Would this be secure? - authentication

I was wondering how secure this would be. I don't have full code for it right now, but I'll try to explain it in words.
When a login button is clicked, using socket.io, the username and password will be sent to a Node Js server. Once the server receives the username and password, it will check a text file, to see if there is a username and password that matches. If there is, the user data will be sent back.
Is there any way that someone could access the text file without direct access to the server? Would this be secure in general?

this will surely get closed as not a coding question, but I will answer anyway.
So you intend to include the user name and password with every request? THats a lot of repeated authentication, use a JWT instead. Use a well known library for auth (like auth0). If you want to make your own mAke sure you send it over https.
Can somebody read the text file?
do NOT store the password, stored a salted hash. This is not reversible so even if the text file gets stolen it doesnt have the password
in theory nobody cam get at the file. In practice there is a huge gap between theory and practice. All the password breaches you hear about are 'bad guys' accessing a file /db that nobody thought could be got at


Is there a safe way to send a user their password in clear text via email?

If I understand correctly, the biggest problem with sending a password via email is that it requires the password to be stored in clear text in the database. If the DB is compromised, the attackers will gain access to all accounts.
Is there a workaround for this problem?
How can one make sending a user their password via email as safe as possible?
The simple answer is: don't. If you think your database is insecure, an email is far, far less.
If you mean that you want to send them their password when they register, then you could do that before you store it in the database.
If you mean after they have registered, the only option is to store in plaintext (again, don't do this) or make a new, random password and send them that. It is impossible to get their password from the hash, which is why it makes the password storage safer. The best option is to generate a new (temporary) password you send them, or a token giving them access to a password change system.
You may want to consider a good hashing algorithm like BCrypt that includes a salt.
I don't know if my suggestion is feasible for your scenario, but you should better keep the data hashed or encrypted and send password reset links instead of plain-text passwords.
The moment the password is in cleartext in the email, it is inherently insecure.
As such, there is no safe way to send a password in cleartext safely.
You should not be storing passwords in cleartext in your database - you should be using salted hashes. When the user enters their password, you hash it with the salt and compare to the stored hash.
When people forget their password, instead of sending passwords by email, you should send reset links backed up by expiring tokens. These would generate a temporary new password (that would expire within minutes).
You should be hashing all passwords in your database.
In the case of a lost password
A user requests a password reset link, which contains a hash generated in the "user_meta" table. When the user recieves this link, the hash is compared to that in the database, and the user will be able to UPDATE their current password with a new password.
The PTXT of the password is never reveiled.
You only compare hashes.
Yes, there is a common workaround.
Assuming that you have your users in your database.
You send the "password reset link" containing some "key" information, like a guid. An example link is a form:
In your database you store the mapping between sent guids and emails.
When someone opens your link, you check your database and you can find out who asks for the page - because any valid guid maps to an email. You can then safely let the user change his/her password assuming their email is not compromised.
When it's about to store the password, you never store it in plain text, you always hash passwords, using additional random salt to make the dictionary attack more difficult when someone breaks into your database.
There is a workaround which is less secure than a password reset but works if it is a requirement that users are sent a password, not a reset link.
What you do is you generate a new password that contains sufficient randomness to be very hard to guess, but is also formatted in a way that it is easy for them to remember and read out (say over the phone).
Something like: xyz-xyz-xyz-nnnn where xyz is an easy-to-spell but uncommon word and nnnn is a four digit number.
Then set it up so that this is a temporary password that needs to be changed on first login.
Set the password using the same logic you would use to set a normal password, so that it is correctly salted and hashed, and then send the password plaintext via email, like so.
Dear FirstName LastName,
You requested we reset your password.
Your new password is:
You will be able to log into the system once using this password, then you will need to enter a new password.
Important Caveats
This system has some serious vulnerabilities which make it unsuitable for websites where data security is crucial. There are more than these, but these are the ones I know/can think of:
Unlike systems which use a password reset link, this system could be used to lock someone out of the system (assuming you use it as is) unless you either require someone to fill out identifiable information before issuing the password reset, or send a "are you sure you want to reset your password?" email first. This would entail them clicking on a link with a GUID that goes to the server; at that point they may as well be sent to the password reset form anyway.
Since the password is being sent plain text via email, there is a danger it can be intercepted and the password can be used. Although to be fair this is not that much different than the risk of sending a password reset link.
If you ignore the risks in step #1 and you don't use a sufficiently random way of generating passwords (say you use a word list of fewer than 1000 items), someone who has hacked into your server will be able to retrieve the salted password hash and then write an algorithm that generates all possible passwords and checks them against the hashed password. Not as much of a problem if you use a cryptographically complex hashing algorithm.
If you want to send password to user via Email in cleartext and want to store those password into database as hash or any other format . It will be possible.......
Just you will have to follow some simple way....
1 .you will have to take those password as variable which will send from user.
2. When you store database then just convert it as you wishes format.
3. But when you send those to user by mail , That time just sent those variable password...
I think it will be helpful to build your concept about WAY.......

