How variable work inside while function in JavaScript? - while-loop

Question :- why it is need to introduce same dice function inside while function because if not introduced while function goes on till the infinity?
let dice = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
while (dice !== 6) {
console.log(`Dice value is ${dice}`);
dice = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
if (dice === 6) console.log(`Here comes your value`);

If you do not set the value again then dice will never change and you will have the same random number as first defined in the program!


How to create shaking randomly images

I wanted to make a shaking image in a imageView in Appcelerator TItanium
What I would like to do is to randomly change the top position and the left position of an imageView, to do like a shaking image.
OriginalImageLeft = image.left;
OriginalImageTop =;
if (Math.random() > 0.5){
value = -1;
} else {
value = 1;
var viewAnimate = Ti.UI.createAnimation({
duration: 2000,
left: OriginalImageLeft + (Math.random() * 20 * value),
top: OriginalImageTop + (Math.random() * 20 * value),
But the code is not working, it calculates only one time the MathRandom() function so the shaking is not working.
Any idea ?
Create a function to calculate the position + doing the animation once. Then use the animation complete event to call that function again so it will calculate a new position + running the animation again. If you want to stop it just don't call the fuction again (e.g. add a counter/if-case around the function call).
A short info why your code won't work:
the OriginalImageLeft + (Math.random() * 20 * value) part is send to the native path once. So it will execute the Math.random() part in JS and send that number to the native App. The actual repeat part is executed with that calculated number.

Game Maker Studio 2 Array taking wrong values

Hey guys I'm new to Game Maker Studio and new to the language. I'm making a game and have been working on the dialogue system.
This chunk of code was designed for characters respond to a set of choices, the dialogue starts by printing out the first element of the line_array, which it does, then give the player the choice of two responses from the response_array, which it insteads prints out the second element of the line_array and I don't understand why.
Does an argument only hold one element of an array? I'm initializing two arrays in an object oCivilian2 and pushing them through code DialogueCode which is linked to another object oRespond that supposed to allow me to sift through dialogue in game. Anything helps thanks
It's initialized here in create of oCivilian2
line_array = [3];
line_array[0] = "Ethan it's good to see you! \n I thought after the incident well.... \n well I thought we had lost you";
line_array[1] = "I've said too much";
line_array[2] = "You hit your head trying to saver her\n It was horrible";
response_array = [2];
response_array[0] = "What happened?";
response_array[1] = "I don't recall alot. How bad was it?";
counter = 0;
x1 = RESOLUTION_W / 2;
y1 = RESOLUTION_H -70;
_print = "";
responseSelected = 0;
Then the step which links it to DialogueCode when spacebar is pressed
keyActivate = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space);
if (keyActivate)
var inst = collision_rectangle(oPlayer.x+3,oPlayer.y+3,oPlayer.x-3,oPlayer.y-3, oCivilian2, false, false);
if (inst != noone)
ScriptExecuteArray(DialogueCode, line_array);
ScriptExecuteArray(DialogueCode, response_array);
Then through to step in the object oRespond
lerpProgress += (1 - lerpProgress) / 50;
textProgress += global.textSpeed;
x1 = lerp(x1, x1Target,lerpProgress);
x2 = lerp(x2, x2Target,lerpProgress);
keyUp = (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up)) || (keyboard_check_pressed(ord("W")))
keyDown = keyboard_check_pressed(vk_down) || keyboard_check_pressed(ord("S"));
responseSelected += (keyDown - keyUp);
var _max = 2;
var _min = 0;
if (responseSelected > _max) responseSelected = _min;
if (responseSelected < _min) responseSelected = _max;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
var _marker = string_pos(",", response);
if (string_pos(",",response))
responseScript[i] = string_copy(response,0,_marker);
var _marker = string_pos(",", response);
responseScript[i] = string_copy(response,0, string_length(response));
if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_space))
Then to print in oRespond
/// text
NineSliceBoxStretched(sTextBox, x1,y1,x2,y2, 0);
if (counter % 2 == 0)
var _i = 0;
var _print = string_copy(text,1,textProgress);
draw_text((x1+x2) / 2, y1 + 8, _print);
draw_text((x1+x2) / 2, y1 + 7, _print);
if (array_length_1d(responseScript) > 0)
var _print = "";
for (var t = 0; t < array_length_1d(responseScript); t++)
_print += "\n";
if (t == responseSelected) _print += "--> "
_print += responseScript[t];
if (t == responseSelected) _print += " <-- "
draw_text((x1+x2) / 2, y1 + 8, _print);
draw_text((x1+x2) / 2, y1 + 7, _print);
Alright, i think to see many problems with your code.
First of all, since arrays in GM are dynamic declare them like
is a bad practice (in my point of view)
I've never declared an array this way in GM so that could be the problem here.
Second, i don't really understand the logic of your code, always create objects, at least in the GM environment, that corresponds to "physical" entities, i would make an object for the Civilian but not for the "respond".
I've red your code a lot of times and since no one answered you in 3 months i can assume it's because no one can really understand your way of coding, and this way of coding will probably give you a lot of problems in future. The thing that you're trying to doing could be super-easy if done with a good hierarchy.
I would like to help u with this code, but i find it very chaotic.
If you've not resolved this problems, write a comment :)
I advice you to fully re-implement it even if resolved anyway.

