How to serialize YamlNode to string - kotlin

I use kaml to parse yaml file.
After Yaml tree manipulation, I want to serialize the tree back to the file.
So far, it looks like I have to iterate over the tree and construct yaml file line by line.
Or is there an easier way?

So I got a reply from the library author and Kaml is not intended for general-purpose usage.
The suggestion is to try SnakeYaml.


How to write results in to NSArray and save it as csv file using objective-c

I'm trying to store my results in NSArray and save it as CSV File using Objective-C but i don't seem to find any solution which is relevant. Please find the below sample code:
int a=5,b=10;
int c=b-a;
double d=4.5,e=3.0;
double h=d-e;
NSLog(#"host_port:%f", c);
NSLog(#"host_size:%d", h;
I would like to store my values c and h in array and write that to CSV File. Any advise on this would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
When you ask a question on SO you need to show effort - code you've tried, details of what you've read - if you don't you'll get down and close votes (you have one of each as I write this). The code you have included has nothing to do with CSV or arrays, and is not even pasted in valid code (the formats are wrong).
That said, let's see if you can give you something to get you going.
A CSV file is just plain text, you don't need to use any packages to write one, just standard I/O routines will do the job. You also do not need to store all the values in an array and then output the array, or build up a string version of the whole CSV file and output that, you can output items as they are generated if you wish and it may be more efficient to do so. In your code fragment you only have two values, maybe you intend this to be the core of a loop, and given those we assume you wish the CSV file:
your values have basic types, int and double, they are not Objective-C object types. Given this you can use the standard C I/O operations to produce your file.
First you may need to obtain the destination file name from the user, assuming this is a GUI app look up NSOpenPanel for this. That will give you an NSURL from which you can obtain the file path as an NSString, and you can convert that into a C string using NSString methods.
Now you can enter the C I/O world, to find the documentation on the following functions open the Terminal and use the man command, e.g. man fopen etc.
To create and open for writing the file for writing use fopen() passing it the C string pathname you obtained above.
To write the headers and each row of data use fprintf(). This takes a format string just like NSLog(), but you must remember to explicitly include the line breaks by using \n in the format.
When you've finished close the file with fclose().
Now go read the documentation and write your CSV file!

U-SQL extracting files complete contents (extracting full source code from html files)

I've got a bunch of HTML files in my Data Lake Store and would like to get their full source code into a table (just one column with the code from all the files, the output format is not relevant to me, but probably tsv). I can't find a way to use the standard Extractors or anything on the web that works for me. Do I have to write a custom Extractor for that?
I've tried the Extractors.Tsv() and Extractors.Text() with a whole bunch of delimiters. I first tried:
#data =
EXTRACT source string
USING Extractors.Text(delimiter:'');
This didnt work out as it seems to not like having no delimiter, but also when I tried using delimiters that aren't in the html files it didnt work out.
Has anyone got an idea how to get this done? It seems to me that I am just stupid, so I hope someone here is a little smarter.
Even better than just the source code would be if I had the source code + filename in two columns, but I wanna start small.
Thank you!
#files =
EXTRACT FileName string,
Text string
FROM #"/somepath/{FileName}.html"
USING Extractors.Text(silent: true, delimiter: '`');
OUTPUT #files
TO "/somepath/Test.txt"
USING Outputters.Tsv(outputHeader: false, quoting: false);

Does pig support load with no delimiter?

I'd like to load a lot of small files from HDFS with Pig and process them as tuples (filename, filecontent).
a=LOAD 'mydir' USING PigStorage('','-tagPath') AS (filepath:chararray, filecontents:chararray);
However it seems like I cannot omit specifying the delimiter. Is there some sort of a "NULL" in Pig or is there any other way to make sure the content of the file will not be split?
You will have to write your own custom loader by extending LoadFunc.
Short answer to your question is no.In order to make sure the content is not split,use a delimiter that would not exist in the content.In that way, the whole content would be loaded to the field filecontents:chararray.So assuming,your input files do not have a special character '~'
a=LOAD 'mydir' USING PigStorage('~','-tagPath') AS (filepath:chararray, filecontents:chararray);

extract only certain tags in xml file using pig latin

I want to extract only the states from the below xml file.
Expected output :
But with the below pig statements I get
() as output
A = LOAD 'hdfs:/user.xml' USING'Table')
AS (x:chararray);
as (state:chararray);
Please help me understand where I have gone wrong or how do I eliminate a certain tag line?
That looks like a buggy regex, after the closing </State> you are using \\n\\s*\\n\\s*</Table> which seems to ignore the the <id>...</id> elements. Have you looked at using some XML parsing library in a UDF? It might be easier than trying to build a bunch of regexes by hand.
EDIT: One other suggestion. Are you sure that the line separators in your file are just \n, you may have \r\n as the separator, in which case [\r\n]+ should help see this post for more details.

Reading a large-single XML line to a variable using Batch Script

I have a xml file which only contains a single line, but the problem is the line is very large, so it seems that I can't store in a variable.
What i want is this,
given tag1, tag2.....tag900, I want to break each tag into a line as follow:
Do not attempt to do this using native batch. It will be extremely difficult, and any solution will be very slow.
The problem is native batch cannot read lines > 8k, and batch does not have a good way to read partial lines.
There is a method that creates a test file that has size >= your file that consists of a single repeated character. A binary file compare ( FC /B ) is then done and the results are parsed character by character expressed as hex codes. It's a bit more complex than that, but I don't think you want to go there.
The only other option is to use SET /P to read in 1021 chars at a time, and then parse and piece things together. But this is unproven, and again, I don't think worth the effort.
If you want to use a native scripting language than I suggest VBScript or JScript. (Perhaps PowerShell, but I don't really know much about its capabilities).
You could download a Unix text processing tool like sed that has been ported to Windows.
I don't do much with XML, but I've got to believe there is a free tool geared specifically for XML that would make your job fairly easy.
Basically, use anything except batch! (this is coming from someone whose hobby is solving problems with batch)