Transitive Closure in the definition of leaderless state machine replication - replication

I'm reading the definition of leaderless state machine replication from this Thesis.
Page 34, section 3.2.1, defines the transitive closure of a deps*(c) as the transitive closure of the deps relation starting from {c}. deps relation here means the incoming neighbours of a node. For example, in the figure below, the deps(a) = {b}.
In g_4, it says the deps*(a) and deps*(b) are all {a,b,c,d} (deps(a) = {b} and deps(b) = {a,d,c}). From what I thought, this set tells all the preceding commands that must be executed before or with a command.
But what does the "starting from {c}" mean in the definition of Transitive Closure?
taking deps*(a) as the example, does it mean all deps relations starting from {a}?


Make OD file in sumo using Node instead of TAZ

I have data of a network (siouxfalls) and want to make simulation with it in SUMO.
For OD file, I have the demand between each node (not the links):
As I know, to make OD file in SUMO, we should use TAZ (not the node):
So, this is my question: How can I make trips and simulation with sumo, when I have the value of demands between nodes?
You can build a district (TAZ) file where each TAZ has the outgoing edges of a node as source edges and the incoming edges of a node as incoming. You can safely reuse the node id as a taz id here.
<taz id="<TAZ_ID>">
<tazSource id="<EDGE_ID>" weight="<PROBABILITY_TO_USE>"/>
... further source edges ...
<tazSink id="<EDGE_ID>" weight="<PROBABILITY_TO_USE>"/>
... further destination edges ...
... further traffic assignment zones (districts) ...
To build that programmatically you can parse the network with sumolib (incomplete sketch below):
import sumolib
net ='')
for node in net.getNodes():
print('<taz id="%s">' % node.getID())
for outEdge in node.getOutgoing():
print('<tazSource id="%s"/>' % outEdge.getID())
for inEdge in node.getOutgoing():
print('<tazSink id="%s"/>' % inEdge.getID())

attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)

I use jedis + lua to eval script, here is my lua script:
local second ='TIME')[1]
local currentKey = KEYS[1]..second
if'EXISTS', currentKey) == 0 then'SETEX', currentKey, 1, 1)
return 1
return'INCR', currentKey)
As I use 'Time', it reports error:Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands.
after searching on internet, I add 'redis.replicate_commands()' as first line of lua script, but it still reports error:ERR Error running script (call to f_c89a6ee8ad732a325e530f4a69226851cde302e2): #user_script:1: user_script:1: attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)
Does replicate_commands need arguments or is there a way to solve my problem?
redis version:3.0
jedis version:2.9
lua version: I don't know where to find
The error attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value) means replicate_commands() doesn't exists in the redis object. It is a Lua-side error message.
replicate_commands() was introduced until Redis 3.2. See EVAL - Replicating commands instead of scripts. Consider upgrading.
The first error message (Write commands not allowed after non deterministic commands) is a redis-side message, you cannot call write-commands (like SET, SETEX, INCR, etc) after calling non-deterministic commands (like SPOP, SCAN, RANDOMKEY, TIME, etc).
A very important part of scripting is writing scripts that are pure functions.
Scripts executed in a Redis instance are, by default, propagated to
replicas and to the AOF file by sending the script itself -- not the
resulting commands.
This is so if the Redis server is restarted, playing again the AOF log, or also if replicated in a slave, the script should deliver the same dataset.
This is why in Redis 3.2 replicate_commands() was introduced. And starting with Redis 5 scripts are always replicated as effects -- as if replicate_commands() was called when the script started. But for versions before 3.2, you simply cannot do this.
Therefore, either upgrade to 3.2 or later, or pass currentKey already calculated to the script from the client instead.
Note that creating currentKey dynamically makes your script single-instance-only.
All Redis commands must be analyzed before execution to determine
which keys the command will operate on. In order for this to be true
for EVAL, keys must be passed explicitly. This is useful in many ways,
but especially to make sure Redis Cluster can forward your request to
the appropriate cluster node.
Note this rule is not enforced in order to provide the user with
opportunities to abuse the Redis single instance configuration, at the
cost of writing scripts not compatible with Redis Cluster.
Finally, the Lua version at Redis 3.0.0 is Lua 5.1.5, same as all the way up to Redis 6 RC1.

