Make a fun minigame on roblox - scripting

So I made a script on ROBLOX so whenever you touch the part it puts you name in chat as first place. I want it to teleport that 1st player to the lobby and say 2nd or 3rd depending on who else touched the part at what times. here's what I got so far:
local mytab = {'player1', 'player2', 'player3'}
local RESET_TIME = 1
local part = game.Workspace.Part
if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then
if not part:GetAttribute("Touched") then
part:SetAttribute("Touched", true)
part:SetAttribute("Touched", false)
for i, v in ipairs(mytab) do
local function chat(message)
game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {Text = message, colour = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Font = Enum.Font.Arial})
chat("The " ..i.. 'st Winner is ' ..v.Name)
its a work in progress
I tried to make the first second and third players to replace the strings on the table but it did not work.


Clearing a text file in Visual basic

This is the code i have so far, When a user gets a new high score it needs to clear the txt file and put the new high score in it or replace the number within the txt file. I am struggling to find a way to clear the file.
ElseIf HighscoreDifficulty = "E" Then
EasyHighScore = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("EasyHighScore.txt")
If CurrentScore > EasyHighScore Then
NewHighScore.Visible = True
file = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter("EasyHighScore.txt", True)
NoNewHighScore.Visible = True
End If
Let's say that you want to keep the top five scores in the file. Assuming that the file always contains valid data, you could do that like this:
Private Sub SaveHighScore(score As Integer)
Const FILE_PATH = "file path here"
'Read the lines of the file into a list of Integer values.
Dim scores = File.ReadLines(FILE_PATH).
Select(Function(s) CInt(s)).
'Append the new score.
'Sort the list in descending order.
scores.Sort(Function(x, y) y.CompareTo(x))
'Write up to the first five scores back tot he file.
Select(Function(i) i.ToString()))
End Sub
By adding the new score to the existing list, sorting and then writing out the first five, you automatically drop the lowest score. That means that there's never a need to actually check whether the new score is a high score or not.

Flood fill algorithm for Visual Basic [duplicate]

