I want to start and destroy a system process.
I know that to start a process, I can use System.cmd "my_app", [], but it doesn't return a pid for the application and I cannot destroy (kill) it.
Does Elixir have any method for managing child processes?
Instead of System.cmd, you can use:
port = Port.open(
{:spawn_executable "my_app"},
{:args, args},
You can then get the PID of the process by doing {:os_pid, pid} = Port.info(port, :os_pid) and you can kill the process using System.cmd("kill #{pid}").
Elixir Port: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Port.html
Erlang Ports and Port Drivers: http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/ports.html
There is also Porcelain which is what most people use in the Elixir community
I need to establish a Redis connection when my Phoenix app initially loads. When reading the docs I thought that code would go in /config/dev.exs or /config/config.exs but the Redix dependency I am using as a Redis interface is not loaded in /config
Below results in a reference error in /config:
Redix.start_link("redis://localhost:6379/3", name: :redix)
I only want to call this once on app load. Where should I put this call in my Phoenix app?
Adding {Redix, name: :redix} to children array in application.ex adds redix process to the supervisor tree. Which means it will start along with your application:
children = [
# Start the Ecto repository
# Start the Telemetry supervisor
# Start the PubSub system
# Single Redis connection
{Redix, name: :redix}
See https://hexdocs.pm/redix/real-world-usage.html
You can check in iex -S mix:
iex(1)> Redix.command(:redix, ["PING"])
{:ok, "PONG"}
Now you can use all the regular Redix commands: https://hexdocs.pm/redix/readme.html#usage
I'm looking for configure Celery on my FreeBSD server and I get some issues according to log files.
My configuration:
FreeBSD server
2 Django applications : app1 and app2
Celery is daemonized and Redis
Each application has his own Celery task
My Celery config file:
I have in /etc/default/celeryd_app1 :
# Names of nodes to start
# Absolute or relative path to the 'celery' command:
# App instance to use
# Where to chdir at start.
# Extra command-line arguments to the worker
CELERYD_OPTS="--time-limit=300 --concurrency=8"
# Set logging level to DEBUG
# %n will be replaced with the first part of the nodename.
# Workers should run as an unprivileged user.
# If enabled pid and log directories will be created if missing,
# and owned by the userid/group configured.
I have exactly the same file for celeryd_app2
Django settings file with Celery settings:
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379'
CELERY_ACCEPT_CONTENT = ['application/json']
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = 'redis://localhost:6379'
# Add a one-minute timeout to all Celery tasks.
Both settings have the same redis' port.
My issue:
When I execute a celery task for app1, I find logs from this task in app2 log file with an issue like this :
Received unregistered task of type 'app1.task.my_task_for_app1'
KeyError: 'app1.task.my_task_for_app1'
There is an issue in my Celery config file ? I have to set different redis port ? If yes, How I can do that ?
Thank you very much
I guess the problem lies in the fact that you are using the same Redis database for both applications:
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379'
Take a look into the guide for using Redis as a broker. Just change the database for each application, e.g.
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379/1'
I have a topology that runs well on a Local cluster.
But when I try to run it on a production cluster the following things happens:
The nimbus is up
The storm UI is up
The two workers I use are up
Zookeper is up
I run storm with
storm jar myjar.jar MyClass
Nimbus submits the topology
The topologies and the workers appears in the storm UI
The topology does not start despite the fact that its status is ACTIVE
The log file of the topology does not appear in the workers.
I have the following log in the worker on the supervisor.log:
2016-04-15 13:18:19.831 o.a.s.d.supervisor [WARN] There was a connection problem with nimbus. #error {
:cause jobs-rec-storm-nimbus
[{:type java.lang.RuntimeException
:message org.apache.storm.thrift.transport.TTransportException: java.net.UnknownHostException: jobs-rec-storm-nimbus
:at [org.apache.storm.security.auth.TBackoffConnect retryNext TBackoffConnect.java 64]}
{:type org.apache.storm.thrift.transport.TTransportException
:message java.net.UnknownHostException: jobs-rec-storm-nimbus
:at [org.apache.storm.thrift.transport.TSocket open TSocket.java 226]}
{:type java.net.UnknownHostException
:message jobs-rec-storm-nimbus
:at [java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl connect AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java 184]}]
[[java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl connect AbstractPlainSocketImpl.java 184]
[java.net.SocksSocketImpl connect SocksSocketImpl.java 392]
[java.net.Socket connect Socket.java 589]
[org.apache.storm.thrift.transport.TSocket open TSocket.java 221]
[org.apache.storm.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport open TFramedTransport.java 81]
[org.apache.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin connect SimpleTransportPlugin.java 103]
[org.apache.storm.security.auth.TBackoffConnect doConnectWithRetry TBackoffConnect.java 53]
[org.apache.storm.security.auth.ThriftClient reconnect ThriftClient.java 99]
[org.apache.storm.security.auth.ThriftClient <init> ThriftClient.java 69]
[org.apache.storm.utils.NimbusClient <init> NimbusClient.java 106]
[org.apache.storm.utils.NimbusClient getConfiguredClientAs NimbusClient.java 78]
[org.apache.storm.utils.NimbusClient getConfiguredClient NimbusClient.java 41]
[org.apache.storm.blobstore.NimbusBlobStore prepare NimbusBlobStore.java 268]
[org.apache.storm.utils.Utils getClientBlobStoreForSupervisor Utils.java 462]
[org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor$fn__9590 invoke supervisor.clj 942]
[clojure.lang.MultiFn invoke MultiFn.java 243]
[org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor$mk_synchronize_supervisor$this__9351$fn__9369 invoke supervisor.clj 582]
[org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor$mk_synchronize_supervisor$this__9351 invoke supervisor.clj 581]
[org.apache.storm.event$event_manager$fn__8903 invoke event.clj 40]
[clojure.lang.AFn run AFn.java 22]
[java.lang.Thread run Thread.java 745]]}
2016-04-15 13:18:19.831 o.a.s.d.supervisor [INFO] Finished downloading code for storm id jobs-KafkaMigration-topology-3-1460740616
2016-04-15 13:18:19.850 o.a.s.d.supervisor [INFO] Missing topology storm code, so can't launch worker with assignment ...(some more numbers)
So I asume that I have a connection problem with nimbus, but the properties file in the worker is:
- ""
- ""
- ""
storm.local.dir: "/app/home/storm"
storm.zookeeper.root: "/storm-prod"
nimbus.seeds: [""]
And if I make a ping to the nimbus ip from the workers, it returns OK
Where is the error, How can I fix it?