Corrupted MD-SAL queries when trying to read flows on tables: missing flow rules

I am experiencing a glitch from OpenDaylight (using Mininet).
Essentially, I am querying flow rules on specific nodes and on specific tables. The relevant code is the following, and is run by 1 separate thread per node that I am polling:
public static final InstanceIdentifier<Nodes NODES_II = InstanceIdentifier
public static InstanceIdentifier<Table> makeTableIId(NodeId nodeId, Short tableId) {
return NODES_IID.child(Node.class, new NodeKey(nodeId))
.child(Table.class, new TableKey(tableId));
InstanceIdentifier<Table> tableIId = makeTableIId(nodeId, tableId);
Optional<Table> tableOptional = dataBroker.newReadOnlyTransaction()
.read(LogicalDatastoreType.OPERATIONAL, tableIId).get();
if(!tableOptional.isPresent()) {
List<Flow> flows = tableOptional.get().getFlow();
The behavior: tableOptional is present, and getFlow() returns an empty list.
The observation: there ARE flow rules installed on ALL nodes on the tables I am querying, but for some reason, some of these nodes show none of these flows on none of the tables (here, tables 3, 4, 5, and 6).
The weirdness: On one of the problematic nodes, I have four rules, installed on tables 9, 13, 17 and 22 respectively. They timeout simultaneously after 150 seconds. After they disappear, the query suddenly begins to "see" the flows installed on tables 3, 4, 5, and 6, returning these for each table.
Question: How is this even possible?
EDIT I just realized that the rules whose timeout "suddenly fix everything" were also rules that generated warnings in ODL's log (OpenFlowPlugin to be more specific). I did not observe any obvious issue, so I'd sort of brushed it aside.
Here is the code relevant to the error:
Here are the errors I get every time I install a rule that walks through these lines:
I must stress that these rules work as intended, and that printing them out reveals no evident formatting issue. Again, they appear fine when dumped.
My hypothesis is that this warning is a symptom of ODL "messing up" trying to store the rules in MD-SAL, which ends up messing a lot of rule-reading queries. On uninstallation of the garbage that ensues, rule-reading queries become functional again.
This makes sense to me, but then... I haven't understood how to fix these warnings, or what these warnings were about in the first place.
EDIT 2: By commenting lines suspecting of causing the warnings in the above pastebin:
The warnings disappear, AND the flows appear correctly on all tables, when pinged. This confirms my hypothesis that somewhere, something wrong happens in the data store.
EDIT 3: I have found that by setting any non-trivial arbitrary bitmask, this error goes away. That is, I have tried setting an arbitrary bitmask which was neither null nor "", and this error has gone away. The problem is I might like having a bitmask for the source, but an exact match on the destination. Even setting the bitmask to "" (as I tried) is still unnerving. It really feels to me like this is an OpenFlowPlugin glitch, though.
EDIT 4: Steps for reproducing the bug
Install a rule with ipv4 arbitrary bitmask match, with the destination ip set, and the destination arbitrary bitmask either null or set to
Ipv4MatchArbitraryBitMaskBuilder ipv4MatchBuilder = new Ipv4MatchArbitraryBitMaskBuilder();
ipv4MatchBuilder.setIpv4DestinationAddressNoMask(new Ipv4Address(""));
ipv4MatchBuilder.setIpv4DestinationArbitraryBitmask(new DottedQuad(""));
matchBuilder = new MatchBuilder().setEthernetMatch(;
... and so on ...
Extra optional steps: Install one such rule for the destination, one such rule for the source, and install equivalent rules where the bitmask is set to something else, like
Make a query to MDSal to fetch flow information from the node on which you installed the flow rule.
Now, do "log:display" inside your ODL controller. You should have a warning about a malformed destination address. Additionally, the Table object you queried should contain no flows, so tableObject.getFlow() should return an empty list.