How to securely set up cookie-based authentication in classic ASP?

What would be the most secure method of using cookies to authenticate users in a classic ASP website?
I don't want to use the ASP Session object as the session cookie times out after a while, and I'd like the user to be able to keep their login to the website active between separate browser runnings.
However, I don't want to just create a cookie containing their user ID as that could be easily forged - so what are my options here? I guess some sort of encryption but I don't really know what the standard methods of doing this is.
Your options here are pretty much limited.
Get your users to log back in again; best security approach.
This obviously applies much wider than just ASP.
The best way would be to hash the password... you should be doing this in any case where you store it in database.
The hash is a cryptographic function - when you run a string through it (eg password) you get out a long code. If the input is the same, the output is always the same.
But (this is the important bit) its mathematically virtually impossible to reverse the process - to start with the hashed value and work out the password, other than brute force (someone hashes dictionary, or random strings and looks for output that matches the hash they have).
So when the user sets up account, they put in their desired password, but you hash this, and store that. Similarly in the cookie, after they login you store the hash, not the password, and this has is compared with the hash in the db.
The downside is you can't send a password reminder since you don't know the password - to you'd have to send a password reset link and have a system to do that.
If you're really paranoid you might double hash, eg when they login the password is hashed once and stored in cookie. Its then hashed again and compared with the password in db (which is also double-hashed).
Don't Do It
Maintaining a user login quote "...between separate browser runnings" is not secure. IMHO, when you close the browser a previous login should be gone. Suppose your visitor was using a community pc at a coffee shop.
If you maintain this login the potential for the next community user to open the browser, navigate to your website and "poof" they are automatically logged in as the previous user.

How to secure a Mac Application with a password?

i am currently trying to secure my Objective-c application with a password. What I want is a window(or similiar..) popping up whenever the application is launched. Only if the password is right shall the user be able to use the program.
How to encrypt the string properly? I don't want any user to be able to extract it from the content files. Even though the user should be able to change it once he "logged in".
Thanks in advance.
I am asking for a hint only :)
Whenever you want to store sensitive information such as passwords, use Keychain Services.
You can create an md5-hash of the password and store that in a file. If someone else opens this file and sees the hash, it almost impossible to reformat it back to the original password. Now when the user enters a password in your application, make an other md5 hash from that one, and compare if that hash is the same as you stored in the file.
man 3 md5 for creating md5 hashes on Mac with C code. I don't know any Objective-C wrapper for that, but it should be easy to create it yourself.
Hope it helps,
EDIT: Keychain Services is indeed the more "standard" solution

