I am trying to achieve keyboard overlaps issue in jetpack compose kotlin. I searched and tried something on the internet but I couldnt solve it with those options. I added my manifest this
like this
... >
and I added getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_PAN)
my mainActivity
but it still doesnt work properly. What should I do another ? can you have suggestion for this issue ?
I am trying to make a number picker in jetpack compose just like the below
I searched something about number picker on the internet and I found this
I think he did it using a library here, but I couldn't figure out how to add that library if he used a library. Other than that, can I do this using jetpack compose without using a library and how?. Can you give an example?
I currently have a GlSurfaceView that is sending messages through the JNI to a C library to render. I am curious if anyone has tried to figure out how to use a renderer in Jetpack Compose so that there is a onDrawFrame call similar to the GlSurfaceView.Renderer? I know that Jetpack Compose is using an altogether different component to do the rendering but other than using the AndroidView which will not meet my wants to put this on a desktop I am not sure what else to do.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I’m trying to move from one fragment to another fragment on button click and I have watched tutorials on YouTube using ViewBinding to perform this action. But each time I try, it just doesn’t seem to work. I have added the “build features{
ViewBinding true “ in my Gradle (module:app) file and each time I run my app, my app crashes with the error “unknown host: ‘dl.google.com’”
PS: findViewById doesn’t work in fragments
I have spent weeks trying to figure this out. Can someone pls help me out?
Thanks in Advance
Moving from one fragment to another can be easily achieved using Navigation component.
I would suggest taking a look at this link as a starting point:
Hi i am trying to create an app in jetpack compose with MVVM architechture and with firebase.
I am now wondering where you would go about placing the AuthStatelistener in this case. I cant find anything about it on the web. The thing is that implementing that statelistnener does not work quz you do not use classes in Jetpack compose you use functions. and you cant call screens in the MainActivity. So how would you then check if the user is still signed in??? There is nothing about it on the web. There is a bunch of tutorials on the web about MVVM structure and ordinary xml layouts but nothing what i can find about jetpack compose?????
Has anyone had success with ListView section headers on Android? Using the documentation and a few handy tutorials I was able to build this for iOS:
When we run the code on Android (Lollipop and Marshmallow) the ListView just acts like a ScrollView...no section headers :(
Has anyone else run into issues with the ListView on Android? Were you able solve them? We're no against building a separate component for Android so if you know of another react-native component that can be used to achieve this effect that would be great too.