Can't select from dba_tab_cols from within stored procedure (PL/SQL) - sql

I'm trying to SELECT from the dba_tab_cols view from within a stored procedure. It's not working and I don't know why.
If I execute the following SQL as a query:
SELECT t.data_type FROM dba_tab_cols t
t.table_name = 'ACCOUNTTYPE' AND
t.column_name = 'ACCESSEDBY';
it works fine. However if I copy it into a stored procedure like so:
SELECT t.data_type INTO dataType FROM dba_tab_cols t
t.table_name = 'ACCOUNTTYPE' AND
t.column_name = 'ACCESSEDBY';
I get the error message "PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" and the editor highlights dba_tab_cols while trying to compile. The same db user is being used in both cases.
dataType is declared as:
dataType varchar2(128);
PL/SQL (Oracle 9)
Anybody know the issue?

It's most likely a priviledges issue. Is the permission to access dba_tab_columns via a role or is it a direct select grant to your user? Priviledges granted via Roles aren't available in SPROCS.
A quick look on google suggests using all_tab_cols instead and seeing if that table has the required info you need.

To add to Eoin's answer:
For most people, it comes as a
surprise that the user cannot select
the table from within a procedure if
he has not been granted the select
right directly (as opposed to through
the role)
If table user tries to compile this
procedure, he gets a ORA-00942
although this table certainly exists
and he was granted the right to select
this table. The problem is that
procedures don't respect roles; only
directly granted rights are respected.
So, that means that table owner has to
regrant the right to select:

I don't have oracle installed, but perhaps dataType is a reserved word. I'd try something else.


How to list all selectable tables with current user in SAP HANA DB

I want to list all tables with current user using sql.
I know there are some way to get privileges, like EFFECTIVE_PRIVILEGES, but it only shows privileges which is granted by GRANT SELECT ~ on [TABLE] to [USERS].
You can query the schema information to get this - there's no SHOW TABLES or equivalent available.
which works for me.
You can also get Column Names in thsi way from the SYS.COLUMNS view

Multi-schema select statement doesn't work in PL/SQL procedure?

I'm trying to create a procedure to run multiple PL/SQL statements, but I haven't gotten very far. The select statement works fine if I run it out of a procedure, but if I try to execute it inside one -- it can't find the shttran table. I'm guessing it might be a schema issue, but I have no idea how-to correct. Ideas?
INSERT INTO regreportuser.maltran (maltran.maltran_key,
SELECT shttran.shttran_id || shttran.shttran_seq_no AS maltran_key,
'No' AS maltran_sent
FROM saturn.shttran -- This is the table it can't find
WHERE TO_DATE (shttran.shttran_activity_date) > SYSDATE - 14
AND shttran.shttran_user = 'WWW2_USER'
AND shttran.shttran_id || shttran.shttran_seq_no NOT IN
(SELECT maltran.maltran_key FROM regreportuser.maltran);
END findUnsent;
Most likely, the problem is that the user that owns the stored procedure, REGREPORTUSER has access to the table saturn.shttran via a role rather than as a direct grant. A definer's rights stored procedure cannot use privileges that are granted to a definer via a role. It can only use privileges granted directly.
You can verify that this is, in fact, the problem by disabling roles in your SQL*Plus session. If you run the command
SQL> set role none;
and then try to execute the SQL statement, you should get the same error. In order to fix the problem, you need to give the grant directly
GRANT SELECT ON saturn.shttran

SQL Error: ORA-00942 table or view does not exist

I use SQL developer and i made a connection to my database with the system user, after I created a user and made a another connection with that user with all needed privileges.
But when I try to proceed following I get the SQL Error
ORA-00942 table or view does not exist.:
INSERT INTO customer (c_id,name,surname) VALUES ('1','Micheal','Jackson')
Because this post is the top one found on stackoverflow when searching for "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist insert", I want to mention another possible cause of this error (at least in Oracle 12c): a table uses a sequence to set a default value and the user executing the insert query does not have select privilege on the sequence. This was my problem and it took me an unnecessarily long time to figure it out.
To reproduce the problem, execute the following SQL as user1:
create sequence seq_customer_id;
create table customer (
c_id number(10) default seq_customer_id.nextval primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
surname varchar(100) not null
grant select, insert, update, delete on customer to user2;
Then, execute this insert statement as user2:
insert into user1.customer (name,surname) values ('michael','jackson');
The result will be "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" even though user2 does have insert and select privileges on user1.customer table and is correctly prefixing the table with the schema owner name. To avoid the problem, you must grant select privilege on the sequence:
grant select on seq_customer_id to user2;
Either the user doesn't have privileges needed to see the table, the table doesn't exist or you are running the query in the wrong schema
Does the table exist?
select owner,
from dba_objects
where object_name = any ('CUSTOMER','customer');
What privileges did you grant?
grant select, insert on customer to user;
Are you running the query against the owner from the first query?
Case sensitive Tables (table names created with double-quotes) can throw this same error as well. See this answer for more information.
Simply wrap the table in double quotes:
INSERT INTO "customer" (c_id,name,surname) VALUES ('1','Micheal','Jackson')
You cannot directly access the table with the name 'customer'. Either it should be 'user1.customer' or create a synonym 'customer' for user2 pointing to 'user1.customer'. hope this helps..
Here is an answer:
An Oracle synonym basically allows you to create a pointer to an object that exists somewhere else. You need Oracle synonyms because when you are logged into Oracle, it looks for all objects you are querying in your schema (account). If they are not there, it will give you an error telling you that they do not exist.
I am using Oracle Database and i had same problem. Eventually i found ORACLE DB is converting all the metadata (table/sp/view/trigger) in upper case.
And i was trying how i wrote table name (myTempTable) in sql whereas it expect how it store table name in databsae (MYTEMPTABLE). Also same applicable on column name.
It is quite common problem with developer whoever used sql and now jumped into ORACLE DB.
in my case when i used core app i had a mistake in my sql query. If your database contains many schemas, you have to write schema_name before table_name, like:
i hope it will helpful.

