How to check if cell table in word contains bookmark? - vba

I want to check if a table cell contains a bookmark, if so, get the name of that bookmark.
I used the method
But the result is not correct, all cells in the same row return the same value, even though only 1 cell contains the bookmark.
However, when using Selection.Cells(1).Range.BookmarkID to check, only cells containing bookmarks will have a value of non-zero, cells without bookmarks will have a value of 0.
So I don't know how to determine the cell containing the bookmark.
I create a table with 3 rows and 5 columns and insert 3 bookmarks in column 2 and try the following test
Sub GetNameBookmark()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
For j = 1 To 5
Debug.Print ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(i).Cells(j).Range.BookmarkID & _
":" & ActiveDocument.Tables(2).Rows(i).Cells(j).Range.Bookmarks(1).Name
End Sub
Print results:

Seems pretty straightforward:
Sub GetNameBookmark()
With Selection.Cells(1).Range
If .BookmarkID > 0 Then Debug.Print .Bookmarks(1).Name
End With
End Sub


Different sections in a table (multiple empty rows). Create a conditional loop that inputs an empty row to the correct section - VBA

I have an issue I'm unable to resolve myself and was wondering if anyone here could help me. I have table with a lot of values which are broken down into different sections (separated by an empty row). I need to be able to control where a new row is inserted with the use of a macro.
What I would like to do is to create a macro with conditions so that I can control where an empty row are to be inserted. My take is to create separate buttons next to each sections (before an empty row) that assigns a value so that loop may skip through x number of empty rows before inserting a new row. My first take is like this:
Sub InsertNewRow()
Dim erow As Integer
Dim number As Integer 'number of empty rows to skip
Dim count As Integer 'to keep track on number of empty rows to skip
Dim LastRow As Long
erow = ActivityInput.UsedRange.Rows.count
count = 0
For Each l In erow
Do While i <> ""
Next erow
count = count + 1
If element = count Then
'Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
'This is as far as I got. I don't know how to make the macro go to the last row of the current section... any suggestions?
To clarify, I would like to add macro(s) (bottons) that helps the user to insert new rows. If the user is at section 3 (2 empty rows have been passed which separates the different sections), I would like the user to be able to click on the macro (button) which then subsequently adds a new row to the current section.
Any ideas?:/
Sub InsertNewRow(X As Integer)
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
For i = 1 To ActivityInput.Range("X[ABC]")(i)
If i <> "" Then Next i
ElseIf X = count Then
Cells(l, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Insert
count = count + 1
Next l
End Sub

How to create a loop to read a range of cells and determine which have values and what is to the right of each

I'm trying to have a program that can read a range of cells which consist of 12 cells (let's say: P79, R79, T79, V79, X79, Z79, AB79, AD79, AF79, AH79, AJ79, AL79) and under those cells there are 6 cells (let's say: V81, X81, Z81, AB81, AD81, AF81), the program is looking for whether or not there are values typed in the cells within the described range.
The program should be able to read the cells from left to right on the top row and loop down to the bottom row and read that from right to left.
If all the cells in the top row have values in them, then the program breaks and doesn't read the values in the bottom row.
As the program reads the values from each cell it should create a table consisting of three columns (let's say: M88, N88, O88), the leftmost column should have the cell number (in order of cell as read by the program (whichever cell has a value first in the loop is given the number 1 and then the next cell to have a value is given number 2 etc.). The middle column should have whatever value is written in it's corresponding cell read from the range. The right column should have the value of whatever is to the right of each cell containing a value.
The first value to be read with a value should give the value "Left End" and the last value to read (whether or not it is the 12th cell to have a value in the top row or the leftmost cell to have a value in the bottom row) should give the value "Right end".
An example of what a row from the table could look like:
Cell # Cell Value Position/Left/Right
1 First Left End
This is the code I have so far:
Sub Code()
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
' First loop to compare a car to the rest after it
For i = 1 To 12
For j = i + 1 To 12
If Not IsEmpty(ws.Range("Cell_" & i)) And Not IsEmpty(ws.Range("Cell_" & j)) Then
ws.Range("B82").Offset(i).Value = j
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
' Loop backwards to find "Right End"
For k = 12 To 2 Step -1 '24 To 2
If Not IsEmpty(ws.Range("Cell_12")) Then
ws.Range("B82").Offset(12).Value = "Right End"
Exit For
' Has the "Right End" Follow when cars are left blank for lower row
ElseIf IsEmpty(ws.Range("Cell_" & k)) And Not IsEmpty(ws.Range("Cell_" & k - 1)) Then
ws.Range("B82").Offset(k - 1).Value = "Right End"
Exit For
End If
Next k
What I have here merely inserts a count into a cell range, what I'm trying to do is have my code actually read the cells in the range in the order I described and one at a time look at which cells have values written in them and look at which cells (with values in them) are to the right of any cell with a value and produce the table described above.
After reading your explanation, which was quite challenging I tried to recreate what you are asking.
I used cells A1:L1 with numbers 1 to 12. in the row below that A2:L2, some numbers have been added. with an if value <> "" you can see which cells contain a value.
In the second worksheet the table is made:
Sub test()
Dim a As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim name As String
a = 1
For i = 1 To endcel
If Sheets(1).Range("a1").Offset(a, i - 1).Value <> "" Then
name = Sheets(1).Range("A1").Offset(a, i - 1).Value
Sheets(2).Range("b2").Offset(i).Value = name
End If
Next i
End Sub
Does this help? You can adapt it a bit to your problem.
Good luck!

