GNU Radio Companion not working with most of QT GUI Widgets [closed] - pyqt5

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I am running GNU Radio v3.10 on Ubuntu 22.04. However, the QT GUI widgets such as frequency sink, range and many other widgets are displaying an error and therefore the program cannot be executed at all.
For QT GUI range, the errors are:
Failed to evaluate import expression 'from gnuradio.qtgui import Range, RangeWidget\nfrom PyQt5 import QtCore'
For GUI Frequency Sink, the errors are:
Failed to evaluate import expression 'from PyQt5 import Qt\nfrom gnuradio import qtgui\nfrom gnuradio.filter import firdes\nimport sip'
Similar type of errors are also observed for many other QT blocks.
Some of the solutions that I tried:
No import error or mistake issue being observed in /usr/share/.../grc blocks. The code over there is perfect for each block.
Tried uninstalling and re-installing PyQt5 using pip as well as conda.
Enabled permissions to all grc folders as well as started the GRC using sudo.


VMware 3D acceleration disabled because DirectX 11.1 isn't supported by the host, even though I have DirectX 12 [closed]

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Closed 12 hours ago.
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I was going to move from VirtualBox to VMware Pro since it it much better, but it says this:
VMware showing error message
I was confused because when I checked the DirectX version it showed this:
DirectX 12 shown
This is really confusing so any help is appreciated
I tried using the free player version of it, but when I tried it says no problems on setup but when i turn on 3D acceleration it shows this: 3D acceleration not supported too
This is really confusing so any help is appreciated

Struggling in importing matplotlib.pyplot [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm started learning python recently. As the part of that I started learning DATA VISUALIZATION USING PYPLOT.
But while importing matplotlib.pylot in my code It showing an error. I've searched for the solution in online as much as possible but I can't get the solution.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
while using this it showing the error message as follow
File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
File "C:\Users\Sarwesh\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 174, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Sarwesh\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 159, in _check_versions
from . import ft2font
ImportError: DLL load failed while importing ft2font: The specified module could not be found.
I've also reinstalled matplotlib
C:\Users\Sarwesh>pip show matplotlib
Name: matplotlib
Version: 3.3.2
Summary: Python plotting package
Author: John D. Hunter, Michael Droettboom
License: PSF
Location: c:\users\sarwesh\appdata\roaming\python\python38\site-packages
Requires: numpy, python-dateutil, pyparsing, pillow, kiwisolver, certifi, cycler
"I'm having python-3.8 in my system"
Since I'm a beginner in python please help me to resolve this error.
Finally I get the solution.
I just updated my Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package
you can get it here
I hope that it will helpful to people those who struggling like me.

How to run Clipper Application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a legacy code base written in CLIPPER. I don't have any idea of CLIPPER programming language.
How do I get started with it and deploy this application? Is it a scripting language OR some sort of OOPS language any study reference will be helpful
Thanks in Advance
Clipper is 16-bit compiler for character-based (not GUI) applications running on MS-DOS platform. There are, however, 3rd-party tools that will allow to produce 16-bit Windows GUI applications.
It's still owned by Computer Associates but all future development and support was delegated to GrafX long time ago.
The last released version was 5.3 but many developers stayed with 5.2e. The last update was around Y2K.
There are Harbour and xHarbour open source projects that developed their own compilers for this language (which in the beginning was similar to dBase III).
You can find information about the language and some 3-rd party libs in a Clipper section of this web-site.
Native Clipper compiles all its code into a single executable that runs on user desktops. Its data and index files are usually placed on a network share. Executable itself can also be placed on a share with user desktops having a short-cut to it.
Native Clipper applications (16-bit) will not run under 64-bit Windows. There are emulators (like DosBox) that allow to overcome such limitation.
Clipper related questions can be asked on comp.lang.clipper newsgroup.
If you have more questions add them as comments here.
Another good resource is Norton Guides for Windows, you can download it from a great site with lot of information about Clipper:
Download NGW from
I was unable to find the .NG files on that site, but you can see them online here if you want or try to found the files googling them.

Why there are different Programs for Windows and MAC and Linux? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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The programs are written into the high level language and then that high language is converted into the machine language which are set of opcodes. I want to ask why there are some programs which are compatible to the Windows and some with the MAC because when they are compiled they are simply opcodes.
because programs rely on functions already in the OS, like ReadFile or ShowMessage, and Some OS's have different archtectures so they have different functions. The actual calculations and stuff is the same
as an example:
Imagine Mac OS has a function called ReadFile. Windows has a function called GetFile. Linux has a function called "OpenFile". When you compile your program, it doesn't include those functions into it's code. The "op codes" just say "call the function at address #xxxxxx" So if you did it in windows, the OS will have the GetFile function ready at #xxxxxxx, so your program will execute. But if you copy your program to Mac, the OS is set up differently, so there is no function at #xxxxx waiting for you, so the program fails.
In reality, it fails before it gets there because the OS looks at the codes before running them so see if they're compatible
And it's not just functions like "readFile". Nearly all programs involve getting some memory for your variables, and each OS does it differently (ie, they have a different function at a different address #xxxx to get memory), so you programs cannot run on any other os once they're compiled.

Open Source licensing on libraries & DLL's [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Most of you know that the main purpose of Open Source libraries' licensing is to distribute the source code along with your application.
Well - commercially this still applies - regardless if it's GPL or LGPL.
Not that I know extremely much about it's tweaks or rules - that's why I'm asking here.
However - I personally wish to keep some code closed source.
My question is:
If I do use an external open source library (which I'll gladly release the code)
it will import functions from a closed source DLL - (definitions only)
does that mean I'm allowed to NOT distribute my DLL's code?
You could use GNU's LGPL.
From Wikipedia:
The GNU Lesser General Public License or LGPL (formerly the GNU Library General Public License) is a free software license published by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The LGPL allows developers and companies to use and integrate LGPL software into their own (even proprietary) software without being required (by the terms of a strong copyleft) to release the source code of their own software-parts.
(Emphasis mine).
And here is a link to the GNU LGPL official page.