'telegram.error.TimedOut: Timed out' problem - telegram-bot

I ran into a problem with my telegram-bot program. when I launch it, after a couple seconds this error shows up. is it related to my internet connection ? or the code is wrong ?
the code:
from telegram.ext import *
def start_command(update, context):
update.massage.reply_text("Hi. I'm a test bot")
def help_command(update, context):
update.massage.reply_text("if you need help! search on Google")
def main():
app = Application.builder().token('your token').build()
app.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start_command))
app.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help_command))
if __name__ == '__main__':
the error:
File "C:\Users\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Lib\site-packages\telegram\request\_httpxrequest.py", line 200, in do_request
raise TimedOut from err
telegram.error.TimedOut: Timed out

Try this:
def main():
app = Application.builder().token('your token').read_timeout(30).write_timeout(30).build()
app.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start_command))
app.add_handler(CommandHandler("help", help_command))
if __name__ == '__main__':


TypeError: one() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

PyCharm return "TypeError: one() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given"
I've searched for the whole night but still can't figure it out T T
I think the bug is from mpl_connect(), because when I use the connect() from pyqtBoundSignal it works
class forTest(QWidget):
signalTest = pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self):
super(forTest, self).__init__()
canvas = FigureCanvas(figure(facecolor="blue"))
# I got the following from other answer, but still not working
self.cid = canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.one)
layout = QHBoxLayout()
def one(self):
class RTest(object):
def handle_signal(self):
print("get successfully")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
tt = forTest()
rr = RTest()
From the mpl_connect() documentation:
func : callable
The callback function to be executed, which must have the signature:
def func(event: Event) -> Any
So, one() must have a further argument:
def one(self, event):
The reason for which the direct signal connection works is that PyQt is able to discard positional arguments when they exceed the connected signal (or function) argument count.

How scrapy crawl work:which class instanced and which method called?

Here is a simple python file--test.py.
import math
class myClass():
def myFun(self,x):
if __name__ == "__main__":
It print 3 with python test.py,let's analyse the running process.
1. to instance myClass and assign it to myInstance.
2.to call myFun function and print the result.
It is scrapy's turn.
In the scrapy1.4 manual,quotes_spider.py is as below.
import scrapy
class QuotesSpider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "quotes"
def start_requests(self):
urls = [
for url in urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
def parse(self, response):
page = response.url.split("/")[-2]
filename = 'quotes-%s.html' % page
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
self.log('Saved file %s' % filename)
To run the spider with scrapy crawl quotes,i am puzzled:
1.Where is the main function or main body for the spider?
2.Which class was instanced?
3.Which method was called?
mySpider = QuotesSpider(scrapy.Spider)
How scrapy crawl work exactly?
So let's start. Assuming you use linux/mac. Let's check where us scrapy
$ which scrapy
Let's look at the content of this file
$ cat /Users/tarun.lalwani/.virtualenvs/myproject/bin/scrapy
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
from scrapy.cmdline import execute
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.argv[0] = re.sub(r'(-script\.pyw?|\.exe)?$', '', sys.argv[0])
So this executes execute method from cmdline.py and her is your main method.
from __future__ import print_function
def execute(argv=None, settings=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv
# --- backwards compatibility for scrapy.conf.settings singleton ---
if settings is None and 'scrapy.conf' in sys.modules:
from scrapy import conf
if hasattr(conf, 'settings'):
settings = conf.settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
if settings is None:
settings = get_project_settings()
# set EDITOR from environment if available
editor = os.environ['EDITOR']
except KeyError: pass
settings['EDITOR'] = editor
# --- backwards compatibility for scrapy.conf.settings singleton ---
import warnings
from scrapy.exceptions import ScrapyDeprecationWarning
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ScrapyDeprecationWarning)
from scrapy import conf
conf.settings = settings
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
inproject = inside_project()
cmds = _get_commands_dict(settings, inproject)
cmdname = _pop_command_name(argv)
parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=optparse.TitledHelpFormatter(), \
if not cmdname:
_print_commands(settings, inproject)
elif cmdname not in cmds:
_print_unknown_command(settings, cmdname, inproject)
cmd = cmds[cmdname]
parser.usage = "scrapy %s %s" % (cmdname, cmd.syntax())
parser.description = cmd.long_desc()
settings.setdict(cmd.default_settings, priority='command')
cmd.settings = settings
opts, args = parser.parse_args(args=argv[1:])
_run_print_help(parser, cmd.process_options, args, opts)
cmd.crawler_process = CrawlerProcess(settings)
_run_print_help(parser, _run_command, cmd, args, opts)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Now if you notice execute method it processes the arguments passed by you. which is crawl quotes in your case. The execute methods scans the projects for classes and check which has name defined as quotes. It creates the CrawlerProcess class and that runs the whole show.
Scrapy is based on Twisted Python Framework. Which is a scheduler based framework.
Consider the below part of the code
for url in urls:
yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)
When the engine executes this function and first yield is execute. The value is returned to the engined. The engine now looks at other task that are pending executes them, (when they yield, some other pending task queue function gets a chance). So yield is what allows to break a function execution into parts and help Scrapy/Twisted work.
You can get a detailed overview on the link below

