Call a Sproc on another SQL Server without being linked via TSQL - sql

I want to call a sproc on server B from server A in TSQL without linking the servers. Is it possible to use something like a connection string to execute this sproc? The return will be a single nvarchar value.

To avoid "linked servers", you'd normally use OPENDATASOURCE
After comment:
EXEC OPENDATASOURCE('SQLNCLI', 'Data Source=London\Payroll;Integrated Security=SSPI').remoteDB.remoteSchema.remoteProc #param1, #param2,...
Simple 4 part naming convention. The whole OPENDATASOURCE simply replaces the linked server name...
Note: you may have issues with "adhoc access"

i know of no way of doing it without ...
creating an extended stored proc to do it for you
perhaps using xp_cmdshell to use isql to execute your stored proc .. however, getting the result might be tricky (perhaps write the result to a table on your current server in the same sql file that isql is reading)


SQL delphi ado, SQL batch execute

Since SQL Server does not have a simple batch command line executor for the scripts the are auto generated from management studio, I created one.
The problem arises when delphi ado syntax and SQL Server syntax don't agree (BUT ITS THE SAME THING).
Well any how, the go I replaced with ;
Now as I declare a stored procedure alter, I hit a brick wall.
The script I'm running is :
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[procName]
Declare #param int
and the error i get is :
the arguments are from the wrong type,
out of range or collide with one
(my free translation)
questions :
why is this happening?
what can i do to change this?
is there another udl based program that parse SQL scripts?
edit: require login to the db with udl file.
could it be that delphi has problems with # ?
Since SQL Server does not have a
simple batch command line executer for
the scripts the are auto generated
from management studio, I created one.
Are you aware of SQLCMD ?? Seems like a command-line utility to execute SQL scripts to me... also: the SQLCMD utility has a number of additional enhancements that go beyond what the T-SQL scripts in SSMS can do.
Also check out:
SQLCMD reference
Using SQLCMD utility
Not sure about your SQL example above, but does the stored procedure actually have any parameters, or are you calling a variable inside the body #param? The usual syntax is:
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[procName]
(<#params here>)
<body + variables here>
MSDN - Alter Procedure
removed the component and change the code from;
ado.execute;//or something like this
solved it.

No way to execute SQL script from SQL Server Query Manager like #{file.sql} oracle sqlplus syntax?

Like the title says, in oracle you can issue the following command in SQL*Plus:
SQL> select something from anothertable; #sql
SQL> #{/home/me/somescript.sql}; #load sql from file and execute it
SQL> do something else in script; #other sql
Without having to file->open the sql script to load it to the UI.
Is there an equivalent in SQL Server Query Manager? I've stumbled upon many situation where i could have used it but i couldn't be able to find a way to accomplish it.
You're not really comparing like for like Tools here.
The equivalent tool to SQL*Plus in SQL Server is the SQLCMD Utility.
In particular you will be interested in the -i switch as this allows you to provide a .sql file as input.
In response to your comment, you could look to use the system stored procedure xp_cmdshell to launch a prompt form within a T-SQL batch that allows you to use SQLCMD. Not the most elegant solution in my opinion but it should work.
If using latter versions of SQL Server (2005 & 2008), see if the :r command in SQLCMD works for you:
:r <filename>
Parses additional Transact-SQL statements and sqlcmd commands from the file specified by <filename> into the statement cache.
If the file contains Transact-SQL statements that arenot followed by GO, you must enter GO on the line that follows :r.
From sqlcmd Utility
Use isql utility
issql ... -iinputfile
There is also SQLS*Plus tool that you can use to execute scripts within a script

How can I view the original SQL that created a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008?