I am an amateur in Visual Basic. I am attempting to recreate the game of Go, and I have created the board and am able to place stones on the intersections of the grid.
I now want to start capturing stones which are surrounded. I have looked online and found that flood fill is the best way to go about this. However, I have looked online for days, and I can't find anything that I can use, or manipulate to create this. I do not understand any other programming language, so I cannot use bits of code from Java, etc. And the bits of information for Visual Basic I have found do not make much sense to me as I am still a beginner.
I have attempted to start it by myself, starting off small with the situation of "If one stone were to be captured". I have two representations for the board, one is declared as "grid", and the other as "placed_stone".
"Grid" is the actual board where the users click to place their stones. placed_stone is a copy of this board, but I have used "0", "1" and "2" to represent empty, black and white respectively. I am using Windows Forms to recreate this game. This is the segment of code I have written for capturing the stones:
Private Sub Panel1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
Dim board As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)
' Figure out where the user clicked: min = 0, max = (gridsize - 1)
Dim pt As Point = board.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
Dim colWidth As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Width
Dim rowHeight As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Height
Dim gridPosition As New Point(Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.X / colWidth) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1), Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.Y / rowHeight) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1))
Dim newcoordsx As Integer
Dim newcoordsy As Integer
' Now do something with gridPosition:
If Not Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y).HasValue Then 'If gird(x,y) is empty
illegalmovelbl.Hide() ' Hides the "Illegal Move" Label
If cp = True Then ' If current player is Black
This is the part where I got stuck and realised that the coding for every situation will take too long. I managed to write up the code for one situation:
newcoordsx = gridPosition.X + 1
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, gridPosition.Y) = 2 Then
newcoordsy = gridPosition.Y + 1
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, newcoordsy) = 1 Then
newcoordsy = gridPosition.Y - 1
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, newcoordsy) = 1 Then
newcoordsx = gridPosition.X + 2
If placed_stone(newcoordsx, gridPosition.Y) = 1 Then
newcoordsx = gridPosition.X + 1
Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y) = True 'Place a black stone at Grid(x,y)
Grid(newcoordsx)(gridPosition.Y) = Nothing
placed_stone(newcoordsx, gridPosition.Y) = 0
pass = False
cp = False
passbtn.BackColor = Color.White 'The passbutton changes colour to white
passbtn.ForeColor = Color.Black 'The passbutton font changes colour to black
End If
End If
End If
End If
'Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y) = True ' Place a black stone at Grid(x,y)
'placed_stone(gridPosition.X, gridPosition.Y) = 1
'pass = False
'cp = False
'passbtn.BackColor = Color.White ' The passbutton changes colour to white
'passbtn.ForeColor = Color.Black ' The passbutton font changes colour to black
ElseIf cp = False Then ' If current player is White
Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y) = False ' Place a white stone at Grid(x,y)
placed_stone(gridPosition.X, gridPosition.Y) = 2
pass = False
cp = True
passbtn.BackColor = Color.Black ' The passbutton changes colour to black
passbtn.ForeColor = Color.White ' The passbutton font changes colour to white
End If
ElseIf Grid(gridPosition.X)(gridPosition.Y).HasValue Then ' If gird(x,y) isn't empty
illegalmovelbl.Show() ' Shows the "Illegal Move" Label
MsgBox("Place your stone in a vacant point") ' Displays error message
End If
board.Invalidate() ' Force the board to redraw itself
End Sub
I have tried to use Wikipedia's algorithm on flood fill, and I understand the logic of how it works, but I just don't know how to program it in Visual Basic.
Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color):
1. If target-color is equal to replacement-color, return.
2. If the color of node is not equal to target-color, return.
3. Set the color of node to replacement-color.
4. Perform Flood-fill (one step to the south of node, target-color, replacement-color).
Perform Flood-fill (one step to the north of node, target-color, replacement-color).
Perform Flood-fill (one step to the west of node, target-color, replacement-color).
Perform Flood-fill (one step to the east of node, target-color, replacement-color).
5. Return.
Of course, in Go, instead of colouring in the area, you have to remove the stones when capturing, and you don't start the flood fill from the stone you just placed to capture, you start from the closest stone you wish to capture.
Can you please explain how to use flood fill in Visual Basic in an easy way and how to implement it to this game of Go?
If anyone would like to look at the whole code, please let me know. I would appreciate any suggestions!
I'm not familiar with the rules/game-play of the game Go, so I'm not sure exactly what you are attempting to accomplish, but if you believe that a flood-fill type of algorithm is what you need, then I can at least offer some advice in how you could do that. The primary thing that your code needs is to be broken down into more granular methods. What are the steps that you are attempting to perform when the panel is clicked? Surely it's not just one thing. There are many different things going on--each of which could be performed by a separate dedicated method. For instance, if you had a method like this:
Private Function GetGridPosition(board As Panel, cursorPosition As Point) As Point
Dim pt As Point = board.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
Dim colWidth As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Width
Dim rowHeight As Integer = (1 / (GridSize + 1)) * board.Size.Height
Return New Point(Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.X / colWidth) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1), Math.Min(Math.Max((pt.Y / rowHeight) - 1, 0), GridSize - 1))
End Function
Then, in the Panel1_Click event handler, you could simplify the beginning of the code considerably, like this:
Private Sub Panel1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
Dim board As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)
Dim gridPosition As Point = GetGridPosition(board, Cursor.Position)
' ...
Sure, that makes the code more organized and easier to read, but that doesn't get you any closer to a flood fill algorithm, right? Well, yes, that's mostly true, but organization and readability are worthy goals in their own right, so lets continue anyway... The next step we need to perform is to make the player's move, and then, if the move was successful, we need to switch to the other player. So, let's first create the method to switch players:
Private Sub SwitchPlayer()
pass = False
cp = Not cp
passbtn.BackColor = GetPlayerForeColor(cp)
passbtn.ForeColor = GetPlayerBackColor(cp)
End Sub
Private Function GetPlayerForeColor(player as Boolean) As Color
If player Then
Return Color.White
Return Color.Black
End If
End Function
Private Function GetPlayerBackColor(player as Boolean) As Color
If player Then
Return Color.Black
Return Color.White
End If
End Function
You'll notice that I snuck (Chrome auto-spell tells me that isn't a word, but my American upbringing begs to differ) a couple other methods in there while I was at it. I'm sure their purpose is obvious. But stop right there. It's obvious? You'll notice that the comments are gone, yet the meaning of the code is still obvious. That's what we mean by self-documenting code. Comments are great when they're necessary, but it's even better when they aren't necessary at all.
So, pretend for now we have a method like this:
Private Function MakeMove(gridPosition As Grid, player As Boolean) As Boolean
' return true if the move was successful
End Function
Then the whole Panel1_Click event handler could look like this:
Private Sub Panel1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Panel1.Click
Dim board As Panel = DirectCast(sender, Panel)
Dim gridPosition As Point = GetGridPosition(board, Cursor.Position)
If MakeMove(gridPosition, cp) Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShowIllegalMoveMessage()
illegalmovelbl.Show() 'Shows the "Illegal Move" Label
MsgBox("Place your stone in a vacant point") 'Displays error message
End Sub
Ok, so now we're getting to the meat of it. So, what are the steps that need to be taken when a move is being made? Well, I don't know, because I don't know the game. I leave that exercise up to you, but, if your inclinations are correct, and you need some kind of flood fill algorithm, then that probably means that you need some kind of PlaceStone action which can be repeated over and over again, so that should be its own method:
Private Sub PlaceStone(gridPosition As Point, player As Boolean)
' Do something
End Sub
Obviously the Do something is the key part of all this, and it's the one part that I can't help you with. But, if it's going to be a flood fill algorithm, I can give you a really big hint. Among all the other stuff it's going to do in there, it's going to be calling PlaceStone again, passing it a different grid position (one of the surrounding positions). So for instance, something like this:
Private Sub PlaceStone(gridPosition As Point, player As Boolean)
Dim north As Position = GetNorthPosition(gridPosition)
If Floodable(north, player) Then
PlaceStone(north, player)
End If
' ...
End Sub
When a method calls itself, like that, we call it recursion. But, until you start splitting your code up into dedicated little methods, each with its own encapsulated task, then you can't really add recursion. So, first get organized, then add recursion.