vb excel keep 1 instance of duplicate items in a range

Hi I am using VB to populate data in excel. In the sheet, the column G has many cells with same numbers(and they are repeated without following any pattern). First I would like to find which entries are not unique and then keep the first occurrence in the column & delete the entire rows where repetitions are encountered. Here's an example:
As can be seen from the image, in the column G, numbers 1000 & 2200 are repeated. So need to delete entire rows 3 and 6 (keeping rows 1 & 2 where 1000 & 2200 appear first).
Here's the code which I can't get to work:
Sub Dupli()
Dim i As Long, dic As Object, v As Object
dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 1
For Each v In sheet.UsedRange.Rows
If dic.exists(v) Then sheet.Rows(v).EntireRow.Delete() Else dic.Add(v, i)
i = i + 1
Next v
End Sub
Try something like this. I don't think you need a dictionary (unless there is some other need for it elsewhere in your code). When deleting objects, it's usually necessary to iterate backwards over the collection. This method just uses the CountIf function to test whether the cell value in column G of a specific row occurs more than once in all of column G, and deletes the row if that condition is true.
Sub Dupli()
Dim i As Long
Dim cl as Range
i = 1
For i= sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count to 1 Step -1
Set cl = sheet.Cells(i,7) '## Examine the cell in Column G
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(sheet.Range("G:G"),cl.Value) > 1 Then
End Sub
Put this in H1:
Fill down to end
Make an autofilter on column G
Filter out values of 1
Select the remaining rows by row header
Right click on row header > click Delete ...

How to delete blank rows or rows with spaces in a table that has one or more cells vertically merged?

