Astro/Vue is executing appEntrypoint one time per component - vue.js

I have few Vue components in an Astro page that are sharing the state via Pinia
I initialised the Pinia plugin as the Astro documentation mentions, via astro.config.mjs:
import {defineConfig} from 'astro/config';
import vue from '#astrojs/vue';
export default defineConfig({
// Enable Vue to support Vue components.
integrations: [vue({
isProduction: false,
appEntrypoint: '/src/_app'
And then in /src/_app.ts:
import type { App } from "vue";
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
export default (app: App) => {
console.log("Why is initializing one time per component!", app.config)
The problem is that app.use(createPinia()); is executed one time per component. So looks like because this issue, Pinia creates one Storage per component instead one sharing.
Of course, the problem is happening with all plugins. For example, app.use(InstantSearch); is executed one time per component as well, so it is doing extra calls to the server and creating X searchs plugins instances.
Here a really simple project reproducing the error, and Here the link to the stackblitz running example
Also, I created a bug issue but not sure if it is.
If this is not a bug, how to init Vue plugins per page?


How to correctly set up Cypress 10, Vue2, Vuetify, Composition API for component testing?

The guide is quite confusing and obviously not correct when trying to set up Cypress 10 for component testing with Vue2 and Vuetify with composition API. There's lots of errors of unknown tags, things returned from setup() aren't accessible, spread operators where there shouldn't be, imports that don't work etc. What's the correct way to set things up so testing works?
You need to set up Vuetify as regular, to the global Vue object. Then in the mount you need to give the Vuetify object to the mount function so it can be found by the components. When using Composition API that also needs to be set up regularly to the global instance (unlike Vuetify it also works in the local instance, if you want).
Then mount the component inside a v-appso it should work properly and pass arugments around.
So component.ts file will include this:
import { mount } from 'cypress/vue2'
import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import VueCompositionAPI from '#vue/composition-api';
import Vue from 'vue'
import { VApp } from 'vuetify/lib/components/VApp';
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', (component, args) => {
args.vuetify = new Vuetify(yourVuetifyOptions);
return mount({ render: (h) => h(VApp, [h(component, args)]) }, args);
When using the mount just do:
cy.mount(myComponent, { props: {someProp: 123 } });
If you need to set up plugins for the local Vue instance in the test they need to be set in args.extensions.plugins, the guide seems to mention globals but that is incorrect.
cy.mount(myComponent, { props: {someProp: 123 }, extensions: { plugins: [MyPlugin] } });
Note that I'm using args for both settings parameters for mount and also for the component, if needed those two can be separated. But there shouldn't be much clashing of properties and attributes so this works.
Also the props/attributes/etc for the component must be given as they're given to createElement, not mount (so props instead of propsData etc).

How to import javascript library in main.js for global availability throughout vue app?

My main.js contains import "mathjs"; and seems to be working fine within main.js as
> 4.5
median() is however not available outside of main.js, i.e. in components. After reading this answer, I assumed that the simple import should be enough for global availability throughout the vue app?
In general when you are working with modern modules or a bundler like webpack, you have to import mathjs in every module (think file) you want to use it.
What is often done in the vue context, is adding the library to the Vue context itself with a plugin.
So this should be as easy as:
const mathjsPlugin = {
app.config.globalProperties.$mathjs = mathjs;
const app = createApp(...);
// inside of a component
export default {
I personally think explicitly importing is a cleaner approach, but if mathjs is used in most of the components, this approach can make sense
in main.js import all as math then add it as global property :
import * as math from 'mathjs'
const app=createApp({....})
app.config.globalProperties.$math =math
then in any component you could use it like this.$math.theFunctionName

Transition from gobal Vue instance to app breaks import dependency

I'm looking at migrating a Vue 2 app to Vue 3 and ran into a problem. The Vue 2 app used to start with importing a whole lot of components and directives:
// these components register to the global Vue instance
import {ComponentA} from './componenta';
import {directiveA} from './directivea';
// create app (after the components are registered)
new Vue({...})
This worked fine, but when changing this code to Vue3, the app instance is now created instead. This instance isn't actually available when the global directives and components are imported.
What's the recommended way for dealing with this? I can't reorder the imports to the bottom of the file as webpack bundles them always at the top...
The order of imports does not matter in your case - what matters is the order of the JavaScript statements that follow the import section.
You should first create the app instance and only then register your global components to this instance - as explained in
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import PopupWindow from './components/PopupWindow'
import App from "./App.vue"
const app = createApp(App)
app.component('PopupWindow', PopupWindow) // global registration - can be used anywhere
I settled with a solution that imports the app instance before component registration/definition (which occur within the component file) in an attempt to keep the current structure.
import {app} from './instance';
import './components/popupwindow';
import App from './app.vue';
const app = createApp(App)
// instance.js
import {createApp} from 'vue';
const app = createApp();
export {app};
// popupwindow.vue
import {app} from '../instance';
// component registration+definition here (for global components only)
app.component('popup', {

State management in vue3 with vuex4 fails - Code shared in codesandbox

Dear friends of the modern lightweight web, I hope you can help a noobie regarding vue3 and Vuex 4.
I share timetable details (array of objects/dictionary) between multiple child components, which then can be displayed (e.g. Top 5 work) or edited (e.g. add new work details) in a way that these changes get reflected in all the other components. For this, I tried to use Vuex 4.
I am not able to access the state in a component. For debugging reasons, I even added a dummy entry during the creation of the state.
Your demo uses Vuex 3 (perhaps that was a mistake only in the demo). Be sure to install Vuex 4, which provides the createStore() method:
npm i -S vuex#4
Also, the result of createStore() should be passed to app.use(), which is an instance method of the app from createApp() (not the App.vue component):
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
import App from './App.vue'
const store = createStore(/*...*/)
// App.use(store) ❌ don't do this
.use(store) ✅

How to include a library to be available in whole Vue.js 3 project?

According to this blog post the correct way of including frequently used libraries (e.g. axios) in Vue.js 2 is to set them as property of Vue prototype object like this:
import axios from 'axios';
Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, '$axios', { value: axios });
Unfortunately, this approach is not working in Vue.js 3 anymore. So what is the correct way of importing library to be accesible in whole project? I would prefer not to set them as global variable (i.e. to the window object.)
To use provide/inject as an alternative
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import axios from 'axios';
const app = createApp(App)
app.provide('axios', axios ) // <-- define here
Then in any component you wanna use axios you would do this
app.component('todo-list-statistics', {
inject: ['axios'],
created() {
this.axios // --> Injected property
I think the best way to us a library in a vue 3 project is to use the depency injection
however I simply recommend that you import the library where you really need it, to have a more accurate intellisense, and a better three-shaking