Where does expo-av recorded file store in mobile phones? - react-native

I am trying to have access to the actual file that the expo-av creates after every recording but I can not access it from any file explorer app and my goal is to upload it on a server and in a db. This question is related to this question too but still there is no answer. (expo-av recorded file location)


Open a downloaded file with a third party application

I have an application that allows users to download files from the server, these files can be pretty much anything.
I am at the point where a user is able to download a file to their phone but I can not figure out how to allow the user to open the files from the app, for example say a user has download a word file (.docx), when they select the file in my application I want the file to either open in the default .docx viewer or present the user with applications that can open the file. (Similar to how WhatsApp handles it)
I have tried using Linking.openURL('file:///pathtofile/filename.docx') but I get an error saying Could not open URL file:///pathtofile/filename.docx, exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()
I'm currently using Expo and would much prefer not to have to detach my app.
I ended up detaching from Expo and built native modules to handle this.

Does Google Drive Android API help my application to work in background?

I have read Google Drive API documentation but I'm not able to understand the following:
Can files and folder be created and modified on drive in background of app?
My application needs working of drive in background.
For Files:
If you will check "Working with File Contents":
Lifecycle of a Drive file
The Drive Android API lets your app access files even if the device is offline. To support offline cases, the API implements a sync engine, which runs in the background to upstream and downstream changes as network access is available and to resolve conflicts.
Check this image from the document.
The lifecycle of a DriveFile object:
Perform an initial download request if the file is not yet synced to the local context but the user wants to open the file. The API handles this automatically when a file is requested.
Open the contents of a file. This creates a temporary duplicate of the file's binary stream which is only available to your application.
Read or modify the file contents, making changes to the temporary duplicate.
Commit or discard any file content changes that have been made.
If there are changes, the file contents are queued for upload to sync them back to the server.
Google API does support running in background. For folders there is no documentation regarding creating of folder can be done in background, but I think same implementation can be done.
I hope this helps.

UWP OneDrive FilePicker synchronization issue

I have a problem with the native FilePicker in UWP.
I wish to download a file from OneDrive which contains data. After I´ve modified the data on my phone I wish to sync the extern file on OneDrive.
The concept is very easy. I have a SQLite database as local data storage. When I export data, the database will be serialized into a XML file which I want to store somewhere else.
The idea was to sync the file with OneDrive. I saw this concept in many Apps before.
So I´ve tried to download the file with the native FilePicker. I can get all data, no problem. But if I would modify data, the changes would not apply to OneDrive...
Some references:
C# UWP LiveSKD and OneDrive access using FileOpenPicker
Add OneDrive to your app in minutes with a few lines of code. File picker SDKs allow you to quickly download or link to files already in OneDrive, or save files into OneDrive without writing much code. Quickly integrate your app with OneDrive today!
How can I solve this problem ?

Monitoring if File is currently open Mac App

My app create a file on the FS and opens the file in other application(s). I want to monitor the file for changes which I already have in place, but I also want to know when the other application has closed the file. Is there some API that currently exists on mac, and it's an API that will not get my app rejected from the app store ?
I believe the thing you're looking for is in FSEvents (File System Events), specifically the FSEventStreamCreate function with the FSEventStreamEventFlag kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemModified.
As long as it's a file within the user's sandbox (or one that the user has given permission to use), I would think you should be okay for the app store.
More information can be found in this related question.

Filelauncher save files

Let's say i have a list of files. When I click on one it will get downloaded and saved into the app's isostore. Then it's opened in the default viewer/editor on the windows phone like this:
But when I make some changes to the file and want to save it, it can't, because it's a read-only copy of the file. Is there some way to get write-access to the file or else some public/shared (iso)store that every app has access to? The goal is to download the file, edit it and upload it back to the server.
Per the Windows Phone documentation, the Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchFileAsync API is not implemented for the Windows Phone platform:
Windows Phone 8: This API is not implemented and will throw an
exception if called.
In regards to saving the file so that it can be accessed by other applications, this is not possible, unless the file you are dealing with is a photo, in which case you could use the Media Library API.