I need a vba script or help on what I'm writing in order not to exit the iteration when the table contains vertically and horizontally merged cells.
Example of the table:
| | | <-- I don't want these rows deleted, they can be skipped
|---| |
| | | <-- I don't want these rows deleted, they can be skipped
| | | <-- this must be checked for emptiness in order to decide to delete or not
| | | <-- this must be checked for emptiness in order to decide to delete or not
My script in VBA so far:
Public Sub DeleteEmptyRows()
Dim c As String
c = ""
Dim oTable As Table, oRow As Integer
' Specify which table you want to work on.
For Each oTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
For oRow = oTable.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
'On Error GoTo NextIteration
MsgBox oTable.Rows(oRow).Range.Text
'If Len(oTable.Rows(oRow).Range.Text) = oTable.Rows(oRow).Cells.Count * 2 + 2 Then
If Len(Replace(oTable.Rows(oRow).Range.Text, Chr(13) & Chr(7), vbNullString)) = 0 Then
End If
Next oRow
Next oTable
MsgBox c
End Sub
How to reproduce the error:
Create a 5x5 table. Select cell(0,0) and cell(1, 0) and merge them. Select cell(0, 1) and cell(0, 2) and merge. Run the script and get the 5991 error..
The problem is that I get a run-time error 5991: Can't access to individual lines in this collection because there are vertically merged cells.
I really don't know what to do because if this error happens no row will be looked after. Usually my tables have a header that has vertically merged cells and the body rows are not, so I cannot do anything...
for Word.
This is what I came up with to delete all rows in a table which do not contain any merged cells and do not contain any text.
The problem with tables containing merged cells is not so much deleting the rows but identifying which cells are actually merged and then removing whats left.
The way I approached this was to loop through all the cells in table and for each row workout how many columns are counted (horizontally merged cells and cells vertically merged from above are ignored) and thanks to this page (
if any of the cells in the row are the top of a vertically merged cell we can tell.
Finally we also check if there is any text in the row.
This is the code I came up with, hopefully with the comments it should be straightforward. Unfortunately due to the way Word deals with this stuff the cells have to Selected rather than just using ranges - this isn't ideal because it significantly slows things down. It has worked in all my tests.
Option Explicit
Public Sub DeleteEmptyRows()
Dim oTable As Table, oCol As Integer, oRows As Integer
Dim iMergeCount() As Integer, dCellData() As Double
Dim MyCell As Cell
Dim iCurrentRow As Integer, iRowCounter As Integer
'Watching this happen will slow things down considerably
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Specify which table you want to work on.
For Each oTable In ActiveDocument.Tables
'We need to store the number of columns to determine if there are any merges
oCol = oTable.Columns.Count
ReDim dCellData(1 To oTable.Rows.Count, 1 To 3)
'The first column will count the number of columns in the row if this doesn't match the table columns then we have merged cells
'The second column will count the vertical spans which tells us if a vertically merged cell begins in this row
'The third column will count the characters of all the text entries in the row. If it equals zero it's empty.
iCurrentRow = 0: iRowCounter = 0
For Each MyCell In oTable.Range.Cells
'The Information property only works if you select the cell. Bummer.
'Increment the counter if necessary and set the current row
If MyCell.RowIndex <> iCurrentRow Then
iRowCounter = iRowCounter + 1
iCurrentRow = MyCell.RowIndex
End If
'Check column index count
If MyCell.ColumnIndex > VBA.Val(dCellData(iRowCounter, 1)) Then dCellData(iRowCounter, 1) = MyCell.ColumnIndex
'Check the start of vertically merged cells here
dCellData(iRowCounter, 2) = dCellData(iRowCounter, 2) + (Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber) - Selection.Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)) + 1
'Add up the length of any text in the cell
dCellData(iRowCounter, 3) = dCellData(iRowCounter, 3) + VBA.Len(Selection.Text) - 2 '(subtract one for the table and one for cursor(?))
'Just put this in so you can see in the immediate window how Word handles all these variables
Debug.Print "Row: " & MyCell.RowIndex & ", Column: " & MyCell.ColumnIndex & ", Rowspan = " & _
(Selection.Information(wdEndOfRangeRowNumber) - _
Selection.Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)) + 1
Next MyCell
'Now we have all the information we need about the table and can start deleting some rows
For oRows = oTable.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
'Check if there is no text, no merges at all and no start of a vertical merge
If dCellData(oRows, 3) = 0 And dCellData(oRows, 1) = oCol And dCellData(oRows, 2) = oCol Then
'Delete the row (we know it's totally unmerged so we can select the first column without issue
oTable.Cell(oRows, 1).Select
End If
Next oRows
Next oTable
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
You should check in your conditions Range.MergeCells property, which will return TRUE in case cells in the range are merged.

Collect numbers from a column containing empty cells using Excel VBA

I have a little problem, I occasionally bump into this kind of problem, but I haven’t found a fast solution so far.
So, imagine we have an Excel worksheet and let's suppose that we have a couple of numbers in column ’A’ with some empty cells in it. Altogether (just to make it simple) we have the first 10 cells in column 'A' to observe. For example:
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
Now in the next step I would like to collect these numbers into another column (for example, column ’B’) using VBA. Obviously I just want to collect those cells which contain a number and I want to ignore the empty cells. So I would like to get a column something like this:
I have already written the following code, but I’m stuck at this point.
Sub collect()
For i = 1 To 10
if cells(i,1)<>"" then...
Next i
End Sub
Is there an easy way to solve this problem?
Probably the quickest and easiest way is to use Excel's Advanced Filter - the only amendment you'll need to make is it add a field name and criteria. You can even list unique items only:
The VBA equivalent is
Sub test()
With Sheet1
.Range("B1:B8").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=.Range( _
"D1:D2"), CopyToRange:=.Range("F1"), Unique:=False
End With
End Sub
You should be able to use the method in the post int the comments, but you could also use SpecialCells like Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants,xlNumbers).Copy to get all of the filled cells.
Edit: needed constants not formulas.
This will work for any number of rows that you select. It will always output in the next column at the start of your selection e.g. if data starts in B10 it will ooutput in C10
Sub RemoveBlanks()
Dim cl As Range, cnt As Long
cnt = 0
For Each cl In Selection
If Not cl = vbNullString Then
Cells(Selection.Cells(1, 1).Row, Selection.Cells(1, 1).Column).Offset(cnt, 1) = cl
cnt = cnt + 1
End If
Next cl
End Sub
If you wish to loop manually and don't mind specifying the maximum row limit;
Dim i As long, values As long
For i = 1 To 10
If cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then
values = (values + 1)
' // Adjacent column target
cells(values, 2).value = cells(i, 1).value
End If
Next i