Twisted will not send data back only if I use async DB ops

After struggling with inlineCallbacks and yield of twisted/txredisapi, I can save my data into redis. Thanks to author of txredisapi. Now I met a new issue, socket server will not send back to client before/after saving into DB.
Twisted offers simple socket server as following:
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
class Echo(protocol.Protocol):
def dataReceived(self, data):
self.transport.write(data) ### write back
class EchoFactory(protocol.Factory):
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return Echo()
reactor.listenTCP(8000, EchoFactory)
My code is similiar, only with additional DB ops.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import binascii
import txredisapi
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
from twisted.python import log
from dmpack import Dmpack
from dmdb import Dmdb
from dmconfig import DmConf
dm = Dmpack()
conf = DmConf().loadConf()
rcs = txredisapi.lazyConnection(password=conf['RedisPassword'])
dbpool = adbapi.ConnectionPool("MySQLdb",db=conf['DbName'],user=conf['DbAccount'],\
def getDataParsed(data):
realtime = None
period = None
self.snrCode = dm.snrToAscii(data[2:7])
realtime = data[7:167] # save it into redis
period = data[167:-2] # save it into SQL
return (snrCode, realtime, period)
class PlainTCP(protocol.Protocol):
def __init__(self, factory):
self.factory = factory
self.factory.numConnections = 0
self.snrCode = None
self.rData = None
self.pData = None
self.err = None
def connectionMade(self):
self.factory.numConnections += 1
print "Nr. of connections: %d\n" %(self.factory.numConnections)
self.transport.write("Hello remote\r\n") # it only prints very 5 connections.
def connectionLost(self, reason):
self.factory.numConnections -= 1
print "Nr. of connections: %d\n" %(self.factory.numConnections)
def dataReceived(self, data):
global dbpool, rcs
(self.snrCode,rDat,pDat) = getDataParsed(data)
if self.snrCode == None or rDat == None or pDat == None:
err = "Bad format"
err = "OK"
print "err:%s"%(err) # debug print to show flow control
self.err = err
if self.snrCode != None and rDat != None and pDat != None:
res = yield self.saveRealTimeData(rcs, rDat)
res = yield self.savePeriodData(dbpool, pDat, conf)
print "err2:%s"%(err) # debug print to show flow control
def saveRealTimeData(self, rc, dat):
key = "somekey"
val = "somedata"
yield rc.set(key,val)
yield rc.expire(key,30)
def savePeriodData(self,rc,dat,conf):
query = "some SQL statement"
yield rc.runQuery(query)
class PlainTCPFactory(protocol.Factory):
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return PlainTCP(self)
def main():
dmdb = Dmdb()
if not dmdb.detectDb():
print "Please run MySQL RDBS first."
reactor.listenTCP(8080, PlainTCPFactory())
if __name__ == "__main__":
And clip of my client, which is a simple client:
def connectSend(host="",port=8080):
global packet
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((host, port))
data = s.recv(1024)
print 'Received', repr(data)
except socket.error, err:
print "Remote socket is not available: %s"%str(err)
The current status is:
If disable #defer.inlineCallbacks and yield opertions of dataReceived(), both self.transport.write() inside of connectionMode() and dataReceived() can output data to clients.
If we enabled #defer.inlineCallbacks and two yield DB ops of SQL/Redis, then self.transport.write() inside of connectionMode() prints every 5 connections, and dataReceived() will not output any data to clients.
the debug print statements will print on log regardless of #defer.inlineCallbacks anyway.
I was told that dataReceived() should not be #defer.inlineCallbacks. But it doesn't change anything if I removed that decoration.
I am thinking if gevent can help me out of this unpredicted behavior. I am twisted into an endless tornado, cyclone .....
Anyone who has similiar experience, please help me. Thanks.
By changing function as following, the code works.
#COMMENT OUT decorator of #defer.inlineCallbacks
def dataReceived(self, data):
global dbpool, rcs
(self.snrCode,rDat,pDat) = getDataParsed(data)
if self.snrCode == None or rDat == None or pDat == None:
err = "Bad format"
err = "OK"
print "err:%s"%(err) # debug print to show flow control
self.err = err
if self.snrCode != None and rDat != None and pDat != None:
self.saveRealTimeData(rcs, rDat)
self.savePeriodData(dbpool, pDat, conf)
# Removing yield before DB ops
print "err2:%s"%(err) # debug print to show flow control
def saveRealTimeData(self, rc, dat):
print "saveRedis"
key = "somekey"
val = "somedata"
yield rc.set(key,val)
yield rc.expire(key,30)
def savePeriodData(self,rc,dat,conf):
print "save SQL"
query = "some SQL statement"
yield rc.runQuery(query)
If we keep #defer.inlineCallbacks and yield in dataReceived. The connection is closed before second DB op. Therefore no data is output to connection. Maybe is caused by inlineCallbacks decorator.
By removing this, the flow control is simple and straightforward.
However, I still can get why I can not add inlineCallbacks if there are two deferred DB ops. This time they don't need deferred?

