Not able to pass prop from vue 3 component to vue 2 - vue.js

Am passing the prop from vue 3 to vue 2 as follows. It works if both components are vue 2.But I need to pass the prop from vue 3 to vue 2.
In vue 3 component
<v2-components :name="userName"></v2-components>
Vue 2 component prop is defined as follows. But not receiving the prop in vue2 component.Is there any solution to this?
export default {
name: 'App',
props: {
name: {
type: String


Trigger child function in parent component

I have a component Base.vue with a child Component that is being displayed by router-view. In the child component I have a function in my setup(), but I want the function to be triggered by menu item in Base.vue. How can I achieve this in vue 3? I can't use vuex for this, because the function uses a lot of google map things and refs.
Base.vue router-view Component <- component contains another component which I need to use the function from in Base.vue
This can be easily implemented through the Vue Composition Api
Assign a ref to your child component as such
<child-component ref="childRef"></child-component>
Declare the ref in your setup function as
import { ref } from 'vue'
export default {
components: { },
props: {},
setup(context,props) {
const childRef = ref(null)
return {childRef}
You can now call functions in your child component by leveraging your childRef, inside the setup function childRef.value.childFunction() can call functions declared in your child component

Using vue3-tel-input. Why v-model directive doesn't work

I want to use in my app on vuejs 3 this library intl-tel-input.
There is a ready component vue3-tel-input.
Problem: directive v-model doesn't work - variable from data that passed as a model to component doesn't changed.
Every input event, which emitted from component, works three times - visible in the console.
Best regards.
v-model doesn't work in vue3-tel-input because that component hasn't migrated its v-model implementation to Vue 3. The only migration that component seems to have completed is the plugin installation.
In Vue 2, the model property was named "value" and the model-update event was "input". However in Vue 3, they've been renamed to "modelValue" and "update:modelValue", respectively. Notice how vue3-tel-input still uses "value" and "input".
A workaround is for the consumer component to manually bind value and listen to input events, effectively implementing Vue 2 v-model in the parent:
<vue-tel-input :value="phone" #input="onInput"></vue-tel-input>
<div>{{ phone }}</div>
import { VueTelInput } from 'vue3-tel-input'
import 'vue3-tel-input/dist/vue3-tel-input.css'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
phone: '+79991234567',
methods: {
onInput(phone, phoneObject, input) {
if (phoneObject?.formatted) { = phoneObject.formatted

How to get all the props that a parent component has inside a child component In vue js?

How to get all the props like $store, $parent, $root everything that a parent component has inside a child component?
So I'm creating a parent component and a child.
However I don't have anything to render within the child. So I'm creating a renderless child component.
However I'm programatically inserting new html elements via child component
following piece of code is the parent component where I mount the child component.
This is the method I found online.
This is working fine. But I'm not getting the props like this.$store , this.$parent and all (which are automatically available inside the parent component) in the child component.
import { Child } from "./components/child";
export default {
name: "parent",
components: {},
props: [],
data() {
return {};
computed: {},
created() {
new Child().$mount();
mounted() {},
methods: {},
This is the child component.
import Vue from "vue";
const CHILD = {
name: "child",
components: {},
props: [],
data() {
return {};
render() {
computed: {},
created() {},
mounted() {},
methods: {},
export const Child = Vue.extend(CHILD);
So the basic idea is to create child component classes having all the options like $store $el and all (everything vue provides).... but instead of instantiating it inside the template I want to instantiate them in the parent component like this: new Child({...props}).
So is that possible. I'm doing this because my child components are renderless. (But within the child components I'm creating Dom elements..., & the reason I want to extend all the functionalities provided by vue is because in that way I don't want to write my own store, my own event emitter, my own prop binder.... everything will be automatically available...)
KEY TAKEAWAY is that I want to create Child components manually like by calling new Child() rather than registering them as components inside the parent as components: {'app-child': Child} and instantiating them inside the parent template ... Along with that I want every functionalities provided by vue inside the child component.. something like extending vue..
Also How can I listen to events from the child created as above ...
something like this.
// child
created() {
mounted() {
this.child.$on('event', console.log)

How can I register a component locally passing props directly vue.js

I am using vue.js and in my case I would like to pass props values to the component when registering locally:
Let say I have these two components and app.component.vue expects a props call title.
import AppComponent from '#/components/app/app.component.vue'
import AppButton from '#/components/button/button.component.vue'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: '<AppComponent/>',
components: {
How can I pass title props at the registration level of AppComponent ?
components: {
I don't wanna wait until the following point to pass the props :
<app-component :title="My title"><app-component>

vuejs-parent and child components

I am new in vuejs and Iam coding in laravel
I have watched vuejs tutorial but I have got a little confused
about parent and child components because when I started coding in laravel I just used a simple component and use it in blade and
I didn't feel needing parent component I want the usage and when to use
parent component because there were lots of documention for parent and child component I dont know when to use them.
parent component and child component is not the same, child component feeding by the parent as the prop, you can mutate data to child component by parent and emit data from child to parent for changed the prop.
for example:
<child-component :item="items" :profile="profile"></child-component>
export default {
items: {
id: 0,
name: 'Negar'
data2: {
id: 1,
name: 'Hozhabr^_^'
profile: {
url: '',
company: 'alibaba',
city: 'Tehran'
//// child.vue /////
Item: {{items}}
profile: {{profile}}
export default {
props:['items', 'profile']