Least Common Multiple with while loop, Javascript

I'm trying to find the least common multiple of an array of integers, e.g. if there are 2 numbers given (7, 3) then my task is to find the LCM of the numbers 3 through 7 (3,4,5,6,7 in that case).
My solution would be to add the maximum number to a new variable (var common) until the remainders of all of the numbers in the array (common % numBetween[i]) equal 0. There are more efficient ways of doing this, for example applying the Euclidean Algorithm, but I wanted to solve this my way.
The code:
function smallestCommons(arr) {
var numBetween = [];
var max = Math.max.apply(Math, arr);
var min = Math.min.apply(Math, arr);
while (max - min !== -1) {
min += 1;
} //this loop creates the array of integers, 1 through 13 in this case
var common = max;
var modulus = [1]; //I start with 1, so that the first loop could begin
var modSum = modulus.reduce(function (a, b) {
return a + b;
}, 0);
while (modSum !== 0) {
modulus = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numBetween.length; i++) {
modulus.push(common % numBetween[i]);
if (modSum !== 0) {
common += max;
break; //without this, the loop is infinite
return common;
Now, the loop is either infinite (without break in the if statement) so I guess the modSum never equals 0, because the modulus variable always contains integers other than 0. I wanted to solve this by "resetting" the modulus to an empty array right after the loop starts, with
modulus = [];
and if I include the break, the loop stops after 1 iteration (common = 26). I can't quite grasp why my code isn't working. All comments are appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I may be false, but do you actually never change modSum within the while-loop? If so, this is your problem. You wanted to do this by using the function .reduce(), but this does not bind the given function, so you have to call the function each time again in the loop.

how much time will fibonacci series will take to compute?

i have created the recursive call tree by applying brute force technique but when i give this algorithm 100 values it takes trillion of years to compute..
what you guys suggest me to do that it runs fast by giving 100 values
here is what i have done so far
function fib(n) {
if (n =< 1) {
return n;
} else {
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
You can do it also with a loop:
int a = 1;
int b = 1;
for(int i = 2; i < 100; i++){
int temp = a + b;
a = b;
b = temp;
System.out.println("Fib 100 is: "+b);
The runtime is linear and avoids the overhead caused by the recursive calls.
EDIT: Please note that the result is wrong. Since Fib(100) is bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE you have to use BigInteger or similar to get the correct output but the "logic" will stay the same.
You could have a "cache", where you save already computed Fibonacci numbers. Every time you try to compute
fib(n-1) /* or */ fib(n-2) ;
You would first look into your array of already computed numbers. If it's there, you save a whole lot of time.
So every time you do compute a fibonacci number, save it into your array or list, at the corresponding index.
function fib(n)
if (n =< 1)
return n;
if(fiboList[n] != defaultValue)
return fiboList[n];
int fibo = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
fiboList[n] = fibo;
return fibo;
You can also do it by dynamic programming:
def fibo(n):
dp = [0,1] + ([0]*n)
def dpfib(n):
return dp[n-1] + dp[n-2]
for i in range(2,n+2):
dp[i] = dpfib(i)
return dp[n]

game maker random cave generation

I want to make a cave explorer game in game maker 8.0.
I've made a block object and an generator But I'm stuck. Here is my code for the generator
var r;
r = random_range(0, 1);
repeat(room_width/16) {
repeat(room_height/16) {
if (r == 1) {
instance_create(x, y, obj_block)
y += 16;
x += 16;
now i always get a blank frame
You need to use irandom(1) so you get an integer. You also should put it inside the loop so it generates a new value each time.
In the second statement, you are generating a random real value and storing it in r. What you actually require is choosing one of the two values. I recommend that you use the function choose(...) for this. Here goes the corrected statement:
r = choose(0,1); //Choose either 0 or 1 and store it in r
Also, move the above statement to the inner loop. (Because you want to decide whether you want to place a block at the said (x,y) location at every spot, right?)
Also, I recommend that you substitute sprite_width and sprite_height instead of using the value 16 directly, so that any changes you make to the sprite will adjust the resulting layout of the blocks accordingly.
Here is the code with corrections:
var r;
repeat(room_width/sprite_width) {
repeat(room_height/sprite_height) {
r = choose(0, 1);
if (r == 1)
instance_create(x, y, obj_block);
y += sprite_height;
x += sprite_width;
That should work. I hope that helps!
Looks like you are only creating a instance if r==1. Shouldn't you create a instance every time?
Variable assignment r = random_range(0, 1); is outside the loop. Therefore performed only once before starting the loop.
random_range(0, 1) returns a random real number between 0 and 1 (not integer!). But you have if (r == 1) - the probability of getting 1 is a very small.
as example:
repeat(room_width/16) {
repeat(room_height/16) {
if (irandom(1)) {
instance_create(x, y, obj_block)
y += 16;
x += 16;
Here's a possible, maybe even better solution:
length = room_width/16;
height = room_height/16;
for(xx = 0; xx < length; xx+=1)
for(yy = 0; yy < height; yy+=1)
if choose(0, 1) = 1 {
instance_create(xx*16, yy*16, obj_block); }
if you want random caves, you should probably delete random sections of those blocks,
not just single ones.
For bonus points, you could use a seed value for the random cave generation. You can also have a pathway random generation that will have a guaranteed path to the finish with random openings and fake paths that generate randomly from that path. Then you can fill in the extra spaces with other random pieces.
But in regards to your code, you must redefine the random number each time you are placing a block, which is why all of them are the same. It should be called inside of the loops, and should be an integer instead of a decimal value.
Problem is on the first line, you need to put r = something in the for cycle