i'm trying to put pagination between navigation arrow swiper - swiper.js

hello as I said I'm trying to put the left arrow before navigation and the right one after it like that image
I tried to move them by position but if there are more bullets that will be missy


React Native Drawer Navigator add and icon to the right side of the slide

Hi i want to add an icon to the right side of the slide as shown in below file however I was unable to figure it out because I could not find any option for it.

How could i make pagination with button and swiper in react native

I tried to do with ScrollView and transform and scrollTo but i couldnt figure it out and i dont want to create with react-navigation
i want to create a fixed bar at the top and two animated buttons in it and when button touched go second screen and play button animation and when screen swiped play button animation also
like this and screen has to be slideable too

How to choose alternative tab to open in Navigation Form in Access using VBA

I have Navigation Form with horizontal and vertical tabs. How do I code to get back to the vertical tab when I click on the horizontal. I do not want to go back to the first vertical tab but to someone who is further down, to the one I left earlier.

in react native, how can I scroll tab view vertically like 'react-native-scrollable-tab-view'

react native, like the pictures below, the left part and right part is both scrollable, and when left tab is tab and right part follows, it's like 'react-native-scrollable-tab-view', but vertically, any suggestions will be helpful, thanks~
example pic1
example pic2
Have a look as this PR which gives vertical tab bar capability to react-native-tab-view.
Since it's created long ago and not merged, you might have to apply those changes on top of the current master branch to start using.
Maybe how you break down the UI in mind is clouding your judgement.
Seeing the example pics, I think they are more like two components.
The right component is a SectionList.
The left component is a ScrollView with just buttons with labels of section titles of the right component. The onPress() of these buttons just calls scrollToLocation() of the SectionList to programmatically scroll to the the respective section.

React Native Putting Fixed Component on top of Flatlist

As shown above, I want to create this two-part screen where I can click onto both the A component and B component on the first view provided here. When a user scrolls B component, it may take up the entire screen and move over the A component. (A component does not move with the FlatList).
I'm new to react native and was wondering how I could create such behavior? I tried using absolute positioning and ListHeaderComponent inside the FlatList but didn't really get anywhere. Let me know if anyone has an idea.
I would try something like the following screen structure:
ScrollView w/ trans background that goes to the top of screen
FlatList with top padding to push it below the image
Items in list
You could also see if react-native-parallax-scroll-view works for you as it looks somewhat similar to what you describe