Issue with using Leap motion and python

I am trying to write a basic program using leap motion, I just want to constantly run the on_frame method but the method only runs once and disconnecting the device does not call the on_disconnect method. The program will not run until I hit enter, What am I doing wrong? Thanks for the help :
import Leap, sys, thread
from Leap import CircleGesture, KeyTapGesture, ScreenTapGesture,SwipeGesture
class LeapMotionListener(Leap.Listener):
def on_init(self, controller):
print "Initialized"
def on_connect(self, controller):
print "Connected"
print "All gestures enabled"
def on_disconnect(self, controller):
print "Disconnected"
def on_exit(self, controller):
print "Exit"
def on_frame(self, controller):
frame= controller.frame()
print "\n Frame ID"+ str(frame.id)
print "num of hands: " +str(len(frame.hands))
print "num of gestures: " +str(len(frame.gestures()))
for gesture in frame.gestures():
if gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_CIRCLE:
circle = Leap.CircleGesture(gesture)
elif gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SWIPE:
swipe = Leap.SwipeGesture(gesture)
elif gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_KEY_TAP:
key_tap = Leap.KeyTapGesture(gesture)
elif gesture.type is Leap.Gesture.TYPE_SCREEN_TAP:
screen_tap = Leap.ScreenTapGesture(gesture)
def main():
listener= LeapMotionListener()
controller = Leap.Controller()
print "Press enter to quit: "
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Your code runs fine from the command line. I.e:
> python scriptname.py
Are you running from Idle? if so, this part:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
doesn't work. (See Python 3.2 Idle vs terminal) A similar issue might exist in other IDEs.
The following should work in Idle, but you have to use Ctrl-C to exit.
# Keep this process running until a Ctrl-C is pressed
print "Press Ctrl-C to quit..."
while True:
print "Quiting"
# Remove the sample listener when done
Quitting on any key stroke in both Idle and the command line seemed surprisingly difficult and complex when I tried it some time ago -- but then, I'm a Python duffer.

how to get tornadoredis listen value

I want to write a chat demo with tornado and redis. I use redis subscribe , but what I wrote is not work . when I run the code , iterm output
listening 8000
GroupChat here
getMsg here
And I PUBLISH testc helloword in redis-cli, iterm output:
[I 150401 18:30:57 web:1825] 304 GET /groupchat?key=testc ( 2.40ms
Message(kind=u'message', channel=u'testc', body=u'helloword', pattern=u'testc')
I just want to get the Message in GroupChat.get , but I get None. anyone help me?
GroupChat code is here :
class GroupChat(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def initialize(self):
print 'GroupChat here'
self.c = tornadoredis.Client(host=CONFIG['REDIS_HOST'], port=CONFIG['REDIS_PORT'], password=CONFIG['REDIS_AUTH'])
self.channelMsgModel = channelMsgModel(self.c)
def get(self):
key = self.get_argument('key')
info = yield self.channelMsgModel.getMsg(key)
print info
except Exception, e:
print e
channelMsgModel code is here :
import tornado.gen
class channelMsgModel :
timeout = 10
def __init__(self, redisobj):
self.redisobj = redisobj
def getMsg(self, key):
print 'getMsg here'
yield tornado.gen.Task(self.redisobj.subscribe, key)
info = self.redisobj.listen(self.on_message)
print info
raise tornado.gen.Return(info)
def on_message(self, msg):
if (msg.kind == 'message'):
print msg
return msg
elif (msg.kind == 'unsubscribe'):
# raise tornado.gen.Return(False)
Use a toro.Queue (which will be included in Tornado itself in the upcoming version 4.2):
class channelMsgModel:
def __init__(self, redisobj):
self.redisobj = redisobj
self.queue = toro.Queue()
def getMsg(self, key):
yield gen.Task(self.redisobj.subscribe, key)
info = yield self.queue.get()
raise tornado.gen.Return(info)
def on_message(self, msg):
if (msg.kind == 'message'):
elif (msg.kind == 'unsubscribe'):