CMake: Enforcing Execution Order between Sibling Target Dependencies

I would like to enforce the execution order of sibling dependencies. Let's assume we have the following top-level targets:
I'm using test_all to execute unit tests (and possibly build them and their dependencies). test_coverage should execute test_coverage_zero, then test_all, and finally test_coverage_collect. test_coverage_zero will cleanup leftover coverage data from a previous run of test_all, while test_coverage_collect uses the current coverage data and produces some kind human-readable output. The reason for this setup is to allow test_all to be executed without actual coverage data processing. On the other hand test_coverage needs to execute test_all to produce coverage data.
[Detail: I'm using gcov/lcov for the coverage data and added custom commands to test_coverage_zero and test_coverage_collect for the actual processing.]
I've setup the following dependencies to achieve this behavior:
add_dependencies(test_coverage test_coverage_zero test_all test_coverage_collect)
That does not work. The actual execution order is test_all, test_coverage_zero, and test_coverage_collect, which removes the coverage data before the collection step.
My question: How do I enforce the order of target dependencies (on the sibling level) in CMake?
Looks like the answer is:
add_dependencies(test_all test_coverage_zero)
add_dependencies(test_coverage_collect test_all)
add_dependencies(test_coverage test_coverage_zero test_all test_coverage_collect)
However, removing either test_coverage_zero or test_all from the last dependency will also not work, even though there's a clear dependency chain test_coverage<-test_coverage_collect<-test_all<-test_coverage_zero.

Why does an ets table survive ct:init_per_testcase but not init_per_suite?

I have a common test suite that attempts to create an ets table for use in all suites and all test cases. It looks like so:
all() -> [ets_tests].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
TabId = ets:new(conns, [set]),
ets:insert(TabId, {foo, 2131}),
[{table,TabId} | Config].
end_per_suite(Config) ->
ets:delete(?config(table, Config)).
ets_tests(Config) ->
TabId = ?config(table, Config),
[{foo, 2131}] = ets:lookup(TabId, foo).
The ets_tests function failed with a badarg. Creating/destroying the ets table per testcase, which looks like so:
all() -> [ets_tests].
init_per_testcase(Config) ->
TabId = ets:new(conns, [set]),
ets:insert(TabId, {foo, 2131}),
[{table,TabId} | Config].
end_per_testcase(Config) ->
ets:delete(?config(table, Config)).
ets_tests(Config) ->
TabId = ?config(table, Config),
[{foo, 2131}] = ets:lookup(TabId, foo).
Running this, I find that it functions beautifully.
I'm confused by this behavior and unable to determine why this would happen, form the docs. Questions:
Why does this happen?
How can I have an ets table to share between a per suite and per testcase?
As was already mentioned in the answer by Pascal and as discussed in the User Guide only init_per_testcase and end_per_testcase run in the same process as the testcase. Since ETS tables are bound to a owner process your only way to have a ETS table persist during a whole suite or group is to give it away or define a heir process.
You can easily spawn a process in your init_per_suite or init_per_group functions, set it as heir for the ETS table and pass its pid along in the config.
To clean up all you need is to kill this process in your end_per_suite or end_per_group functions.
all() -> [ets_tests].
ets_owner() ->
stop -> exit(normal);
Any -> ets_owner()
init_per_suite(Config) ->
Pid = spawn(fun ets_owner/0),
TabId = ets:new(conns, [set, protected, {heir, Pid, []}]),
ets:insert(TabId, {foo, 2131}),
[{table,TabId},{table_owner, Pid} | Config].
end_per_suite(Config) ->
?config(table_owner, Config) ! stop.
ets_tests(Config) ->
TabId = ?config(table, Config),
[{foo, 2131}] = ets:lookup(TabId, foo).
You also need to make sure you can still access your table from the testcase process, by making it either protectedor public
An ets table is attached to a process and destroyed as soon as the process ends, unless you use the the give_away function (which is not feasible I fear in this case)
As state in the common tets doc, each test case and the init_per_suite and end_per_suite are run in separate processes, so the ets table is destroyed as soon as you leave the init_per_suite function.
fron common_test doc
init_per_suite and end_per_suite will execute on dedicated Erlang
processes, just like the test cases do. The result of these functions
is however not included in the test run statistics of successful,
failed and skipped cases.
from ets doc
The default owner is the process that created the table. Table
ownership can be transferred at process termination by using the heir
option or explicitly by calling give_away/3.