Cannot find table v$parameter in Oracle

I want to get the number of sessions in Oracle using the SQL query:
SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'sessions'
But I get this error:
Error starting at line 1 in command:
SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name = 'sessions'
Error at Command Line:1 Column:18
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
00942. 00000 - "table or view does not exist"
Maybe the Oracle user that I use is not privileged?
Generally the better approach is to use a procedure and grant the necessary privileges to this procedure. However if you want use SQL directly, you can grant SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE or SELECT ANY DICTIONARY to the user.
Probably. To grant the rights, you need to use the table name as V_$PARAMETER. It comes from some restriction when granting rights on dynamic views.
If you want to use SQL directly (referring to the second option in the accepted answer)
As of Feb 2023, using Oracle version 19, this works...
Connect as SYSTEM and run
grant SELECT ANY DICTIONARY to <user>;
But SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE didn't work for me...
There are documented differences between the two here:
This is where the author gives the following info and warning:
Well, SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE allows access to some things Oracle deemed not allowed by SELECT ANY DICTIONARY so we need to be careful of granting this role on these grounds. BUT, the overwhelming issue for me is that SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE gives access to 4539 objects and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY gives access to 6228 objects (both numbers in 18c XE)
I am not sure why Oracle do not publish the full list of exclusions in SELECT ANY DICTIONARY but they do publish all of the main tables. We can easily find out anyway. For me, i want to know what does SELECT ANY DICTIONARY really mean. I want to know what i am actually granting if I give out that privilege; well it means access to 6228 tables and views in 18cXE
Both of these rights should not be used; they are a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. If someone needs access to V$SESSION or V$DATABASE and there is a legitimate reason to have that access then grant access on the individual views not SELECT ANY DICTIONARY or SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.
using the privileges: - select any table, alter any table when running the grant as SYS with SYSDBA in Oracle 12c solved the issue for me.

Facing an error : table or view does not exist

I am using insert statement and trying to insert data into the database table. I am using stored procedures.
But I am getting this error while doing so.
Message: ORA-00942: table or view does
not exist ORA-06512
I checked if the tables/stored procedures are present or not and everything is in place. Also there is no typo in table names or in sp. If I run the part of SP from query editor it works fine but when I execute the entire SP it throws an error.
I tried the steps provided by Stephen but since I have logged in with the same user/owner when I run Grant command it gives me an error saying 'Cannot Grant/revoke on own'.
One more addition to this. I have a stored procedure SP1 in which I am using a select statement as
Select a from table_name where condition;
When I execute this seperately, it returns me some results. But when I execute sp it gives an error at the same line where it is written.
Can anyone help me out to resolve this issue. I am using SQL +.
Thanks in advance
Justin's answer is correct but let me expand a bit.
Everyone who said that the table doesn't exist didn't read your whole post. Since you are able to:
If I run the part of SP from query editor it works fine
Obviously the table is there.
Obviously you have some access to it. Otherwise this wouldn't work when it clearly does.
but when I execute the entire SP it throws an error.
This is because Oracle distinguishes between permissions granted directly and those granted via a role.
Say I do this:
Create Table TABLE_A
Create Role READ_ONLY
Grant Select on TABLE_A to READ_ONLY
In a SQL Window/prompt you could query that table without issue. So now you need to create a view
You'll get the error that TABLE_A does exist. Because a view is compiled, like a procedure it runs without any roles. Since it runs without the READ_ONLY role, it's blind to the fact that TABLE_A exists. Now what I need to do is
Grant Select on TABLE_A to VIJAY.
Now that you have a direct permission, you can compile a view or procedure/package that uses that table.
Does the table exist in the schema where the stored procedure exists? If not, the simplest explanation is that the owner of your procedure has been granted access to the table via a role not via a direct grant. A definer's rights stored procedure needs to have direct access to the objects it accesses. A quick way to test this is to disable roles for the session, i.e.
SQL> set role none;
SQL> <<execute your query>>
If that generates the error, the problem is the lack of a direct grant.
In Oracle you can choose if the stored procedure is executed with the rights of the invoker or the definer:
Check if the AUTHID property of the stored procedure is correct and if the resulting user has appropriate permissions.
Well, put very simply, the table that you are trying to insert data into does not exist in the database you are connected to. You need to check both those things (i.e. what are you connected to, and is the table there and accessible for the user context you are using).
As Joe Stefanelli said .. there are a lot of possibilities for the error being shown here.
Check whether:
You are connecting to the correct Oracle Instance.
You have permissions to query or perform processing on table that you are referencing in your query.
There is a difference between ordinary select statements and procedures. Procedures in oracle do not respect the roles assigned to a user; rather the permission needs to be explicitly granted to the user. For more information read the following linkORA-00942