use container query in react-tss - media-queries

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way I can use container queries in react-tss. The docs don't mention anything about it or media queries for that matter. I was able to do something like the following for media queries and it compiled to the right css.
const styles = {
button: {
width: 100
'#media (min-width: 1024px)': {
button: {
width: 200
However I can't make that work with #container. Maybe there is no current solution for this with tss-react. If not and there are any other suggestions in using container queries with mui5 I'm all ears. Thank you.


React Switch withStyles disabled coloration

I am trying to create color scheme for a react Switch that includes a disabled customized color. I have a customized Switch that goes red and green with an on and off text. I mostly pieced it together from other examples. I am uncertain what I need in the withStyles have greyed out colors when the switch is disabled.
In the below example I want to grey out the bottom two since they are disabled
I have had quite a few issues piecing together withStyles options on other components as well. Is there documentation that I missed that would outline things like the '&:before' / 'track' / 'checked' keywords? They are seem specific to the Switch component, so do I need to dig into the Switch documentation more?
MaxAlex pointed me in the right direction for the switch css source code. Here is what I ended up with. The gradient seems unnecessary, but it won't take just "#737373". It is proof of concept code anyways.
disabled: {
"& + $track": {
background: "linear-gradient(to right, #737373, #737373)",
"&:before": {
opacity: 0
"&:after": {
opacity: 1
'&$checked + $track':{
background: "linear-gradient(to right, #737373, #737373)",
"&:before": {
content: '"on"',
opacity: 1
"&:after": {
content: '"off"',
opacity: 0

Video.js Classes to Hide Video While Loading

I'm trying to hide a video while it's loading (e.g. the black window with just a loading spinner). The only class I've found that sort of made sense is the .vjs-has-started one but the loading screen still shows with the following CSS. I also didn't see anything in the javascript api that meets this need (sorry if I missed something).
.video-js {
display: none;
visibility: hidden;
.video-js.vjs-has-started {
display: block;
visibility: visible;
I've also tried adding .vjs-playing into the mix both in place of an in conjunction with .vjs-has-started. Any thoughts on getting this to work or a answer about why it won't currently would help. If I need to I can work on adding this to video.js if it's not already there but I first wanted to get your definitive answer on the current state of video.js for this functionality.
I added the vjs-waiting class to be able to accomplish this now vjs-waiting can be used in css to show and hide the content see the pull-request for more details.
.vjs-waiting {
visibility: hidden;
background: transparent;
.vjs-loading-spinner {
display: none !important;
Reference -
You could use the vjs-waiting
.vjs-waiting {visibility: hidden;}
Hey I have been struggling with this too, Docs are not intuitive at all!
Im implementing Video JS in React Hooks, so I solved with loadingSpinner set to false;
useEffect(() => {
let player = videojs('my-player',{
autoplay: 'muted',
sources: [
src: videoUrl, // m3u8 format
type: "application/x-mpegURL"
controlBar: false,
loadingSpinner: false
return () => {
}, [])
Hope it helps! =)

Yii: Best Performance Benificial way to include JS/Ajax functions in CGridview

Yii newbie here
I have tried more than once to figure out a way to include an Ajax/JS function in an easy clean way in my CGRIDVIEW,
the code is basically
'click'=> "function (){
$.fn.yiiGridView.update('news-grid', {
success:function(data) {
opacity: 1.0
}, 3000).fadeOut('slow');
return false;
In your opinion, whats the cleanest, most performance benificial way to include this?
Thank you for your time !!!
I don't know but I dont see necesary to force the grid to update twice on a single operation, I also don't like to include my javascript like that. Depending on what I need there are several approaches, for the sake of this answer ill show you the easiest one:
Create a global object, in a separate file:
var App = {
updateSomething: function () {
success:function(data) {
opacity: 1.0
}, 3000).fadeOut('slow');
return false;
And the you can include that file from your controller by calling CCLientScript::registerScriptFile
And on your grid:
'click'=> "js:App.updateSomething",
There are much better approaches, but this is the more simple for js beginners that want to have some kind of organization.

Displaying Custom Images in 'tools' config options of ext.grid.panel

I am only a month old with extjs and still experimenting. My question is: I have a grid panel and within it the 'tools' config options. I am using this to enable/disable a Ext.grid.feature.Grouping variable. The 2 handler functions have the logic to disable/enable the 2 views by clicking on the 2 'cross' buttons that appear on the right side of the header. The logic is fine. However, I would like to display my set of custom images in place of the 'cross' buttons. Can this be done? If yes, how? Do I need to make some changes in the css code for that?
I have looked into the documentation and also done a good search but nothing seems to answer my question.
Specify a custom type config on your tools:
Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
tools: [
type: 'enable-grouping',
handler: function() {
type: 'disable-grouping',
handler: function() {
Then define the following classes in a stylesheet to style your new tools:
.x-tool-enable-grouping {
background-image: url('path/to/tool/image/enable-grouping.png');
.x-tool-disable-grouping {
background-image: url('path/to/tool/image/disable-grouping.png');
The size of a tool image should be 15 x 15 px

How to use an & (AND selector) via a LESS function?

Here's what the output needs to be:
div.star_mask {
&.fill-0 {
width: 0%;
&.fill-50 {
width: 50%;
I'm doing this many times, so I made a function to generate it:
#star {
.star-fill(#width) {
(~"&.fill-#{width}") {
div { width: ~"#{width}%" }
div.star_mask {
#star > .star-fill(0)
This generates the following CSS:
div.star_mask &.fill-0 instead of what I need: div.star_mask.fill-0
So is there a way to do this? Can I put the & where the function is called?
I ended up fixing the problem by coding the selector myself: div.star_mask.fill-#{width} and placing the function calls one level above. It would still be very cool to nest them though!
when less comes across (~"") as a selector it does not parse the contents but accepts it verbatim, so you cannot use & in it.
I don't think there is a way to do exactly what you want at the moment, though remember you can use & at the end of a selector, e.g.
.a {
div& {
div.a {
foo: bar;
not sure that helps though.