Algorithm for finding end of a list (SAP GUI)

I'm writing a script that adds elements to a list in a SAP GUI screen. Now, it seems that when using SAP GUI, nothing "exists" unless it is actually on screen, so the first step involves finding the end of the list.
I accomplished this by scrolling though each element, and checking if it was blank.
Do While Not blank
If session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010/ctxtMAPL-MATNR[2,0]").Text = "" Then blank = True
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010").verticalScrollbar.Position = i
i = i + 1
However, for very large existing lists, this takes a long time. I'm trying to figure out a way to find the end more quickly. Some truths/limitations I know:
I'm assuming I have no knowledge of the list length.
I cannot command the verticalScrollbar.position too far beyond the end of
the list. For ex. if the list contains 62 elements, .verticalScrollbar.Position = 100 will not work.
In the case of the above example, SAP does NOT throw an error. Nothing happens at all, and then next line of code executes.
All references to elements are with respect to their position on the screen. Ex, if I scroll down 5 positions, the 6th element of the overall list would actually indexed as 1.
On the other hand, verticalScrollbar.Position is absolute
I'm thinking of doing the following (in very psuedocode):
i = 0
do while scrolled = true
scrolled = false
a = GUIlist[0]
verticalScrollbar.Position = i + 1000
b = GUIlist[0]
'check to see the first element shown has changed
if a <> b then
scrolled = true
i = i + 1000
end if
do while scrolled = true
scrolled = false
a = GUIlist[0]
verticalScrollbar.Position = i + 500
b = GUIlist[0]
if a <> b then
scrolled = true
i = i + 500
end if
...and so on until I'm iterating i by one.
Is there a generally accepted better way of doing this kind of 'search'?
Any input is appreciated.
My suggestion:
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 83
myPosition = session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010").verticalScrollbar.Position
if session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010/ctxtMAPL-MATNR[2,0]").Text = "" then exit do
myPosition = myPosition + 1
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010").verticalScrollbar.Position = myPosition
msgbox myPosition
Just to go to the end
max_scrollbar = session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010").verticalScrollbar.Maximum ' Get the maximum scrollbar value
session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLCZDITCTRL_4010").verticalScrollbar.Position = max_scrollbar ' Go to the end

