Terminate SSO Session as user is deleted from LDAP - ldap

I have an application which provides SSO login for access. Suppose a user session is active & Admin deletes the user from LDAP Server, is there any API Call or message that I can listen to or any way, by which I can immediately terminate the on going session?
Expecting to terminate an ongoing session as the user is deleted from LDAP Server.


How to make keycloak load users group membership changes from LDAP with each authorization in the application?

I have configured periodic full synchronization with ldap in user federation. I use group-ldap-mapper, it works fine. When the admin adds a user to a new group in LDAP (ACtive Directory), these changes will appear in keycloac only after the next synchronization. How to make it so that when the user logs into the application, the user's group membership changes from LDAP to keycloak are always loaded?
I'm interested in the following scenario:
The user has already been imported into the Keycloak database from LDAP and successfully logs into the application
The LDAP administrator includes the user in a new group
Keylock changes will appear only after full synchronization with LDAP.
How can I make the synchronization of user groups work the next time the user logs into the application?

IdentityServer4 - Login via ADFS without logon prompt appearing

With the use of IdentityServer4 and the OIDC protocol, I've managed to get my SPA and my .net core web api authenticating against a sql server user store, as well as ADFS which is great. However, when the user first clicks the 'Continue with ADFS' button, the login prompt is shown asking the user for their credentials. My understanding was that with the use of openId connect and IdentityServer, we could add external identity providers such as ADFS to our IdentityServer application and if ADFS is chosen for login with the user already logged in to ADFS via their local machine, then the authentication would happen seamlessly without the need to input windows user credentials again. There are other steps in order to achieve this of course, like linking the ADFS UserId with our SQL Database User Id table, but overall my understanding was that this would be entirely possible.
After a user logs out from an ADFS login, the next time the user chooses to log back in with ADFS, the 'Challenge' method that is run within my IdentityServer application to initiate the redirect to ADFS often recognises that the user has already logged in recently and therefore just logs them right in without the need for their credentials again.
My question is - is it actually possible to avoid the initial login prompt altogether? Or will the browser insist that credentials are provided if the user hasn't logged into the application for a while?
It certainly is possible but it may involve specific browser config in ADFS and also may require your IDP to be in the intranet zone in Windows Internet settings.
Check out these articles:

Using SAML in Portal to Authenticate with 3d party website

We are running a website where users need to be authenticated from the SAP Enterprise Portal.
User logs in into SAP portal via SAML Authentication. This user can view a link in the Portal he can click the link and will be transferred to a website on another domain. This domain will receive the a "ticket" and the user will be able to login.
Information from a friend:
If you have a setup that uses SAML, there are mechanisms to transfer that session between domains that basically rely on passing a ticket through the URL to the client from the authentication server, and that ticket is then passed to the site you want to authenticate against, which can use that to establish the identity of the user with the authentication server and establish the session.
Is this possible in SAP? If so, can anyone provide me some documentation for this?
The normal scenarion for SSO between domain in SAML is based on relayance on the same IDP. This is a typical flow for a SSO with two domains.
Sign-on on domain1
User accesses domain1
User is forwarded to IDP for authentication.
User authenticates and a session is created at the IDP
User is redirected back to domain1 and gains access
Sign-on on domain2
User accesses domain2
User is forwarded to IDP for authentication.
The IDP already as a session for the user and is considered as authenticated
User is redirected back to domain2 and gains access
This way the uer does not need to authenticate the second time.

Global Logout using in Shibboleth by deleting IDP cookie

I have a product which authenticates using Shibboleth.
When a user initiates a logout on the website
The web server sends a logout request to the Shibboleth SP.
SP deletes the cookies post on getting the request.
However if the user goes back to the website the login page is not prompted
For the configuration shown below I am using Shibboleth Service Provider given here
https://www.testshib.org/install.html#SP. It is configured to use the testshib.org IdP details of which can be read here
I believe that the IdP is not deleting its session cookie and re-login the user on Step 3.
More on IdP Cookies:
This wiki-source states IdP uses two cookies _idp_authn_lc_key which is deleted after authentication. and the second is a session cookie '_idp_session' for which it states that :
Once a user has been authenticated they will have a long-lived session
with the IdP which is tracked by a cookie named _idp_session. This
cookie contains only information necessary for identifying the user's
IdP session. This cookie is created as "session" cookie and will be
removed when the browser chooses to remove such cookies (often when
the browser is closed).
My question is
What changes do I need to make on the SP to request the IdP to delete the same and effectively create a GLOBAL LOGOUT ?
For what it's worth, you're going to have a very hard time forcing the IdP to log the user off. The cookie approach is an implementation detail, and not all IdPs use it, and it could change. Some IdPs may offer a logout URL, but honestly, it's potentially something bad for users (can you imagine if you could figure out a way to constantly deauthorize a user from not just your site, but their sessions with any other SPs?). You really only have control of your own sessions on the service provider.
Why not force re-authentication when your user returns / comes back to your SP? If they haven't been authenticated recently to the IdP after a visit (that's a field you get back from the SAML exchange), just send them back to the IdP again and pass the forced-reauth flag.
If you're using the Shibboleth software, it's even built in:

CAS workflow in case of Single Sign On (SSO) for Spring

I am wondering how CAS works (workflow needed). Imagine:
User authenticate with CAS on App1 (example.com/app1, for example).
User goes to another application (example.com/app2).
Every application must show user's name on top of the page. How they know it? In case of just ONE application, the workflow is pretty clear:
App1: While user browse pages without authentication, just show "Login" link as user name.
App1: At one moment user presses Login.
App1: Redirects user to CAS
CAS: Requests user's login/pass
CAS: User enters login/pass
CAS: Redirects user back to App1
App1: gets token and user name (or ID) from CAS, and gives some rights to this user.
But now: how the App2 (App3 and so on) knows that user is already authenticated? Do they all have to redirect user from EVERY page to CAS just only to know, if the user already authenticated and request his name?
In case of Spring it will be a huge redirections, while I have some independent applications like:
I don't have have 10 reputation yet, so you will need to check the workflow image at
When a new user initially logs into an application they won't have established a session with the application. Instead of displaying a login form asking for the username and password, the application (via the CAS Client) will redirect the browser to the CAS login page.
CAS then authenticates the user. If the authentication fails, the CAS login page is displayed again with an error message. So until authentication succeeds, the user will not be returned to the application. If the user is not sure how to proceed at that point, there are help desk links on the CAS login page. Once the user authenticates successfully, CAS will redirect the browser back to your application. CAS knows where to redirect to via a {service} parameter that you append to the CAS login url.
When CAS redirects the authenticated user back to your application, it will append a {ticket} parameter to your url.
The ticket returned to your application is opaque, meaning that it includes no useful information to anyone other than the CAS Server. The only thing that your application can do is send this ticket back to CAS for validation.
CAS will then either respond that this ticket does not represent a valid user for this service, or will acknowledge that this ticket proves authentication. In the later case, CAS will also supply the username so that you know the identity of the user.
The application must provide its own session management. Once the user is authenticated, your application should keep track of this fact within a session so that you don't have to reauthenticate them with the CAS Server. Typically this would be the same as if you authenticated the user directly from your application.
Each application should provide their own logout facility which will invalidate the session and require the user to re-authenticate into the application. Note that if they are using SSO through the myRutgers portal, they will not have to re-enter their username and password.
Using CAS means, that the CAS-Server keeps track of which user is authenticated globally (using a cookie which stores a Ticket Granting Ticket Id - TGT). Each application must maintain its own mechanism to key track of a principal session and the corresponding information.
So if a user wants to access a secured application APP1 (and is not authenticated), he will be redirected to the CAS-Server. Without sending a valid TGT the login-form is presented, otherwise (or after successfully authenticating to the CAS-Server) a Service Ticket (ST) is generated, which must be presented to APP1. Here this Service Ticket is validated against the CAS-Server (using server-to-server communication) - if valid, the userId (and perhaps additional information) is returned.
Now it's up to the application APP1 to create a principal based on the userId and to provide authorization information (e.g. the CAS-Server authenticates against an LDAP, whereas APP1 stores the user data in a database).
All subsequent requests to APP1 should not involve the CAS-Server anymore.
If the user makes a request to APP2, the mentioned process restarts again.
Have you tried posting your question to the cas-users [cas-user#lists.jasig.org] mailing list?
I have been working with CAS for the last 6 months and from what I understand, App2 (App3 and so on), without redirection to CAS do not have a way of knowing the user-attributes.
You can avoid putting all pages of App2 behind the CAS filter by either storing the user-attributes along with your web-session and/or by embedding an iframe-header in your pages which displays the login-name.
Marvin who is a CAS contributor maintains an excellent CAS client test webapp on GitHub where you can see how he reads the user-attributes.