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Closed 2 days ago.
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I am new to TensorflowJS and machine learning looking for some guidance. I have some unclassified data, a list of technologies. I would like to group them into Frontend, Serverside, Security, Devops and Database. How can I achieve this? Is there any pre-build model that I can leverage for this?
Thank you.
List of Technologies
Struts I and II
primefaces 4.0
Mobile Responsive design
BIRT reporting tool
Flutter (Dart mobile)
HTML 5.0
Python for Machine Learning
Wildfly 10
JBoss 4.2.3 GA
Weblogic 12c
Oracle 12c
Sembast (Flutter NoSQL DB for Mobile)
Apache (Installing SSL certificate)
Solaris 10 (Unix)
Red Hat
Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)
Katalon (Test Automation)
Google Firebase
Apache Maven and Sonatype Nexus
Burp Suite
Qualys Suite
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Code collaborator
Microsoft SharePoint
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Closed 11 months ago.
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I am new to Apache Camel and wonder if there is any open source visual editor for it similar to JBoss Fuse. Please share what you guys use for visual editing or simple visualizing of Apache Camel. Many thanks!
There is Fuse Tools for Apache Camel that has a visual editor with drag-drop capabilities
That is a set of Eclipse plugins you can install. It's free to use and supports XML editing of standard Apache Camel XML files.
There are several projects that offer visual / low-code tools for Apache Camel:
Fuse Tools (Eclipse IDE)
Karavan (Visual Studio Code / Standalone)
Camel Designer (Visual Studio Code)
Hawtio (Web Monitoring)
Syndesis (Web)
Assimbly (Web)
Kaoto (Web)
The first three are EDI plugins, the others are self-hosted web applications/platforms.
Note: There is also a graphical mapper:
Atlas Map / Camel Documentation
There is Karavan (Apache Camel Karavan) an VSCode extension, that can also be used as a standalone webapp, visual editor for creating YAML files.
If you have docker, you can run it with:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/deployments/integrations
This will run Karavan webapp at HTTP port 8080 on localhost, note you will need a directory deployments/integrations on your current directory before run this comand (you can also change it to what you want), this directory is where your integration files will be persisted.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a windows user and I have a requirement to develop an application which should run on both windows and Ubuntu servers.
I tried this installing Ubuntu on VM workstation player and downloading Mono, DNX, DNVM and visual studio code. But this is very hard for me since I am familiar with neither Ubuntu nor VS Code.
Is there any method to develop cross platform applications using VS 2015 on windows environment and build packages for other platforms such as Linux, OS X ?
Moreover I would like to know which web server is the most suitable for run .Net application on Ubuntu.
There are a few ways to do this depending on your needs and the context. It is possible to develop using VS2015 on Windows and to deploy to Apache 2 with mod_mono (best option imho) or possibly to Mono XSP4 (this web server has some limitations) or if you're game for a challenge you could use kestrel and dnx. You should also be able to open and continue developing your existing VS2015 project on Linux using MonoDevelop, which may make your life easier for debugging. In either scenario I would recommend that you give yourself the time and opportunity to familiarise with Apache, Linux etc. as you go. Happy to help further but I'm not sure quite what your context is...
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Closed 6 years ago.
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We are going to use solr as our search server but as you know solr is based on java and apache server and our database is MSSQL and our webserver is IIS. Could you possible suggest me the best way to incorporate java apache and IIS?
You cannot deploy Solr inside IIS because it requires a servlet container. Instead you can deploy solr in any one of the below servelt containers
Jetty (default, included into solr package)
You can find the in-depth details about each deployment here SolrInstall
Then you can communicate with solr from .net using either one of these drivers(clients)
You dont need to worry about IIS at all.
It's an installer. And Bitnami soooo rocks for doing this! Just tried a bunch of different things...
Using Web Platform Installer to install Zoo, which does Solr through IIS. It's bugged out.
Jetty doesn't install as a service
Tried running Tomcat 8 with their IIS connector (acts as a filter you can set an app to). Configuration was insane. Missing files from the connector.
Found that as my last search, and it's awesome!
This is how you should set up your application.
Host Solr in Tomcat.
Use DataImportHandler to feed data from MSSQL to Solr.
From your ASP application talk to the Solr via HTTP. (Write some helper classes for this)
Parse the JSON response using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq library.
The best practice is that you get the document IDs from Solr and fetch the other information from MSSQL.
I have configured this set up in a large e-commerce site and supported site search, search suggestions, search refinements (using facets), and lot of other complex lookups. It's working great and super fast.
Take a look at this one. They deploy java servlets under iis.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I see a lot of linux-based PHP hosting solutions in the $5/month range. Does anybody know of one in that range that uses/can use Mono? I've written some C# code I want to use, but want to avoid ASP.NET.
I don't know why no one said this. But if you are developing a website using mono and c#, you are using just a linux implementation of it.
I've found another free host
It explicitly states that it uses mono.
Mono Project Web Hosting should do:
The Mono Project (a.k.a. mod_mono) is an open-source .NET Framework emulation tool for Linux sponsored by Novell. Through Mono, we have assembled a simple and easy-to-use web hosting platform which bridges the gap which previously existed between Windows and Linux hosting providers. What was once properietary Microsoft technology has been made available to the open-source developer community, and supplied right here with our premium Linux hosting service.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am planning to use P6Spy to intercept database statements within our architecture. However, I noticed on the P6Spy website that the last release of the software was back in 2003. Is there anything out there that is better or should I just stick with P6Spy?
Some other tools and libraries that are similiar to P6Spy.
Craftsman Spy appears to overlap quite a bit with the feature set in log4jdbc. This library hasn't been updated in 2 years and depends on Jakarta Commons Logging.
JAMon (Java Application Monitor) is a comprehensive application monitor and monitoring API which includes JDBC/SQL monitoring as part of it's very large feature set.
JdbcProxy The driver can also emulate another JDBC driver to test the application without a database.
LogDriver appears to be similiar to log4jdbc and the author has written a nice article on JDBC logging in general and his motivation and experience of writing LogDriver.
yet another JDBC logger
log4jdbc-remix an experimental fork of log4jdbc with some interesting features.
jdbcdslog Another new jdbc wrapper with a lot of crossover with log4jdbc features.
SqlRecorder A library that is a wrapper around a JDBC driver to record all executed queries to different locations like a file,console or any other remote server via plugins.
log4jdbc-log4j2 Another fork of log4jdbc that includes the log4jdbc-remix fork and other features of it's own.
P6Spy has been under active development ago for a while now. The 2.0 version has also just been released. It now supports use without any configuration file for some use cases. It has also been updated to the JDBC 4.0 API and is fully compatible is Java 6 & 7.
The project is also being developed on GitHub now. Updated documentation is available as well.
I started using log4jdbc when p6spy wouldn't work on a precompile project that did its own driver discovery. log4jdbc has you change the DB connection url which we found simpler to setup. It also doesn't require a separate configuration file ( and it is actively worked on. I'm not going to touch p6spy again.
We still use P6Spy with our Weblogic 8.1.5 with EJB2.0 and it works charms. I'm about to try and integrate it with Weblogic 10.3 and EJB3.0