Update text box with each click of a button

I am trying to set up a userform that will be used to take orders. e.g. each time you click the Cappuccino button it will increment the text box by one indicating that you are ordering 1, 2, 3 etc.
As far as I can get it is to only populate the text box one time. Each additional click does not appear to do anything. This is the Code I currently have for it. I tried declaring num as public. I thought that might be part of the problem but it did not seem to make a difference. Could it be a type casting issue since it is a "text" box and I am trying to treat it as in integer?
Private Sub Capuccino_Click()
If (Cap_qty.Value = Null) Then
Dim num As Integer
num = 1
Cap_qty.Value = Cap_qty.Value + num
ElseIf (Cap_qty.Value = IsNotNull) Then
num = num + 1
Cap_qty.Value = num
'Cap_qty.Value = num + 1
'num = Cap_qty.Value
End If
End Sub
Well, that makes a difference. I looked at something somewhere that told me to use Null, IsNotNull. I was able to get it working with the following which at the moment does not make sense to me I will have to figure out why it works this way. I guess there is some background action happening that is letting me do math with stings
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If (TextBox1.Value = vbNullString) Then
TextBox1.Value = 1
TextBox1.Value = TextBox1.Value + 1
End If
End Sub

Jython Slot machine: making the game loop

I am writing a slot machine game for my intro to programming class. I can make the game procure 5 random images from a file containing 6, arrange them on a blank canvas and compare the pictures to see if there are 3-in-a-row. It will tell you if you win or not and ask you to play again. I need to loop the game so that it runs again after the user selects "y/n". here is my code so far.
from random import *
def main():
pictureList = setMediaPath("F:\Class Stuff\INF 120\Project X\gamepics")
s = 1 # requestInteger("Slot machine image numbering begins at:")
e = 6 # requestInteger("Slot maching image numbering ends at:")
ext = "jpg" #requestString("Enter the extension ofthe slot machine image files (without a dot):")
mypic = []
for num in range(s, e+1):
mypic = mypic + [(makePicture("smImage" + str(num) + "." + ext))]
#set up the "game board" in a blank window
w = getWidth(mypic[0])
h = getHeight(mypic[0])
ePic = makeEmptyPicture(w*5, h)
# start the actual game
win = False
inRow = 1
last = -1
#loop through all five slots and set pic for each one a new, random picture. Form list of pictures.
#make a loop to run through the game until win = true.
for i in range(0,5):
imgIndex = randrange(0,len(mypic))
copyInto(mypic[imgIndex], ePic, i*w, 0)
if imgIndex == last:
inRow = inRow + 1
inRow = 1
last = imgIndex
if inRow >= 3:
win = true
if win == true:
showInformation("YOU WIN!!")
rePlay = requestString("Would you like to play again? (y/n)")
showInformation("You Lose...")
requestString("Play again? (y/n)")
the media path is set to the directory on my machine with the images. here is a link to my google drive with the images. .If you are going to run this, you need to change the media path in my code to correspond with where you have the pictures.
I appreciate any and all help with this. Thanks!
I dont know any jython but the pseudo code should be
var continue = true
while(continue) {
[[play game, set continue based on user input]]