Whats appears to happen in this context is that Storm supervisor resolves nimbus from whatever is configured in storm.yaml seeds/host the first time and from then on uses nimbus host name to download the topology artifacts.
If that is correct, DNS is mandatory for a cluster setup. This is far from ideal, specially when using containers in an orchestrated environment like kubernetes.
Current workaround i'm using is adding
storm.local.hostname: "<local.ip.value>"
to the storm.yaml
Thanks to #bastien who provided the tip on storm user mailing list
I ran into the similar issue. Turns out my firewall rules were blocking the supervisor ports. Make sure the supervisor and nimbus are able to talk to each other.
I found that I need to have the hostnames of the boxes match what I was calling them in the /etc/hosts file
in host file i had
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx nimbus
but the host name on the box was different and it was pulling the hostname from the os
changing the host name on the os of the nimbus server resolved my issue.
I have a python program connecting to a rabbitmq server. When this program starts, it connects well. But when rabbitmq server restarts, my program can not reconnect to it, and leaving error just "Socket closed"(produced by kombu), which is meaningless.
I want to know the detailed info about the connection failure. On the server side, there is nothing useful in the rabbitmq log file either, it just said "connection failed" with no reason given.
I tried the trace plugin(https://www.rabbitmq.com/firehose.html), and found there was no trace info published to amq.rabbitmq.trace exchange when the connection failure happended. I enabled the plugin with:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_tracing
systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
rabbitmqctl trace_on
and then i wrote a client to get message from amq.rabbitmq.trace exchange:
#!/bin/env python
from kombu.connection import BrokerConnection
from kombu.messaging import Exchange, Queue, Consumer, Producer
def on_message(self, body, message):
print("RECEIVED MESSAGE: %r" % (body, ))
def main():
conn = BrokerConnection('amqp://admin:pass#localhost:5672//')
channel = conn.channel()
queue = Queue('debug', channel=channel,durable=False)
queue.bind_to(exchange='amq.rabbitmq.trace', routing_key='publish.amq.rabbitmq.trace')
consumer = Consumer(channel, queue)
while True:
if __name__ == '__main__':
I also tried to get some debug log from rabbitmq server. I reconfigured rabbitmq.config according to https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html, and set
log_levels to
{log_levels, [{connection, info}]}
but as a result rabbitmq server failed to start. It seems like the official doc is not for me, my rabbitmq server version is 3.3.5. However
{log_levels, [connection,debug,info,error]}
{log_levels, [connection,debug]}
works, but with this there is no DEBUG info showing in the logs, which i don't know whether it is because the log_levels configuration is not effective or there is just no DEBUG log got printed all the time.
I know that this answer comes massively late, but for future purveyors, this worked for me:
{log_levels, [{connection, debug}, {channel, debug}]}
Basically, you just need to wrap the parameters you want to set in whichever module/plugin they belong to.
I have disabled redis listening to port 6379 and enabled the websocket. It works wonderfully from my application, but when I launch resque-web it keeps listening trough network interface and fails with message:
Can't connect to Redis! (redis://
Someone knows if it's possible to make resque-web use the socket instead of the network?
Thanks in advance
I've been reading resque-web's code and I realized that it internally loads any path you provide as parameter to the command. So I have created a plain ruby script that connects to Redis with redis gem and then assigns this instance to Resque.redis:
Just created a file called 'resque-web-hack.rb':
require 'redis'
require 'resque'
$redis = Redis.new(:path => '/tmp/redis.sock')
Resque.redis = $redis
And then used it like this:
$ resque-web /path/to/my/file/resque-web-hack.rb
It's just a hack, but it works for me by now...
I just fixed same problem :) So here is the solution
In my ./config/resque.yml I have this line
development: /tmp/redis.sock
This is my RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers/resque.rb
rails_root = ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..'
rails_env = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development'
resque_config = YAML.load_file(rails_root + '/config/resque.yml')
if resque_config[rails_env] =~ /^\// # using unix socket
Resque.redis = Redis.new(:path => resque_config[rails_env])
Resque.redis = resque_config[rails_env]