Implement password recovery best practice

I want to to implement password recovery in my web application.
I'd like to avoid using secret questions.
I could just send the password by e-mail but I think it would be risky.
Maybe I could generate a new temporary random password and send it by e-mail but I think it is as risky as the above point.
Can I send a url by e-mail for example http://example.com/token=xxxx
where xxxx is a random token associated with the user. So when the user navigates to that url he/she can reset the password.
When I was in the Air Force the security rule we had was: When setting or resetting passwords, do not send the user id and the password in the same email. That way, if someone is intercepting emails snooping for passwords, he has to successfully intercept BOTH emails, and be able to connect them, to breach security.
I've seen a lot of sites that use the "go to this URL to reset your password". Maybe I'm missing something -- I don't claim to be a security expert -- but I don't see how that is any more secure than just inventing a new, temporary password and sending it. If a hacker intercepts the email, why can't he go to that link and see the new password as well as the legitimate user could? It looks to me like extra hassle for the user with no security gain.
By the way, congratulations on NOT using security questions. The logic of this device escapes me. Since the dawn of computer security we have been telling people, "DON'T make a password that is information about yourself that a hacker could discover or guess, like the name of your high school, or your favorite color. A hacker might be able to look up the name of your high school, or even if they don't know you or know anything about you, if you still live near where you went to school they might get it by tryinging local schools until they hit it. There are a small number of likely favorite colors so a hacker could guess that. Etc. Instead, a password should be a meaningless combination of letters, digits, and punctuation." But now we also tell them, "But! If you have a difficult time remembering that meaningless combination of letters, digits, and punctuation, no problem! Take some information about yourself that you can easily remember -- like the name of your high school, or your favorite color -- and you can use that as the answer to a 'security question', that is, as an alternative password."
Indeed, security questions make it even easier for the hacker than if you just chose a bad password to begin with. At least if you just used a piece of personal information for your password, a hacker wouldn't necessarily know what piece of personal information you used. Did you use the name of your dog? Your birth date? Your favorite ice cream flavor? He'd have to try all of them. But with security questions, we tell the hacker exactly what piece of personal information you used as a password!
Instead of using security questions, why don't we just say, "In case you forget your password, it is displayed on the bottom of the screen. If you're trying to hack in to someone else's account, you are absolutely forbidden from scrolling down." It would be only slightly less secure.
Lest you wonder, when sites ask me for the city where I was born or the manufacturer of my first car, I do not give an actual answer tot he question. I give a meaningless password.
First off, do not store a plain-text copy of the user's password, or even an encrypted version. You want to only ever keep a hashed copy of the user's password.
As for recover solutions, I find that the recovery link to change the user's password is the best solution in my experience. It will probably be a bit more convenient for the user, while being largely the same from a security point of view as sending a new random password to be changed after next login. I'd still recommend having the recovery url expire after a reasonable short period of time, as well as only being usable a single time.
Hard to say what you should do, as pretty much any solution to this problem will weaken security. Unless maybe you want to investigate sending an SMS, callback verification, one-time password generators, or other such schemes that take password recovery to a different medium.
However, what you should not do:
Send the password - because after all, as has already been mentioned, you don't have it.
Generate a new temporary password - not only is this as insecure as sending the password, it also leads to the possibility of a denial of service attack. I can go to the site, pretend to be you, request a new password and then (if you haven't checked your email) you can't log in, don't know why and have to request a new new password ...
The token is probably the way to go. Receiving it notifies a forgotten password request, but doesn't take any action unless you confirm. You would also make it a one-time token with a relatively short expiry time to limit risk.
Of course, a lot depends on the application. Obviously protecting financial and other sensitive information is more critical than preventing your account being hacked on mytwitteringfacetube.com, because while it's inconvenient, if someone wants to steal someone's identity on a social network site, they can just open their own account and masquerade with stolen information anyway.
Obviously, you can't send the original password by email, because you're not storing it (right?!). Sending a temporary password (that must be changed, because it only works for one login), and a link to reset the password are equivalent from a security point of view.
I don't unnderstand the attitude towards the secret question method. It's not like I am going to make my password "BlueHouse" and then make my security question "What are your two favorite things?" and the answer "Blue and Houses". The security question is not the magic key to get the actual password. It's usually a way to get a new password sent to the email address on file. I don't know how else you guys do it, but it sounds like you do one of two things.
1) The user clicks a "I forgot my password" button and the new password is sent to the user.
2) The user clicks a "I forgot my password" button and then has to answer a security question before getting the new password emailed to the address on file.
Seems to me that option number 2 is more secure.
Why is sending a token any more secure than sending the password? If an email account has been hacked, it's been hacked. It doesn't matter if there is a link to reset the password, a token, or a new password. Don't forget, most sites don't say "The new password has been sent to the following email address for you to hack into". A hacker would need to guess the email address that needs to be hacked.
I agree with Andy. Aren't security questions normally independent of the password? (mine are) Meaning they have a question and an answer and aren't related to the password. It seems like this is used to prevent spurious password reset requests and actually does have a use.
Imagine - someone could go to a site's "forgot password" utility and enter a zillion email addresses - or just one person they want to annoy. If the password is reset at that point, the people belonging to those email addresses would have to then notice in their email the password reset and login to the site with the reset password next time they went there. With the security question, this isn't as easy for someone to do.
I see Amazon sends a link to the given email. They also require you to enter a captcha to prevent DOS attacks. Because it's a link, I imagine that means they did not reset the password immediately and it would be reset once the user clicks the link. With the scenario above, the user would just see the email and note that "no I didn't do that" and go about their business not having to change their password needlessly. A security question might have prevented the attempt at the beginning and the legit user from getting the email in the first place.
Here's a whitepaper on it:
This one actually recommends secret questions as a major part of the authentication process. And sending an authentication code via email and requesting it is just an add-on layer you can optionally include.
It really comes down to how much security you want to have. One the one end of the extreme is a password reset process that involves contacting and certifying that you are who you claim to be, e.g. via id, because your mailbox could be compromised as well. Actually, as people tend to use the same password everywhere this is very likely. On the other end there is the standard approach that involves just sending out an email with a random new password.
"Secret" questions and answers are just another form of username and passwords with the fatal flaw that they are usually incredibly easy to guess, so good that you don't want to use them.
To your point about the token, I don't think it makes a big difference in overall security. Whether you send out a token that allows a user to change the password or whether you send out a random password right away doesn't make a big difference.
Just make sure the token is only usable once and preferably only in a limited time span, e.g. +24h after requesting it.
And, as pointed out by previous answers, NEVER EVER store plain passwords. Hash them. Preferably add salt.
Here's how I resolved it:
I added retrieve_token and retrieve_expiration fields to my 'users' table.
The user requests a password reset by providing their email and filling out captcha. A random hashed value is generated for their retrieve_token field - i.e. md5($user_id.time()), while retrieve_expiration will be set to a datetime that expires in next 45 minutes. Email is sent out to the user with a link:
SSL should be mandatory when authentication is required. You can also add a table for logging reset requests that stores email and the IP address. It helps track down possible brute attacks and you can block attacker's IP if necessary.
You could implement security question for requesting password reset, but I feel captcha would be enough to discourage anyone from repeating the request multiple times.
#Jay. The reason why you go to a URL to reset your password instead of just sending someone a new temporary password is more than just security. Without something like a URL with a token, a person could reset another persons password. There is no need to gain access to the email. If someone had a bone to pick with someone, they could just keep initiating a new password reset. Then the poor target has to logon and change the password again and again.
By sending a token, the user's password does not change until they login with it and confirm it. The spam of reset emails can be ignored. Tokens are just as easy (if not easier) to generate as a new password by using a GUID, it's not really extra hassle for the developer.
Also, because the GUID is unique (a generated password might not be), a token can be tied to a username. If the incorrect username is given on the URL, then the token can be cancelled (i.e. when a different person initiates it and someone intercepts it.. assuming that the username isn't the same as the email).
#Jay. The proper use of security questions is to initiate a password reset email, not for actually resetting the password. Without a mechanism such as a security question, one could initiate a password reset. Althought seemingly beign, sending a reset email could be sent to an email that might no longer belong to the original owner. This is not rare. For example, when employees leave a company, often those mails are forwarded to another employee. A security question, adds a low level of obfucation to that scenario. It also reduces issues where one person keeps initiating a password reset on the wrong account causing some poor sod to get unintentionally spammed. Security question are really not meant to be truely secure, they are just meant to reduce scenarios such as those. Anyone using a security question to actually reset the password is doing it wrong.
Regarding security question/answer. As a user of websites I personally don't use them (I enter garbage in them). But they are certainly not useless or meaningless as some say here.
Consider this situation:
A user of your site has left his desk to go to lunch and didn't lock his workstation. A nefarious user can now visit the page for recovering/resetting password and enter the user's username. The system will then email the recovered/reset password without prompting for the security answer.
Here's an example of how someone did it with Node.js, basically generate a random token, an expiry time, send out the link with the token attached, have a reset/:token route that ensures a user exists with that token (which is also not expired) and, if so, redirect to a reset password page.

