React Native version mismatch. JavaScript version: 0.63.4 Native version: 0.71.1 - react-native

React Native version mismatch.
JavaScript version: 0.63.4
Native version: 0.71.1
after upgrading the application, running smoothly but getting this error that moves the RN-app to dead zone.
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-native": "0.71.1",


Execution failed for JetifyTransform in react native

I upgraded the react and react-native for my project. After upgrading the project I got the error from react-native-reanimated. I went through the official website for react-native-reanimated still dont know why I got this error.
Failed to transform react-native-reanimated-65-hermes.aar (project :react-native-reanimated) to match attributes {artifactType=android-manifest}.
"react": "17.0.2",
"react-native": "0.65.0"

How to use 2 version of npm package in a React Native App?

In my React Native App, I'm using the React Native Track Player package with version: `"react-native-track-player": "1.1.4". This version has a bug on iOS which mentioned in this link: App freezes when buffering a new track
I've upgraded to higher version, but unfortunately, they are not compatible with my "react-native-video": "^4.4.5", I can not build app on Android, just the track-player: 1.1.4 work with it.
So I think I need to implement something like 2 version of "react-native-track-player", on Android is: "1.1.4" and iOS is "1.1.8". Is there anyway to do that ?

The expo sdk requires expo to run. it appears the native expo modules are unavailable

I am getting a red screen with the error "the expo SDK requires expo to run. it appears the native expo modules are unavailable"
I have changed
"react-native": "",
"react-native": "0.57.5",

Error with React Native 0.53RC using Expo Client version 2.3.0

I got this error that says:
React Native version mismatch.
JavaScript version 0.50.3
Native Version 0.52.0
I have used Expo Client 2.3.0 on my Android mobile device. This attached screenshot shows the error:
React Native 0.53-rc is not a version that is supported by Expo and you always need to match the versions of React Native's JS and native code.
When you specify an Expo SDK version, that tells Expo which of its included versions of React Native to run. For example, Expo SDK 25 corresponds to React Native 0.52; a project that specifies "sdkVersion": "25.0.0" would make Expo load the native code for React Native 0.52.
Important: This also means you must use the JavaScript for React Native 0.52. The most reliable way to do this is to use the corresponding copy of React Native released by Expo, which often looks like:
"react-native": ""

Cannot Convert Existing React Native to Expo: error with nativeVersion.major

Just downloaded the newest version of Expo XDE(2.20.1) and trying to convert an existing react native project into it. I followed precisely these steps, and when opening the app in Expo client on a real device, I got an error saying:
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'nativeVersion.major')
The problem happens both on Android and iOS.
Seems expo has a strict requirement of react/react-native versions, but unfortunately, I cannot find the version requirement list.
My current dependencies (which are quite up-to-date) are:
"react": "16.0.0",
"react-native": "0.49.3"
So, does this error indeed came from version conflicts? And if so, how do I solve the problem?
Your JS dependencies need to match the native code. With Expo SDK 21, which is based off of React Native 0.48, you can either use (recommended):
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native": "",
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native": "^0.48.4",
It's important you are careful with the versions when you update your dependencies. The upcoming React Native 0.49 (supported with Expo SDK 22) needs to use React 16.0.0-beta.5.
It might be easiest to create a new Expo project from scratch, then copy over your components. I've done this several times myself, and it's far easier than fighting whatever edge condition has affected you.
Remove your iOS build (./app/ios/build) folder and re-build.