The title pretty much says it all.
How can I view the original SQL that created a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008?
Is this possible? I've been searching online for some leads, but I'm either missing correct vernacular or I'm just looking for something that can be found by some other means.
My basic problem is that I've got a SQL Server 2008 db here with a couple hundred stored procedures and I want to see what they are doing. I need to copy one and modify it slightly and then use it.
Open up management studio and expand the database you are after. Inside of there is a programmability folder, expand that and you will see the stored procedures. Right click on one of them and select modify.
From a query window on the db you can execute sp_helptext YOURPROCEDURENAME It's a shorthand for what Martin described.
To get the definition
select object_definition(object_id('sp_help'))
Or in management studio right click the procedure and choose a scripting option.
As long as it was not encrypted sp_helptext is the stored procured you want to show the text of any stored procedure
Of course if you were storing your sps in your source control as you should be doing, you would go there and look at it and even be able to see previous versions.
For any of the answers given so far, if there was any set up done - to create a #temp table that the proc depends on, for example - that won't exist in the results because SS stores the functional code for the proc definition, not all of the SQL used in the creation. Some things you might have to infer.

SSIS and MySQL - Table Name Delimiter Issue

I am trying to insert rows into a MySQL database from an Access database using SQL Server 2008 SSIS.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.51a-community-nt]You have
an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near '"orders"' at line 1
The problem is with the delimiters. I am using the 5.1 ODBC driver, and I can connect to MySql and select a table from the ADO.Net destination data source.
The MySql tables all show up delimited with double-quotes in the SSIS package editor:
"shipto addresses"
Removing the double quotes from the "Use a table or view" text box on the ADO.NET Destination Editor or replacing them with something else does not work if there is a space in the table name.
When SSIS puts the Insert query together, it retains the double quotes and adds single quotes.
The error above is shown when I click on "Preview" in the editor, and a similar error is thrown when I run the package (albeit then from the actual insert statement).
I don't seem to have control over this behavior. Any suggestions? Other package types where I can hand-code the SQL don't have this problem.
Sorry InnerJoin, I had to take the accepted answer away from you. I found a workaround here:
The solution is to reuse the connection for all tasks, and to turn ANSI quotes on for the connection before you do any inserts, with an Execute Sql task that runs the following:
Try using square brackets around the table names. That may help.
EDIT: If you can, I would create views (with no spaces) based on the Access tables, and use those to export. Even if it means building another Access database with linked tables, I think this is your best bet.
I've always struggled with using SSIS with MYSQL directly. Even after installing the ODBC drivers, they just don't play well in data flows. I've always ended up creating linked ODBC connections between SQL Server and MYSQL. I then rely on linked server queries to bring over data. Instead of using a SSIS data flow task, I use an Execute SQL command, usually in the form of a stored procedure that executes an OPENQUERY.
One solution you could do is load the data into a SQL Server database and use it as a staging environment before you load it into the MYSQL database. I regularly move data between SQL Server 2008 and MYSQL and in the past I use to regularly move data between Access and SQL Server.
Another possible solution is to transform the incoming Access data before it loads into the MYSQL database. That may give you a chance to clean up the column names and the actual data that's going through to MYSQL.
Let me know if either of these work for you.
You can locate the configuration setting file my.ini at <<Drive>>:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini and add "ANSI_QUOTES" to sql-mode.
e.g: sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ANSI_QUOTES". This should solve the issue while previewing in the SSIS editor.

How can I connect to an external database from a sql statement or a stored procedure?

When running a SQL statement or a stored procedure on a database, can you connect to an external database and pull data from there?
something like:
SELECT a.UserID, b.DataIWantToGet
FROM mydb.Users as a, externaldb.Data as b
You'll need to setup a Linked Server instance. Then you can reference the external database as though it were a SQL Server database.
Yep -- there's two methods: either use the function OPENROWSET, or use linked servers. OPENROWSET is useful for ad-hoc single statements, but if you're going to be doing this regularly, read up on linked servers as they allow you to do exactly what you've specified in your SQL Statement ... e.g.,
SELECT database.owner.table for local data
SELECT server.database.owner.table for remote data
And yes, you can mix and match to do joins twixt local and remote. Note though that you'll need to be caureul if you do joins against large tables that exist on the remote server as the query could take a long time to exexute...
Yes, you can. You should take a look at linked servers for starters. You can also use OPENROWSET to hit them directly with no linked server.
Easiest way :
Click connect to server
when it asks for server name use:
(The ip and opened port of target sql server)
Type correct username and password