How to implement Querystring authentication

I’m developing a website of a client and they are sending out newsletters to their customers (through the website administration interface)
The newsletters are personal to each of the subscribed recipients/customers.
Each recipient/ customer is also a user with a username/password that enables them to sign in on the website and manage their newsletter subscriptions and participate in the sites community.
This all works like a charm.
Now my client want a “Manage my subscriptions” link in the newsletter email that when pressed automatically signs the recipient/customer in on the website with no need to remember username and password.
This could be easily solved be making a link like this:
Of course information should not be clear text but encrypted in some way.
This however poses a problem since the only way a user can be authenticated on the website if by providing a valid username and password.
In the name of security, passwords are stored as hashed values in the database making it impossible for me to insert the password in the link.
What is the best way to accomplish this without compromising the security?
You will have to compromise your security somewhat, if you want people to be able to login without entering password. Note that even if you had access to the password (as in your example), you would have to embed it in a mail massage which would be transmitted in plaintext.
You can create a Guid associated with each user and message, and append it to the URL, and allow that to login automatically.
You could perhaps isolate the permissions so that a login through a newsletter guid link only allows the user to manage subscriptions, but that a real password-login is still required to participate in the forum. In that case its pretty limited what havoc can be wrecked if someone gets access to a Guid from a mail message.
Could you not insert an encrypted user name bundled with the hash value of the password?
What I mean is, encrypt & encode the user name to always be a particular length or to have a known break character in it then append the passwords hash value. this way, you could break apart the query string easily while still having the user name and password securely encoded. A straight compare of the hash values would be enough, with the unencrypted, decoded user name to allow access.
What about using an encrypted cookie that contains an access token ?
This cookie would be delivered after a successfull authentication by a separate page.
This kind of token can also be part of the URL query string.
Also you might consider using secured https instead of http.