I am looking to use the withCriteria functionality on a Domain class with two dates, and want to project the time between the dates as a separate variable then return the average of this new variable.
What would be the best way to do this?
I am trying to get past dates using WORKDAY.INTL. For example i need to create a shipping plan and the company only ships on certain days. i.e. Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Here is an example below:
The result should be 24/06/2019, however, my formula is returning 18/06/2019.
Can you please help?
I created a custom event that is tracked by Azure Application Insights. It has a few custom data properties I am able to successfully track, as well as 2 custom event properties of interest (one of which I cannot display).
The one I cannot successfully query is the event name. I'm trying to reference it in the query by using event.name, but it's returning null for all records, even though I know for sure the names are not actually null.
If anyone knows the proper way to query the custom event's name, please let me know! I can't find it on: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-insights/app-insights-export-data-model
The issue here is name is in an array, so event.name returns NULL since it doesn't exist.
Will you always have only 1 name in this array?
If so the following query will extract that value:
SELECT GetRecordPropertyValue(GetArrayElement(event, 0),'name') as eventName from input
If you have various names, the query will depend of the logic (hence the suggestion to use CROSS APPLY).
I'm running a series of reports where time window called in query is rolling, and individual per report.. Some reports look 400 days back, others look 10 weeks back, while others again look at -40days/+80days... and so on - many options.
All reports are scheduled in daily or weekly runs, meaning setting prompts will require a manual reset of prompt for every instance through the scheduler. Not optimal.
I know the universe designer can design specific filters to drag into the queries using the query designer, but with so many different options, I find it a bit of an issue that the universe designer should create specific filters for these specific purposes, adding a vast number of specific filters intended for specific use to various universes.
I'm after an option where it is possible to assign a calculation to a date field, which stay fixed for the purpose of the report for every scheduled instance.
For instance, looking at invoice date from 400 days before today and onwards would look like Where DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY >= sysdate -400 - This I can hardcode into the SQl of the specific report, and it will stay through the scheduler and roll 1 day for every day the report is run. But if I decide to make a change in the query elements, the SQl is screwed, and I will have to manually add the modification to the SQL again.
I found an article reg. the use of #Prompt and would ask universe designer to try and sandbox this in our version of BO.
While I'm being impatient, I try myself using following code based on example 4 from linked article.
#select('DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY') >= sysdate -(#prompt('Invoiced, days before today:','N',[DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY],mono,free))
Testing the SQL gives following error:
SAP kba 2054721
The whole idea is to have a flexible yet consistent dimension that will calculate every time the report is run, without losing the code whenever new items are added to the report.
Does anyone know of a way to use the #Prompt in SQL for SAP WEBI 4.2? - Or any other way to have 'flexible' time dimensions where it is possible to set a from-date or to-date independently or even a range, without having universe designer creating a s**t-load of filters and dump in various universes.
Thanks // C
With regard to your example code, I think you're on the right track but your syntax has some issues:
#select('DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY') >= sysdate -(#prompt('Invoiced, days before today:','N',[DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY],mono,free))
First, both #Select and #Prompt must refer to universe objects, not columns. The syntax for both is: class name\object name. Assuming that the DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY is associated with a universe object named Day Day in a class named Dim Time, the above code should be:
#select('Dim Time\Day Day') >= sysdate -(#prompt('Invoiced, days before today:','N','Dim Time\Day Day',mono,free))
Also note that the object reference in the #prompt call is delimited by single quotes, not brackets.
Next, I'm assuming that DAY_DAY is a date field. Its reference in the #prompt call would cause the prompt to display a list of values, sourced from DAY_DAY. But you want a numeric value from the prompt, not a date, so I would just leave that out, which will let the users enter a numeric value:
#select('Dim Time\Day Day') >= sysdate -(#prompt('Invoiced, days before today:','N',,mono,free))
Next, even with this corrected syntax, there will be an issue using this code as you have it. A good way to debug #prompt issues is to view the SQL in the WebI report after you get the error -- the SQL will show the rendered result, with all functions (#select and #prompt) expanded. For the above, you might get SQL like:
DIM_TIME_INV.DAY_DAY >= sysdate -(400)
This, of course, is invalid - you can't have a condition in the SELECT clause. If this is truly intended to be a condition (which I think it is, based on your objective), then it should be a predefined condition rather than a dimension.
With that said, I think you're on the right track for what you want to do. With the above corrections, you would have a predefined condition that you could drop into reports, which would enable the users to select the starting period (by number of days ago) for the report. You could create additional prompts with different logic, ex:
#select('Dim Time\Day Day') >= sysdate -(#prompt('Invoiced, weeks before today:','N',,mono,free) * 7)
#select('Dim Time\Day Day')
BETWEEN sysdate - #prompt('Starting days ago:','N',,mono,free)
AND sysdate - #prompt('Ending days ago:','N',,mono,free)
Is there a way to get the latest event of a specific type from a specific device? So far I queried all events via myURL/event/events?source=<<ID>>&type=<<type>>.
Or is there a way to get a collection of events ordered by their creationTime? This could solve my problem too
In the documentation I only found parameters like dateFrom and dateTo. But what if I don't know the time range of the last event?
The syntax is: /event/events?type={type}&source={source}.
For more information on the available endpoints:
GET /platform
Answer from the support-team:
currently there is no way to revert the order of events. Besides
dateFrom and dateTo you can also use creationFrom and creationTo. This
will take the creationTime (server side timestamp when event was
created) instead of the time (that is send within the event) But the
order will still be oldest -> newest.
Best approach currently would be to use a good estimated time range
(so you don't end up with 0 events in the response) where the
dateTo/creationTo is in the future. If you add to the query params
withTotalPages=true the result will give you the total pages in the
statistics part.
Knowing the total pages you can you can do the query again but with
currentPage=XX instead of withTotalPages=true and take the last
We have this functionality on measurements and audits where you can
add the parameter revert=true. I will add an improvement that we
extend this to the other APIs but at the moment you are limited to the
You can just only set the dateFrom parameter and the pageSize to 1 like so: &pageSize=1&dateFrom=1970-01-01. As of September 2017, this returns the most recent event.