How to create a pkpass file in Visual Studio, in widows - pkpass

I wonder if there is a way to create a pkpass file in windows from visual studio, or is there a way to generate its structure and change the information for testing?
I've been looking at how to make this structure manually, but I have no idea.

Create a new project in Visual Studio and choose the type of project
you want to create. Download the pasKit framework from Apple's
developer website.
Add the PassKit framework to your project by right-clicking on the
project in the Solution Explorer and selecting "Add Reference". In
the Reference Manager dialog box, browse to the location where you
downloaded the Pass-Kit framework and add it to your project.
Create the pkpass file structure by creating a new directory with
the ext (.pkpass) This dir will contain the files and folders that
make up the pkpass file.
Write the necessary code to generate the contents of the pkpass
file, such as the pass.json file, imgs, and other rsrcs. You can use
the PassKit classes to create the pass.json file and add the
required fields, such as the pass type identifier, serial number,
and authentication token.
Once you have created the files and folders, compress them into a
zip file. Rename the this zip file with extension".pkpass" to create
the final file.
To test the pkpass file, add it to the Passbook app on whatever
iphone you have


How to upload files to the "SuiteScripts" folder from Netsuite IDE (Eclipse)

I am fairly new to NetSuite and NetSuite scripting. My company has several dozen script files already in the NetSuite File Cabinet, under the default SuiteScripts folder. Also, I am using the SuiteCloud IDE, which is just basically Eclipse with a NetSuite plugin. This way I can download all of the scripts into a single SuiteCloud IDE project, work on them locally, and then upload them back to the server for testing.
When you create a new NetSuite project, one of the project settings is File Cabinet Folder. This defaults to a subdirectory under "SuiteScripts" with the same name as your project. For example, if your project is called "MyScripts", the default will be SuiteScripts/MyScripts. You can of course change this, but it is impossible to just specify the SuiteScripts folder alone, as I get an error saying "File Cabinet folder must have 2 segments." However, the existing scripts all live under SuiteScripts (no subdirectory). Any file that I upload to the server, whether it be a new file that I created locally or even a previously downloaded file that already exists in the File Cabinet, will end up in SuiteScripts/MyScripts. This can be hugely problematic, causing dupes and all kinds of other nastiness. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks.
Yes, NetSuite has decided to limit the uploading functionality to subfolders of SuiteScripts. If I had to guess, their intention there is to force you to place your scripting projects in their own folders so that the SuiteScripts folder itself does not get cluttered with scripts.
You can specify a subfolder of SuiteScripts with any name; it does not have to be the name of your Eclipse project. You have a couple options, depending on how you want your files to be organized in Eclipse and in the File Cabinet.
The way we typically do it is to create a single folder that will house all of our scripts, call it SuiteScripts/Projects/. In the file cabinet, we create this Projects folder under SuiteScripts. In Eclipse's NetSuite Project Settings, we map our Eclipse project to SuiteScripts/Projects. In our Eclipse project, we group related source files logically into folders, like iPad Integration or Approval Process. Then we upload to the File Cabinet, and now we have a nice folder structure of organized scripts, something like:
iPad Application
Approval Process
We have much more detailed naming standards for our files, but you get the picture.
My recommendation is to create a new folder in your SuiteScripts folder and move all existing scripts into there using the File Cabinet's "Move" button. Then, map your SuiteCloud Project to that new folder and upload/download as needed.
I agree with the erictgrubaugh's solution and I've been following stoic software's tutorials. But steavepoll if you want to change it for only one script then you can follow these steps:
Create new SuiteCloud Project under the same folder which you are targeting
Edit into mainfest.xml file(right click->NetSuite->Add Dependency References to Manifest)
Validate Project against Account
It worked in my case publishing as .exe file only

I want to simply publish my programm as .exe. I don't want to have that Application Folder, inf File and manifest, which are created by Visual Studio 2010. Later on it can be downloaded over an FTP.
How to do so?
I've also looked at these publish on webhost functionality of VS, but that would create a publish.htm. And that's not what I want.
you have a folder named release in your project the .exe file is what you want
if it's empty then in your VS toolbar next to the ( play , pause , stop ) buttons there is a combo box choose release and click on the play button then the .exe file should be generated
if you referenced any .dll files then they should be copied as so with the .exe file to make it work
you may add dll's as resource files in your .exe as binary text then when the program run's add code to put them in files in .exe same path and when the program end's add delete code

How do I publish specific files not in project in VS 2010?

Is there a way I can publish *.ascx files without adding them to my project?
I am trying to make my user controls in Visual Studio 2010 reusable. I have a project containing my user controls called ControlsLibrary solution directory. I copy the ascx files to the web directory upon building the project with build events.
I use the command copy "$(SolutionDir)ControlLibrary\*.ascx" "$(ProjectDir)controls\"
This copies the *.ascx files from G:/SolutionDirectory/ControlsLibrary to C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/WebProject/controls
Now when I publish WebProject, the publish does not copy the *.ascx files from C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/WebProject/controls to my website. This is because they are not added to my project.
Is there a way I can publish *.ascx files without adding them to my project?
I know there is a way to publish all files by selecting the option "All files in this project." That includes more files than I want.
Have you considered using the Virtual Path Provider approach? Here's a good article on it: Load Web Forms and User Controls from Embedded Resources.

How to Generate a proxy class in a specific project by using svcutil.exe?

By default svcutil.exe generates proxy class and its .config in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC.
What is syntax for generating a proxy class in a specific project by using svcutil.exe ?
Use the /directory option.
To quote directly from the help which is displayed when you type svcutil /? :
/directory:<directory> - Directory to create files in (default: current directory) (Short Form: /d)
Just to elaborate a little more... svcutil just generates the files, it doesn't manipulate the .proj file to add a file to the project, you have to do that yourself. What you might want to do is:
show all files in the Solution Explorer, then refresh the folder containing the generated files, then select them all and add them to the project (you should remove the existing files before doing a manual generation)
write a little batch script or command line app that iterates the folder the files are created in and inserts entries for them into the .proj file.
if possible use the Add Service Reference option from the context menu in the Solution Explorer, that generates the files and adds them to the project for you

adding jpegs to application

i am using itextsharp and creating a PDF with images.
currently the images i am using in the application are on my desktop, but i will need to make an installation file that will put the images in a specified directory on the users computer and be able to call them from the specific directory.
how do i include pictures with my build?
how do i reference the pictures? currently i am using:
Dim jpeg3 As Image = Image.GetInstance(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & "\2.jpg")
How and where do you add the pictures?
If you simply added them to the project as if they were code files (using "add existing item"), then check the Properties for the file in the solution explorer (Build Action, and Copy To Output Directory are useful), and also the Application Files button/window (under the project settings -> Publish). This is useful for distributing the files along with the application (for both debug and release), deployed in a specific sub-directory.
If you added the files to the project's resource file, you can use them using the My.Resources namespace.