Dimesnion from React/native not working properly on Android device - react-native

I am trying to create an Instagram like reel functionality in react-native app.
I want to display a video element on entire screen available space.
For the purpose of it I am using a FlatList.
This code doesn't work on every device.
'const HomeScreen = ({navigation}) => {
const dataArray=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19];
const renderItem=({item,index})=>{
<View style={[{height:Dimesnions.get('window').height-bottomtabBarHeight,borderBottomColor:'black'},]}>
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<StatusBar />
export default HomeScreen
const styles = StyleSheet.create({

work for me
import dimansion from react native
const {height,width} = dimansion.get('window')
const Myfun=()=>{
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<View style={{height:height}}></View>

actually what you need to do is make a state variable and assign dimension's value in it and then in useEffect make a listener which would be triggered every time your device rotates or dimensions of device gets changed
example below:
const [dim, setDim] = useState(Dimensions.get('screen');
useEffect(() => {
const subscription = Dimensions.addEventListener(
({ screen}) => {
setDim({ screen});
return () => subscription?.remove(); });
you can use dim.height for height and dim.width for width in your desired component
PS. I have made a complete and comprehensive tutorials regarding Dimensions API if you want to check it out then link is below(Tutorial is in Urdu/Hindi)

I think it is because of typo which you used Dimesnions instead of Dimensions. You can get height or width of device as below:
const ScreenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width;
const ScreenHeight = Dimensions.get('window').height;


react native textinput lost focus after 1 char type

I have this problem with ios but not with android. It only disturb the add task input the task edit and the list name edit. The input addList(It's the one with "What to do?" on the draw) in the header works fine.
UI drawing
Achitecture of components
I console log my component and I can see it rerender everytime I add a letter in the input field.
I checked on google and follow this:(can we link other website here?) https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/javascript/react+native+textinput+lost+focus+after+charter+type
Tried the the first solution with onBlurr and onFocus.
I tried to make a TextInput component for add task.
I even try with my component addList but it didn't solve the problem.
Anyone have faced this problem before? Is there anyway to by pass this?
My code without the import/style look like this:
const TaskList: FunctionComponent<TasksListProps> = ({
}) => {
console.log('props', props);
const [nameOfTask, setNameOfTask] = useState('');
console.log('name', nameOfTask);
const textHandler = (enteredName: string) => {
const handleSubmitTask = () => {
if (nameOfTask === '') {
addTask(props.listId, nameOfTask);
return (
<View style={styles.tasksListContainer}>
{props.tasks.map(task => (
<View style={styles.taskInputContainer}>
placeholder="Write a task to do"
<TouchableOpacity onPress={handleSubmitTask}>
<Image source={require('./Img/add-button.png')} />
You can create a HOC and wrap your screen width DismissKeyboard
import { Keyboard } from 'react-native';
const DismissKeyboard = ({ children }) => (
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => Keyboard.dismiss()}>
That because Re render.
Try to make the input with the main component of the page to test it.
Then check where the error with re-render

React native Flatlist not re-rendering on state change

I realize there are a lot of questions and answers about this out there but I am fairly new to react native and most of the answers are dealing with React Components and not hooks. In the following example availableInterests is pulled from a firestore database call. Then we loop through the availableInterests so the user can select the their interests from the Flatlist of interests. Everything works great except the FLatlist does not re-render so the button that is used to select currentInterests never shows the change that an interest has been selected. Does anyone see what I am missing here?
const [availableInterests, setAvailableInterests] = useState([]);
const [currentInterests, setCurrentInterests] = useState([]);
const selectThisInterest = (item) => {
let myInterests = currentInterests;
if(myInterests.includes(item.id)) {
} else {
return <View>
<Text style={styles.text}>Select Your Interests:</Text>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({ item, index }) =>
<View key={item.id}>
source={{ uri: item.icon }}
style={{ width: 100, height: 100}}
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => selectThisInterest(item)}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>{`${currentInterests.includes(item.id) ? 'UnSelect' : 'Select'}`}</Text>
put this state below
const [currentInterests, setCurrentInterests] = useState([]);
const [extra, setExtra] = useState(0);
at the end of your function just put this
const selectThisInterest = (item) => {
setExtra(extra + 1)
I think the mistake is in your selectThisInterest function. When you are updating the currentInterests based on previous value, React doesn't recognises such a change because you are simply assigning myInterests with your currentInterests.
What you want to do is to copy that array and assign it to myInteresets and then update your values to the new copied array. Once the calculation are completed on the new myInteresets array, the setCurrentInterests() will re-render the app because now React recognises there is a change in the state.
To copy the array, you can use,
let myInterests = [...currentInterests];
change your selectThisInterest function to reflect this change,
const selectThisInterest = (item) => {
let myInterests = [...currentInterests];
if(myInterests.includes(item.id)) {
} else {

