Could not find any matches for react-native:0.64.+ Required by:project :react-native-video - react-native

Could not find any matches for com.facebook.react:react-native:0.64.+ as no versions of com.facebook.react:react-native are available.
Required by:
project :react-native-video
I have tried upgrading and downgrading react-native-video and react-native version !!
Currently choosen following API's in package.json.
"react-native": "0.64.4",
"react-native-video": "^5.1.1",
Kotlin version - 212-1.7.10-release-333-AS5457.46.
Android Studio Chipmunk 2021.2.1 Patch 2
Everything was working fine till 2 weeks back , anything changed recently ?


No variants found for `react-native-reanimated`

I upgraded my React Native project to Gradle 7.0.2 and now when I open Android Studio it says No variants found for ':react-native-reanimated'. I'm using react-native-reanimated#1.13.3, and from the documentation for versions 1.x.x there's no real configuration, so I'm not sure how to approach this.
Has anyone run into anything similar? I'm using react-native#0.63.4, gradle 7.0.2, and Android Gradle Plugin 7.0.0.
You need to downgrade your Gradle version 7 to 6 because somehow Gradle 7 not work with react-native-reanimated 1.13.3. You can downgrade the version from file like below:

How to select correct gradle version in React Native

I never upgraded my gradle since 4.3 and now i decided to upgrade my libs. Firstly i updated my react native version to 0.63. And now thinking to upgrade gradle as well. But cannot decide which version to upgrade?
Is there any docs for that, or always it should be updated to latest version?
EDIT: Got these errors below while updating

what version of an npm package is installed?

While preparing an app for release to the Google Play Store I discovered it was necessary to upgrade the Expo SDK in the project in order to successfully upload the app bundle (to target at least API level 29). Once the Expo SDK was upgraded to 39.0.0 the upload worked fine. However, while upgrading the Expo SDK a message in the terminal said
The following packages were not updated. You should check the READMEs
for those repositories to determine what version is compatible with
your new set of packages:
I couldn't tell from the README which expo-linking version should be used with Expo SDK 39.0.0.
After the Expo SDK upgrade, package.json shows this:
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^39.0.0",
"expo-linking": "~1.0.1",
Since the terminal message said expo-linking was not updated I presume package.json.dependencies.expo-linking didn't change either.
Running npm view expo-linking versions --json reveals these versions exist:
Two questions:
How/where can the installed version of expo-linking be found?
I figured I'd install the latest version since the latest version of the Expo SDK is now installed for this project. Could that cause problems?
(I'm writing this all without much knowledge about expo itself so apologies in advance if this is not useful.)
Assuming your dependencies were installed in a node_modules directory, npm ls expo-linking should reveal the installed version (or versions if your dependencies are using more than one).
$ npm ls expo-linking
└── expo-linking#1.0.4
As for whether the latest version will cause problems: The latest version of expo-linking was published 2 months ago (at the time of this writing) and the package gets a fair amount of downloads. (According to at the time of this writing, the package gets downloaded around 80000 times a week.) So if it is causing problems, there's a good chance someone would have reported it by now in the issue tracker at You can perhaps do some searches there to get an idea if others are experiencing any of the problems you are concerned about.

Cannot Convert Existing React Native to Expo: error with nativeVersion.major

Just downloaded the newest version of Expo XDE(2.20.1) and trying to convert an existing react native project into it. I followed precisely these steps, and when opening the app in Expo client on a real device, I got an error saying:
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'nativeVersion.major')
The problem happens both on Android and iOS.
Seems expo has a strict requirement of react/react-native versions, but unfortunately, I cannot find the version requirement list.
My current dependencies (which are quite up-to-date) are:
"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "0.49.3"
So, does this error indeed came from version conflicts? And if so, how do I solve the problem?
Your JS dependencies need to match the native code. With Expo SDK 21, which is based off of React Native 0.48, you can either use (recommended):
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native": "",
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native": "^0.48.4",
It's important you are careful with the versions when you update your dependencies. The upcoming React Native 0.49 (supported with Expo SDK 22) needs to use React 16.0.0-beta.5.
It might be easiest to create a new Expo project from scratch, then copy over your components. I've done this several times myself, and it's far easier than fighting whatever edge condition has affected you.
Remove your iOS build (./app/ios/build) folder and re-build.

scrollview has no proptype for native prop RCTScrollView.overScrollMode of native type string

I am getting bellow issue, is any one have idea about this
scrollview has no proptype for native prop RCTScrollView.overScrollMode of native type string if you havent changed this prop yourself this usually means that your versions of the native code and javascript code are out of sync
It's maybe your dependent package version are mismatch, I upgrade my dependencies to the latest, now it works at those versions.
"expo": "^21.0.2",
"native-base": "^2.3.2",
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native": "^0.48.4",
"react-navigation": "^1.0.0-beta.12"
That's a tricky one. Depends on what package manager you have.
You'll have to upgrade react-native.
react-native upgrade if using react-scripts
yarn upgrade react-native if using the latest create-react-app tools as of August, 2017.
Found the possible solution!
1. Bump expo version in package.json to 21.0.2
2. Bump react-native version in package.json to 0.48.4
3. Remove node_modules
4. npm install or yarn install
5. Change sdk version in app.json to 21.0.0
ScrollView is working AGAIN! :)