we could do with WPF). If we want to add some logic, there is no code behind, we call store procedures. After we have the data we need the parser does the job.
The new requirements are to use the framework and create a new product that will be compatible with SQL Server and the thoughts are to start transforming the (Oracle)SQL queries to ANSI SQL.
Can somebody tell me the benefits and mainly the problems that we are going to face doing that?
Do you think there is a better way?
Note: The framework is really big and there are a lot of products built on that so managers are not keen to just throw it away(I tried but.. :))
Each dialect of SQL is different. You could use ANSI SQL but a) not all of ANSI SQL is implemented by most DBMS and b) most DBMS's have implementation-specific optimisations which will perform better for some cases.
So I'd say, don't go for ANSI SQL. It won't always work and sometimes it will work slower than taking advantage of a vendor's non-standard implementations.
Specifically, Oracle requires a StoredProcedure to return a REF_CURSOR from a stored procedure to fill a DataSet. SQL Server doesnt; the SP returns what the sp SELECTed. You're going to have to change your SP's to get rid of the returned REF_CURSOR.
Date handling is quite different: Oracle needs a to_date to turn a string into a date in where clauses etc; SQL Server just takes the string and converts it for you. And so on and so on. (I'm not at all sure what the ANSI Standard is, or even if it covers this!) To avoid changing your SQL you could add create SQL Server function called to_date, but this is now going to slow up your SQL.
If you have much PL/SQL in stored procedures, you have a big job converting it to T-SQL. They are quite different.
Good luck!

Postgres, plpgsql: Is there a way to connect to other DB from inside of a stored procedure?

I have two DB's one is feed by filtered data from another, now i'm using perl script witch executes query on foreign DB, stores a result in a csv file, and loads it to local DB using \COPY sytnatx
Is there a way to write plpgsql function witch will connect to foreign DB and load filtered data in local DB ( I know it can be done in ie. plperl, but i search more "native" way )
And there is the DBI-LINK that supports much more databases :)
Currently, PostgreSQL has dblink, but it only supports connecting to other PostgreSQL instances - not any other database, sadly.
I would recommend PL/Proxy, which is significantly easier to use - just write the desired stored procedure on the target database (with some minor caveats, like not using enumerated types), and declare the same function on the source, PL/Proxy will handle the communications. It is the basis for Skype's distributed database architecture and is production-ready.