I am currently in the process of replacing the IBM WebService framework with Axis2. When generating the code from the WSDL file, I use the Maven plugin WSDL2Code. However, the code created is always wrong. Or rather, the packagenames are always wrong, which in turn makes every method called uncallable (creating even more errors, up to 10.000+ errors in eclipse).
Here's an example of what is actually going on (this is just an example I made specifically to get advice):
In theory, this should generate code with the package name "test.testpackage" in the directory testdirectory/test/testpackage. However, instead it creates the following package: Src.test.testpackage in the directory testdirectory.src.test.testpackage. It always adds a "src" to both package name and directory - if I change the package name to src.test.testpackage, it will generate the following package: src.src.test.testpackage.
This, of course, leads to a huge problem, because every generated file has the following error:
"The declared package "src.test.testpackage" does not match the expected package
I'm at a complete loss here. I simply can't find any reason at all why it should add "src" everywhere. I've noticed an auto-generated build.xml file containing a value called sourcedirectory = x/src (or something similar), but there's nothing I can do to affect this value (trying to change it and then save the file makes no difference, obviously, since it's just generated again the next time I run maven).
Oh, and I generally use the command "mvn clean install" and version 1.4.1 of WSDL2Code, so it's not one of the old wsdl2code:wsdl2code bugs.
If anyone has any idea of what is actually wrong here, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.
Version 1.4.1 has a few more configuration options that are not really documented (have a look at the the source of org.apache.axis2.maven2.wsdl2code.WSDL2CodeMojo)...
Just use <flattenFiles>true</flattenFiles> - that should solve your problem :-)
This question is quite old, so I don't know if you're still having the problem...
I would recommend using Axistools Maven Plugin instead, it worked great in our case.
Maybe 'src' is part of ${basedir} ?
I'm afraid not. Even if it was, the strange problem shouldn't occur then - the path would then be correct being testdirectory/src/test/testpackage, thus causing no problem with the package name. The problem now arises because it is placed in a directory the package does not expect - it expects ${basedir}/testdirectory/insert.package.here.divided.by./, but instead it gets ${basedir}/testdirectory/src/insert.package.here.divided.by./.
The src should not be present in that part of the path.
This is connected with those "genius" of(or user of) maven/axis2 that practically takes decisions for you ... see this:
[Axis2 mailing list entry][1]
[1]: http://markmail.org/search/?q=[Axis2]+indrit#query:[Axis2 Mailing List entry]%20indrit+page:1+mid:a34wbp7l3pljagsz+state:results
I'm using Intellij Idea 2022.2.3, while I wanna use jetty runner, the lastest jetty version is 1.4.20, and I got an error as below:
com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: The default implementation of method 'getId' is deprecated, you need to override it in 'class com.github.guikeller.jettyrunner.conf.JettyRunnerConfigurationFactory'. The default implementation delegates to 'getName' which may be localized, but return value of this method must not depend on current localization. [Plugin: JettyRunner-GK]
at com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginProblemReporterImpl.createPluginExceptionByClass(PluginProblemReporterImpl.java:23)
at com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException.createByClass(PluginException.java:83)
at com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException.reportDeprecatedDefault(PluginException.java:110)
at com.intellij.execution.configurations.ConfigurationFactory.getId(ConfigurationFactory.java:75)
at com.intellij.execution.impl.RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl.writeExternal(RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl.kt:265)
at com.intellij.execution.impl.RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl.writeScheme(RunnerAndConfigurationSettingsImpl.kt:321)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.LazySchemeProcessor.writeScheme(scheme-impl.kt:65)
at com.intellij.execution.impl.RunConfigurationSchemeManager.writeScheme(RunConfigurationSchemeManager.kt:121)
at com.intellij.execution.impl.RunConfigurationSchemeManager.writeScheme(RunConfigurationSchemeManager.kt:21)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.schemeManager.SchemeManagerImpl.saveScheme(SchemeManagerImpl.kt:393)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.schemeManager.SchemeManagerImpl.save(SchemeManagerImpl.kt:333)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.Scheme_implKt.save(scheme-impl.kt:164)
at com.intellij.execution.impl.RunManagerImpl.getState(RunManagerImpl.kt:643)
at com.intellij.execution.impl.RunManagerImpl.getState(RunManagerImpl.kt:78)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.ComponentStoreImpl.commitComponent(ComponentStoreImpl.kt:334)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.ComponentStoreImpl.commitComponents$intellij_platform_configurationStore_impl(ComponentStoreImpl.kt:240)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.ComponentStoreWithExtraComponents.commitComponents$intellij_platform_configurationStore_impl(ComponentStoreWithExtraComponents.kt:94)
