How to fix the error " ERROR TypeError: Object is not a function, js engine: hermes" when running react-native project on Android Studio? - react-native

This my component in which I import PersistReducer and Persist Store:
When I run npx react-native run-android on the VSC terminal, the Metro bundler started the emulator and this error is displayed.


Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'join'). react-native metro server

When I run a react-native application and metro start automatically with this error but if I start metro server manually with npx react-native start it works.

Error: Requiring module "node_modules\expo-media-library\build\MediaLibrary.js",

I made a react native project using react-native init newProject .I wanted to use expo modules in the project in this module so I ran npx install-expo-modules to use expo modules after using this command I installed expo module expo-media-library and when I import this
Error: Requiring module "node_modules\expo-media-library\build\MediaLibrary.js", which threw an exception:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_ExponentMediaLibrary.default.MediaType')
go with npm install expo-media-library or yarn add expo-media-library
try expo upgrade then expo doctor. mine also stucked there for a while. it even causes AppRegistry error that said main is not registered. should've tried with older versions

What is the right way to debug React Native Expo project on WebStorm?

My run cinfigurations:
When i run Expo configuration:
Is that any problem?
When i debug or run this 'Expo' configuration, the npm start script is not running, and i can't set breakpoints in WebStorm to debug my Code.
After i stopped project, it shows Error running 'Expo', Unknown error

TypeError: null is not an object error when importing 'react-native-fs'

The line that causes the error is this:
const RNFS = require('react-native-fs')
The error I get is:
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RNFSManager.RNFSFileTypeRegular')
This seems to be a problem with your autolinking. Do
cd android && ./gradlew clean
Then in your root folder npx react-native run-android
Note : Make sure to uninstall the application from your emulator or real device before step 2.

Cannot init AwesomeProject React Native

I followed all step in React Native - Getting Started. I typed
> react-native init AwesomeProject
and got the following error
This will walk you through creating a new React Native project in
Installing react-native package from npm...
npm ERR! Error: Invalid name: "AwesomeProject"
I am running OS X El Capitan 10.1. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this one?