OnPress change the style of component from loop- React Native with hooks

So I am pretty new in react native, I am trying to develop a quiz game, where users will be given Set of answers. I want to select change the color of the component when it is pressed by the user, kind of toggle it. So far I came up with useState solution, but unfortunately cannot figure out how to exclude the change of color, I guess I need to follow indexing or something, can anyone please make me understand the process with the solution.
export const QuizScreen = ({ navigation,route }) => {
const [quizArray, setQuizArray] = React.useState([])
const [rightAnswer, setRightAnswer]= React.useState(false)
const [selectBtn, setSelectBtn] = React.useState("#fff")
<TouchableHighlight style={[styles.listItem, {backgroundColor:selectBtn}]}
setSelectBtn("#DDDDDD") //so this changes logically all the component from the list
activeOpacity={0.6} underlayColor="#DDDDDD"
I need to know how do i implement the background change for only one and kinda make it toggle everytime user select or deselect. Thank you
You were right about using an index for determining the clicked list item.
You can change the color by storing the index of the selected item using selectBtn state and then using that state set the backgroundColor accordingly.
Here is how you can do it:
export const QuizScreen = ({ navigation, route }) => {
const [quizArray, setQuizArray] = React.useState([]);
const [rightAnswer, setRightAnswer] = React.useState(false);
const [selectBtn, setSelectBtn] = React.useState(null);
return (
{quizArray[qno].answer.map((r, index) => (
{ backgroundColor: selectBtn === index ? '#dddddd' : '#fff' },
onPress={() => {
Here is the working example: Expo Snack

React Native ref is undefined until page reload

I am using refs to animate a View, but the refs are throwing an undefined error. However, if I comment-out my attempt to access the ref, load the page, un-comment the code, & reload the page, the animation works fine.
My code:
export const AccountScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor:'#FFFFFF', flex: 1 }}>
<Animatable.View style={styles.container} ref={ref => {this.containerRef = ref}}>
function launchOpenAnimation () {
this.containerRef.animate(appearContainerAnimation); //If I comment this out, reload, and un-comment, it works
What can I do to fix this? It appears that the ref isn't defined at the time that my launchOpenAnimation() is executed, but that it is defined after, thus resulting in the code working if I comment it out, reload, un-comment, and reload again.
First thing first, your question is messed up between calls component and functional component, cuz there is no this in functional component. I'll convert them to function component using useRef and useEffect
In the first run this.containerRef have not be assign to ref of Animatable yet.
Try this
export const AccountScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
const animateRef = useRef()
useEffect(() =>{
function launchOpenAnimation () {
// add ? to make sure animate is called only when this.containerRef exists
return (
<SafeAreaView style={{ backgroundColor:'#FFFFFF', flex: 1 }}>
<Animatable.View style={styles.container} ref={ref => {
ref.animate(appearContainerAnimation); // add this if you need to run when initial render run
animateRef.current = ref

How can I display 30 pages of text in a (scrolling) screen

I want to display 30 pages of text on a screen. I've tried ScrollView and FlatList but I get a white screen. Only when I try with ScrollView to display only 2 pages, works fine.
I do not want to use a WebView, because I would like to have all data in the app (no internet connection needed).
Here is what I've already tried:
With FlatList:
I have a text.js as a model, which I use to create a Text Object in an array, which I then use as data for the FlatList. For the renderItem function (of FlatList) I use a TextItem to display the text.
function Text(info) {
this.id = info.id;
this.text = info.text;
export default Text;
import Text from '../../models/text';
export const LONGTEXT = [
new Text({
const TextItem = (props) => {
return (
<View style={styles.screen} >
<Text style={styles.textStyle}>{props.longText}</Text>
</View >
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
screen: {
flex: 1,
textStyle: {
justifyContent: 'flex-start',
alignItems: 'flex-start',
fontFamily: 'GFSNeohellenic-Regular',
fontSize: 20,
padding: 10,
const TextDetailScreen = (props) => {
const renderText = data => {
return <TextItem longText={data.item.text} />
return <FlatList
keyExtractor={(item, index) => item.id}
I think it's needless to show the code with ScrollView, since ScrollView is only for a small list.
I even tried to render the longText like this in the screen.
Without the ScrollView I get the first portion, but with ScrollView a white screen.
const TextDetailScreen = (props) => {
return (
<Text> ...longText...</Text>
I'm sure there is a way to display a lot of pages of text on a screen?
But how?
Thank you :)
It seems not to be an unknown Issue, I've also read from time to time about this issue.
But not to use Webview, because you wan't to have all Data in your app - don't have to be an Argument against Webview. With WebView, you also can display Data from your App-Storage.
<WebView style={styles.myStyle} source={{html: `<p style="font-size:48px">${longtext}</p>`}} />