at com.intellij.configurationStore.ComponentStoreImpl$commitComponentsOnEdt$$inlined$withEdtContext$intellij_platform_configurationStore_impl$1.invokeSuspend(ComponentStoreImpl.kt:723)
at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33)
at kotlinx.coroutines.DispatchedTask.run(DispatchedTask.kt:106)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.constraints.BaseConstrainedExecution$Companion$scheduleWithinConstraints$1.invoke(BaseConstrainedExecution.kt:68)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.constraints.BaseConstrainedExecution$Companion.scheduleWithinConstraints(BaseConstrainedExecution.kt:71)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.constraints.BaseConstrainedExecution.scheduleWithinConstraints(BaseConstrainedExecution.kt:38)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.BaseExpirableExecutorMixinImpl.access$scheduleWithinConstraints$s1153900543(BaseExpirableExecutorMixinImpl.kt:12)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.BaseExpirableExecutorMixinImpl$scheduleWithinConstraints$$inlined$Runnable$1.run(Runnable.kt:19)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl.runWithWritingAllowed(TransactionGuardImpl.java:209)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl.access$100(TransactionGuardImpl.java:21)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl$1.run(TransactionGuardImpl.java:191)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runIntendedWriteActionOnCurrentThread(ApplicationImpl.java:881)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl$3.run(ApplicationImpl.java:513)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue.doRun(FlushQueue.java:75)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue.runNextEvent(FlushQueue.java:118)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.FlushQueue.flushNow(FlushQueue.java:42)
at java.desktop/java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:318)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:779)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:730)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue$4.run(EventQueue.java:724)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(AccessController.java:399)
at java.base/java.security.ProtectionDomain$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:86)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:749)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.defaultDispatchEvent(IdeEventQueue.java:918)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue._dispatchEvent(IdeEventQueue.java:766)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.lambda$dispatchEvent$6(IdeEventQueue.java:450)
at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.computePrioritized(CoreProgressManager.java:791)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.lambda$dispatchEvent$7(IdeEventQueue.java:449)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.TransactionGuardImpl.performActivity(TransactionGuardImpl.java:105)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.performActivity(IdeEventQueue.java:624)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.lambda$dispatchEvent$8(IdeEventQueue.java:447)
at com.intellij.openapi.application.impl.ApplicationImpl.runIntendedWriteActionOnCurrentThread(ApplicationImpl.java:881)
at com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue.dispatchEvent(IdeEventQueue.java:493)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:207)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:128)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:117)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:113)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
at java.desktop/java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:92)
It looks like that plugin is out of date with your version of Intellij. It seems like the plugin has not been updated recently and is looking for a new maintainer.
You could
fork it and make the changes suggested in the error message (it doesn't seem like it would be too complicated)
Downgrade your intellij - probably a bad idea, but if you are really in a pinch might be the fastest way to get past this
Find an alternate solution; perhaps use the jetty maven plugin which appears to be still supported and has easy commands to run jetty (which can be put into an intellij run configuration)
I would recommend the last way. If you are already using maven, it will be pretty easy. If you are not using maven then it is a good opportunity to learn how to use it as it is very helpful for managing java projects
Although I am looking for a new maintainer I still am maintaining the plugin.
Please raise an issue on GitHub so this can be fixed, cheers!
Project link: https://github.com/guikeller/jetty-runner
PS: raised an issue on your behalf:
I really like IDEA, but when I work with a webapp running on Tomcat and I modify only a single java class file, I have to do an update classes and resources and it takes much more time to do it than in eclipse. In eclipse it's instant, at least I don't notice anything, in IDEA it does a make and updates caches and I don't know what else but it's really annoying.
Why is that and how can I solve this?
Update would depend on your project and its configuration in IDEA. Normally it should not take too long as only the required steps are performed. Compilation is incremental and would be instant. In order to understand why it takes long for your project, we'll need the sample project and the exact steps to reproduce it, please file an issue to our issue tracker.
If you want really fast updates, you may consider using JRebel, it has plug-in for IDEA.
