Can't create extension pg_cron in bitnami:postgres docker container? - sql

I am running a docker container with a Database which is working with the bitnami:postgres image. It is all working fine but now I want to install pg_cron to schedule autmatic jobs.
I installed it and it is available as a possible extension in Dbeaver. But when I select and install it I get the message:
ERROR: extension "pg_cron" must be installed in schema "pg_catalog"
When i am using the command
Create Extension pg_cron;
I get:
ERROR: pg_cron can only be loaded via shared_preload_libraries
Hinweis: Add pg_cron to the shared_preload_libraries configuration variable in postgresql.conf.
I tried to change the postgresql.conf file but when I restart my docker container to apply the changes shared_preload_libraries is always reset to pgaudit.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk: setting up X virtual framebuffer (Xvfb)

I'm trying to get a Selenium script running on an Elastic Beanstalk server, to achieve this I am using pyvirtualdisplay package following this answer. However, for the Display driver to run xvfb also needs to be installed on the system. I'm getting this error message:
OSError=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Xvfb'
Is there any way to manually install this on EB? I have also set up an EC2 server as suggested here, but the whole process seems unnecessary for this task.
You can create a file in .ebextensions/ like: .ebextensions/xvfb.config with the following content:
xorg-x11-server-Xvfb: []

I can't make changes to my model file in odoo9

I created new module with model and view, when i add fields in my model file I can't see the changes even if I update/upgrade the module.
there is something weird going on because when I restart/stop /start odoo-server i'm not getting any response.
When I use this command: "./ -d db --auto-reload" to reload I'm getting an error: such option: --auto-reload
How can I restart odoo server?
The correct steps would be (if the module is already installed):
Update the module and check that the file has the pys imported and the file has the views in the data tag.
Restart odoo server (in ubuntu sudo /etc/init.d/odoo-server restart).
Refresh the module from UI in Configuration > Local modules.

How to run scripts automatically after deployment in AWS using EB CLI?

I am trying to make a Django server on AWS. My django app depends on some mathematical python libraries like numpy, scipy, sklearn etc. However there is an issue for which I need to this after every deployment
sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf
add this line in the file
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd reload
Basically I need "WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}" in my wsgi.conf file otherwise I get 504. I am using a Custom AMI built on top of Amazon Linux 2014 and I am using EB CLI for deployment. However whenever I deploy the wsgi.conf is reset and it does not contain the line that I have added previously and I need to manually SSH into the EC2 instance and do this task myself. It gives a overhead on every deployment and its also not feasible once we scale up (cloning or creating instances also resets it). So is there a way that this will be automatically done after every deployment ?
The content of the wsgi.conf is fixed, so basically I can make a script easily to create it but the issue is how to trigger the script automatically ?
PS:I am new to AWS
You need to use AWS Elastic Beanstalk feature called .ebextensions:
In your case you can't use Files or Commands sections, because:
The commands are processed in alphabetical order by name, and they run
before the application and web server are set up and the application
version file is extracted.
You need to use Container_commands section:
They run after the application and web server have been set up and the
application version file has been extracted, but before the
application version is deployed.
Example .ebextensions/01wsgi.config (not tested :-))
command: |
echo "WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}" >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/wsgi.conf
/etc/init.d/httpd reload
Feel free to tweak my example as you want, for example you can copy your temporary wsgi.conf file somewhere and then replace original in Container_commands section.

How do I run puppet agent inside a docker container to build it out. How do I achieve this?

If I run a docker container with CMD["/use/sbin/ssh", "-D"], I can have them running daemonized, which is good.
Then, I want to run puppet agent too, to build our said container as say an apache server.
Is it possible to do this and then expose the apache server?
Here is another solution. We use ENTRYPOINT docker file instruction as described here: Using it you can run puppet agent and other services in background before instruction from CMD or command passed via docker run.

Deploying Custom Cartridges on Openshift Origin

I have created a new custom cartridge, in which I have packaged into an rpm using tito and installed using yum. This cartridge is being copied from my spec file to the /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges directory, however, when I log into the origin home site and try to create an application my cartridge does not show up. I went digging in the ruby scripts and I found that there is a script named cartridge_cache.rb seems to be caching the cartridges it finds within the /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges directory. I have tried to get origin to reload the cache to include my new cartridge by removing all the cache files within the /var/www/openshift/broker/cache directory then restarting the broker, but I have had no success. Is there somewhere I need to hardcode my cart name to some global variable or something ? Basically, Does anyone know how to get your custom cart to show up on the webpage for creating a new application.
UPDATE: So I ran into a slide deck that had one slide on how to install the cartridge. However, I still have had no success, but here is what I have tried since the previous post:
moved my cartridge directory from /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges to /usr/libexec/openshift/catridges/v2
ran this command
oo-admin-cartridge -a install -s /usr/libexec/openshift/cartridges/v2/myfirstcart
which the output stated it installed the cartridge.
cleared cache with
bundle exec rake tmp:clear
restarted the openshift broker service
Also, just to make sure the cache was cleared out I went into the Rails console and ran Rails.cache.clear. And still no custom cartridge on the openshift webpage.
It works for me after cleaning cache
cd /var/www/openshift/broker
bundle exec rake tmp:clear
and restarting broker service
service openshift-broker restart
MCollective service on Node server (if you have separate servers for broker and node) must be restarted. e.g. with
service ruby193-mcollective restart
After that you should clear the caches on broker server e.g with
/usr/sbin/oo-admin-broker-cache --console
Then you should have new cartridges available