Plugin for site variables? - docusaurus

I'm working on transferring a site from Docsify to Docusaurus. We use variables across the site for URL's, API calls, versions, etc. On docsify we used a variable plugin called docsify-variables and I am looking for a Docusaurus equivalent.
Does anyone know of a plugin or way to load site variables from a json file?
I tried looking for a plugin like this on the Docusaurus community plugin page as well as official ones but can't find what I'm looking for.


Deploying a Vue.JS application as a 'widget' into an existing website

We have built a little search and list results application using Vue CLI / and REST on the backend. It is working well and addresses a common need within our organization. It seems like we should be able to take the 'packaged'/deployed version of it and give instructions to other websites within our organization to include it on their website. Similar to how google maps and others have instructions to copy and paste a snippet of code into your web page. Any suggestions on how to go about that for a Vue.js 3 application?

How to manage VUE routing builiding a MPA webpage?

I'm new using Vue.js. I'm trying to build the frond-end design for a large system for a company. In this system the users have an account where they can access multiple pages to administrate their accounts, interactuate with other accounts, make appoinments, administrate or delete other users, etc. I think that since is a big system, I should use a MPA aproach, because I've read that SPA should not be used for webpages as blogs or online shops because those webpages that are constantly getting updated (as this system will be).
My question is: I can't find a propper guide to configure MPA on vue, is there one guide for this?
I already followed up this stackoverflow anwser by PJ.Wanderson: multiple pages in Vue.js CLI
but is still have doubts.
Should I still be using the vue router? What kind of configuration should I use there?
How can I handle routes with parameters in this case? Should I use SSR too in this case?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to build a MPA in Vuejs, your best bet is building it in Nuxt. Nuxt wil handle all the SSR for you. I'm wondering why even build it in Vue in the first place? The reason there isn't that much information on MPA's with Vuejs is because most people build SPA's with it. Another alternative would be to build a SPA in Vuejs and deploy that on a subdomain. Then have al your marketing and other relevant pages on a simple wordpress site. Hope this helped.

Can we use Angular (or similar frameworks) for development of Google Sheets Addon?

I've tried to search for an answer in the official documentation but didn't find. Also, we'd like to publish our addon in the official Chrome Store. So I guess it's not forbidden to use a single app framework, right?

Groovy rest api for Dropbox without third party plugins/libraries

I am trying to create a groovy script that will, based on some conditions, delete a dropbox folder full of artifacts.
I have been struggling to understand/figure out how to use Groovy restful API's without installing a bunch of Grails libraries or plugins, or the Dropbox API library from github.
Is it possible to use this dropbox URL:
without downloading extra libraries?
I'm having a lot of trouble finding information on the subject without the use of additional software.
Thanks !
Yes, you can easily create your own dropbox client from scratch but it is easier to check hints for JAVA developers and github repo with dropbox-sdk-core, which is already implementing dropbox API.
Remember to check out examples on github.

Linking to External Resources in jsfiddle

Can someone explain how to find external resources for creating jsfiddle examples? I've been looking on github and plugin author's websites but there must be a standard method to get links to these files.
This example of the masonry layout:
However, I scavenged the resource from David Dsandro's dropbox.
I got the fiddle's masonry layout to work but linking by scavenging doesn't sound ethical.
There is no such thing. All you can do in the External Resources section is to provide a url to the library/plugin/css you want. The hotlinking ethics principles applies in jsfiddle as in any other website.
You can get that link in the traditional way, looking into the library's author site, or in a cdn. For example, cdnjs is a great site where you will possibly find the libs you need (including mansonry in this case). jsdelivr is another cdn hosting lots of libs that I've just discovered thanks to this question.
Take into account that you already have some plugins built-in in the Frameworks & Extensions section.