Not so with IntelliJ 10.x. Updates don't require a complete build and redeployment. Try the new version.
I am not sure but you can actually check your Project Settings. There in the modules section you can mark some of your unnecessary folders as excluded.
This might speed up your process as the unnecessary files are now not been indexed.
It's possible to get the final name of the current project.
Is this also possible for dependencies? I'm searching for something like this:
Based on this example pom dependency cutout.
The final name will likely be stackoverflow-question-1.6.0-SNAPSHOT, but as this may be variable due to locked snapshots or releases, I wan't to read it dynamically. Can you help me with that? Thank you very much.
Thank you all, I found it by myself hidden in this stackoverflow question.
<property name="log4j" value="${maven.dependency.log4j.log4j.jar.path}"/>
<echo message="${log4j}"/>
This is what I'm doing:
extract contents of my JRE's rt.jar
extract src.zip of my JDK (same version)
Now, if I copy Runtime.java from the extracted src folder and compile it using javac.exe without any modifications and then put it in the extracted rt folder to finally put everything back in a jar file using jar.exe, everything works as expected. The JRE runs fine.
However, if I make the slightest change to Runtime.java and compile it and put it in rt.jar, the JRE crashes whenever I attempt to start it. This is an example of a slight change that causes the silent crash:
/** Don't let anyone else instantiate this class */
private Runtime() {
System.out.println("This is a test.");
Instead of:
/** Don't let anyone else instantiate this class */
private Runtime() {}
Could anyone tell me why this is causing my JRE to crash?
Thanks in advance.
It's possible that System.out has not been initialised at the time that the Runtime() constructor runs. Usually console output is not considered a "slight" change, but at the wrong time it can invoke way too much stuff that may not be set up at all yet.
You're doing this all wrong. You can't distribute that modified JRE for a start, so it is only useful inside your organization . Install a SecurityManager and don't grant your codebase any of the RuntimePermissions you're trying to protect against.
#Tom - I advise you NOT to try to do this:
You cannot distribute the modified rt.jar file without violating the Sun binary license.
Even if you did, you would not be allowed to call it Java.
As you are finding, there are lots of complications that arise when you make changes, particularly when those changes might interfere with the JVM's behind the scenes initialization. And when things blow up during initialization, the JVM often cannot report the problem in an intelligible way.
If you do succeed in making the modified rt.jar work for one JRE, there is no guarantee that the same hacks will work for a different version.
Nobody in their right mind would knowingly use a modified JVM (especially one modified by a third-party) in a production app.
EDIT : judging from your other questions, I guess you are trying to reverse engineer or modify some third party Java application with a custom launcher. If you provided more information on what you were really trying to do, we might be able to suggest the right way to do it ... rather than using "desperate measures" such as modifying the JRE.
That's pretty strange, as I did the same trick with many classes in rt.jar in past.
Can you provide us with the crashed process output?
We're using Maven at work at quite regularly we get the error message "The artifact has no valid ranges". After a long time of Googling and experimenting I realised what this error message means: The artifact does have valid ranges, just too many of them.
For example, my master POM has a dependency on superframework v.1.0 only, but there is also a transitive dependency on superframework v.0.5-0.9.
Until now, whenever I had such a problem I've looked at the (very cryptic) error message and sorta guessed which POM I needed to change - basically a lot of trial an error. The problem is that mvn dependency:tree doesn't work if you have a dependency resolution problem.
The Eclipse plugin sometimes helps a little, but sometimes it is way off.
Any tips on how to resolve these problems?
This might not be the expected answer but my advice would be to actually not use dependency ranges as they worsen build reproducibility.
I prefer to use fixed versions (which also make dependencies conflicts resolution easier, see the note at the bottom of 9.4.3. Dependency Version Ranges) and use intensively the Dependency Convergence report to manage them.
This isn't a direct answer to my question but rather a word of advice. I learned something new since askin the question: the order in which dependencies are listed in the POM files, much to my surprise, does matter.
So, if you include a dependency on
superframework [0.5,1.5)
it will fetch the latest available version, say 1.1.
If you then have a transitive dependency further down that includes
superframework [0.5, 1.0)
Maven will generate this misleading error, since it will not select anything other than the 1.1 it already has, even though it could just select 0.9 without producing a version conflict. If you swap the order, weirdly, it works.
Am I right in thinking that this is a flaw in Maven's behaviour?